Blox earbuds Discussion (TM7, M2C, ANV3, BE3/BE5/BE7, B160/B320)
Aug 28, 2012 at 8:48 AM Post #121 of 1,134
*siiiigh* 08/28/2012 and still nothing on the site...patience is a virtue.
Aug 28, 2012 at 10:46 AM Post #122 of 1,134
They're up and available. Just placed my order...(no dilly-dallying this time...had the funds waiting in my Paypal thank goodness....)
Aug 28, 2012 at 12:21 PM Post #123 of 1,134
They're up and available. Just placed my order...(no dilly-dallying this time...had the funds waiting in my Paypal thank goodness....)

+1 (Now I've spent waaaaaay too much this month. No more spending for me until the Stockholm international film festival in November...)
Aug 28, 2012 at 12:48 PM Post #124 of 1,134
I very deliberately held onto the proceeds from my iPod sale to pay for wife was rather ticked off as well, she had been eying the iPod out as a replacement for her now heavily beaten Nano...I even passed up on Wormsdriver's classified post with a pair of HD 25-ii (been wanting a pair of those for a while now)...
Aug 28, 2012 at 5:13 PM Post #125 of 1,134
I just placed my order too...

Aug 31, 2012 at 12:46 PM Post #126 of 1,134
Grief, its only been 4 days and I am dying...not sure I can last until the wretched things arrive. Can't wait to hear them.
Sep 3, 2012 at 2:48 PM Post #128 of 1,134
I left my TM7 burning for now 100+ more hours, they have a 300+ total of properly burning (amped in pinknoise axed on bass with EQ), and I remarked that they are much less saturating than before at higher volume with same bass when 150+ hours.
Really, that TM7 needed more burning than PK1 to really show what they can do.
I think I will keep then finally :) even if I repeat, I really don't like the body fit in my ears.
I'am very impressed of what we can do for a 2012 earbud nowadays.
PK1 sounds like you have a powerful bass headset on your ears (amped of course), which is not the case of TM7. It's more musicaly balanced and less agressive listening, which finally is more pleasant to me.
Sep 4, 2012 at 8:53 PM Post #129 of 1,134
I left my TM7 burning for now 100+ more hours, they have a 300+ total of properly burning (amped in pinknoise axed on bass with EQ), and I remarked that they are much less saturating than before at higher volume with same bass when 150+ hours.
Really, that TM7 needed more burning than PK1 to really show what they can do.
I think I will keep then finally :) even if I repeat, I really don't like the body fit in my ears.
I'am very impressed of what we can do for a 2012 earbud nowadays.
PK1 sounds like you have a powerful bass headset on your ears (amped of course), which is not the case of TM7. It's more musicaly balanced and less agressive listening, which finally is more pleasant to me.

Do you think it is better than the PK1 in overall? Would like a huge jump upgrade on my M2C lately...
Sep 5, 2012 at 3:32 AM Post #130 of 1,134
Do you think it is better than the PK1 in overall? Would like a huge jump upgrade on my M2C lately...

I haven't heard PK1 and I haven't received my TM7 that I ordered last week, but I'd like to recommend the Hisoundaudio Live. I got a second hand pair from the for sale forum here and they are better than I thought. Not as good as the Sennheiser MX980, but a definite step up from earbuds such as Yuin PK2 or Blox M2C.
Sep 5, 2012 at 5:38 AM Post #131 of 1,134
Do you think it is better than the PK1 in overall? Would like a huge jump upgrade on my M2C lately...

To sum up my thought about TM7 :
  1. More natural, without the « fun touch » of the PK1
  2. Bass are here and quality but not as dept as PK1 which can go much far than TM7 without saturating.
  3. If you prefer electronic music, rap and jazz listening, I suggest you to buy PK1 first, due to this.
  4. TM7 body depends of the ear physic of the person, but I think 80% of them will dislike it, which is not the case of the PK1 one : fits perfect, very comfortable, you don’t need to adjust them every 10 meters when you walk.
  5. TM7 does not need to be properly amped to show a perfect signature. PK1 not need aswell, but amped I have to agree that it’s another world, where the TM7 does not like to be amped. If you like to go out with a pocket amp then it should not be a problem.
  6. PK1 does not have the right mediums of the TM7, which this last is finally much pleasant to listen.
  7. Highs are almost the same levels, maybe a bit better in the advantage of the PK1.
To sum-up sound quality (sound at my personal ears) :
  1. TM7 : +Bass | ++Mediums | ++Highs
  2. PK1 : +++Bass | +Mediums | +++Highs
To conclude : I like them both, it depends of my humor and style at the moment I want to listen something.
Hope this helps :wink:
Sep 5, 2012 at 10:09 AM Post #132 of 1,134
I haven't heard PK1 and I haven't received my TM7 that I ordered last week, but I'd like to recommend the Hisoundaudio Live. I got a second hand pair from the for sale forum here and they are better than I thought. Not as good as the Sennheiser MX980, but a definite step up from earbuds such as Yuin PK2 or Blox M2C.

HiSound Audio Live? I've read in the forums that it is an "open" earbud so it leaks sound doesn't it?
To sum up my thought about TM7 :
  1. More natural, without the « fun touch » of the PK1
  2. Bass are here and quality but not as dept as PK1 which can go much far than TM7 without saturating.
  3. If you prefer electronic music, rap and jazz listening, I suggest you to buy PK1 first, due to this.
  4. TM7 body depends of the ear physic of the person, but I think 80% of them will dislike it, which is not the case of the PK1 one : fits perfect, very comfortable, you don’t need to adjust them every 10 meters when you walk.
  5. TM7 does not need to be properly amped to show a perfect signature. PK1 not need aswell, but amped I have to agree that it’s another world, where the TM7 does not like to be amped. If you like to go out with a pocket amp then it should not be a problem.
  6. PK1 does not have the right mediums of the TM7, which this last is finally much pleasant to listen.
  7. Highs are almost the same levels, maybe a bit better in the advantage of the PK1.
To sum-up sound quality (sound at my personal ears) :
  1. TM7 : +Bass | ++Mediums | ++Highs
  2. PK1 : +++Bass | +Mediums | +++Highs
To conclude : I like them both, it depends of my humor and style at the moment I want to listen something.
Hope this helps :wink:

Nice subwoof3r! Thanks for the in depth review , I think I have much thinking to do here before making a decision...
Currently I'm leaning towards the PK1 since I found the size of M2C is fatiguing to my ears.....
Sep 5, 2012 at 10:12 AM Post #133 of 1,134
Do you think it is better than the PK1 in overall? Would like a huge jump upgrade on my M2C lately...

My impression has already been posted, but to sum it up, I'll say TM7 > PK1 for an overall more enjoyable sound. Technically however, they are pretty close with pros and cons of their own.
Sep 5, 2012 at 10:18 AM Post #134 of 1,134
My impression has already been posted, but to sum it up, I'll say TM7 > PK1 for an overall more enjoyable sound. Technically however, they are pretty close with pros and cons of their own.

Thanks for the comments , saw your earbud roundup and they're awesome! As I stated in my previous post, I am leaning towards the PK1 more due to the comfort factor.
If only I could audition the TM7 here, I'm sure I would not had this confusion of choosing two awesome earbuds!
Sep 5, 2012 at 12:19 PM Post #135 of 1,134
Just checked the Blox site contemplating buying another pair of M2C at some point, only to see them gone.
 Kinda what I was expecting, though.
I liked the M2C sound, but given the bad quality of the cable on that one and Blox's short and draconian ('normal wear and tear') 6-month warranty, $140 seems way too much for their next earbud product.

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