Bakoon HDA-5210MK4 (and related Bakoon Products/Satri Circuit Laboratory news)
Mar 30, 2024 at 7:36 PM Post #136 of 152
This is what arrived a few days ago (spoiler: and stays):

HDA-5520 MK2-CALDERA.jpg

And with the EMPYs and LCD-3s (and the satri, with holster):

HDA-5520 MK2-EMPY.jpg


Both headphones transform —yes, just like that-with the HDA-5520 MK2. I don't think I've ever listened to the LCD-3 like I did today with the satri. Not even with the OOR have I achieved this level of satisfaction (with the LCD-3s)... which is not to say that the OOR is below the satri. The OOR certainly grunts more. But perhaps it's because of the magic of the satri circuit that the LCD-3s let loose like a charm, though without, of course, falling into shrillness. It's as if they have freed themselves from themselves. They don't sound like AUDEZE: there is clarity, a lot of clarity... even if the cream is still there. The SCL amp offers brutal transparency... and naturalness. Yes, I know: it's an almost impossible combination. But I don't know how best to describe it. It's not "musical", as the term is commonly understood in our little world. However, it engages. It is a cliché, but the satri disappears. In its place, the cruel purity of the notes. In any case, nothing to do with the cold sharpness of, say, the Topping. It is, in short, Japanese refinement. The HDA-5520 MK2 is a samurai: violent when necessary, precise cutting - there are no extra slashes - but also capable of tasting the most sublime haiku or of internalizing Zen aphorisms. It is like this. Now, as I write these notes, I am listening to an otherwise exquisite recording of Alec Frank-Gemmill - and I don't want to go to sleep. Tomorrow I think I'll go around with the sunglasses.

With the EMPYs... well, more of the same. It's very surprising. Very. It's not the usual EMPY..... They scale up to the point that the ELITE become "unnecessary".

Even if it is always about the set, I am more and more persuaded of the importance of the amplifier design, beyond the power, when it comes to see what a headphone can do.

By the way, I don't know why, but the satri works better -or so it seems to me- with the 1v output of the SE300. With the 2v output, fine... but I would say that the music gets strained a little bit. It's subtle. But after a few hours you notice it... without noticing it.

I have been eyeing a SCL for my Caldera as well. I'd be very interested if you shared your Caldera impressions off the current output!

I'd also welcome any opinions on the 5520mk2 vs. 5230mk2!
Mar 30, 2024 at 7:37 PM Post #137 of 152
This is my old unit, which seems to be doing a tour of Europe. Glad you're enjoying!
Hahaha... this one won't be going around anymore, though...:wink:
Mar 30, 2024 at 7:44 PM Post #138 of 152
I have been eyeing a SCL for my Caldera as well. I'd be very interested if you shared your Caldera impressions off the current output!

I'd also welcome any opinions on the 5520mk2 vs. 5230mk2!
The synergy with the CALDERA is very good. Very enjoyable. They don't sound as explosive as with OOR, for example, but it's close enough. The HDA-5520 MKII is very —very— transparent... and does not alter the flavor of the CALDERA at all.
Mar 31, 2024 at 4:11 AM Post #139 of 152
The synergy with the CALDERA is very good. Very enjoyable. They don't sound as explosive as with OOR, for example, but it's close enough. The HDA-5520 MKII is very —very— transparent... and does not alter the flavor of the CALDERA at all.
And what about Hedd?
Mar 31, 2024 at 3:20 PM Post #140 of 152
Although I haven't done a critical listening of the HEDDs connected to the HDA-5520 mkII enough to do a review.... :wink:, I'm not sure it's the best combination. I would venture to say that it lacks the musicality or fluidity that I find with, for example, the CALDERA, among others. IMHO, of course.
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Apr 5, 2024 at 3:09 AM Post #141 of 152

Well, well... The versatility of this SATRI is surprising (since, at first sight, it doesn't seem to give so much of itself).
During the last hours of the afternoon I've been playing with the voltage outputs of the SE300... after reading, albeit diagonally, a review by @GoldenSound about ENLEUM's AMP-23R, which, as it is known, are something like first cousins. In it, the mainstream reviewer said that the ENLEUM measures better with an input lower than the typical 2V. Or at least, I've stuck with this idea (since, as I said, I read it diagonally). In any case, "se non è vero è ben trovato".

