CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest
Dec 2, 2017 at 10:32 PM Post #4,876 of 31,902
Slater, i hate when people post 'you can find more info here'...and post a link to a 1000 page forum or discussion group...
Common, you can do better then that!!!!! Just post the correct link for these foam tips of the ZS5's, i guess more people would be grateful as well...

Uhhh, excuse me for trying to help.

I took time out of my day to respond to your message and post a DIRECT link to MY post where I spent HOURS analyzing multiple tips for the ZS5/ZS6, the effects of each one, which ones fit, and pros and cons depending on your sound preference and/or sensitivity to treble (or not). In the SAME POST are DIRECT links to the best tips.

You want foams you say? Guess what chief, there's TWO TYPES of foams - were you even aware of that? You didn't specify which one you were looking for. They each affect the sound differently. I listed exactly HOW each affects the sound, and provided direct links to BOTH.

I don't see how much more spoon fed it could possibly have been. Your answer for the foams was in there. Why don't you try READING and SEARCHING? The information and links as to which tips fit have been posted numerous, numerous times by numerous, numerous people. This is even explained in the TOS.

We aren't paid salesmen, nor do we work on commission.

Good lord, these last few days have been straight out of the Twilight Zone - so many people must be grumpy from the holidays.

C'mon, where's the holiday cheer?
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Dec 2, 2017 at 10:46 PM Post #4,877 of 31,902
i need precise answers. without wasting time, we all need that!

No, what we all NEED is for people to contribute. That benefits the entire community.

What we DON'T NEED is for people to just come and act like a rude tool because somehow THEIR time is much more valuable than everybody else's here. We're all here to help one another - how are you helping? We don't need any help being rude thank you (we've had plenty of that lately thank you).

Again, the answer to your question was in my post I directly linked to you. Not only the proper size, but direct links to the exact sellers I have personal experience with. It took you more time to respond and complain and be rude about it than it would have taken you to just read my post (which contained exactly what you were asking for).

Good day sir.
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Dec 2, 2017 at 11:19 PM Post #4,878 of 31,902
Is there any damage risks associated with blocking vents on an IEM? What purpose do they have anyway?
Dec 2, 2017 at 11:43 PM Post #4,879 of 31,902
Is there any damage risks associated with blocking vents on an IEM? What purpose do they have anyway?

There's a few types of vents.

I'll speak generically, as vents are just one of many factors that affect the sound of a particular headphone/earphone. Other factors include size and type of driver, shape and material of shell, dampening inside of the shell, tuning to the driver itself, etc etc

So generically speaking, you have:
  • Driver vents (magnet and diaphragm)
  • "Bass" vents (as I call them)
  • Rear "breathing vents" (as I call them)
Driver vents are on the driver itself. Usually pieces of tuning cotton (ie micropore-like material, or holes in the driver left open or covered with tape. They are often used to tweak and tune certain frequencies, and can affect bass, midrange, and treble to a degree.

Here's an example:
Untitled drawing (8).jpg
Untitled drawing (9).jpg

Bass vents are typically on the front of the driver side (usually near the nozzle or even on the nozzle). A secondary benefit/effect of them is alleviating IEM insertion pressure. It is this pressure that almost always causes driver flex, so a small vent hole helps air to escape/equalize between the front of the diaphragm and your ear drum when you insert/seal an IEM. Covering some of all of a bass vent usually results in an increase in sub-bass and/or bass, but it must be done carefully because it can add bass bloat and driver flex (which CAN damage drivers).

Here's an example:
Untitled drawing (6).jpg

Rear "breathing" vents are like what we see on open headphones or the open "grilles" on the back of the ZS6. These help with venting the drivers (ie the 1st type listed), and do affect the sound as well. In general terms, open rear vents often increases soundstage, provides a more open and airy sound, can reduce sub-bass and bass, and in my experience can also increase midrange. I said general terms though, because I've done mods where opening the back of an IEM or headphone INCREASED sub-bass/bass, not decreased it.

Here's an example:
Untitled drawing (10).jpg
16.jpg 17.jpg
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Dec 2, 2017 at 11:48 PM Post #4,880 of 31,902
So on a happier note, checking in with my Veedix NC50s after a little over a month now...

