Campfire - Solaris
May 15, 2020 at 11:58 AM Post #8,356 of 12,042
@KB what is

Durable Black PVD Finished Body

just not familiar with PVD and seen on other CFA products
I believe PVD stands for pulse (maybe physical) vapor deposition and is probably just referring to the black finish and how it was done, as opposed to anodizing or other finishing techniques that they do on other iems.
May 15, 2020 at 12:11 PM Post #8,358 of 12,042
Sound is definitely the most important factor-- but there's nothing wrong with expecting beauty as well. I'm in the enviable position of not minding the size and preferring the look of the SE over the OG and 2020 models, but that's a YMMV thing. That said I'm really looking forward to impressions of the 2020 relative to the other two. Jude's graph of the 2020 makes the upper mid/treble region look a lot different than the SE/OG...whether this amounts to tangible differences in sound perception remains to be seen and I eagerly await people's impressions.
May 15, 2020 at 1:19 PM Post #8,360 of 12,042
I got mail! Looks good alongside my SE.

May 15, 2020 at 1:27 PM Post #8,361 of 12,042
May 15, 2020 at 1:33 PM Post #8,362 of 12,042
I got mail! Looks good alongside my SE.


If MBP is your main source, I highly highly recommend you get a dongle called Nextdrive SpectraX. With this setup, you will realize how DAPs are way overpriced nowadays.
May 15, 2020 at 1:36 PM Post #8,363 of 12,042
If MBP is your main source, I highly highly recommend you get a dongle called Nextdrive SpectraX. With this setup, you will realize how DAPs are way overpriced nowadays.

I had to Nextdrive Spectra X for a while, that was one powerful dongle. Damn near blew my ears off when I first plugged it into my IEMs!
May 15, 2020 at 1:41 PM Post #8,364 of 12,042
I had to Nextdrive Spectra X for a while, that was one powerful dongle. Damn near blew my ears off when I first plugged it into my IEMs!
Yes, me too:tired_face:. IDK why the heck Nextdrive set the default volume to full!!! To drive Solaris, it only needs system volume 1 with 2/3 of the full volume in the music player applications.
May 15, 2020 at 1:52 PM Post #8,365 of 12,042
Yes, me too:tired_face:. IDK why the heck Nextdrive set the default volume to full!!! To drive Solaris, it only needs system volume 1 with 2/3 of the full volume in the music player applications.

Shock and awe. I'm not a headphone guy but it would probably be great for portable headphone usage.
May 15, 2020 at 5:11 PM Post #8,366 of 12,042
Solaris 2020 have landed and I've been listening and comparing back and forth with my OG Solaris, so thought I'd share some VERY preliminary thoughts. I've had my OG Solaris since it was released, so it is well broken in, whereas the Solaris 2020 has only about five hours of use now, so these should be taken with a grain of salt, particularly relative to the low end given that the 10mm ADLC dynamic driver definitely needs to be run for a while before it really opens up. I've been using both with PW Audio limited cable (I have two), out of my SP1000M, so beyond the Solaris 2020 being brand new, the comparison is pretty apples to apples.

First, a note on ergonomics and size of the new 2020s. Campfire has said they shrunk the size by 20%, and while that doesn't sound like much, in person this feels much more significant. They feel a lot smaller. They nestle much more closely in the ears, and although I never had a problem with the original Solaris' fit, the 2020's smaller size definitely makes them feel more flush with your ears and less like you have bolts sticking out of them. However, something to note is that the housing is not only smaller, the angles at which the sound tube upon which the tips fit has changed slightly and the sound tube itself sticks out less far from the rest of the housing. So overall, at least on my ears, the Solaris 2020 do not fit any deeper in my ears than the OGs (in fact, it may be possible for me to get the OGs slightly deeper in my ears than the Solaris 2020s). The 2020s are overall have the edge in comfort even though the OGs never caused me any fit issues. Two other things to note about the physical appearance are: 1) while that the new PVD finish is very nice and I like how understated it is, it has a glossy finish as opposed to the more satin finish on the OG, which definitely makes finger prints and oil from your fingers more noticeable, and 2) it looks like the vent on the 2020s is slightly larger than on the OGs--I'm not sure if this makes any sonic difference, but it is something I noticed. I haven't taken any pictures yet, but will upload some once I do.

Ok, on to what you probably care most about--some sound impressions. On the whole, as it sounds like from others' descriptions was the case with the Solaris SE (which I've never heard), the 2020s are close to the OGs sound; however, there are noticeable, albeit slight differences. You still have the big soudstage, that lovely clear, holographic sound of the OG Solaris. The biggest difference, which also sounds to be in line with how folks have described the SE sound in comparison to OG, is that the mids are slightly but noticeably more forward as well as a bit fuller than the OG mids. The overall result of this is that the sound is a little more cohesive. The 2020s are still great at layering and there is great imaging and instrument separation, but whereas on the OG, different parts could feel very much like individual tracks layered on top of each other, the 2020s are a little more of a cohesive blend. Depending on your preferences, I could definitely see some people really liking this (it is more realistic), but others might prefer the slightly more distinct layers. With the slightly more forward mids and more cohesive blending, you also get a little more texture and resolution; however, the flip side of this is that on some tracks, bass and treble feel like the pop a little bit more on the OG.

