BF1942 or BF2? Both? CS Source?
Jun 27, 2006 at 8:26 PM Post #106 of 113
Here's an update on what's going on. I tried installing another patch. I was excited to see BF1942 finally start up. I go to internet games, try to join one, and then it crashes, and my desktop is set to 800x600 for some reason.

It didn't work again when I tried.
Jun 27, 2006 at 8:30 PM Post #107 of 113

Originally Posted by PYROphonez
Here's an update on what's going on. I tried installing another patch. I was excited to see BF1942 finally start up. I go to internet games, try to join one, and then it crashes, and my desktop is set to 800x600 for some reason.

It didn't work again when I tried.

What type of errors do you get if it is not just a generic Windows one, and have you tried BF1942 forums?
Jun 27, 2006 at 8:33 PM Post #108 of 113

Originally Posted by JaGWiRE
What type of errors do you get if it is not just a generic Windows one, and have you tried BF1942 forums?

None other than the windows one. If there's no windows one, it will just crash and go back to the desktop.

I was going to make an account at EA so I could contact them, but the site wasn't responding...

Well, in the meantime does anybody wanna play some CS Source or HL 2 Deathmatch?
I'm up for a game if you are.
Jun 27, 2006 at 11:45 PM Post #109 of 113
I honestly like Battlefield 1942 more than Battlefield 2. This is because I usually rode in a plane and got into dogfights and bombed enemy tanks. But now Battlefield 2, the jets are too damn fast and you cant do a proper dogfight.

As for 1.6 vs Source. 1.6 is the winner hands down. Source was made too easy. Popping a couple rounds into an enemy can kill someone without giving him a chance to turn around and shoot you back. In 1.6 you can do this, but you have to be experienced.
Jun 27, 2006 at 11:47 PM Post #110 of 113

Originally Posted by XxATOLxX
I honestly like Battlefield 1942 more than Battlefield 2. This is because I usually rode in a plane and got into dogfights and bombed enemy tanks. But now Battlefield 2, the jets are too damn fast and you cant do a proper dogfight.

As for 1.6 vs Source. 1.6 is the winner hands down. Source was made too easy. Popping a couple rounds into an enemy can kill someone without giving him a chance to turn around and shoot you back. In 1.6 you can do this, but you have to be experienced.

I felt that in source too, but both cs games get really boring after a while, I don't know how people have managed to play since the betas several years ago..
Jun 28, 2006 at 12:33 AM Post #111 of 113

Originally Posted by JaGWiRE
I felt that in source too, but both cs games get really boring after a while, I don't know how people have managed to play since the betas several years ago..

I usually don't get bored of games, as I rarely play. If I do, I usually end up stopping for a while, possibly finding something else, and later coming back to it. That wasn't the case with WoW. I played for a bit, got bored, and still don't have an inclination to come back. My brother plays non stop. I played D2 for about 5 or so years. I got bored, and later came back. I have yet to get bored of UT 2004, and I haven't played socom on my psp lately because I'm too lazy to wait to find a good game. Sometimes I play in the early morning when I don't feel like getting up from my bed.

I really need to solve this BF1942 problem. I tried making an account with EA, but got an error. I'm going to try again now.
Jun 28, 2006 at 1:51 AM Post #112 of 113
I can't play FPS like DOD SOurce and 1.6 CS all the time. I get bored if I play them all the time. I like to mix in some incredible single player shooters. I just finished Hitman: Blood Money. It is the sexy lovechild of Splinter Cell and GTA: San Andreas. Perfect mix of action and stealth. Easily the best game I've played in years. So gut wrenching, and the open-endedness is increbile. I could figure out at least 3 ways to solve each level, which leaves alot of replayanility. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes stealth-ish FPS. I'm also planning on looking at F.E.A.R. and GRAW. Anyone wanna play DOD source?
Jun 28, 2006 at 2:05 AM Post #113 of 113

Originally Posted by The_Duke_Of_Eli
I can't play FPS like DOD SOurce and 1.6 CS all the time. I get bored if I play them all the time. I like to mix in some incredible single player shooters. I just finished Hitman: Blood Money. It is the sexy lovechild of Splinter Cell and GTA: San Andreas. Perfect mix of action and stealth. Easily the best game I've played in years. So gut wrenching, and the open-endedness is increbile. I could figure out at least 3 ways to solve each level, which leaves alot of replayanility. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes stealth-ish FPS. I'm also planning on looking at F.E.A.R. and GRAW. Anyone wanna play DOD source?

I can;t get into fear. I played it a few times and I don;t enjoy it as much as BF2. But I am not really a fan of the resi evil/silent hill type games.

I have GRAW on the xbox 360 and it is okay. But I downloaded a demo on the PC and for some reason it really moves slowly. I mean like when you walk you really walk slowly. It not a system issue more of a game engine issue.

I have dug put my copy of COD and started to play that as well as Medal of honour.

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