I feel like my initial impressions on them are perhaps a bit over-enthusiastic at times, and more than a touch colored by contrast against my previous daily drivers (ZS5v1), but still overall a decent summary of my feelings. I've been meaning to do some deeper back-to-back comparisons, but I still haven't gotten around to it as... well honestly they just nail my personal preferences so well that I've had very little desire to pick up anything else of late for any purpose besides sleeping in (they can be a touch bright and vocals forward for that for me).

So thanks @crabdog for a little piece of audio nirvana... just wish more people could share it. :D
Dec 3, 2017 at 12:02 AM Post #4,881 of 31,902
There's a few types of vents.

I'll speak generically, as vents are just one of many factors that affect the sound of a particular headphone/earphone. Other factors include size and type of driver, shape and material of shell, dampening inside of the shell, tuning to the driver itself, etc etc

So generically speaking, you have:
  • Driver vents (magnet and diaphragm)
  • "Bass" vents (as I call them)
  • Rear "breathing vents" (as I call them)
Driver vents are on the driver itself. Usually pieces of tuning cotton (ie micropore-like material, or holes in the driver left open or covered with tape. They are often used to tweak and tune certain frequencies, and can affect bass, midrange, and treble to a degree.

Here's an example:

Bass vents are typically on the front of the driver side (usually near the nozzle or even on the nozzle). A secondary benefit/effect of them is alleviating IEM insertion pressure. It is this pressure that almost always causes driver flex, so a small vent hole helps air to escape/equalize between the front of the diaphragm and your ear drum when you insert/seal an IEM. Covering some of all of a bass vent usually results in an increase in sub-bass and/or bass, but it must be done carefully because it can add bass bloat and driver flex (which CAN damage drivers).

Here's an example:

Rear "breathing" vents are like what we see on open headphones or the open "grilles" on the back of the ZS6. These help with venting the drivers (ie the 1st type listed), and do affect the sound as well. In general terms, open rear vents often increases soundstage, provides a more open and airy sound, can reduce sub-bass and bass, and in my experience can also increase midrange. I said general terms though, because I've done mods where opening the back of an IEM or headphone INCREASED sub-bass/bass, not decreased it.

Here's an example:

Thanks a bunch! This is the type of answer I was secretly hoping for.
I'm guessing that drilling a "Bass vent" can be an option to deal with driver flex. I've only encountered that "problem" with the KZ ZS3 although I thought of it as a good seal, so good that it would create a suction feel. I heard from one user that driver flex could bean issue with the new IbassoIT01 which would be my first big purchase.

Thanks for your KZ3 mod by the way!
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Dec 3, 2017 at 12:15 AM Post #4,882 of 31,902
Thanks a bunch! This is the type of answer I was secretly hoping for.
I'm guessing that drilling a "Bass vent" can be an option to deal with driver flex. I've only encountered that "problem" with the KZ ZS3 although I thought of it as a good seal. I heard from one user that driver flex could be a problem with the new IbassoIT01 which would be my first big purchase.

Thanks for your KZ3 mod by the way!

No problem buddy, glad to help.

Yes, drilling a vent is absolutely a commonly used way to deal with flex.

Be aware that adding a vent (or changing the size of an existing vent) can and will change the stock sound. When I'm modding IEMs I'll often play with that vent (making larger or smaller, sealing it completely, or adding a vent where one didn't exist originally).

Also, on many IEMs that already HAVE a similar vent, the vent can get blocked in some way (clogged with glue or a chip of plastic/metal for example). Simply pushing the point of a small sewing needle in the hole usually clears out the blockage and makes the hole open again. You should only insert the needle a few mms though - just barely enough to poke through the vent hole.

That issue has happened to quite a few people's ZS3. I think the vent hole is in such a place that the glue used to hold the driver in place drips down and blocks the hole from the inside. You can't tell from the outside, as the hole is practically microscopic LOL. But like I said, poking it with a sewing needle clears it right up.

So yeah, if you are having driver flex issues on the ZS3 that is almost certainly the culprit. The ZS3 should have no driver flex, because that hole is venting insertion pressure. So check that hole with a sewing needle and report back!

