Bowers & Wilkins PX7 noise-cancelling over ear headphones
Oct 28, 2019 at 10:58 PM Post #616 of 2,199
I think I’ve solved the weird popping noise. It’s not buttons rattling, but the material covering the driver coming slightly out of place. If you pop off your earpad, and just push this part of the material back into position and hold it there so the adhesive sticks again, I think you’ll be good. At the very least, worth trying before swapping out for a fresh pair.

Thank you for this post. I've had a problem with the clicking noise (someone else said it sounded like a Snapple lid, which sounded spot on to me) on the right side with my first pair. I bought a replacement because of a small tear in the pleather headband on my first one (I was worried it would worsen over time after my return window, and I didn't think a $400 headphone should carry that risk), but unfortunately I've had the clicking noise problem in the second one as well, this time on the left! It's intermittent and not severe, but again it's unacceptable for a $400 headphone to have this kind of issue. I'm a little afraid of opening it up because it's not magnetic; I guess I'm worried I'd inadvertently damage them and void my warranty or something. I'll see if it magically lessens with time and further use, fingers crossed.

As for the sound, I'm hopeful and kind of excited. The 2nd pair sounded pretty good off the bat, so either there was some brain burn-in after listening to my first pair for 6-8 hours or there was a difference in manufacturing (which I know is unlikely and which I haven't read about before). As a few others have also noted, I found the PX to be a bit too boring, I agree with Maukey that I'd basically prefer a bit more excitement from my headphones these days. Plus, the PX wasn't really that great with clarity despite the great soundstage and defined bass; the mids would sometimes get a bit messy when there was a lot going on in a song. Anyway, the PX7 certainly isn't great for pure clarity, and its vocals are unfortunately recessed, but the bass is fun again as it was on the P7W. When I first heard the P7W, I was quite annoyed by the bass but I missed it along with its overall sound signature when I moved to the PX's. What I love about the PX7 so far is that its bass isn't as loose as I remembered the P7W's. I feel that P7W's probably had more "treble sparkle" and probably more vocal clarity than the PX7, but overall the PX7 maybe sounds a bit more cohesive in its own way. That's my impression for now at least, I haven't really put in a lot of hours yet.

One other note, about sources. I believe ryanmatic mentioned vocals for Fiona Apple sounded good on the PX7; I agree, I heard the exact same thing ("Oh Well" is one of my dozen arbitrary reference tracks I go to whenever I listen to new headphones!). I think modern mastering, especially the ones that lean loud and bright and can otherwise cause ear fatigue, can be balanced out pretty decently with the PX7 (as they were with the P7W). Bob Dylan's Modern Times sounds great, despite its being a terrible mastering on CD. However, I'm worried about the more analog-sounding sources, some of those flatter and warmer 80s-style masterings, or mono recordings such as Dylan's - they may not fare as well on the PX7, I'll have to see.
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Oct 29, 2019 at 2:28 AM Post #617 of 2,199
Thanks for the feedback on the ANC. Dali was supposedly using Sony’s ANC chip so I was expecting it to do better.

SQ is my only concern though. It would be amazing if you could answer a few questions I have. Do you miss anything in the Dali’s bass response when compared to the PX7? Would you term the dalis as bass-lite in any way? And the PX7 seem to be the defacto soundstage kings - how does the Dali compare?

Much appreciated!

this is very individual but I think the Dali’s have a fuller more rounded bass and it isn’t lacking, it doesn’t vibrate when pushed so it’s not felt in the same way, I read that Dali put rubber dampers in just like a speaker cabinet, that’s probably why. This paragraph from stereonet uk explains the bass in the Dali’s very well, they talk about the IO-4 but they are the same without the ANC.

“The DALI iO-4 presents a flat-response which is our preference. We prefer our headphones to be honest without any frequency-boosting shenanigans. If you're looking for 'phat beats' as they said back in the day, head elsewhere.
We think this is a refreshing stance and stays true to the Danish audiophile's sound signature. Because of that stance, these headphones play the music as it was intended to be heard.
That faithfulness remains no matter what genre of tune you throw at them and enables you to hear the full spectrum of the sound exactly as it was dialled in by the studio engineer.
Don't mistake all that to mean the iO-4 are bass-light, far from it. Instead, the bass is reproduced accurately and naturally.”

i think it would be really good for you to try the PX7’s and the Dali’s, these SQ things are so individual, for some people the difference will be minimum and for others not livable and that’s in either direction.
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Oct 29, 2019 at 7:09 AM Post #618 of 2,199
I am going to return my PX7s. The bell thing is getting on my nerves. Especially because its a 400 euro headphone i cannot let this slip.
Also when my px7 is connected to 2 devices at the same time , it drops connection every 10 sec. Then when i drop the connection from the second device , the problem goes away. Sometimes i need to reboot the headphone to overcome it.

