best interconnect for the bang? (better than bluejean)
Feb 18, 2008 at 11:34 PM Post #77 of 144

Originally Posted by sejarzo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What I really meant was that if both the BJC and preferred cable are transferring the correct bits, isn't the only thing left a difference in how the cables are impacting jitter?

I learned a long time ago, beyond jitter, the SPDIF connection itself is quite flawed. There is timing jitter and there is an actual modulation of the digital signal from cramming five seperate data lines, like with I2S, into one SPDIF line. But, with the newer and supposedly jitter immune dacs .... along with a transport with an ultra accurate aftermarket clock ..... I didnt think the coax link would be as big a deal anymore. So, I went cheap with the BJ's. I already had a relatively inexpensive Enigma Audio digital IC that sounded very good so I expected the same from the even less expensive BJ's; unfortunately that was not how things worked out. Perhaps these newer input receivers still cant fully seperate and decipher the incoming data stream. The bits may be all there but not with the proper spacing?

Timing variations seem very possible on a common sense level. But, as to how these timing variations are actually caused in the cable your guess is as good as mine. Maybe the cable cant maintain the proper impedence at all times? Maybe some of the data gets jumbled together (reflections) throwing off the timing? Have you ever heard an I2S connection vs a coax connection? .... the difference is very apparent.
Feb 19, 2008 at 4:14 AM Post #78 of 144
Well to get back on topic, if you want a change from the BJC's, which are actually very good cables, I would recommend the signal cable silver resolutions also. I can't comment on the connectors as I actually use them balanced. If you do not want to go silver I would personally stick with the BJC's or Outlaw cables, which are also very good in construction and price.

As far as digital cables, I am currently comparing some BJC (solid) cables with a Nordost silver streak. I cannot detect any noticeable difference when using either from an SB3 to the digital input on my Cambridge 840C. I do notice a slight difference when going from the Cambridge to my TACT amp, but I actually prefer the BJC. Just personal preference at this point.
Feb 19, 2008 at 5:31 AM Post #79 of 144
Question: "Hey what's a good choice beyond BJC?"

Answer: "Why do you want anything above BJC, you won't be able to hear the difference anyway."

Exchange: Back and forth arguing about claim above, cloakedly and openly mentioning type of testing forbidden in this forum (see the sticky, which is in place in order to provide a place for people to give and share information about what they hear and think).


I wonder what this forum would be like, honestly, if this sort of degeneration weren't so predictable.

I really wonder how this sort of thing could be avoided.

Maybe that's just not possible - if so that's too bad.
Feb 22, 2008 at 12:04 AM Post #80 of 144

Originally Posted by jrosenth /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Exchange: Back and forth arguing about claim above, cloakedly and openly mentioning type of testing forbidden in this forum (see the sticky, which is in place in order to provide a place for people to give and share information about what they hear and think).

Correction: "which is in place in order to provide a place for people to give and share information without thinking, informed only by our illusion-prone senses"


Feb 22, 2008 at 2:27 AM Post #81 of 144

Originally Posted by hempcamp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Correction: "which is in place in order to provide a place for people to give and share information without thinking, informed only by our illusion-prone senses"



I noticed you didn't challenge part DBT being forbidden yet it being regular par for the course in these threads, including this one, to ignore that and bring it up.

I guess you've supplied the rationale for why folks do it.

Apparently it goes like this:

"I know the admin and mods have expressively forbidding mentioning DBT. They must be doing that in order to provide a safe place for people to give and share information about what they hear and think. But since I know that cables are indistinguishable from each other, that would really make it 'a place for people to give and share information without thinking, informed only by our illusion-prone senses'. Maybe the mods are sadly mistaken. Maybe they just don't know as much as me. In any case it's up to me to just go ahead and take it into my own hands. In fact, when someone points out the fact that folks being forbidden from bringing up DBT, I think my best course of action is to take a shot."

As enjoyable as it would be to be baited into continuing this sort of exchange, I'll refrain from here on out.

Yeah, I know this sounds a bit snarky but I'm so very tired of seeing a thread title that I'm interested in like this one and clicking on it only so see the posts are not about the thread title but that it's degenerated into the ususal you know what with the usual crew doing the scooping. And I have to admit that may be tough to police but when it crosses the DBT line it's pretty clear - and when that's pointed out and someone takes a shot at it, then that's just too much.
Feb 22, 2008 at 2:47 AM Post #82 of 144
All I can say to the OP, is that I still want your BJCs, if you find any better, and if the price is right....
Feb 22, 2008 at 8:28 PM Post #83 of 144

and if the OP is still interested, I have tried many very highly regarded (and some very expensive) cables and was suprised at the sound quality of the Verastarr silver reference cables. They have nice balance, superb detail and are very opened sounding. The price is a fraction of what they compete against IMO.
Feb 26, 2008 at 1:46 AM Post #85 of 144
BTW, someone here is selling a Grover cable for $85. This is a well regarded cable over at Audio Asylum.
Feb 26, 2008 at 4:28 PM Post #88 of 144
Feb 27, 2008 at 12:27 AM Post #89 of 144
To the original poster, TempleOfEar, have you make up yuor mind yet? I'm still interested in the BJC, I was serious OK?...
Feb 27, 2008 at 12:29 AM Post #90 of 144
Kimber PBJ.

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