BF1942 or BF2? Both? CS Source?
Jun 10, 2006 at 6:10 PM Post #31 of 113

Originally Posted by wali
IMO, counter-strike has a 6 month learning curve. Do you have the time and commitment?

6 months?!?! Are you crazy? No I don't plan on spending 6 months on perfecting the art of counter strike.

That's not really what I'm worried about. I just want to know which one is more team oriented and that type of thing I guess.
Jun 10, 2006 at 6:10 PM Post #32 of 113

Originally Posted by PYROphonez
My dad already thinks 2 games is pushing it.

Can more than one account be made on a counter strike 1.6 cd key?

No, and the above poster is correct. If you want to play the game seriously, it may take months / years of training to become very good at it. CS is one of those games that you can play even if you suck, but it's much funner when your better and can play with good players. I honestly quit because some kids I knew in real life began playing and they sucked, but bragged that they were good, and although I was decent, I couldn't compete with any good players either, so I got bored of going into public servers.

As for your dad, I have no idea what to say, like I said, I seem to be a LOT more spoiled then you are.
Jun 10, 2006 at 6:18 PM Post #33 of 113
what about the question about teamwork and tactics and stuff like that? I need another game to buy from so I get free shipping.
Jun 10, 2006 at 6:35 PM Post #34 of 113

Originally Posted by PYROphonez
what about the question about teamwork and tactics and stuff like that? I need another game to buy from so I get free shipping.

CS doesn't really require much teamwork, especially if your playing in pubs, teamwork only comes in if you go into Cal and leagues, but even then it's debatable.
Jun 10, 2006 at 6:39 PM Post #35 of 113
I kind of chose Counter Strike because it seems to be one of the only FPS's worth play time. Are there any other games that have great multiplayer modes? Is Far Cry multiplayer any good?
Jun 10, 2006 at 6:42 PM Post #36 of 113

Originally Posted by PYROphonez
I kind of chose Counter Strike because it seems to be one of the only FPS's worth play time. Are there any other games that have great multiplayer modes? Is Far Cry multiplayer any good?

Dude, just order cs and cs:s, or else your going to be picking your hair for the next day or whatever. Those were the two games I ever played a lot on my pc online anyway.
Jun 10, 2006 at 6:44 PM Post #37 of 113
I really don't think I'll have time to play both, and who knows if my dad will let me buy 3 games. I know I'm getting BF1942, because I love how BF is a lot of teamwork. Getting all of these is a total of $60, and I'd rather just choose one of the counter strikes.

Maybe get source, since it also comes with DoD source and HL 2 Deathmatch?
Jun 10, 2006 at 6:53 PM Post #38 of 113

Originally Posted by PYROphonez
I really don't think I'll have time to play both, and who knows if my dad will let me buy 3 games. I know I'm getting BF1942, because I love how BF is a lot of teamwork. Getting all of these is a total of $60, and I'd rather just choose one of the counter strikes.

Maybe get source, since it also comes with DoD source and HL 2 Deathmatch?

Get CS:S and BF1942 or CS and bf1942, whats the big deal? :p.
Jun 10, 2006 at 6:59 PM Post #39 of 113
I talked with my brother, who never mentioned he has played both, and he said he wants to get source. So, source it is. (i think) I have to order soon, because BF1942 is almost out of stock.

Just out of curiousity, is HL2 Deathmatch any good? What about Day of Defeat: Source?
Jun 10, 2006 at 7:04 PM Post #40 of 113

Originally Posted by PYROphonez
I talked with my brother, who never mentioned he has played both, and he said he wants to get source. So, source it is. (i think) I have to order soon, because BF1942 is almost out of stock.

Just out of curiousity, is HL2 Deathmatch any good? What about Day of Defeat: Source?

Unless you share a computer, you can't have 2 accounts for source :|. HL2 deathmatch isn't bad.
Jun 10, 2006 at 7:08 PM Post #41 of 113

Originally Posted by JaGWiRE
Unless you share a computer, you can't have 2 accounts for source :|. HL2 deathmatch isn't bad.

Yes, we do know that. I just consulted him for advice.

I'll ask to order it soon.

Thanks for helping
Jun 10, 2006 at 7:10 PM Post #42 of 113

Originally Posted by PYROphonez
Yes, we do know that. I just consulted him for advice.

I'll ask to order it soon.

Thanks for helping

No problem, I have a feeling his pc is probably better then yours, you should use it whenever he leaves the house and not tell him
Jun 10, 2006 at 7:13 PM Post #44 of 113

Originally Posted by PYROphonez
Haha. I wish it were true. We have the same computers. his may be a 2.4 ghz processor, but I don't really know.

Switch his video card for yours if it's better, he'll never know.
Jun 10, 2006 at 7:16 PM Post #45 of 113
Nope. Same video card too. He also said he wants to bring it to college.
That means no extra computer for me, that is if he has room in his dorm.
By the time I go to college, my pc will be way out of date (about 9 years old by then) and my laptop will be greater then it in every way.

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