During these days I have been listening with the 2V output of the SE300. And although I contrasted it briefly with the 1V one, giving me initially a very good impression, I ended up opting for the 2V one... as I was seduced by the feeling of power. Usually -or at least, this is what I would dare to say-, when you decrease the output voltage of the source, what you find with the "voltage" amplifiers is that the "volume" simply decreases.... That is, the differences in output voltage do not change —or not significantly— the sound profile of the amplifier.

However, another rooster sings with the SATRI. Today, with more calm, I have taken the time to compare the different voltage outputs of the SE300 (from 0.7V to 2V in unbalanced, four in total). And the conclusion is that the 1V/1.25V output results in a "humanized" SATRI, so to speak. The 2V one, obviously, is by no means a bad output. But the sound is thrown "in your face"... which is not necessarily to be understood as a defect (and in SATRI it is not). On the other hand, the 1V/1.25V one pushes it away a bit... becoming, even, more natural. Much more natural. I don't mean musical, in the worst sense of the word, but natural. The SATRI doesn't lose an iota of transparency, or power... even if you have to turn up the volume a step or two, in fact, the gain (and this is what's surprising: that you barely have to move the potentiometer).

So, you can't avoid the impression that with 2V the SATRI becomes livelier than usual, to the point of suspecting that, in contrast to the 1V/1.25V, it adds a distortion spike. In fact, with 1V/1.25V the black background of the SATRI becomes very black. Or this is, at least, my opinion. The voices and the instruments come out of nowhere... each one on his own without dissolving the coherence of the scene. Right now, I suspect that if I had to choose a single amp, I would choose, almost without hesitation, the SATRI. It's that good. Now, as I said in another post, though probably not in these words, she's not a like girl right off the bat. Despite her undeniable attractiveness. For, as Eliot wrote, we can hardly stand too much reality. But, given the chance, I'd rather bet on reality (and even more so if it is presented with euphonious fluidity... as is the case).

For about four hours or so, I have been listening with the HD800s —it is amazing the synergy between these headphones and the SATRI, to the point that, leaving aside the tubes, there is no need to look any further— and with the CHARYBDIS. I say this because the fit with the CHARYBDIS did not seem so convincing to me at first. However, things change - and quite a bit - with the 1V/1.25V output. God exists. And it's Mozart through the ERZETICH headphones. I don't want to go to bed. I've already put on my sunglasses..... :sunglasses:

best regards
Apr 5, 2024 at 3:16 AM Post #142 of 152
I would like to buy a Bakoon HD-5210mk4 last year but unfortunately the price keeps increase a lot after years and no balanced amps. In the end I bought a Violectric V550. Beside now I want to build a system that is neutral to little warm than warm only. Bakoon is not great with international dealers around the world I think.

Another current driven headphone amp that has special synergy with Senn cans is Re-leaf. I would like to purchase one but unfortunately is only selling in Japan.

In addition I just bought an old but very good condition Sennheiser HD800. Oh my god it pairs well with Violectric that I do not need to mod the headphone but just replacing the ZMF Sennheiser HD800 earpads only. Comparing HD800 to HD650 like opening a windows to listen to music. Like hearing music in a small room (HD650) to an apartment (HD800), very impressive.
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Apr 5, 2024 at 7:35 AM Post #143 of 152
Bakoon is not great with international dealers around the world I think.
This is true, indeed, sadly. I had put Elise Audio in the UK in contact with Bakoon, and I think for a while they had the 5210MK4 in stock. More here. But it would be great to see MusicTeck or something similar stock Bakoon/Satri Circuit Lab in the future. I think one problem is that, unlike Mass Kobo, Bakoon doesn't do CanJam. It seemed to me Mass Kobo had a massive surge of interest (rightfully so) after an earlier CanJam. Akira Nagai-san, the Bakoon/SCL mastermind, seems to have less interest in this sort of exposure for one reason or not.

