CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest
Dec 12, 2020 at 10:57 AM Post #26,657 of 31,867
It is not about smoothness, laid back, lack sparkle, those describe tonality, not timbre.

I would define timbral accuracy as what lets us tell apart a musical instrument or voice, even when they are hitting the same note at the same fundamental pitch and loudness. In other words, does a violin sound like a real life violin on this earbud/IEM? Vocals and guitars are good in timbre on the TC200, but I do play in a band and I really find the stringed, brass and woodwind instruments on the Tingo TC200 is off, similar to a banned tribid piezo selling at $16 USD (non pro). Mind you these two sets have very good soundstages and imaging and technical performance, and have excellent price to performance ratio, and the target curve on the T200 is very nice, just that I'm a bit troubled by the instrumental timbre on it.
I think I'm just being nitpicky, and not everybody is particular about instrumental timbre and I guess it also depends on the music genres one listens to. Different strokes for different folks as they say.

But yeah maybe u are right about different drivers. They sell under Fengru brand also if I'm not wrong. Also QC is not the best in budget CHIFI as we know, so perhaps unit variation? I tried burning it in for a week, still same instrumental timbre. I'm gonna be giving away my TC200 soon to a friend, he listens to mostly EDM and rock, so maybe he can make use of it.

OK, lets just say i find the timbre natural and realist. Cello sound like cello, not violin and vice versa. Woodwind instrument soud wide and transparent as they should and violin full, not just abrasive in treble attack. I listen to classical and jazz mostly. And im a music producer too if this can give me extra credibility point. What i feel TC200 lack is attack bite. Timbre is an highlight of this earbuds IMO. Any earbuds need good amping to sound their best too, but you know that.

In fact, i dont see the point of doing a big argument about 5$ earbuds. Especially when both of us confirm they are more than decent. They sound nothing like the **** which have artificial mids but incredible holographic presentation.

I'm open minded about tuning, if well balanced. Right now I listen to Arve henriksen (before its was Adam Baldych&Helge Lien trio) and if i can pin point something about timbre of its meditative trumpet is a slight lack of texture (upper mids smoothness perhaps) that doesnt affect breath richness. I feel its more problematic when we have too much texture than just enough.
Dec 12, 2020 at 2:25 PM Post #26,658 of 31,867
I agree with your findings. I think this is the best single DD I have. The bass is wonderfully textured, mids as you say are lush and well tuned and treble is extended yet never harsh. Very comfortable and nice to have an IEM worn cable down! I obtained a little more sparkle by using the silver cable from the M1Pro. One of my best from 2020 as well!

I agree. After having a little chat with you last month, I straight away went with a SPC cable that came with T2+. And voila, magic from the first moment. Thanks for sharing that insight! Cable down is by far the best way to enjoy earphones for casual listening and that's one of the pluses for this little gem!
Dec 13, 2020 at 6:23 AM Post #26,661 of 31,867
I agree. After having a little chat with you last month, I straight away went with a SPC cable that came with T2+. And voila, magic from the first moment. Thanks for sharing that insight! Cable down is by far the best way to enjoy earphones for casual listening and that's one of the pluses for this little gem!
Wow. I have changed from the stock tips to the large wide bore tips from the KBEAR Diamond. The sound has opened up even more. Thanks for that tip (pun intended!)
Dec 13, 2020 at 9:18 AM Post #26,662 of 31,867
I have just started to try the Chinese IEM's and have recently bought these.

KZ ZS10 $50 (Ordered)

I thought I may try one more and was thinking about the following

Linsol T2 $50
Linsol T2 Pro $60
TFZ T2 $60
CCA C10 Pro $50
CCA C12 $50

Thanks for any input
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Dec 13, 2020 at 9:51 AM Post #26,663 of 31,867
Dec 13, 2020 at 10:01 AM Post #26,664 of 31,867
Dec 13, 2020 at 10:09 AM Post #26,665 of 31,867
I pass some time comparing the HZsound Mirror to the Final A8000...after being puzzled by how much they sound similar (apart from bass) i go give a look to their graph which is indeed near identical. I know graph doesnt tell crap about timbre and transient response, but overal tonality and to some point technicalities are very similar.

HZsound have leaner cleaner bass but do not extend as low as A8K and doesnt have its ''tactile weight''. Lower mids of HZ are fuller so male vocal sound less recessed than A8K but female vocal are thinner, though a bit less upper mid agressive than A8K. A8K timbre is more textured and nuanced, attack is just a bit faster permitting more space between instrument separation, so the soundstage is a bit bigger more around you head than more upfront sounding HZ that have impressive depth. HZ seem to have more sparkle in treble, making instrument like acoustic guitar cleaner and having more natural decay but less density in highs body.

Apart from richer timbre and more boosted-extended sub-bass, the A8000 sound identical to HZsound Mirror. Some might prefer smoother mids of HZ while other will prefer more dynamic weight and snappy attack of A8000.

Both need serious amping to shine.

