Beyerdynamic T5 (3rd Generation)
Jan 23, 2023 at 12:23 PM Post #646 of 769
I have T5p.2 and treble is spot on for me, way more balanced then most of Beyers that i heard (warm/balance). Don't know if it is my cans or my hearing :smile: Overall they sound very very close to each other, 3rd gen drivers are tiny bit more capable then 2nd imo but the tuning is achieved through front dampening of the driver. Because of that It has its typical characteristics which you might take in account. Highs - vocals are a bit less pronounce and a bit more laid back as far as I remember but again, difference is not that huge. I would say its very margin. From what you are saying , 3rd gen might be a good direction. Design and build is superior to 2nd gen. Get yourself 3rd on Amazon and decide by yourself.
Thanks for your reply. Yeah, I really like the treble of the T5p.2 too and it's very detailed, loved how the electric guitars sounded for example, very detailed and very clear. It's just the vocals are way too elevated and because of this, a lot of other details in GTAV for example are elevated too, like the offroad sounds, way too loud than meant to be. I like them to be more laid back so indeed the T5.3. But the noise blocking? Damn, probably the best!
Jan 25, 2023 at 4:51 AM Post #647 of 769
Thanks for your reply. Yeah, I really like the treble of the T5p.2 too and it's very detailed, loved how the electric guitars sounded for example, very detailed and very clear. It's just the vocals are way too elevated and because of this, a lot of other details in GTAV for example are elevated too, like the offroad sounds, way too loud than meant to be. I like them to be more laid back so indeed the T5.3. But the noise blocking? Damn, probably the best!

I chose to get the T5.3, and use only a slight bit of EQ to bring up the higher frequencies a touch, and basically make it a more comfortable/less fatiguing listen than the gen2 without sacrificing detail. Great for gaming.
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Jan 25, 2023 at 5:54 AM Post #648 of 769
I chose to get the T5.3, and use only a slight bit of EQ to bring up the higher frequencies a touch, and basically make it a more comfortable/less fatiguing listen than the gen2 without sacrificing detail. Great for gaming.
The lows in the T5.3 are also better than of the T5p.2?
Jan 25, 2023 at 8:18 AM Post #652 of 769
I wanted brighter highes and more spacious sound, that is why I went with T5p.2 . I have to try Radiance in near future as it is on my list but I'm worried that they will be too narrow for me. Unusable for FPS gaming for example. I came from open headphones and it is a big deal for me. For Dan Clark, I had Aeon Noir in the same time and I let them go first from this trio. Of course they were most balanced and detailed as any planar but i just could not stand this timber and unpleasant characteristic of planars. I'm team dynamics which i learned in the meantime.

And.. I would say T5.3 are far from being horrible headphones, this tunning (even if i prefer 2gen) is very overwhelming and it make you enjoy any music you are listening to. I'm kind of fed up with this chase of pure and balanced frequencies that are killing any livelity of the sound (Don't know if this sounds right, I'm not native speaker). Of course this is personal but as much as you are convinced that this HP are horrible, there are people that are convinced that Planars are horrible. I dont want to fight on this but just to give a bit of other perspective.
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Jan 25, 2023 at 8:32 AM Post #653 of 769
I wanted brighter highes and more spacious sound, that is why I went with T5p.2 . I have to try Radiance in near future as it is on my list but I'm worried that they will be too narrow for me. Unusable for FPS gaming for example. I came from open headphones and it is a big deal for me. For Dan Clark, I had Aeon Noir in the same time and I let them go first from this trio. Of course they was most balanced and detailed as any planar but i just could not stand this timber and unpleasant characteristic of planars. I'm team dynamics which i learned in the meantime.
Fair enough. The T5p.2 are way better tuned than the T5.3 so you did a right choice it seems. For the Radiance, i agree, they are quite narrow sounding but they make up for it with a very good depth and hight. But the king is the dynamics which are crazy good and a very nice bass.
Jan 26, 2023 at 10:24 AM Post #655 of 769
I think the "too dark, not enough treble" has been discussed quite often... unfortunately I've never heard them myself, but from what I read, they don't actually miss details but have just toned down treble. Wether one likes that or not is a matter of taste, but not a sign of the headphones quality I'd say.
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Feb 6, 2023 at 9:57 PM Post #657 of 769
Hi everyone,

I just bought T5.G3 for using in my office. It will be paired with Meridian Explorer 2. I would like to upgrade the cable to either FZAW Hybrid ( silver/copeer ) or HPC MKII ( copper only ) . Please recommend. Thank you.
Feb 7, 2023 at 7:53 AM Post #658 of 769
Hi everyone,

I just bought T5.G3 for using in my office. It will be paired with Meridian Explorer 2. I would like to upgrade the cable to either FZAW Hybrid ( silver/copeer ) or HPC MKII ( copper only ) . Please recommend. Thank you.

Matt's Hybrid will give you more resolution at a cost of less body, while his pure copper cables will do the opposite by increasing tone and making sound a bit denser. These differences aren't big, but they're there. So it really depends on which group of traits you'd like to have more pronounced. Hope this helps, thanks!
iFi audio Stay updated on iFi audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Feb 8, 2023 at 10:22 AM Post #659 of 769
Matt's Hybrid will give you more resolution at a cost of less body, while his pure copper cables will do the opposite by increasing tone and making sound a bit denser. These differences aren't big, but they're there. So it really depends on which group of traits you'd like to have more pronounced. Hope this helps, thanks!
Thanks. It seems that I have to go with hybrid. This is my first closed headphone. Its sound is quite too dense to me via HA-300B.
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Feb 8, 2023 at 4:48 PM Post #660 of 769
Thanks. It seems that I have to go with hybrid. This is my first closed headphone. Its sound is quite too dense to me via HA-300B.

Sure, if you wish to tame that density a bit, Matt's hybrid is the way to go :)
iFi audio Stay updated on iFi audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.

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