In addition I just bought an old but very good condition Sennheiser HD800. Oh my god it pairs well with Violectric that I do not need to mod the headphone but just replacing the ZMF Sennheiser HD800 earpads only. Comparing HD800 to HD650 like opening a windows to listen to music. Like hearing music in a small room (HD650) to an apartment (HD800), very impressive.
Have been through a Vioelectric/Lake People phase myself recently. All very good amps - the latter especially amazing value for money. HD800s pairing indeed great. Bit more flexible than the Bakoon amps, too.
May 10, 2024 at 5:42 PM Post #144 of 152
And what about Hedd?
Recently, I replaced the headband and ear pads of the HEDDs. The fit is now perfect. My impressions have therefore changed. With the HDA-5520 mkII, the HEDDs sound wonderfully good. There is more life than with the old headband and earpads. Lots of sense of space, realism, imaging, good timbre.... It doesn't extract the deepest bass of the HEDDs, but very clean and textured. The HEDDs hit harder with the DIABLO 2 —just to stay within the portables. But, despite that, I prefer the transparency of the HDA-5520 mkII. IMHO, of course.
Jun 18, 2024 at 9:23 AM Post #145 of 152
This afternoon, taking advantage of a drop in work pace, I entertained myself by doing a shootout with the barn animals and the HDA-5520 mkII (with the LP6K connected to the SATRI via the GEKKO REDs).

They are as follows:


Well, I would venture to say that the results, in a way, confirm what I read out there —and I say what I read out there because the SCL guys are not that neat in their specifications— namely that the determining factor is the impedance. The sensitivity decides the gain level. Thus, up to about 50 Ω the output is certainly the voltage. For timbre and textures —the harmonics are delivered without complexes—, punch, bass.... It is true that, with low impedance headphones, the current output extends the scene, but at the cost of losing density. The notes do not come out as round. You also "lose" in attack, bass and depth. Everything here is a bit more distant.

On the other hand, with high impedance headphones the relationship is reversed. There is no color. Through the current output there is more power, separation, punch, timbre.... Vocals, on the other hand, are more turgid and direct.

The best of the best? The current output with high impedance headphones. In my case, with the LCD-3, HD800 and HD-600.
With the CALDERA, however, I hesitated a lot. Their impedance —about 60 Ω— is between two waters. With both outputs the CALDERA have given a lot. However, if I ended up preferring the current output, it is because the extra air provided by the latter suits the CALDERA very well, taking into account that they are already very good at exposing the timbral patterns.

On the other hand, with the HEDD, in spite of their relatively low impedance and sensitivity, I preferred the current one, with the gain control at maximum. With the voltage one, Nenad Vasilic's bass distorted like crazy. The SATRI is certainly not for extremely difficult headphones. I already noticed it at the time with the SUS. It is confirmed with the HEDD, although it moves them decently, providing, incidentally, a very pleasant sound.

For their part, the CLEAR, although the SATRI handles them in a solvent way —and despite my initial impressions—, have not convinced me. Above all, by contrast.

Consequently, it is not that the current output is for the planars, while the voltage output is for the dynamic ones... as I also seem to remember having read somewhere. It all depends, as I said, on the impedance. Now, if this is so -and I think it is-... it would be interesting to see how the HDA-5230 mkII works. For this amplifier has only one current output. I'm not betting anything. With Akira Nagai you never know.... :wink:

best regards
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Jun 18, 2024 at 8:38 PM Post #146 of 152
Well, I ended up purchasing the HDA 5230 Mk2 from Exclusive Audio in Japan. Shipping to the States took 1.5 weeks from order date, and I received my unit on April 30 (so 1.5 months ago).

Prior to the HDA 5230 Mk2, I was primarily driving my ZMF Caldera (the only headphone I use) with either the Schiit Pietus Maximus fed by a Mojo 2 or directly from the Mojo 2. Also, for context, I’m an upsampler.

