Best IEM tips?
Aug 16, 2020 at 11:17 AM Post #991 of 3,613
Anybody else have problems with Dekoni foam tips “expiring”? At first, you could compress them a ton, and they would take forever to re-expand. I’ve barely been using them, and they’ve just been sitting in a plastic box, but now, they no longer stay compressed at all. I haven‘t had this happen with my Comply foams or cheap generic foams, so far.
Aug 18, 2020 at 5:00 PM Post #992 of 3,613
Final Type E tips now wide!
Price around $10 USD


Tanchjim tips:


Coming up with some smoother material in a wide and narrow bore configuration. Price and release still TBA.
Aug 18, 2020 at 8:35 PM Post #993 of 3,613
Anybody else have problems with Dekoni foam tips “expiring”? At first, you could compress them a ton, and they would take forever to re-expand. I’ve barely been using them, and they’ve just been sitting in a plastic box, but now, they no longer stay compressed at all. I haven‘t had this happen with my Comply foams or cheap generic foams, so far.
I loved my Bulletz, but they expand instantly now. So it seems like I'd better get some good silicone replacements otherwise I may be asking to bleed money with foam tips.
I love the tips that came with the T2s but I made the mistake of washing them. They work fine but they lost their property of holding their shape when you mold them. now they just spring back
Apparently foams don't like any exposure to water at all. Even the humidity of my ears now causes them to spring back every time I compress them.

Wonder if washable foams exist. I'd love to buy those eventually if they exist.
Aug 18, 2020 at 11:37 PM Post #994 of 3,613
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Aug 26, 2020 at 11:59 PM Post #995 of 3,613
So I found some 12mm silicone tips with really thick flanges, unfortunately the stem only measures around 6mm length, making it so that is can barely touch the ear canal with the BL-03 and I have to insert my dead UrBeats2 like they were Etymotic ERs.

... So Sednaearfit Light M (12.6mm) it is then.
Aug 27, 2020 at 10:24 AM Post #997 of 3,613
I received the Tennmak ultra foam tips. Best foam tips I’ve ever used by far. Super slow rebound, and the tips have a slick coating on them. Really nice tips!
Sep 15, 2020 at 9:17 AM Post #1,002 of 3,613
Final one is for wireless. Still ok for wired I guess?
Need the dims.
Anyone got the measurements for original final-E tips?
do these mew fnal tips for wireless fit iems such as solaris 2020 or noble khan
Sep 15, 2020 at 10:15 AM Post #1,003 of 3,613
hi everyone what is the difference between

AZLA SednaEarfitLight vs AZLA SednaEarfit Short

The short is physically shorter, like you see on a lot of wide bore tips and some TWS tips. The ones that do not have Short in the name are the normal tips (which have a very long core that it useful for earphones with really short nozzles).

When you see “light” in the name, that’s the translucent clear silicone color, and the material is slightly softer than the regular black tips.

I hope that helps.
Sep 15, 2020 at 12:39 PM Post #1,005 of 3,613
Are all the AZLA Sedna tips "sticky"?
Not really, and that’s actually one thing I like about them. I find they do seal well and sit stable in my ears.

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