Very disturbing. Because no1 else here complains about this , i think mine is faulty. If you are wondering about bell thingie. I suggested it here in one of my previous posts.

Im going to buy it again after a refund because im very happy with it , if its working.

I can report also hearing the odd little rattle/bell in the Right ear cup, when no music is playing. Purchased from Amazon UK, so thinking I should maybe swap them out for another pair.

Also in the process of returning the M3, despite having fantastic SQ (clarity in the Mids and Highs is amazing, of which I’ve not heard from an ANC set before). However the ANC leaves a lot to be desired, along with the ear cups breaking seal whenever I turn my head. Let’s not forget the battery life, which seemed to be lasting a lot less than 17 hours. Too many flaws in my eyes, despite falling in love with them.

The PX7’s get more right. Despite having slightly less clarity, especially in the Mids, which are a tad more recessed then I prefer, the ANC, Battery Life and App are far more polished. They definitely sound better than their beautiful predecessors (PX), which were nicer to look at than to listen to, a lot more musical, but not on the same level as the M3.

I really really wanted to keep the Senns, but for the price I could not justify keeping them, when they get more wrong then right (in my opinion at least).

I am intrigued both by the Lagoon ANC and DALI io6, and definitely interested in trying both out, but keen to hear some more opinions on them, I know the Lagoon had some minor issues/bugs upon release.
Oct 29, 2019 at 7:29 AM Post #619 of 2,199
I can report also hearing the odd little rattle/bell in the Right ear cup, when no music is playing. Purchased from Amazon UK, so thinking I should maybe swap them out for another pair.

Also in the process of returning the M3, despite having fantastic SQ (clarity in the Mids and Highs is amazing, of which I’ve not heard from an ANC set before). However the ANC leaves a lot to be desired, along with the ear cups breaking seal whenever I turn my head. Let’s not forget the battery life, which seemed to be lasting a lot less than 17 hours. Too many flaws in my eyes, despite falling in love with them.

The PX7’s get more right. Despite having slightly less clarity, especially in the Mids, which are a tad more recessed then I prefer, the ANC, Battery Life and App are far more polished. They definitely sound better than their beautiful predecessors (PX), which were nicer to look at than to listen to, a lot more musical, but not on the same level as the M3.

I really really wanted to keep the Senns, but for the price I could not justify keeping them, when they get more wrong then right (in my opinion at least).

I am intrigued both by the Lagoon ANC and DALI io6, and definitely interested in trying both out, but keen to hear some more opinions on them, I know the Lagoon had some minor issues/bugs upon release.

Yeah, I would have gotten the M3 if they had better battery life, but a mere 17 hours in 2019 when almost every other manufactures got atleast 30h is just too much of a flaw. No idea what Sennheiser was thinking,

Outside of SQ, the PX7 just seem to be the most well rounded ANC or even BT headphone, even tho I'm personally a big fan of the SQ.

- Multi Point (I change between my phone and PC constantly, this is a must have for me in 2019)
-App/setting (hopefully few fixes in the near future)
- Battery life
-Quick charge
- Buttons instead of touch (means I can control music with gloves now that its soon winter)
- Wear Sensors (huge fan, just need software tweak, but not having to push that power button on/off every time is just such a convenience)

I was actually most surprised by the wear sensors, didn't really consider them before my purchase, but after a week of owning the PX7 im loving it, works just like a pair of true wireless. However like I said they still need some software tweaking, as of now they work like 80% of time for me.

The d DALI io6 lakcs multi point, so that's an instant deal breaker for me, considering my usage... The Lagoon, tbh I haven't really looked at them, but first impression is way to much plastic-looking for a pair of premium ANC headphones.
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Oct 29, 2019 at 7:42 AM Post #620 of 2,199
I can report also hearing the odd little rattle/bell in the Right ear cup, when no music is playing. Purchased from Amazon UK, so thinking I should maybe swap them out for another pair.

Also in the process of returning the M3, despite having fantastic SQ (clarity in the Mids and Highs is amazing, of which I’ve not heard from an ANC set before). However the ANC leaves a lot to be desired, along with the ear cups breaking seal whenever I turn my head. Let’s not forget the battery life, which seemed to be lasting a lot less than 17 hours. Too many flaws in my eyes, despite falling in love with them.