Why Did I Buy the HDA 5230 Mk2?​

I had read extensively on head-fi and other forums about how well current-mode/transconductance amplifiers synergize with planar magnetic drivers. I also wanted to be cautious about not overspending on an Enleum. I decided to either purchase the HDA 5230 Mk2 or the HDA 5520 Mk2. After a back and forth with the friendly folks at Exclusive Audio, I decided to purchase the 5230 because of ease of use (no removing the chassis to recharge batteries) and because it was supposed to sound very similar to the Satri flagship HDA 5210 Mk4.

My Impressions​

  1. Burn-in was a pain in the “you-know-what” – Out of the box, I connected the unit to the Mojo 2 via a Nordost Purple Flare interconnect and was disappointed with the result. I changed power supplies (wall wart, battery, linear power supply) and noticed changes, but nothing that mitigated my initial disappointment. I emailed Exclusive Audio, and they said that the Mojo 2 was not a great pairing with the 5230 Mk2 and that the amp was designed to work with line-level outputs, not outputs from a mobile device. Frankly, the Mojo 2 has a 2V+ output, so I didn’t really buy the explanation completely. I kept the unit on at night and listened during the day.
  2. My “Eureka Moment” – Regardless, I soldiered on and thought that adding a preamp would help. Well, I had a few old Schiit headamps laying around with pre-amp outputs, so I decided to add them to the chain and see if that made a difference. In went the Pietus Maximus – and I got a minor improvement in bass, but the sound-stage seemed to collapse. Then went in the old Schiit Magni Heresy – and I got some great driving power, but again, limited staging. Then I dropped in my old Schiit Vali 2 with a Reflektor NOS 6H23-EB (6922) tube. EUREKA!! The first thing I noticed was increased image stability. The scale of the image also increased. And I also got increased holography (thanks to the tube). The soundstage was massive. Finally, I could tell that my ZMF Caldera was being driven incredibly well. The Vali 2 and Satri combo is substantially better, in my opinion, relative to pairing the Satri directly to Mojo 2 or using the voltage outputs of my Schiit Pietus Maximus with the Mojo 2. A night and day type of difference. Boring to extremely exciting and engaging.
  3. Why does the preamp make a difference? I honestly don’t know. I suspect the tube's second-order dominant and declining distortion profile has helped with the holography. But what about the enhanced image size, image stability, and sense of drive? I suspect there's better impedance matching in the chain, though I'm less certain about this explanation. Initially, I had the Mojo 2’s near-zero-ohm output impedance feeding the Satri’s 100k ohm input impedance. Now I have the Mojo 2’s near-zero-ohm output impedance feeding the Vali 2’s 50k ohm input impedance and the Vali 2’s 100 ohm output impedance feeding the Satri’s 100k ohm input impedance. I should note that the Vali 2's preamp section has the highest output impedance of all the other preamps I mentioned here. I wouldn’t have thought these differences would be so impactful, but at this point, I’m just speculating.


I'm now at the point where I am EXTREMELY satisfied with my audio system. The journey to this point has been filled with experimentation and learning, especially regarding the importance of preamplifiers in the audio chain. The HDA 5230 Mk2, when paired with the right preamp, delivers a truly engaging and immersive listening experience. While I am curious about trying higher-end preamps with the Satri (both tubed and solid state), I am currently thrilled with the performance I am getting. This amplifier has proven to be extremely revealing of changes in the chain, making every tweak and adjustment a worthwhile endeavor. If you're considering the HDA 5230 Mk2, I highly recommend experimenting with different preamps to unlock its full potential.

Apologies for the mess!

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Jun 18, 2024 at 8:42 PM Post #147 of 152
Well, I would venture to say that the results, in a way, confirm what I read out there —and I say what I read out there because the SCL guys are not that neat in their specifications— namely that the determining factor is the impedance.

I couldn't agree more; I scoured the net for better details. Complicating matters, it turned out the Exclusive Audio folks didn't have the right information advertised on their site as well (but they fixed that). The detail they did post didn't reassure me that the Satri unit could power my Caldera (but your previous posts did).