Not sure on the ibasso - I don't own that IEM. But as I mentioned, the vent principles are fairly universal and apply to all IEMs to one extent or another (at at least some degree).

Finally, glad you liked the ZS3 mod :)
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Dec 3, 2017 at 12:17 AM Post #4,883 of 31,902
Thanks a bunch! This is the type of answer I was secretly hoping for.
I'm guessing that drilling a "Bass vent" can be an option to deal with driver flex. I've only encountered that "problem" with the KZ ZS3 although I thought of it as a good seal, so good that it would create a suction feel. I heard from one user that driver flex could bean issue with the new IbassoIT01 which would be my first big purchase.
As a general rule of thumb: lesser forms of driver flex (which can contribute to the feeling of a vacuum seal) are far less dangerous (but many people find it extremely irritating) than major driver flex (a crinkling sound caused as the diaphragm collapses under the pressure overload).

But drivers can also be designed to endure heavy flex without problems too - Campfire Audio DD products for example are notorious for it, but can handle it just fine.
Dec 3, 2017 at 12:39 AM Post #4,884 of 31,902
So on a happier note, checking in with my Veedix NC50s after a little over a month now...

I feel like my initial impressions on them are perhaps a bit over-enthusiastic at times, and more than a touch colored by contrast against my previous daily drivers (ZS5v1), but still overall a decent summary of my feelings. I've been meaning to do some deeper back-to-back comparisons, but I still haven't gotten around to it as... well honestly they just nail my personal preferences so well that I've had very little desire to pick up anything else of late for any purpose besides sleeping in (they can be a touch bright and vocals forward for that for me).

So thanks @crabdog for a little piece of audio nirvana... just wish more people could share it. :D
So glad that someone was able to echo my appreciation of them. With so few people having these I was beginning to wonder if my judgement was off. It's always great to get feedback, which is particularly important to me as people often purchase products based on my recommendations and I don't take that responsibility lightly. Cheers.
Dec 3, 2017 at 3:39 AM Post #4,885 of 31,902
No, what we all NEED is for people to contribute. That benefits the entire community.

What we DON'T NEED is for people to just come and act like a rude tool because somehow THEIR time is much more valuable than everybody else's here. We're all here to help one another - how are you helping? We don't need any help being rude thank you (we've had plenty of that lately thank you).

Again, the answer to your question was in my post I directly linked to you. Not only the proper size, but direct links to the exact sellers I have personal experience with. It took you more time to respond and complain and be rude about it than it would have taken you to just read my post (which contained exactly what you were asking for).

Good day sir.
Hey SLater!
Sorry for my rude reply...some beers can really make me type really bluntly... i m sorry.
You are very kind, and your help was really appreciated.
Again, my bad.
Dec 3, 2017 at 3:44 AM Post #4,886 of 31,902

Uhhh, excuse me for trying to help.

I took time out of my day to respond to your message and post a DIRECT link to MY post where I spent HOURS analyzing multiple tips for the ZS5/ZS6, the effects of each one, which ones fit, and pros and cons depending on your sound preference and/or sensitivity to treble (or not). In the SAME POST are DIRECT links to the best tips.

You want foams you say? Guess what chief, there's TWO TYPES of foams - were you even aware of that? You didn't specify which one you were looking for. They each affect the sound differently. I listed exactly HOW each affects the sound, and provided direct links to BOTH.

I don't see how much more spoon fed it could possibly have been. Your answer for the foams was in there. Why don't you try READING and SEARCHING? The information and links as to which tips fit have been posted numerous, numerous times by numerous, numerous people. This is even explained in the TOS.

We aren't paid salesmen, nor do we work on commission.

Good lord, these last few days have been straight out of the Twilight Zone - so many people must be grumpy from the holidays.

C'mon, where's the holiday cheer?

Slater, i m sorry i upset you. my reply was really not kind.
Let's just forget that small remark of mine. And let's all be kind to each other. 100% agree.
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Dec 3, 2017 at 7:25 AM Post #4,887 of 31,902
Hey SLater!
Sorry for my rude reply...some beers can really make me type really bluntly... i m sorry.
You are very kind, and your help was really appreciated.
Again, my bad.

