Cardas EM5813 Ear Speakers Now Available
Jun 24, 2013 at 7:23 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 35

Josh Meredith

Member of the Trade: Cardas Audio
Apr 30, 2009
Jun 24, 2013 at 7:30 PM Post #2 of 35
Saw the cardas ear speakers at "the" show last month but unfortunately didn't get to give them a listen 

Read mikemercer's impression and am real curious about these, hope to try a pair out someday. Stay updated on at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jun 24, 2013 at 9:16 PM Post #3 of 35
Any deals for such a long long long long long long long wait!!?? lol
Congratulations fellas for finally releasing this!! 

Jun 25, 2013 at 12:30 PM Post #5 of 35
Oh well I'd really appreciate if there's a warranty extension deal, 6 months look rather short

If you register them here: you get double the coverage for 12 months total. 
Sep 17, 2013 at 1:44 AM Post #6 of 35
When they called the Cardas an ear speaker, they weren't lying! It's imperative to get a great seal on these IEMs before it will reveal it's full potential. And wow! I have some initial impressions after a few days of burn-in and listening, but I'm impressed out of the box.
Sep 17, 2013 at 11:44 PM Post #7 of 35
I think a lot of people just stopped caring about the EM5813 after delay after delay of it coming out (although we were promised it was coming out many times over). But if you have any ill feelings toward Cardas, you really need to let it go because you are denying your ears a treat! These Ear Speakers are something else! The sound is just so encompassing, refined, and BIG. These - to my ears - is in the top three of some of the best universals I have ever heard. I'm just blown away the more I listen it. The one misstep are the two pairs of tips provided by Cardas. Use those on some other IEM. Those tips don't do the Cardas justice. To be so expensive, Cardas should have given purchasers a variety of tips to choose from. But once you find the right tips for you (I have settled on large UE900 tips), your ears are in for a feast. And you MUST burn-in these earphones. I think some of you who gave in so quickly on the Cardas didn't give it a fighting chance. Then again, maybe it will be the best kept secret among a few listeners. I'm glad it has revealed its beauty to me (inside and out). Happy listening.
Sep 18, 2013 at 12:00 AM Post #9 of 35
  ^So, do you find a lot of similarities with the EM5813 and your AS-2?

Haven't A/Bed them yet, but off the top of my head, no. I think the EM5813 has a fuller and more refined sound. I also think there is more clarity in the EM5813, but both are clearly different sound signatures. More after I get a chance to A/B both. Oh, the Cardas has a more "live" sound to it.
Sep 18, 2013 at 12:19 AM Post #10 of 35
Interesting, I used the stock blue Cardas tips and my AS-2 have pretty deep musician length canals, plus I have the bass ports just barely open (from what I can tell).  I agree there are some difference, but my ears puts the two in the same ballpark.  The biggest difference to me is that the Cardas mids aren't as forward and its sound is overall darker over the AS-2, which makes it much easier to listen to for longer period of time.  Of course, YMMV.
Sep 18, 2013 at 12:24 AM Post #11 of 35
  Interesting, I used the stock blue Cardas tips and my AS-2 have pretty deep musician length canals, plus I have the bass ports just barely open (from what I can tell).  I agree there are some difference, but my ears puts the two in the same ballpark.  The biggest difference to me is that the Cardas mids aren't as forward and its sound is overall darker over the AS-2, which makes it much easier to listen to for longer period of time.  Of course, YMMV.

Again, I haven't A/Bed them yet. But you must mean you put the Cardas tips on the ASG-2. The AS-2 is a custom, and I can't see how you would put any tips on that IEM. I have the AS-2 (CIEM), not the universal ASG-2 (although I've heard it, but it's been awhile).
Sep 18, 2013 at 12:28 AM Post #12 of 35
Yes, I know the AS-2 is a custom.  I have one.  I meant that I used the blue tips on the Cardas.  I'm just stating a few physical features with my AS-2 that may contribute to the subjective differences between your AS-2 and your EM5813 when you get chance to A/B the two.
Sep 18, 2013 at 12:32 AM Post #13 of 35
  Yes, I know the AS-2 is a custom.  I have one.  I meant that I used the blue tips on the Cardas.  I'm just stating a few physical features with my AS-2 that may contribute to the subjective differences between your AS-2 and your EM5813 when you get chance to A/B the two.

Yeah, we hear it differently, because I think the Cardas mids are more forward and fuller than the AS-2. But again, I better hold off typing anymore until I A/B them. And don't get me wrong, the AS-2 is one of my favorite IEMs, period.
Sep 18, 2013 at 10:32 PM Post #15 of 35
  So, your're using the UE900 tip? Is that a single flange like off the triplefi10?

Yes, the UE900 tips. And I've been A/Bing. I still think the Ear Speakers have a bit more clarity overall than the AS-2, but both are close in fullness of sound. I think the mids are more forward in the Ear Speakers, but the vocals may bit more forward in the AS-2. I think the AS-2 is a bit darker sounding, but I'm nitpicking. Both are great IEMs. I think the Ear Speaker is a bit more refined, but I'm glad I own both. Clearly top tiers on another level. 

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