Beyerdynamic T1 3rd Gen out now
Jul 7, 2021 at 3:15 AM Post #1,096 of 1,855
Sadly no. After a good amount of time with the t1.2 I decided to go the planar route and found my end game with Kennerton. Their work exceeds that of Beyerdynamic imo and I haven't felt the need to look anywhere else since.
I went from the T1.2 to the T1.3 and honestly was very happy with the change as it was actually the sonic change I wanted and the impedance change never bothered me. Ah I haven't delved into planars much and I have yet to hear a Kennerton though I have been wanting to hear one for a long time now. I am happy with my Beyers but I do plan to try out various headphones I haven't tried before. I've been out of the loop of a lot of the newer headphones/brands for years now sadly and want to see if there is anything that will surprise me.
Aug 4, 2021 at 1:37 PM Post #1,097 of 1,855
I take it the headphones are open? I don't really like the scene. There's a kind of rumbling sound.
But when I cover the side holes with my hands, the hum goes away.
What can you think of that can be put between the speaker and the back wall?
Aug 16, 2021 at 4:56 AM Post #1,098 of 1,855
Does anyone take any measurements of this headphones with DT1990 setup? I mean, I bought original Beyer set of new foam inserts and analytic pads (from curiosity and of course considering returning it on Amazon if they won't affect this HP in good way). My first impression is 'wow' changing foams is like an opening of the door. Stock pads keep tight bass etc. but with analytic 1990 pads, bass is much more weaker and they sound really detail. I'm so curious to see how this setups change the graphs and if it is really worth it.
Aug 18, 2021 at 10:09 PM Post #1,099 of 1,855
Second day with the T1.3 my normal everyday cans were the Amiron Home and He1000v2 after my initial listening I thought I liked the Amiron better, until today when I went back to it after a second day with the T1. The T1 is alittle dry, but the more I listen the more I'm wondering when I'll ever listen to my other cans agian lol. That includes HD800 Hekv2 Nighthawk & Amiron Home. I'm liking them more and more every time I listen to them. They also sound surprisingly good out of my Hd 800 amp Heron 5, which is liquid but transparent, was kinda shocked by that actually since the T1 is warm, but it sounds great actually. I prefer it on my Auralic Taurus Mkii though I think.. maybe ..
Aug 19, 2021 at 9:55 AM Post #1,100 of 1,855
Second day with the T1.3 my normal everyday cans were the Amiron Home and He1000v2 after my initial listening I thought I liked the Amiron better, until today when I went back to it after a second day with the T1. The T1 is alittle dry, but the more I listen the more I'm wondering when I'll ever listen to my other cans agian lol. That includes HD800 Hekv2 Nighthawk & Amiron Home. I'm liking them more and more every time I listen to them. They also sound surprisingly good out of my Hd 800 amp Heron 5, which is liquid but transparent, was kinda shocked by that actually since the T1 is warm, but it sounds great actually. I prefer it on my Auralic Taurus Mkii though I think.. maybe ..
The T1.3 is a rather unique listen but oddly sounds right in a way that surprises you and it’s a very resolving headphone. The somewhat dry sound is the only gripe I have with them (only thing I like more about the gen 2 is it’s more liquid sound) but that slight dryness can be fixed with certain systems, so it’s not really an issue.
Aug 19, 2021 at 4:25 PM Post #1,101 of 1,855
Yep thankfully I Ignored the naysayers and went with my gut. I learned a long time ago to take any review or impression, especially professional with a grain of salt. There are thousands of headphones representing thousands of different price ranges, if you were to follow the logic to their own conclusion, you'd have to say there are thousands levels of SQ (According to reviews lol that 1,050.00 can blows away that 1,025 one) I just go with what sounds like my taste and buy and try 😆
Aug 19, 2021 at 5:15 PM Post #1,102 of 1,855
Yep thankfully I Ignored the naysayers and went with my gut. I learned a long time ago to take any review or impression, especially professional with a grain of salt. There are thousands of headphones representing thousands of different price ranges, if you were to follow the logic to their own conclusion, you'd have to say there are thousands levels of SQ (According to reviews lol that 1,050.00 can blows away that 1,025 one) I just go with what sounds like my taste and buy and try 😆
That's basically what I did, I bought the T1.3 blind the day it was released because I personally trusted Beyer with what they would do with a flagship and the gradual evolution of the Tesla headphones pointed to something like the T1.3. It honestly feels they mixed the T1.2's control and refinement with the DT 1990 dynamism and detail and the Amiron Home's transparency and shifted the sound to a warmer and darker tone and improves upon the resolving ability, soundstage size, imaging, etc. on top of it. It was basically what I hoped and expected of the next Beyer flagship.