The PX7’s get more right. Despite having slightly less clarity, especially in the Mids, which are a tad more recessed then I prefer, the ANC, Battery Life and App are far more polished. They definitely sound better than their beautiful predecessors (PX), which were nicer to look at than to listen to, a lot more musical, but not on the same level as the M3.

I really really wanted to keep the Senns, but for the price I could not justify keeping them, when they get more wrong then right (in my opinion at least).

I am intrigued both by the Lagoon ANC and DALI io6, and definitely interested in trying both out, but keen to hear some more opinions on them, I know the Lagoon had some minor issues/bugs upon release.

I returned the Lagoons, they sounded really good, the ANC in a 12 hr flight worked well, where able to play the IFE passively without ANC and not needing a charge, had multipoint connection etc, but couldn’t stand the creaking headband. It’s originating where the headband meets the hinges and where the hinges connect with the cups. Fit and comfort was superb though. Didn’t care about the LED lighting guides inside the cups. for my last option as flight companion I’m looking at the Dalis that should come in this week.
Oct 29, 2019 at 8:02 AM Post #621 of 2,199
Yeah, I would have gotten the M3 if they had better battery life, but a mere 17 hours in 2019 when almost every other manufactures got atleast 30h is just too much of a flaw. No idea what Sennheiser was thinking,

Outside of SQ, the PX7 just seem to be the most well rounded ANC or even BT headphone, even tho I'm personally a big fan of the SQ.

- Multi Point (I change between my phone and PC constantly, this is a must have for me in 2019)
-App/setting (hopefully few fixes in the near future)
- Battery life
-Quick charge
- Buttons instead of touch (means I can control music with gloves now that its soon winter)
- Wear Sensors (huge fan, just need software tweak, but not having to push that power button on/off every time is just such a convenience)

I was actually most surprised by the wear sensors, didn't really consider them before my purchase, but after a week of owning the PX7 im loving it, works just like a pair of true wireless. However like I said they still need some software tweaking, as of now they work like 80% of time for me.

The d DALI io6 lakcs multi point, so that's an instant deal breaker for me, considering my usage... The Lagoon, tbh I haven't really looked at them, but first impression is way to much plastic-looking for a pair of premium ANC headphones.

Yes to the Multi-Point (God-Send) and Comfort, also love being able to connect/disconnect from devices within the app, which is more polished than the buggy Senns Smart control for the M3. It’s definitely a massive step up from the PX, so I’m happy B&W listened and made the necessary aesthetic and sonic changes.

I have contacted their support regarding the rattling noise, and whether anyone has reported it to them as an issue. I’m hesitant to return for a replacement, only for it to have the same issue.
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Oct 29, 2019 at 8:04 AM Post #622 of 2,199
I returned the Lagoons, they sounded really good, the ANC in a 12 hr flight worked well, where able to play the IFE passively without ANC and not needing a charge, had multipoint connection etc, but couldn’t stand the creaking headband. It’s originating where the headband meets the hinges and where the hinges connect with the cups. Fit and comfort was superb though. Didn’t care about the LED lighting guides inside the cups. for my last option as flight companion I’m looking at the Dalis that should come in this week.

Oh that’s pretty annoying. Are you aware if it is a common fault? Not having Multi Point on the io6 is annoying, as it’s something I love to use, so I’m more hesitant to give them a go.
Oct 29, 2019 at 8:04 AM Post #623 of 2,199
Yes to the Multi-Point (God-Send) and Comfort, also love being able to connect/disconnect from devices within the app, which is more polished than the buggy Senns Smart control for the M3. It’s definitely a massive step up from the PX, so I’m happy B&W listed and made the necessary aesthetic and sonic changes.

Yees, I don't know why B&W doesn't market their multi point connection more, sure the M3 has it as well, but you can't sort it out via the app like on the PX7.

As a matter of fact the marketing seems way too bad, don't think I've seen a single review from the more "mainstream" tech community. Those that usually reviews headphones like the Sony/Bose ANC headphones.
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Oct 29, 2019 at 8:09 AM Post #624 of 2,199
Yees, I don't know why B&W doesn't market their multi point connection more, sure the M3 has it as well, but you can't sort it out via the app like on the PX7.

As a matter of fact the marketing seems way too bad, don't think I've seen a single review from the more "mainstream" tech community. Those that usually reviews headphones like the Sony/Bose ANC headphones.
PX7 don't even have a product video. poor marketing
Oct 29, 2019 at 8:13 AM Post #625 of 2,199
PX7 don't even have a product video. poor marketing

Yes, and In my country they are only available in a single store, which is just a store that people that hang on sites like here goes to (Hifi-klubben). They are awesome tho, 3 years of warranty and 60 days refund window.

