Bose Triport Thread
Aug 19, 2006 at 4:09 AM Post #346 of 422

Originally Posted by Azure
If nobody else has complained about it, if it continues to happen today, and you're the only one who sees something wrong with it, then yes (Perhaps we should consult a moderator on this issue for further clarification?).

Do the TriPorts improve with amplification (Would you say that using them unamped would be a reasonable way to test out whether they are for you or not? Judging that they are aimed for mainstream, I'd think them to be rather efficient, but I'd just like to make sure.)? With what rigs have you guys used your TriPorts?

When plugged in my PA2V2 they just got a bit warmer, no increase else where, just a tad different sound.
Aug 19, 2006 at 4:35 AM Post #347 of 422

Originally Posted by Azure
If nobody else has complained about it, if it continues to happen today, and you're the only one who sees something wrong with it, then yes (Perhaps we should consult a moderator on this issue for further clarification?).

Do the TriPorts improve with amplification (Would you say that using them unamped would be a reasonable way to test out whether they are for you or not? Judging that they are aimed for mainstream, I'd think them to be rather efficient, but I'd just like to make sure.)? With what rigs have you guys used your TriPorts?

Can you take a joke? In case you couldn't tell this thread is entirely sarcastic...

I have owned a pair of triports for over 2 years now, and they suck. Unamped or not. That's why everyone trashes them, it's because they're overpriced pieces of garbage that represent marketing at it's best and quality at it's worst.

Err I mean they're the best ever! Don't hurt me guys!
Aug 19, 2006 at 4:39 AM Post #348 of 422

Originally Posted by hungrych
Can you take a joke? In case you couldn't tell this thread is entirely sarcastic...

Maybe it's time for a SERIOUS Bose TriPort Appreciation Thread then?
Aug 19, 2006 at 4:56 AM Post #349 of 422

Originally Posted by Azure
Maybe it's time for a SERIOUS Bose TriPort Appreciation Thread then?

You're kidding right?
Aug 19, 2006 at 5:01 AM Post #350 of 422

Originally Posted by Azure
Maybe it's time for a SERIOUS Bose TriPort Appreciation Thread then?

Why? They're crappy cans. They sound terrible for the price you pay, they break an unusually high rate. Their only good factor is their comfort, and even then its not that above average. I find the Beyerdynamic DT 250-80 easily matches it in comfort and absoluty slaughters it in all the other areas that matter like sound quality and durability.

Try as you might to be unbiased and subjective to the Triports, at the end of the day they're still over priced cans that simply do not hold their own in the price bracket they come in.
Aug 19, 2006 at 5:15 AM Post #352 of 422

Originally Posted by gpalmer
Hi folks, I've heard so much about the unique characteristics of the Bose Triports and their unmatched performance as well as their exceptional build quality that I thought it would be great to start a thread to show just how deep our appreciation of Bose for creating these headphones goes. Many have considered their impact on the audio marketplace to be closely akin to the huge splash that went out when William Shatner and Michael Hassellhoff (oopsie, make that David Hasselhoff) first plopped into sight with their works displaying uniquely unmistakable intelligence and emotional depth.

Now of course, there is a small fringe that likes to make disparaging remarks about these headphones which in my opinion represent some of the world's finest marketing efforts not to mention some of the most singular audio engineering ever to have graced the head of any person in search of that singular quality and cost consciousness that has become Bose's trademark signature in the audio world. (Yeah, I know, they don't have the stone cool good looks of the Jecklin Float, but nothing is perfect
). Anyway, if person's wishing to comment negatively on these headphones could please refrain from posting in this thread it would be appreciated!

We're looking for some real feedback here to make up for the apparent attempt by Apple to sabotage the Triport by putting out mostly malfunctioning models in their stores. Remember we want to give folks a good idea of the experience which they will be in for after their decision to purchase these stunniingly unique works of the Bose Corporation.

Indeed, let us never forget the wise words of the Original Poster, and the intent of this thread to spread the word of Bose far and wide. I have seen the error of my ways, and will hereafter only post in the manner and spirit that the OP intended.

Let us begin.

Bose is perfect
Bose is pricey
More cash means
That Bose ain't dicey
Bose is comfy
Bose ain't stocky
Sturdy as
Delicious Pocky!
Aug 19, 2006 at 5:17 AM Post #353 of 422

Originally Posted by saturnine
IME the Triport can be listened to for hours without fatigue

If you say so, I found them fatiguing almost instantly. It had to do with the sound of the bass, as if all the energy was compressed into a very narrow band of frequencies, it sounded very odd, and very wrong.
Aug 19, 2006 at 5:19 AM Post #354 of 422

Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer
If you say so, I found them fatiguing almost instantly. It had to do with the sound of the bass, as if all the energy was compressed into a very narrow band of frequencies, it sounded very odd, and very wrong.

I think that is a great way to expressing one of the major faults of the Triports. Even the thought of that hurts my head.
Aug 19, 2006 at 5:43 AM Post #355 of 422
Basically here is the point: the bose triports sound very good for a very few select insturments. they sound half decent on cheap ipods and out of a computer soundcard. Where they are so horrible as to warrant ripping them off one's head is when they are paired with high end gear (like we love to do at head-fi meets).

contrary to other headphones like the KSC75, that do move up, although marginally, with the high end gear.. the triports actually sound worse. they are off balenced, fatiguing and sound like half the information on the cd is being attacked by a screwdriver.
Aug 21, 2006 at 3:11 AM Post #357 of 422

Originally Posted by some1x
Listen to your favorite music with Bose headphones, then listen to 4'33. You will be in heaven for almost five minutes

John Cage certainly had the Triports in mind for this composition.
Aug 21, 2006 at 3:20 AM Post #358 of 422

Originally Posted by VR6ofpain
After seeing this:


I think I will need to sell my SR-80's to get a set of Tri-ports....since they are the best headphones.

Well I sold my SR-80's and recently sold my HF-1's. Pretty soon I'll have enough money saved up to afford these incredible headphones!!
Aug 21, 2006 at 6:21 AM Post #359 of 422
WoW, after 6 months of usage, my Bose Triport remarkably did not break!

But now eventually its cable finally breaks! The sound is continuously disconnected when I am moving!

Enduring 6 months shows excellent endurance of these wonderful headphones! These headphones are highly recommended for those who want true durability!


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