Calling All "Vintage" Integrated/Receiver Owners
Feb 18, 2013 at 11:01 PM Post #6,646 of 19,156
Just curious what the opinion of the Marantz 1060 integrated is here.  There is one about 60 miles from me on CL for $75.  I understand that it is essentially a Marantz 2230 w/o the tuner.  Is it worth $75 plus the gas for a round trip?  Thanks!

Many purists over at audio karma seem to prefer the integrates over receiver equivalents. That's one of the reasons separate tuners are so big over there. It was probably one of them who bid over 700.00 for a sansui tu-9900 that I had no use for on ebay. So the 1060 will sound at least as good as the 2230. If I had to guess, probably better since you are removing a lot of components from the signal chain, and the power supply and transformer gets to devote more to the amping side of things. 75.00 isn't bad at all considering some of the prices I've seen 2230's go for.
Feb 18, 2013 at 11:09 PM Post #6,647 of 19,156
If anyone has experience or knowledge of the avr-600 and could share information I would certainly appreciate. I do have one concern. This amp seems to really pack a punch and I can't get beyond 9:00 on the volume pot, where 9:00 is as loud as I can take it. I find that 8:00 is more comfortable for regular listening. Is it possible that the headphone stage is putting out too much for me hd650? I certainly don't want to damage my 650's.

Your amp has higher output through the headphone jack than you're used to; there's nothing wrong with that, as long as you're setting the knob at a comfortable listening level rather than where you think the dial marker would look best.
Whether I'm listening to full-sized phones on my he-man receivers, or IEMs on portable amps, I don't think I ever have the volume knob above 9:00. For me, it's simply not necessary.
Feb 19, 2013 at 10:41 AM Post #6,648 of 19,156
Many purists over at audio karma seem to prefer the integrates over receiver equivalents. That's one of the reasons separate tuners are so big over there. It was probably one of them who bid over 700.00 for a sansui tu-9900 that I had no use for on ebay. So the 1060 will sound at least as good as the 2230. If I had to guess, probably better since you are removing a lot of components from the signal chain, and the power supply and transformer gets to devote more to the amping side of things. 75.00 isn't bad at all considering some of the prices I've seen 2230's go for.

Well - I guess I have to be faster.  Someone beat me to it.  It did see some of the positive statements about it on AK  - sounds like the 1060 is highly regarded.   At least I have a 2230 that is in the process of a full recap to keep me happy for a while.  Thanks for the input.
Feb 20, 2013 at 12:59 PM Post #6,649 of 19,156
One last quick question folks-  before I pull the trigger on this Sansui AU-717, can you guys confirm this would make an adequate receiver and amp for either KEF R-300s or KEF LS50s?  I may or may not choose to add a powered sub down the road, but these are the main 2 speaker pairs I'm considering.  Alternately, I could go all vintage and pick up a pair of KEF Reference Model 101s on my local Craigslist.  The guy is asking $375 for them.  They sure look nice.  Any thoughts on all of the above?  Thx as always,

Feb 20, 2013 at 6:46 PM Post #6,650 of 19,156
i've heard some ADS L710's driven very loudly without  the AU717 breaking a sweat.  sounded fantastic
now the L710's arent super inneffecient but aren't exactly klipsch/tannoy either.
I think the 80-90 watts will be fine for some bookshelves
maybe its cause i've never had super ineffecient speakers, but 80+ watts has always seemed to be plenty for almost any application.  unless your listening room is 60X50 and your speakers are 85 db/1watt
Feb 20, 2013 at 7:45 PM Post #6,651 of 19,156
Whenever anyone asks a question about "enough power", I always think of the Magneplanar website's response, and I paraphrase: "How effin' loud do you want it?" 
As long as you don't make the amp spend a good bit of its time in severe clipping (adding the powered sub would greatly help here), 80w/ch is perfectly adequate.
If you like it loud, really loud, with most speakers you'll need more power, and keep in mind that to our ears, "loudness" is exponential-- to double the apparent loudness, you need ten times the amp power. Still, it's far easier to destroy a speaker with an underpowered amp that lives in clip than it is to destroy a speaker by overdriving it, although both methods can do a pretty good job.
Feb 21, 2013 at 2:25 PM Post #6,652 of 19,156
what speakers are they?
If they are Sansui speakers with a woofer nearly as wide as the cabinet and a bunch of other mid/treble drivers i'd steer clear of those as well unless they are very cheap
the price on that sansui 5500 is way high.  Even if it was NOS its still way high in my opinion.

