AUDIO over IP - REDNET 3 & 16 Review. AES67 Sets A New Standard for Computer Audio
Jun 29, 2016 at 8:30 AM Post #871 of 3,694
I don't believe it has to do with AOIP specifically, but the quality of the design of the devices you have all bought, which will have been designed to extremely high standards, given they are intended for pro-audio users.

Something you will need to avoid is the "us versus them" mentality. If this thread is going to turn into what is effectively an "appreciation" thread (which we don't allow any longer) where balanced discussion is put down and people are attacked, it's going to end up closed, which would be unfortunate. 

It is unfortunate to see a biased moderator.
I hope this will not lead to 'giving one side more leeway' than the other. Something I fear I already notice.

It is sad to see someone who doesn't seem to understand what I just said. It isn't about "sides".
Yes, I hope eventually I might be able to give one of these things a try, especially as the best results I've had with digital transports has been my iPad streaming high-res (that is audio over IP!). I reckon that, compared with expensive USB converters, one of which I own, the reason these AOIP devices give better results is that you're paying for the tech, and subsequent performance, rather than paying a regular audiophile component mark-up, where manufacturers must put a high price on things for people to take notice. 
Jun 29, 2016 at 8:59 AM Post #872 of 3,694
It is sad to see someone who doesn't seem to understand what I just said. It isn't about "sides".


No need to be sad :D, I got your message. And I agree it is not about sides, but I think it is an illusion this will not lead to forming of sides. There are always proponents and opponents and you see people vehemently defending their 'right' choices. However you also see (the same) people bursting in everywhere (even across fora) to 'pick a fight' or at least 'telling people they're wrong'.

Call me a sceptic, but I see it happening everywhere and everytime, except on some small, non-commercial fora.

I will ly low and see how things develop, but freedom of speech, even with fierce arguments from different sides, is worthwhile to be allowed, and a moderator should be mindful to who is actually derailing a thread when this happens.
Jun 29, 2016 at 12:34 PM Post #875 of 3,694
I don't believe it has to do with AOIP specifically, but the quality of the design of the devices you have all bought, which will have been designed to extremely high standards, given they are intended for pro-audio users.
Something you will need to avoid is the "us versus them" mentality. If this thread is going to turn into what is effectively an "appreciation" thread (which we don't allow any longer) where balanced discussion is put down and people are attacked, it's going to end up closed, which would be unfortunate. 

On the first point: it is certainly true that Pro Audio devices possess a more robust or less prissy feel. If they do the job of generating rock 'n' roll / musical mojo well enough (for aren't we all victims of a certain kind of disease of perception), then that is an advantage in my books. Most of the discussion, of course tho', is audiophile= or SQ-hinged. I would like to set a small example by saying just that I have tried both, and have a clear preference - *on these grounds too* - for AOIP in its Dante/Rednet guise. I don't have an axe to grind: if you prefer something else that is fine. I don't mind. I hope you don't mind me. If you do, I am not in.
On the second point: as far as I have seen, rb2013 simply injects a mountain of enthusiastic and catching energy into a pioneering thread - even if we private users join the Pro Audio party late by a couple of years. If I have seen "us versus them"; If I have seen "people being put down and attacked"; If I have seen a thread closed; well I have not seen any of this emanating from rb2013 as a proximate cause - but rather from a very small minority who possibly already have their own "appreciation" environments online - and simply come in as marauders to rub people up the wrong way. Comments like the one posted above are broadly aimed, but the implication is clear enough. Assessments are too cursory. Or you've got the wrong man.
Jun 29, 2016 at 12:49 PM Post #876 of 3,694
It is sad to see someone who doesn't seem to understand what I just said. It isn't about "sides".
Yes, I hope eventually I might be able to give one of these things a try, especially as the best results I've had with digital transports has been my iPad streaming high-res (that is audio over IP!). I reckon that, compared with expensive USB converters, one of which I own, the reason these AOIP devices give better results is that you're paying for the tech, and subsequent performance, rather than paying a regular audiophile component mark-up, where manufacturers must put a high price on things for people to take notice. 

I don't think Schiit needs to put a high price for people to take notice. Performance and clever marketing do the trick.
And no, your iPad streaming hi-res is NOT what this thread is about.
Jun 29, 2016 at 1:48 PM Post #877 of 3,694
  Could I use Dante Via instead of DVS?
Anybody tried with our Rednet's?


Jun 29, 2016 at 2:07 PM Post #879 of 3,694
 I reckon that, compared with expensive USB converters, one of which I own, the reason these AOIP devices give better results is that you're paying for the tech, and subsequent performance, rather than paying a regular audiophile component mark-up, where manufacturers must put a high price on things for people to take notice. 

$1000 for the RN3 and $1600 for the D16 is a pretty significant chunk of change. You can get the most ridiculously overpriced USB converters like Offramp or Berkeley Audio for that much. There is plenty of markup in these units... the box may be large but the board barely takes up any space and has few components. Other than the Dante module, it's probably $<100 worth of parts. It's not like there aren't good and bad pro audio devices or that they don't have plenty large markups as well.
Jun 29, 2016 at 2:20 PM Post #880 of 3,694
You're not just paying for the product.
You're paying for support as well. From experience, Focusrite's support is top notch.
People seem to forget that engineering cost a lot of money -> "There's $0 part cost in most software engineering, yet softwares cost money. What gives!" 
You're paying for Dante's technology. Not just the Brooklyn board, but the license Focusrite had to pay to use their Intellectual Property.
Jun 29, 2016 at 2:54 PM Post #881 of 3,694
The one thing about focusrite that I'm really impressed by (their rednet dept) is their knowledge of systems like the back of their hand. These guys aren't going through some step by step instructions but actually figuring things like an actual technician, and our simple single unit woes are probably easy peasy compared to dealing with a studio trouble shoot with multiple focusrite units.

Focusrite paid 10k for their sdk is what I read, not major but there's that. I'm sure Dante is marking up their board units as well before it gets to focusrite.

What I appreciate about pro audio is their non voodoo oil approach of marketing. Make an engineer happy and you'll sell stuff vs mark up so the upper echelon audiophiles push the stuff but can't abx their own when asked. *sneeze

Luckbad - no breakout cable included but you'll want a Tascam configuration breakout not Yamaha (two common premade breakout cables).
Jun 29, 2016 at 3:17 PM Post #882 of 3,694

Have not tried it but have been poking it a bit online. I am not sure that it will work for the SQ we probably want but could be useful for routing sound from other PCs to your main system or playing something like Pandora via your DVS.
Here is a pretty good Youtube video that gives some ideas about how it can be used.
Jun 29, 2016 at 3:39 PM Post #883 of 3,694
Jun 29, 2016 at 6:07 PM Post #884 of 3,694
Ah ok, did only notice that it is limited to two channels, as I don't need more, I thought that it could be appropriated for "our" uses.... perhaps lower latencys could be possible -> better SQ!?
I did not dare to try it for myself, as I was lucky getting my system to play and would not like to mess it up, as I would have to desactivate DVS 
Another reason: there's a Windows 10 version 

Jun 29, 2016 at 6:54 PM Post #885 of 3,694
Danutz said:
.Ah ok, did only notice that it is limited to two channels, as I don't need more, I thought that it could be appropriated for "our" uses.... perhaps lower latencys could be possible -> better SQ!?

Not in my experience. Now if you are pumping sounds through all channels at once then yeah there could be limitations on sample rate size and higher latency.

I really think those latency controls only matter when you are daisy chaining 4,5 or 6 or more rednet devices where each adds a bit of latency. But if you are only using one it really should be a non issue.

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