Constrruction is kinda similar too, but HZ is smaller, lighter and more comfy.

I just see today a strange IEM from infamous TRIPOWIN that look like to be the Mirrorr....i hope HZ doesnt sell its soul to random chifi pseudo-company!
Dec 13, 2020 at 11:50 AM Post #26,666 of 31,867
I pass some time comparing the HZsound Mirror to the Final A8000...after being puzzled by how much they sound similar (apart from bass) i go give a look to their graph which is indeed near identical. I know graph doesnt tell *** about timbre and transient response, but overal tonality and to some point technicalities are very similar.

HZsound have leaner cleaner bass but do not extend as low as A8K and doesnt have its ''tactile weight''. Lower mids of HZ are fuller so male vocal sound less recessed than A8K but female vocal are thinner, though a bit less upper mid agressive than A8K. A8K timbre is more textured and nuanced, attack is just a bit faster permitting more space between instrument separation, so the soundstage is a bit bigger more around you head than more upfront sounding HZ that have impressive depth. HZ seem to have more sparkle in treble, making instrument like acoustic guitar cleaner and having more natural decay but less density in highs body.

Apart from richer timbre and more boosted-extended sub-bass, the A8000 sound identical to HZsound Mirror. Some might prefer smoother mids of HZ while other will prefer more dynamic weight and snappy attack of A8000.

Both need serious amping to shine.

Constrruction is kinda similar too, but HZ is smaller, lighter and more comfy.

I just see today a strange IEM from infamous TRIPOWIN that look like to be the Mirrorr....i hope HZ doesnt sell its soul to random chifi pseudo-company!
Do you have a link to the tripowin IEM?
Dec 13, 2020 at 11:57 AM Post #26,667 of 31,867
Wow. I have changed from the stock tips to the large wide bore tips from the KBEAR Diamond. The sound has opened up even more. Thanks for that tip (pun intended!)

Glad you liked them. I have been constantly digging them with BTR5 and Walnut F2 in rotation. They sound super sweet and refined via Walnut F2. Maybe BTR5's BT nature is holding them back. I think I might sell my one or two IEMs now as they won't get much playtime henceforth.
Dec 13, 2020 at 12:03 PM Post #26,668 of 31,867
Dec 13, 2020 at 1:50 PM Post #26,669 of 31,867
I have just started to try the Chinese IEM's and have recently bought these.

KZ ZS10 $50 (Ordered)

I thought I may try one more and was thinking about the following

Linsol T2 $50
Linsol T2 Pro $60
TFZ T2 $60
CCA C10 Pro $50
CCA C12 $50

Thanks for any input

Linsoul is a reseller but not the brand for Tin Audio/Tin HiFi T2.

I suggest hold on to the purchase of these $50 purchases and opt for stuff like Tri I3 etc, which you can get for less than $110 during the sale on Ali. Not that They'll definitely be your cup of tea, at least they'll provide different characteristics, and holds value better than what you have in the list.

Also I found a bit of similarity in the IEMs listed. Granted I only have CSA, Tin T2, and TFZ T2 before. I can already tell you CSA is similar to KS2 or VK4 with slight addition in treble sharpness/details. Tin T2 is got the best built but below average fit, and lack of bass. TFZ T2 can be described as warm, possibly a little bit too much of midbass for mainstream listeners. CCA is KZ, so do look up those 5 driver hybrids for comparison.

Models like Hzsound Heart Mirror was recommended by others in this forum. They might worth taking a flyer at $40. Weird enough I kinda recommend device like TRN BT20s Pro, They're sold $45 with current Aliexpress coin coupon. They could provide a better experience than simply adding another set of IEMs in your collection.(I do have concerns about TRN's durability/QC. The BT20s that I previously owned, had their metal wire ripped out just by keeping in the pocket, so take that with grain of salt. Sound quality wise, I can almost guarantee that they sound better than 90% of TWS in the market with your combo)

You really have more options than you think. Tons of other stuff can be found on Amazon as well. Etymotic ER2XR was available for $59 last week, and might still around if you just look for those Adorama email subscription links.
Dec 13, 2020 at 3:43 PM Post #26,670 of 31,867
I have just started to try the Chinese IEM's and have recently bought these.

KZ ZS10 $50 (Ordered)

I thought I may try one more and was thinking about the following

Linsol T2 $50
Linsol T2 Pro $60
TFZ T2 $60
CCA C10 Pro $50
CCA C12 $50

Thanks for any input

It depends on what kind of sound signature you prefer and what kind of music you listen. CSA, T2, T2 Pro are close to neutral and somewhat bass light. TFZ T2 are warm sounding (I personally haven't heard them but that's what the general consensus is) And CCA and Lark are proper V-shaped IEMs which are very much inline with your recent purchases.

If you want V-shaped stuff then Lark and both CCA are very good options. If you want something close to neutral then Tin T2/Pro/Plus are good options although all the iterations sound great albeit with some minor kinks.

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