Speaking of treble, on early listening, the Solaris 2020 feels perhaps a little more textured and a little bit better blended--a little more refined than on the OG. Still the same airiness and sparkle of the OG, just a little more cohesive. As far as the bass goes (and again, I really don't want to make any definitive impressions here), my early impression is there may be a bit more mid-bass on the 2020s compared to the OGs, but the bass has already changed a bit in just the first few hours of listening, so completely reserving judgement until they have been run in a bit more.

(edited to correct some typos)
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May 15, 2020 at 5:48 PM Post #8,367 of 12,042
Solaris 2020 have landed and I've been listening and comparing back and forth with my OG Solaris, so thought I'd share some VERY preliminary thoughts. I've had my OG Solaris since it was released, so it is well broken in, whereas the Solaris 2020 has only about five hours of use now, so these should be taken with a grain of salt, particularly relative to the low end given that the 10mm ADLC dynamic driver definitely needs to be run for a while before it really opens up. I've been using both with PW Audio limited cable (I have two), out of my SP1000M, so beyond the Solaris 2020 being brand new, the comparison is pretty apples to apples.

First, a note on ergonomics and size of the new 2020s. Campfire has said they shrunk the size by 20%, and while that doesn't sound like much, in person this feels much more significant. They feel a lot smaller. They nestle much more closely in the ears, and although I never had a problem with the original Solaris' fit, the 2020's smaller size definitely makes them feel more flush with your ears and less like you have bolts sticking out of them. However, something to note is that the housing is not only smaller, the angles at which the sound tube upon which the tips fit has changed slightly and the sound tube itself sticks out less far from the rest of the housing. So overall, at least on my ears, the Solaris 2020 do not fit any deeper in my ears than the OGs (in fact, it may be possible for me to get the OGs slightly deeper in my ears than the Solaris 2020s). The 2020s are overall have the edge in comfort even though the OGs never caused me any fit issues. Two other things to note about the physical appearance are: 1) while that the new PVD finish is very nice and I like how understated it is, it has a glossy finish as opposed to the more satin finish on the OG, which definitely makes finger prints and oil from your fingers more noticeable, and 2) it looks like the vent on the 2020s is slightly larger than on the OGs--I'm not sure if this makes any sonic difference, but it is something I noticed. I haven't taken any pictures yet, but will upload some once I do.

Ok, on to what you probably care most about--some sound impressions. On the whole, as it sounds like from others' descriptions was the case with the Solaris SE (which I've never heard), the 2020s are close to the OGs sound; however, there are noticeable, albeit slight differences. You still have the big soudstage, that lovely clear, holographic sound of the OG Solaris. The biggest difference, which also sounds to be in line with how folks have described the SE sound in comparison to OG, is that the mids are slightly but noticeably more forward as well as a bit fuller than the OG mids. The overall result of this is that the sound is a little more cohesive. The 2020s are still great at layering and there is great imaging and instrument separation, but whereas on the OG, different parts could feel very much like individual tracks layered on top of each other, the 2020s are a little more of a cohesive blend. Depending on your preferences, I could definitely see some people really liking this (it is more realistic), but others might prefer the slightly more distinct layers. With the slightly more forward mids and more cohesive blending, you also get a little more texture and resolution; however, the flip side of this is that on some tracks, bass and treble feel like the pop a little bit more on the OG.

Speaking of treble, on early listening, the Solaris 2020 feels perhaps a little more textured and a little bit better blended--a little more refined than on the OG. Still the same airiness and sparkle of the OG, just a little more cohesive. As far as the bass goes (and again, I really don't want to make any definitive impressions here), my early impression is there may be a bit more mid-bass on the 2020s compared to the OGs, but the bass has already changed a bit in just the first few hours of listening, so completely reserving judgement until they have been run in a bit more.

(edited to correct some typos)

Great info man thanks for sharing! It indeed sounds like they've carried the sonic tweaks of the SE forward into the 2020.
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May 15, 2020 at 5:48 PM Post #8,368 of 12,042
So my quick impressions on the 2020 versus the SE...

End of the day, I have my SE's up for sale, but not because of a sea-change in sound quality. I think the 2020 and the SE are very comparable from a sound quality perspective. The clincher for me was size/fit. The SEs don't fit me poorly, per se, but the 2020s just fit much better - sightly deeper, but much more snugly with less protrusion. Agreed with @sorrick comments on the angles of the sound tube, which is slightly different vs the SE.

For me, aesthetics are a wash - I think both are equally beautiful for different reasons (the 2020 is beautiful in its understatedness; the SEs are beautiful because of the abalone).

Soundwise, as I mentioned, I don't perceive a lot of difference between the SE and the 2020. Only thing that is very clear after only a few hours of listening is slightly more sparkle in the upper mids/lower high frequencies. I believe I saw a FR comparison between the two that corroborates what I'm hearing (@Tristy I believe you posted this?). Outside of this clear difference, to be totally frank, if you had me do a blind listen test (which would be tough to do in practice because of the fit, but speaking theoretically), it's very possible I would do no better than a coin flip.