Yeah, frankly, anyone who prices that receiver like that would make me very suspicious of any price they had on anything...

yes the price was so high. in the region which I live in, there are only two stores having this type of vintage, So they think that they have the right to determine their own prices!
For buying the speakers I saw no good choice but just this Sony speaker:



Its tweeter are damaged, but I am pleased with its voice. I want to dismantle it and make something like this;
What do you think?
Several days ago, I cleaned it by opening its front glass:


Feb 21, 2013 at 7:01 PM Post #6,653 of 19,156
Finally picked up the Marantz 2285 receiver (wasn't a 2285B).
Going to open it up and clean it up and replace the lamps when I get the time. Also need to test the phono.
Rather happy with the purchase.
I'll try to get a better shot when all is said and done.

Feb 21, 2013 at 7:13 PM Post #6,654 of 19,156
I have a 2285 in my office and LOVE it.  Put LEDs in for the meter and dial lamps.  They are fuse-style so easy to do.  You should check the DC Offset too if you have a multimeter.
I'm driving Spendor LS3/5A speakers with my 2285 and its just amazing.
Feb 21, 2013 at 7:39 PM Post #6,655 of 19,156
I have a 2285 in my office and LOVE it.  Put LEDs in for the meter and dial lamps.  They are fuse-style so easy to do.  You should check the DC Offset too if you have a multimeter.
I'm driving Spendor LS3/5A speakers with my 2285 and its just amazing.

Sounds like a promising receiver if you are giving it such praise.
I hope to fall in love with it after I have gotten some time with it.
Yep, I noticed some of the lamps are burnt out already so I had been intending to replace them w/ the appropriate LEDs.
Inside certainly needs some cleaning and some deoxit. Unfortunately, no multimeter so I might have to pick one up (after figuring out how to use it properly).
Not exactly a DIY person, so anything besides the most easy-to-manage cleaning and fixing would be something I would need to read up on and learn.
Feb 22, 2013 at 1:25 AM Post #6,656 of 19,156
i've heard some ADS L710's driven very loudly without  the AU717 breaking a sweat.  sounded fantastic
now the L710's arent super inneffecient but aren't exactly klipsch/tannoy either.
I think the 80-90 watts will be fine for some bookshelves
maybe its cause i've never had super ineffecient speakers, but 80+ watts has always seemed to be plenty for almost any application.  unless your listening room is 60X50 and your speakers are 85 db/1watt

Actually the LS50s are 85 db/1 watt....  The AU-717 was really quite a high end product in it's day, and is a solid 4 ohm rated amp.   It won't have any trouble with the LS50s.  I still own an AU-919,  which for a while after my Levinson died was back in my main system driving KEF Reference 201/2s with out problems, in a very large room.  The difference in power between the two amps isn't really significant.  The Sansui's aren't super transparent amps by todays high end standards, but are still musically quite satisfying.  I still listen to mine regularly in my second system - with vintage Harbeth's.  Definitely give the AU-717 a listen.  
Feb 23, 2013 at 9:15 AM Post #6,657 of 19,156
hi just saw your post about the sansui ca 2000 i have just got one my self the 2 outs on the back would i be able to run 4 mono blocks through to bi wire speakers and could use an mc cartridge through one of the phono inputs thanks  Garry
Feb 24, 2013 at 2:17 AM Post #6,659 of 19,156
What is meant by "Flower mound?" It's been longer working but available for parts?! 
Update:  The listing by the author is Down-the-street! (finished)

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