But for the average joe, they aren't even on their radar, even the Sennheiser M3 is available in a few of the mainstream tech stores.
Oct 29, 2019 at 8:14 AM Post #626 of 2,199
I had the Lagoon’s for over two weeks and was blown away by their SQ, to me it’s on par with the Dali’s. The lagoon’s are plastic but it’s not a cheap plastic feel at all, the downside were all the creaking noises and the small ear-cups. If Beyerdynamic ever make another pair of ANC headphones and repair these two faults I would buy them immediately.

The M3’s sound better than the PX7’s, although straight out of the box and without touching the equalizer they had just silly forced bass, once corrected slightly with the not too precise equalizer, they sounded good, not on the level of the lagoon’s or the Dali’s but good none the less.

Just my feelings about some of these headphones, not the reality, only my reality today:

Beyerdynamic Lagoon’s: Superb sound, great battery life, ok ANC, excellent solid case. Too much plastic, creaking noises when you move spoil the sound, ear-cups are a tad small, Bluetooth 4.2.

The PX7’s: Ok sound, decent to very good ANC, great battery life, excellent build quality, excellent solid case, look good, comfortable ear-cups, wife loves them so I’m happy. App doesn’t do much, sound could be better.

The Dali IO-6: Superb sound, decent ANC, great battery life, excellent build quality, look good, comfortable ear-cups. Case isn’t that solid and is too big, no app, no multipoint.

The Sennheiser Momentum 3’s: Ok to decent sound, decent to very good ANC, excellent build quality, decent app, look good, very comfortable ear-cups. Terrible case, battery life is not good at all, too bass heavy out of the box so app is a must have.
Oct 29, 2019 at 8:17 AM Post #627 of 2,199
I had the Lagoon’s for over two weeks and was blown away by their SQ, to me it’s on par with the Dali’s. The lagoon’s are plastic but it’s not a cheap plastic feel at all, the downside were all the creaking noises and the small ear-cups. If Beyerdynamic ever make another pair of ANC headphones and repair these two faults I would buy them immediately.

The M3’s sound better than the PX7’s, although straight out of the box and without touching the equalizer they had just silly forced bass, once corrected slightly with the not too precise equalizer, they sounded good, not on the level of the lagoon’s or the Dali’s but good none the less.

Just my feelings about some of these headphones, not the reality, only my reality today:

Beyerdynamic Lagoon’s: Superb sound, great battery life, ok ANC, excellent solid case. Too much plastic, creaking noises when you move spoil the sound, ear-cups are a tad small, Bluetooth 4.2.

The PX7’s: Ok sound, decent to very good ANC, great battery life, excellent build quality, excellent solid case, look good, comfortable ear-cups, wife loves them so I’m happy. App doesn’t do much, sound could be better.

The Dali IO-6: Superb sound, decent ANC, great battery life, excellent build quality, look good, comfortable ear-cups. Case isn’t that solid and is too big, no app, no multipoint.

The Sennheiser Momentum 3’s: Ok to decent sound, decent to very good ANC, excellent build quality, decent app, look good, very comfortable ear-cups. Terrible case, battery life is not good at all, too bass heavy out of the box so app is a must have.

Momentum 3 also got APTX LL.... which I miss greatly on the PX7, APTX Adaptive is a good replacement, but the codec is basically non existent outside the B&W line up, who knows maybe that will change in the future, but as of right now B&W should have included APTX LL as well. But as you said, the battery life on the M3 is just too poor for 2019, huge deal breaker.

Didn't know the BeyerDynamic just had Bluetooth 4.2, sure 5.0 is not a hugeee step, but its 2019 for gods sake. That's almost as bad as some manufactures that still uses Micro USB and not USB C.

Also wouldn't say that the PX7 app doesn't do much, you can manage all your connections, which I believe is non existent on every other BT headphone on the list. I got 3 different BT connections at home, my phone, PC and smart tv, I can manage and select each of them in the app. Very convenient.
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Oct 29, 2019 at 8:34 AM Post #628 of 2,199
Not worrying too much about multipoint... on iOS you can long click the Bluetooth icon in the co trol center and select what device to connect...
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Oct 29, 2019 at 8:36 AM Post #629 of 2,199
Not worrying g too much about multipoint... on iOS you can long click the Bluetooth icon in the co trol center and select what device to connect...

Whilst with the PX7 you can just play sound on one of the 2 devices you're connected to and it instantly switch, no manual input whatsoever. And if you got more than 2 BT devices you can manage them all in the app.

I dunno how it works on IOS, but with Android/Windows combo I have to turn off BT on my phone before connecting to the PC without multipoint.

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