With the 2020s, you still get the nicely restrained, yet undoubtedly powerful DD bass, beautifully refined mids, expansive soundstage, easy-to-listen-to-for-hours feeling you get with the's just the slight emphasis in the upper mids/lower highs that I am noticing as different.
Hope this is helpful.

So my quick impressions on the 2020 versus the SE...

End of the day, I have my SE's up for sale, but not because of a sea-change in sound quality, though. I think the 2020 and the SE are very comparable from a sound quality perspective. The clincher for me was size/fit. The SEs were never problematic, per se, but the 2020s just fit much better - sightly deeper, but much more snugly with less protrusion. Agreed with @sorrick comments on the angles of the sound tube, which is slightly different vs the SE.

For me, aesthetics are a wash - I think both are equally beautiful for different reasons (the 2020 is beautiful in its understatedness; the SEs are beautiful because of the abalone).

Soundwise, as I mentioned, I don't perceive a lot of difference between the SE and the 2020. Only thing that is very clear after only a few hours of listening is slightly more sparkle in the upper mids/lower high frequencies. I believe I saw a FR comparison between the two that corroborates what I'm hearing (@Tristy I believe you posted this?). Outside of this clear difference, to be totally frank, if you had me do a blind listen test (which would be tough to do in practice because of the fit, but speaking theoretically), it's very possible I would do no better than a coin flip.

With the 2020s, you still get the nicely restrained, yet undoubtedly powerful DD bass, beautifully refined mids, expansive soundstage, easy-to-listen-to-for-hours feeling you get with the's just the slight emphasis in the upper mids/lower highs that I am noticing as different.
Hope this is helpful.
Also Chris (@CL14715) posted his impressions on this page:
Much more comprehensive than mine!

Great info man thanks for sharing! It indeed sounds like they've carried the sonic tweaks of the SE forward into the 2020.
@Rockwell75 i think this is right. My sense is that the main objective with the 2020 was to shrink the size and not to mess much with the sound sig versus the SE.
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May 15, 2020 at 6:23 PM Post #8,369 of 12,042
So my quick impressions on the 2020 versus the SE...

End of the day, I have my SE's up for sale, but not because of a sea-change in sound quality, though. I think the 2020 and the SE are very comparable from a sound quality perspective. The clincher for me was size/fit. The SEs were never problematic, per se, but the 2020s just fit much better - sightly deeper, but much more snugly with less protrusion. Agreed with @sorrick comments on the angles of the sound tube, which is slightly different vs the SE.

For me, aesthetics are a wash - I think both are equally beautiful for different reasons (the 2020 is beautiful in its understatedness; the SEs are beautiful because of the abalone).

Soundwise, as I mentioned, I don't perceive a lot of difference between the SE and the 2020. Only thing that is very clear after only a few hours of listening is slightly more sparkle in the upper mids/lower high frequencies. I believe I saw a FR comparison between the two that corroborates what I'm hearing (@Tristy I believe you posted this?). Outside of this clear difference, to be totally frank, if you had me do a blind listen test (which would be tough to do in practice because of the fit, but speaking theoretically), it's very possible I would do no better than a coin flip.

With the 2020s, you still get the nicely restrained, yet undoubtedly powerful DD bass, beautifully refined mids, expansive soundstage, easy-to-listen-to-for-hours feeling you get with the's just the slight emphasis in the upper mids/lower highs that I am noticing as different.
Hope this is helpful.
any difference in hiss? sola 2020 seem to be 15.5ohm compared to the... 10 ohm iirc of the og?
May 15, 2020 at 6:27 PM Post #8,370 of 12,042
So my quick impressions on the 2020 versus the SE...

End of the day, I have my SE's up for sale, but not because of a sea-change in sound quality, though. I think the 2020 and the SE are very comparable from a sound quality perspective. The clincher for me was size/fit. The SEs were never problematic, per se, but the 2020s just fit much better - sightly deeper, but much more snugly with less protrusion. Agreed with @sorrick comments on the angles of the sound tube, which is slightly different vs the SE.

For me, aesthetics are a wash - I think both are equally beautiful for different reasons (the 2020 is beautiful in its understatedness; the SEs are beautiful because of the abalone).

Soundwise, as I mentioned, I don't perceive a lot of difference between the SE and the 2020. Only thing that is very clear after only a few hours of listening is slightly more sparkle in the upper mids/lower high frequencies. I believe I saw a FR comparison between the two that corroborates what I'm hearing (@Tristy I believe you posted this?). Outside of this clear difference, to be totally frank, if you had me do a blind listen test (which would be tough to do in practice because of the fit, but speaking theoretically), it's very possible I would do no better than a coin flip.

With the 2020s, you still get the nicely restrained, yet undoubtedly powerful DD bass, beautifully refined mids, expansive soundstage, easy-to-listen-to-for-hours feeling you get with the's just the slight emphasis in the upper mids/lower highs that I am noticing as different.
Hope this is helpful.

So basically a smaller, significantly cheaper Solaris SE without the risk of getting a dodgy faceplate.

“Nicely Done” Campfire.
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