Slater, i m sorry i upset you. my reply was really not kind.
Let's just forget that small remark of mine. And let's all be kind to each other. 100% agree.

Don't worry about it friend. We've all been there :)
Dec 3, 2017 at 8:09 AM Post #4,888 of 31,902
There's a few types of vents.

I'll speak generically, as vents are just one of many factors that affect the sound of a particular headphone/earphone. Other factors include size and type of driver, shape and material of shell, dampening inside of the shell, tuning to the driver itself, etc etc

So generically speaking, you have:
  • Driver vents (magnet and diaphragm)
  • "Bass" vents (as I call them)
  • Rear "breathing vents" (as I call them)
Driver vents are on the driver itself. Usually pieces of tuning cotton (ie micropore-like material, or holes in the driver left open or covered with tape. They are often used to tweak and tune certain frequencies, and can affect bass, midrange, and treble to a degree.

Here's an example:

Bass vents are typically on the front of the driver side (usually near the nozzle or even on the nozzle). A secondary benefit/effect of them is alleviating IEM insertion pressure. It is this pressure that almost always causes driver flex, so a small vent hole helps air to escape/equalize between the front of the diaphragm and your ear drum when you insert/seal an IEM. Covering some of all of a bass vent usually results in an increase in sub-bass and/or bass, but it must be done carefully because it can add bass bloat and driver flex (which CAN damage drivers).

Here's an example:

Rear "breathing" vents are like what we see on open headphones or the open "grilles" on the back of the ZS6. These help with venting the drivers (ie the 1st type listed), and do affect the sound as well. In general terms, open rear vents often increases soundstage, provides a more open and airy sound, can reduce sub-bass and bass, and in my experience can also increase midrange. I said general terms though, because I've done mods where opening the back of an IEM or headphone INCREASED sub-bass/bass, not decreased it.

Here's an example:

Great post again, Slater. In your opinion, how worried should I be about driver flex?
I've always thought the vents at the back would solve the driver flex issue before reading your explanation on the types of vents.
Therefore, I have concluded that few of my bassier DD IEM's which I love, suffer from what I think can be classified as a driver flex.

Some of them give an audible 'pop' sound after insertion into my ears, which I previously thought was caused by the silicone tips.
Usually how fast does this kill the IEM (if at all?), and how does it affect the sound over time?
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Dec 3, 2017 at 8:31 AM Post #4,889 of 31,902
Great post again, Slater. In your opinion, how worried should I be about driver flex?
I've always thought the vents at the back would solve the driver flex issue before reading your explanation on the types of vents.
Therefore, I have concluded that few of my bassier DD IEM's which I love, suffer from what I think can be classified as a driver flex.

Some of them give an audible 'pop' sound after insertion into my ears, which I previously thought was caused by the silicone tips.
Usually how fast does this kill the IEM (if at all?), and how does it affect the sound over time?
If it's only happening when you insert the IEM it shouldn't be a problem. It's more of a concern if it happens every time you move your jaw or from playing music.

Will it cause damage? It's unlikely in your scenario but having said that it will ultimately depend on the build quality of the IEM which varies greatly between manufacturers. My TFZ Exclusive King developed a shocking case of driver flex and "pops" every time I move my jaw. It was so bad that in the end I just couldn't be bothered to use them anymore.
Dec 3, 2017 at 9:01 AM Post #4,890 of 31,902
If it's only happening when you insert the IEM it shouldn't be a problem. It's more of a concern if it happens every time you move your jaw or from playing music.

Will it cause damage? It's unlikely in your scenario but having said that it will ultimately depend on the build quality of the IEM which varies greatly between manufacturers. My TFZ Exclusive King developed a shocking case of driver flex and "pops" every time I move my jaw. It was so bad that in the end I just couldn't be bothered to use them anymore.

I don't recall any popping happening to them other than upon insertion. Thanks for the assurance.
I really love my vent-less DDs and the seal that they give - gets me feelin the bass.

And wow, sounds like a serious issue on the TFZ Kings. I'd stop using them way before they go bad if they pop on every jaw movement :p

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