I've been trusting my gut feeling more on headphones and have been happier with it. I personally love my two newest headphones as well, I had to get rid of some of my other headphones because the T1.3 ruined them for me and I had to go a different route on my complimentary headphones. Went with the ATH-R70X and the ATH-A990Z and I want to listen to them alongside the T1.3 without feeling like I'm neglecting the others. I ended up getting rid of my T1.2 and Nighthawk Carbon due to the T1.3 as they got neglected for almost a year due to the T1.3 and I realized I wouldn't really listen to them anymore. I just realized I wanted something else from my other headphones after the T1.3.
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Aug 19, 2021 at 6:23 PM Post #1,103 of 1,855
I agree they have me reevaluating what I want in a headphone. I've never heard the dt1990 but I can definitely tell the t1.3 is more refined than the Amiron, I'll keep it I'm sure as I love it as well. The Hek is a nice change of pace that I still enjoy as well.
Aug 20, 2021 at 5:48 PM Post #1,104 of 1,855
This can is incredible. On a high end system it's as good as anything I have, with the pre amp on my M2 Tech Young Mkiii it gives alot of headroom to the Taurus Mkii. Highly transparent. Does not seem as dark as day 1 or 2. I could say it sounds boxy on that rare song, but I could also say some songs don't sound that great on any headphone, just the nature of the buisness. On most music the mid range sounds very natural and 3d.
Aug 20, 2021 at 6:52 PM Post #1,105 of 1,855
This can is incredible. On a high end system it's as good as anything I have, with the pre amp on my M2 Tech Young Mkiii it gives alot of headroom to the Taurus Mkii. Highly transparent. Does not seem as dark as day 1 or 2. I could say it sounds boxy on that rare song, but I could also say some songs don't sound that great on any headphone, just the nature of the buisness. On most music the mid range sounds very natural and 3d.
Try Metallica albums with them (if you like that kind of music). I was a Metallica fanboy when I was 16 years old (those years...) and I have never enjoyed their music more than with the T 1.3s. Also, I loved to play videogames with the T 1.3s... you can locate properly all the sounds due to their pin point imaging.

... But don't try gothic metal with them, sounds awful... A lot better with the 1990 Pro.

Time for me to try the Amiron foam pads with the 1990s to see if they go to a similar level with Metallica albums (and I remember other metal albums that sounded spectacular with the T 1.3s...)

Like I said one day here to @albertmuc , I would like to cut a little my ears and reduce my head in order to don't have comfort issues with these cans (sometimes I think in re-buy them but remember those issues...)
Aug 20, 2021 at 10:47 PM Post #1,106 of 1,855
Try Metallica albums with them (if you like that kind of music). I was a Metallica fanboy when I was 16 years old (those years...) and I have never enjoyed their music more than with the T 1.3s. Also, I loved to play videogames with the T 1.3s... you can locate properly all the sounds due to their pin point imaging.

... But don't try gothic metal with them, sounds awful... A lot better with the 1990 Pro.

Time for me to try the Amiron foam pads with the 1990s to see if they go to a similar level with Metallica albums (and I remember other metal albums that sounded spectacular with the T 1.3s...)

Like I said one day here to @albertmuc , I would like to cut a little my ears and reduce my head in order to don't have comfort issues with these cans (sometimes I think in re-buy them but remember those issues...)
Ha I hear you thankfully I don't have that problem or I might have to do that as well lol. I'm also surprised how these isolate my wife ways she can't hear them next to me on my bedside rig.
Aug 21, 2021 at 4:27 PM Post #1,107 of 1,855
Another thing about these I noticed and I wonder if it has affected not only the impressions but measurements, is the great difference in sound depending on position. When set back they are very transparent and beautiful, but when forward they are mushy and boxy sounding. These change more positionally than my 800's or any other headphone I've ever owned.
Aug 22, 2021 at 7:22 AM Post #1,108 of 1,855
Try Metallica albums with them (if you like that kind of music). I was a Metallica fanboy when I was 16 years old (those years...) and I have never enjoyed their music more than with the T 1.3s. Also, I loved to play videogames with the T 1.3s... you can locate properly all the sounds due to their pin point imaging.

... But don't try gothic metal with them, sounds awful... A lot better with the 1990 Pro.

Time for me to try the Amiron foam pads with the 1990s to see if they go to a similar level with Metallica albums (and I remember other metal albums that sounded spectacular with the T 1.3s...)

Like I said one day here to @albertmuc , I would like to cut a little my ears and reduce my head in order to don't have comfort issues with these cans (sometimes I think in re-buy them but remember those issues...)
I get ma first 'wow' with Pink Floyd lives, sounds like i would be there in front of the stage but i would recommend another set up for this. T1.3, stock driver foam but with DT1990 analytic pads sounds incredible, I would say it is the best experience i had so far with this HP. Maybe gothic metal will sound as it should. Each time i switch to different or stock i kinda feel that i lack something here. If you guys can try this, or just give it a shot, OEM 1990 Pads are easy to get and return.
Aug 22, 2021 at 11:55 AM Post #1,109 of 1,855
I get ma first 'wow' with Pink Floyd lives, sounds like i would be there in front of the stage but i would recommend another set up for this. T1.3, stock driver foam but with DT1990 analytic pads sounds incredible, I would say it is the best experience i had so far with this HP. Maybe gothic metal will sound as it should. Each time i switch to different or stock i kinda feel that i lack something here. If you guys can try this, or just give it a shot, OEM 1990 Pads are easy to get and return.
I can't remember if I tried Pink Floyd (maybe, they are one of my favourites bands) with the T 1.3 in my trial period. I alternate Pink Floyd (studio and live albums) with my 1990 Pro and my Denon AH-D9200s, each headphones bring some benefits :relaxed:
Aug 27, 2021 at 10:39 PM Post #1,110 of 1,855
Do these scale well with more powerful headphone amps and / or vintage receivers & speaker amps? I've considered upgrading to these in the near future from my DT880s and I have a Sansui AU-101 receiver on the way which is more powerful than most, if not all headphone amps on the market today, but the low impedance of these headphones make me think that this would not be a good pairing for the Sansui amp. The warmer sound that everyone seems to be reporting as well as the detail & soundstage the T1s possess make me really want them now :sweat_smile: They look beautiful too...

(my DAC is the ODAC both for now and in the near future, but I do plan on upgrading to the RME ADI-2 DAC either early next-year or even very late into this year)

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