Before and after pics - CURSE YOU HEAD FI!
Oct 6, 2006 at 6:04 PM Post #3,002 of 6,026
Congrats Duggeh! You Win Teh Internets!
Oct 6, 2006 at 9:06 PM Post #3,004 of 6,026
Oct 6, 2006 at 10:42 PM Post #3,007 of 6,026

Originally Posted by mrarroyo
Patu and Skylab congratulations that is some nice gear! Ejoy.

Skylab, is that made in "aluminio"?

LOL! Absolutely. 100% aluminio
Oct 7, 2006 at 12:51 AM Post #3,008 of 6,026
Post Count 17,338:
Oct 7, 2006 at 1:36 AM Post #3,010 of 6,026
Post Count: 17,340. Master of Maestrobation!
Goredwings19 was very cool dealing with my handwringing as my new Melos SHA-Gold Maestrobated by Carlo was making its way here via a slow boat from Wales. Well, a trawler eventually dragged it from the brine and it popped in my mailroom today! Here's the first pic of the fliptop- sorry for the fuzzy pic, as you can imagine I was a tad bit excited


Lookit! Two Melos Remotes! Never hurts to have a spare!
The tubes were thoughtfully removed for shipping, so it gave me a chance to open this baby up and do some rolling before sealing the deal. Oh, and to take some pics too of course!

First tubes in there were the ones Goredwings were using, some relabeled Amperex 6DJ8 A-Frames. They reminded me of a K701 - suuuuuuper clean highs and creamy mids, but uh, where's the bass? This is a MAESTROBATOR, dammit! Time to roll some bass in here! I tried the Orange Globe Holland Amperex 6DJ8s that worked so well in my old Melos, and the bass indeed came back, but it seemed less coherent than I would like in this amp. So what turned on the eargasm? These babies-

That's right, USN-CEP Amperex 7308 from 1965. Military-Grade "10,000 Hour" tubes from the American Navy! I can't even describe it...let's just call 'em "Bozebutton-killers."
Here's a pic of them happily churning away!

Well it's time to close this baby up. Kinda funny not to have the PHO-TENTIOMETER lit up, since the DACT 10K Stepped Attenuator is pulling volume duty now ("chunk-chunk-chunk!") and having no blinking LED indicating a built-in warm up time (this ain't yo daddy's MAR-Reference mod!) but it's still quite satisfying to gaze on this derivation of the Tower of Power while grooving to "Strangelove" by Depeche Mode. Strangelove, strange highs and strange lows, Strangelove, that's how my love goes!

Oct 7, 2006 at 1:56 AM Post #3,012 of 6,026
oh man dis amp goot
Oct 7, 2006 at 2:09 AM Post #3,013 of 6,026
uh oh got in trouble, got a lil too anxious to stay in the Zone and was grooving too much in the moment- i actually said to my wife "DAMMIT CAN I JUST LISTEN TO MY MUSIC???"

so, uh, see you in a bit after i walk the dog and do some chores.
Oct 7, 2006 at 2:23 AM Post #3,014 of 6,026
This amp still isn't maxed out.
Well at least your upgrade will "look" the same from here on out. It's all on the insides
I think you just miss listening to this unit. Not that it's that much better?

Well congrats on the new stealth acquisition.

Oct 7, 2006 at 2:35 AM Post #3,015 of 6,026

Originally Posted by lan
This amp still isn't maxed out.
Well at least your upgrade will "look" the same from here on out. It's all on the insides
I think you just miss listening to this unit. Not that it's that much better?

Well congrats on the new stealth acquisition.


Hehe you are so right. The wife has no idea that this is a different amp! TAKE THAT, WIFE!

...ok, off to walk the doggie.

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