CanJam SoCal 2021 Impressions Thread (September 25-26, 2021)
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Sep 28, 2021 at 7:35 PM Post #436 of 616
Sep 28, 2021 at 7:39 PM Post #437 of 616
I've developed TMJ over the past few years as well. It's resulted in tinnitus :frowning2: The chiropractor does seem to help a bit. Any luck finding solutions to aid in relief?

That is one thing [out of many] that blew me away with the ZMF cans I've had -- they sound so damn good with rock and metal. Guitars sound amazing through the Aeolus and Verite.
I'll keep that in mind then whenever I go to a chiropractor! Been needing to go anyways because of my posture problems. As for solutions, nothing. I've heard about surgery but it seems to be entirely possible to make it worse. At the moment I just do daily painkillers and jaw massages. They help.

And yep! ZMF's headphones sounded amazing when I listened to Sonic Adventure's soundtrack. Gave me goosebumps when I listened to Azure Blue World...for Emerald Coast.
Sep 28, 2021 at 7:51 PM Post #439 of 616
True audiophiles don't EQ.......
False statement. You actually need a critical ear to EQ properly, but you don't need to be an EQ expect to have positive impact on your listening experience. I think those who don't EQ simply don't know how to do it properly.

The easiest EQ fix that everyone can do and probably nearly everyone should do is creating a 100 or 150hz bass shelf to vary depending on genre of music. It's cheap, it's easy and everyone can do it.

The best thing people can do is use parametric EQ to transform sound of one headphone to another to get an idea if that sound works for you. Simply EQing 2 headphones to Harman which is the easiest thing possible to do, you can listen for the actual technical differences between headphones.

So, if the definition of an audiophile is to have the best understanding of sound and the various configurations required to optimize it either in hardware or software, you cannot be an effective audiophile without EQ.
Sep 28, 2021 at 7:56 PM Post #440 of 616
Per my RME ADI-2 DAC FS manual:

"5-band Parametric EQ (PEQ)
While no equalization as well as listening only straight linear has been a mantra for many years, research has proven that no ears are identical, and that especially in near-field listening (with phones) the biological differences alone make individual equalization mandatory. No two pairs of ears hear the same thing, that’s a fact. Additionally personal taste makes people like different sound signatures, which can easily be copied or made more similar (equalized…) on different headphones using a good EQ. The advantages of using an EQ outweigh any alleged disad-vantages - which so often turn out to be wrong at closer inspection."
Sep 28, 2021 at 8:04 PM Post #441 of 616
Per my RME ADI-2 DAC FS manual:

"5-band Parametric EQ (PEQ)
While no equalization as well as listening only straight linear has been a mantra for many years, research has proven that no ears are identical, and that especially in near-field listening (with phones) the biological differences alone make individual equalization mandatory. No two pairs of ears hear the same thing, that’s a fact. Additionally personal taste makes people like different sound signatures, which can easily be copied or made more similar (equalized…) on different headphones using a good EQ. The advantages of using an EQ outweigh any alleged disad-vantages - which so often turn out to be wrong at closer inspection."
That RME ADI-2 DAC FS manual is one of the best manuals I have ever had for anything. No nonsense. No audiophile snake oil or condescension. Love it. I had another quick listen to one at CanJam SoCal 2021 and while a bit dry, I still really like it, even as an amp. But as a DAC it is an amazing tool. The EQ and level meters are incredible. Next I want to get a PRO model and see how that amp performs in balanced mode.
Sep 28, 2021 at 8:09 PM Post #442 of 616
I do not, I get a different HP if I want a different sound signature
And what if you get a susvara and still like it better with a bass boost? You've kinda reached the end of the road at t
That RME ADI-2 DAC FS manual is one of the best manuals I have ever had for anything. No nonsense. No audiophile snake oil or condescension. Love it. I had another quick listen to one at CanJam SoCal 2021 and while a bit dry, I still really like it, even as an amp. But as a DAC it is an amazing tool. The EQ and level meters are incredible. Next I want to get a PRO model and see how that amp performs in balanced mode.
It's an incredible tool, I like it so much I have 2. One in my office and one in my living room.
Sep 28, 2021 at 8:37 PM Post #444 of 616
Hey! Its Christian. Ofc you know by now. 👍

We def got lost in the conversation nerding out in non-audiophile stuff!

That's what's great about the convention. We gravitate to like minded people, hahaha.

It was awesome meeting you there!

Now that I'm home, I think I can give a more fuller impression of the event. I still feel it was absolutely worth the expenses, though I was disappointed Schiit Audio didn't show up. But it was nice demoing everything, even if they were well out of my price range.

If I could pick personal "winners" for me, it was definitely Audeze, Dunu Audio, and CEntrance.

Starting off with Audeze, I was always gunning for dream $1000+ headphones for the future, and demoing out both the LCD-X's and Focal Clear MG's, I was able to pick out a winner so I can make an informed purchase. The winner for me was definitely the LCD-X's, not only because of the better bass presence but it was also a lot more comfy. The Focal's grabbed the sides of my head like my Drop Jubilee's do, and unfortunately because of my TMJ, it made it really uncomfortable.

Easily the best part about Audeze was getting to talk to Christian at the Audeze booth. I got so lost in conversation with him that I unfortunately missed the chance to drop my completed raffle ticket for the drawing. We bonded on retro anime waifus like Ryoko and old video games. If you're out there man, definitely hit me up!

Dunu's Falcon Pros really impressed me with just how modular they were. I also loved the sound of them, and they were so grateful when I took them up on their floor deal. That's the great thing about small businesses regardless of conversation, they're easy to talk to and super nice. Loved hearing their story too and I wish them great success!

CEntrance wowed me with just how much of a clown car their HIFI 8 V2 portable DAC/Amp was. For every feature I discovered about it while demoing it, the presenter showed me two more and I was totally floored with it. Definitely worth the $150 showroom floor discount. I will for sure test out if that waterproof case really does float.

One last shoutout I'd like to make is for Jake. If you're in here dude, big thanks for letting me demo your ZMF headphones on that ampsandsound tube amp. It was pure bliss listening to Nine Inch Nails on that thing. Never thought I would hear those dirty guitars in March of the Pigs sound so good.

Hopefully I can check out the bigger event in New York or go again to SoCal next year! It was a great time and I'd like to thank all the event coordinators and the companies for coming out to show off their stuff! :)
Sep 28, 2021 at 10:13 PM Post #449 of 616
I've developed TMJ over the past few years as well. It's resulted in tinnitus :frowning2: The chiropractor does seem to help a bit. Any luck finding solutions to aid in relief?
I got TMJ because of many car accidents, and with the most recent one it also gave me tinnitus. For TMJ I discovered my shoulders and neck being tense and out of posture were one of the reasons it flared up a lot. Icing the area helps reduce inflammation. Keeping jaw clenched/teeth together also makes it worse, the neutral position would be how one pronounces the letter 'N, teeth slightly apart. One of my former doctors taught an exercise to touch the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth, trace it as far back as you can, then open and close jaw a few times (believe to build habit and muscle of opening mouth correctly), sometimes opening mouth the bottom jaw juts forward, causing cracking/popping and sometimes locks the jaw. This video is from a couple of chiropractors who share a couple exercises, and this lady from an accredited hospital talks more about all the posture stuff and stress in a tad more detail.

For tinnitus, because it is bloody annoying and screws with my listening and healing, found this one on YouTube as well which has personally helped.

I used to go to the chiro who helped a bit, but until I did the above it was only a temporary source of relief. And I haven't been able to go back for a few months now, so had to do something about the pain and suffering.
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