AudioQuest NightHawk Headphone Unveiled Today
Jul 12, 2015 at 12:06 PM Post #481 of 957
Each to his own taste I say! Not everyone is the same...thanks to the gods! Not everyone hears the same either. Have you listened in any extended way or was this just a few minutes? Were they a post-production model? 
Jul 12, 2015 at 12:14 PM Post #482 of 957
  Each to his own taste I say! Not everyone is the same...thanks to the gods! Not everyone hears the same either. Have you listened in any extended way or was this just a few minutes? Were they a post-production model? 

Current production model with over 100 hours.  I think the midbass is causing the boomy sound, and gets too far into the vocals.   Also, with both of my tube amps and nothing playing, I am hearing some hiss, the result of the low impedance!
Jul 12, 2015 at 1:21 PM Post #483 of 957
My British grandmother always used to say "there's a lid for every pot" when it came to finding the right person to settle down with.
That saying applies to quite a few other things as well, headphones included.  

Jul 12, 2015 at 1:29 PM Post #484 of 957
When I first read about these I was hoping these would sound similar to a D7000 except an open version of it. Does anyone have both to compare?
Jul 12, 2015 at 3:03 PM Post #485 of 957
  I totally agree! The bass, the mids and the top end flow symmetrically together to form a gestalt. I find this headphone, the smoothest and most detailed among the many. It is very difficult to reproduce the full range of bass, but the Nighthawks come as close as any I have heard to date. Pianos, violins, flutes and many  other instruments that reach up into the altissimo register are also difficult to convert without glassy sharpness...well handled by this baby of Skylar Gray and AudioQuest.
Combine this with the luxurious comfort afforded the listener by the gimbel (did I spell that correctly) like suspension of the ear-cups, one can listen to the good stuff without fatigue for many hours. My health pretty much keeps me a shut-in, so guess what I do with my time?  LOL!  These are a godsend for me!
Hmmm! My spell check, which works everywhere else, has ceased to function here...all it says is  'paste' Strange!

Yes. Everything works together like a good musical stew. They sound sweet on classical, esp. strings. Yo Yo Ma's cello sounded so woody and resonant (a good thing!)
Jul 13, 2015 at 12:02 AM Post #486 of 957
If you want to hear some great music and show off the powers of the Nighthawks, play and listen to these guys. Pour yourself a drink, kick off your shoes and enjoy. BTW this guy Chigale/Gypsy has a haunting voice, but is also a challenge for any headphones. Easy stuff for these head cans.
Jul 13, 2015 at 1:29 AM Post #487 of 957
  If you want to hear some great music and show off the powers of the Nighthawks, play and listen to these guys. Pour yourself a drink, kick off your shoes and enjoy. BTW this guy Chigale/Gypsy has a haunting voice, but is also a challenge for any headphones. Easy stuff for these head cans.

I'm not a Nighthawk owner.. but I've got an Alaskan Mountain Pale Ale, a Pulse X infinity DAC/amp feeding a balanced H650.. and playing this album in FLAC via Tidal.. and it sounds awesome.  Great recco.. perfect way to wind down on a beautiful Sunday night here in the great Pacific Northwest.
Jul 13, 2015 at 1:34 AM Post #488 of 957
I'm not a Nighthawk owner.. but I've got an Alaskan Mountain Pale Ale, a Pulse X infinity DAC/amp feeding a balanced H650.. and playing this album in FLAC via Tidal.. and it sounds awesome.  Great recco.. perfect way to wind down on a beautiful Sunday night here in the great Pacific Northwest.

Sounds good mate! I am so glad you are enjoying the music, the wonderful DAC, the great Sennheiser 650's and the beer!  Continue on please and many thanks for getting back to me. Is the Infinity as good as you hoped?
Take care my friend
Jul 13, 2015 at 8:24 AM Post #489 of 957
Seamless. No 'bass', no 'treble', no 'midrange'....just music.
Jul 13, 2015 at 9:28 AM Post #492 of 957
I heard an pre production version and found them dull and dark. Had written them off but reading the latest impressions has me intrigued. Can they have changed so much??

I had a good listen at RMAF in October. They had a ways to go. Now with the production version in house I found that after a couple hundred hours of burn in they opened up nicely. They are a strong value contender in their price range. Super comfortable too. I like them.
Jul 13, 2015 at 9:30 AM Post #493 of 957
I heard an pre production version and found them dull and dark. Had written them off but reading the latest impressions has me intrigued. Can they have changed so much??

They must have because here they are and they are anything but dull and dark! Musical, responsive, natural and, well read above! Try them again if you will be amazed too perhaps.
Jul 13, 2015 at 9:35 AM Post #494 of 957
@Token Gesture
You must be a fan of the Saint! I see you use the Saint's trade mark. Me too! Neat hero! I have read many of his adventures and enjoyed the TV series with Roger Moore as the SAINT!

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