Yesterday I went to a friend's house, and I got the chance to try out the SE530. The hissing are kinda annoying IMO. Compared to the CK100, the SE530's bass are absolutely more prominent, but that's all. To me the CK100 wins in terms of separation, imaging, highs and even the mids. The CK100 mids sounds much more intimidating to me, the highs on the SE530 are kinda roll off and recessed, the CK100 high simply sounds more prominent, extended, clean and clear. Overall clarity and sound balance is still better in the CK100.
My friend who had tried a lot of IEM including the Westone 3, IE8, TripleFi10 and SE530, said he definitely prefer the CK100 to the Westone 3 and Triple Fi. To him the triple fi is too colored, and the Westone 3 loses out in the highs and *bass*, "the CK100 have more bass".(Yes I'm pretty shocked by this statement too, he is also using his UM56 tips with the Westone 3 too so I got nothing to say cause it's impossible that he'll get a bad fit)