I still couldn't tell you how to read the specs of a current-based amplifier and whether a given headphone can be powered by it. If someone can explain that math to me, I'd greatly appreciate it! I'm just glad that my gamble purchasing the Satri wasn't in vain!
Jun 18, 2024 at 10:35 PM Post #148 of 152
Consequently, it is not that the current output is for the planars, while the voltage output is for the dynamic ones... as I also seem to remember having read somewhere. It all depends, as I said, on the impedance. Now, if this is so -and I think it is-... it would be interesting to see how the HDA-5230 mkII works. For this amplifier has only one current output. I'm not betting anything. With Akira Nagai you never know.... :wink:

Also worth mentioning: I gleaned from the folks at Exclusive Audio that the 5520 is made to be fed from mobile devices and has much more gain than the 5230. My guess is that the 5520 unit pairs much better with the Mojo 2 directly relative to the 5230. The 5230 really benefits from a preamp in my set up.
Jul 23, 2024 at 9:48 PM Post #149 of 152
I'm fortunate that i have the chance to try 5210Mk4 alongside with 7610mk3 ( which is my favorite Bakoon Japan amp ). 5210Mk4 perhaps one of the rarest amp to find near me, i didn't know a single person that owns it. Until my friend from neighboring country bought one and brings it so i can try it

Compared the 7610Mk3, i'm very surprised that 7610Mk3 is punchier, more dynamic, and more "raw" sounding. 5210Mk4 feels more neutral, cleaner with better separation, more narrow soundstage but with better imaging and placement. It's almost like 5210Mk4 have different tuning in mind when compared to 7610Mk3 and it is also slightly more refined sounding. Technicality wise 5210Mk4 wins but by a veryyyyyy slight margin

At the end of the day i still prefer the 7610Mk3 due to its addictive tonality, but i still prefer 5210Mk4 compared to other amp at its price range and it is a good stopping point or even endgame amp for many people

HP Tested : ZMF Caldera Open, ZMF Atrium Open, ZMF Atrium Closed, ZMF Verite Open
Both amp tested with Satri-Link input


Special thanks to @bongkun for bringing this amplifier to me
Jul 23, 2024 at 10:18 PM Post #150 of 152
I'm fortunate that i have the chance to try 5210Mk4 alongside with 7610mk3 ( which is my favorite Bakoon Japan amp ). 5210Mk4 perhaps one of the rarest amp to find near me, i didn't know a single person that owns it. Until my friend from neighboring country bought one and brings it so i can try it

Compared the 7610Mk3, i'm very surprised that 7610Mk3 is punchier, more dynamic, and more "raw" sounding. 5210Mk4 feels more neutral, cleaner with better separation, more narrow soundstage but with better imaging and placement. It's almost like 5210Mk4 have different tuning in mind when compared to 7610Mk3 and it is also slightly more refined sounding. Technicality wise 5210Mk4 wins but by a veryyyyyy slight margin

At the end of the day i still prefer the 7610Mk3 due to its addictive tonality, but i still prefer 5210Mk4 compared to other amp at its price range and it is a good stopping point or even endgame amp for many people

HP Tested : ZMF Caldera Open, ZMF Atrium Open, ZMF Atrium Closed, ZMF Verite Open
Both amp tested with Satri-Link input


Special thanks to @bongkun for bringing this amplifier to me

Current output is really special with ZMF Caldera open. Have you tried using a preamp before the 7610mk3? I use my 5230mk2 with a preamp (right now, a nearly 20 year old Onkyo receiver fed by my Chord Mojo 2). I keep the volume on the SATRI maxed out - I'm not a fan of the volume control on the unit - and use the preamp's volume control or my DAC's volume control. I'm so impressed with the refined, precise, highly detailed sound quality.

Swapping in a tube amp (my old Schiit Vali 2 with a Russian Reflektor Tube) is also a very special experience. Best to make sure the preamp does not have much gain! I buffer is probably sufficient!

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