Cardas EM5813 Ear Speakers Now Available
Sep 21, 2013 at 3:03 PM Post #16 of 35
Yes, the UE900 tips. And I've been A/Bing. I still think the Ear Speakers have a bit more clarity overall than the AS-2, but both are close in fullness of sound. I think the mids are more forward in the Ear Speakers, but the vocals may bit more forward in the AS-2. I think the AS-2 is a bit darker sounding, but I'm nitpicking. Both are great IEMs. I think the Ear Speaker is a bit more refined, but I'm glad I own both. Clearly top tiers on another level. 

Just got a used pair in today.
I'm impressed as well. Huge sound stage, really do rival the ASG2's.
Eric, you wrote them up in one of the other threads, perhaps the Discovery thread, saw them on ebay used for a lot less than list, and jumped on them based on your recommendation. Glad you mentioned them, I'm quite impressed.
Cable is rather big for an earphone, not sure how I feel about that. Fit came with some medium Ortofon eartips.
Sep 21, 2013 at 3:26 PM Post #17 of 35
Just got a used pair in today.
I'm impressed as well. Huge sound stage, really do rival the ASG2's.
Eric, you wrote them up in one of the other threads, perhaps the Discovery thread, saw them on ebay used for a lot less than list, and jumped on them based on your recommendation. Glad you mentioned them, I'm quite impressed.
Cable is rather big for an earphone, not sure how I feel about that. Fit came with some medium Ortofon eartips.

Yes Carlsan, this one is a sleeper if there ever was one. Then again, I can see if it's not for everyone, but great sounding IEM isn't made how many people have heard or like it. Two of the most popular earphones in the head-fi community I could never get with (the EX1000 and the TF10) although both were very good technically.

The thick cable doesn't bother me as I see it as more of a home stationary device (although I have taken it on public transportation with me a couple of times). Happy listening!
Sep 21, 2013 at 11:11 PM Post #18 of 35
I always disliked the TF10 because of the way they stuck out of my head.
As for the EX1000, I used them for a time, but the faults that they had just grew on me. The more I listened, the less I like the phones.
The Cardas are much better than those two and any other earphone in the same price range, at least those that I can think of. I agree that they are equal to the ASG2's and so greatly undervalued as they perform at the same level as those more expensive earphones.
 Clearly top tiers on another level. 

Oct 19, 2013 at 4:40 PM Post #19 of 35
I posted pretty much this same comment on another thread but I figured I'd through this in here too. I've had the EM5813's for about a month now.  When I first heard them I was very disappointed - "dark" and "muddy" are the terms that comes to mind.  But based on the comments on this forum I kept at it - had them playing almost continuously for weeks.  Over that period of time they've really changed - burn in seems to be a reality with these guys.  While I still think that have a "dark" sound, now I would describe them as lush and liquid, especially in the mids.  The lows are very present but balanced.  The highs seem to be rolled off a bit but at a point that still lets some sparkle though and that doesn't become fatiguing.  My only complaint would be the cable being rather heavy and unwieldy, and having a fairly high degree of microphonics.  They also seem to pair with differing degrees of success with various DAPS.  I like them a lot with the DX50, not so well with the AK120.  So far I think they're just ok with the X3.  It does seem that they benefit from some amping as well.  But overall I'm very pleased with this purchase.  It's a unique IEM with a unique sound I think.
Nov 2, 2013 at 12:21 AM Post #20 of 35
Anyone know where I can get real replacement tips for the UE900? I can only find fake ones.. which I still may buy to try out.
Dec 2, 2013 at 4:23 AM Post #21 of 35
Yes Carlsan, this one is a sleeper if there ever was one. Then again, I can see if it's not for everyone, but great sounding IEM isn't made how many people have heard or like it. Two of the most popular earphones in the head-fi community I could never get with (the EX1000 and the TF10) although both were very good technically.

The thick cable doesn't bother me as I see it as more of a home stationary device (although I have taken it on public transportation with me a couple of times). Happy listening!

How do these compare to the JVC HA-FX700? I believe you had the 700s before, or do I have you confused with another headfier?
Dec 2, 2013 at 6:57 PM Post #22 of 35
  How do these compare to the JVC HA-FX700? I believe you had the 700s before, or do I have you confused with another headfier?

I haven't owned the FX700 in years, so I can't do a fair comparison. Sorry.
Dec 23, 2013 at 3:21 PM Post #23 of 35
I dont know anyone here but I recently bought an Cardas EM5813.
I did about 50 hours of burn-in but sound is still not clear, too warm. How many hours did you burn yours? I am really disappointed with these at the moment.
Dec 24, 2013 at 9:56 AM Post #24 of 35
  I dont know anyone here but I recently bought an Cardas EM5813.
I did about 50 hours of burn-in but sound is still not clear, too warm. How many hours did you burn yours? I am really disappointed with these at the moment.

Not enough. Add another 100 to 150 hours of burn-in.
Dec 24, 2013 at 11:05 AM Post #25 of 35
Out of curiosity, has anyone used the "Clarifier" app?  I tried it recently on a whim - only .99, so I figured I had nothing to lose.  I'm very skeptical that it really does anything but.... I would swear I hear greater clarity with my EM5813's after running a long-sweep.  Not night-and-day, but there seemed to be an improvement. I'm sure that I succumbed to voodoo - any other experiences with this app out there?
Dec 29, 2013 at 8:00 PM Post #26 of 35
  Out of curiosity, has anyone used the "Clarifier" app?  I tried it recently on a whim - only .99, so I figured I had nothing to lose.  I'm very skeptical that it really does anything but.... I would swear I hear greater clarity with my EM5813's after running a long-sweep.  Not night-and-day, but there seemed to be an improvement. I'm sure that I succumbed to voodoo - any other experiences with this app out there?

There is a thread all about this app.  I heard differences as well.  I wasn't sure if it was my ears or not though...  Measurements show no differences..  
Jan 16, 2014 at 8:58 AM Post #28 of 35
yeah surprising. Steve Guttenberg is an ok reviewer but too gushy imo. Not sure I trust him. Would like Tyll to do one as i really respect his opinions. 
Jan 17, 2014 at 7:21 PM Post #30 of 35
Does anybody have the Cardas EM5813 and the Sennheiser IE800?
I love the Cardas and, from what I've read about the IE800, it might have the sound signature I'm looking for.
I like spacious, warm, and bassy and don't mind if it's not the fastest or most detailed.

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