Audio Grade Fuses
Jan 17, 2014 at 8:48 PM Post #226 of 819
After rolling a bunch myself, my number one are still the Hifi Tuning Supremes: clean, clear, great soundstage, excellent detail. Great air, treble spark, but not harsh or bright. Very good tonality and natural textures. I am using them in my DAC and power amp. 
Should be noted they started from low. During the first so many hours the Hifi Tuning Supremes were quite bad compared to other fuses I have. I almost wanted to return them, but I kept at it.
On another note I still don't like the SR20s - very unnatural sounding. The worst out of the expensive ones.
Jan 18, 2014 at 7:40 AM Post #228 of 819
From memory 150-200 hours. 
Jan 18, 2014 at 8:28 PM Post #230 of 819
I don't know if there is a prescribed burn in procedure, but if them there fuses are mains voltage. It may be tempting to drop them in to some low powered appliance that's always on. Burn-in is so frustrating when you want to know if your investment payed off.
On a side note, have we got any more user's of the AMR fuses on here. I'm told they bring out the mid range more.
Jan 18, 2014 at 8:34 PM Post #231 of 819
Yes, they are a bit like that. Warmer, musical sounding, perhaps coppery sounding. I am not using it, but I can see its use in some systems, so that is why I kept it. And the price.
Jan 21, 2014 at 2:29 PM Post #232 of 819
I like the ceramic, vs glass fuse and sand filled. They cost a couple of dollars and are used for appliances. The sand seems to dampen any vibration that would affect the thin fuse wire. I think for minimal money you can get some audiophile sound and not spend 25 dollars or so. For equipment I am not worried about, I bypass the fuse, which is better yet. 
Jul 6, 2014 at 6:13 AM Post #233 of 819
There's a new kid on the block, claiming to be top dog in the fuse world: Audio Horizon's modestly named "Platinum Reference More than a Fuse".
Two reviews so far show it to trounce the usual favourites (most recent one at Positive-Feedback).
However, at over $100, I'm personally not rushing to try one, but wondered if any of the more hardcore fuse rollers have given it a try?
Jul 8, 2014 at 6:26 PM Post #234 of 819
I just ordered a pair of airmotiv 6s speakers to go with my Direct Stream kit that ships at the end of July, and a pair of the amr fuses. I'm currently using my trusty airmotiv 4 speakers with hifi supreme tuning fuses. I'll have the 4's and 6s's in with the stock fuses and non-stock fuses for a week or two, so I can run through some comparisons. (Probably before the Direct Stream kit arrives)
Aug 10, 2014 at 12:45 PM Post #235 of 819
I have been a big fan of the hifi tuning fuses for some time especially the supreme fuses  . I have them in every component that I use . They do make a noticeable improvement in the performance of everything you try them in . I tried the synergetic quantum fuse and was disappointed in their sound . I returned them . I was looking to buy a couple of supreme fuses for my latest toy a recapped concept 16.5 which I bought to use exclusively as a headphone amp . But unfortunately they do not make 7amp fuses I checked furutech and they do not make a 7amp fuse either. Isoclean does fortunately so I ordered a couple for my concept 16.5 . I will relay any findings between the the stock fuse and the Isoclean fuse when I get them . Unfortunately I can not make any direct comparisons between the isoclean fuses and my hif tuning fuses .
   But I will pass on my observations about the isoclean fuses as compared to the stock fuses .
Aug 14, 2014 at 1:01 AM Post #236 of 819
Well I got the isoclean fuses today and I have popped them in my concept 16.5 receiver . I will have to put some time on them before I make any observations about their performance in the 16.5 .
   Will be posting observations when I feel the fuses are broken in sufficiently. The concept uses two 7 amp fuses for its output .This receiver which I have nicknamed the beast is one powerful sucker for headphone use .  I am seeing now why so many people are fans of vintage receivers for headphone use . I really have not heard many if any dedicated headphone amps that sound anywhere near this powerful  And that includes a lot of really high end ones .I am now a big fan of vintage receivers for driving headphones .I have been converted I have seen ahem!!!!!!!!!!!! heard the light.
Aug 14, 2014 at 7:00 PM Post #237 of 819
 After a good long listening session yesterday and some today I am ready to post some comments regarding the isoclean fuses . I have a concept 16.5 receiver that I am using as a dedicated headphone amp . Yesterday I replaced the two stock fuses on the output of the receiver . There are two one for each channel . I have to report the change has been very satisfying . Referring to the statements that isoclean makes with regards to the improvement they bring I have to agree they were right on the transparency, the airy spacious soundstage and the extended top and bottom octaves are all there . My concept sounds so palpable now that I can not imagine it getting much better with the parts that are in it . It is possible the sound could get better with parts upgrades and such but it sound so good now that is not going to be any time soon .
  I absolutely agree with big poppa on his assessment of the isoclean fuses they are the most transparent fuse by far compared to the ones I have tried . Which are mostly the various hifi tuning fuses . I did try a quantum fuse but I did not like the sound at all on that fuse . I returned it for a refund .The isoclean is strikingly transparent sounding and seems to be exceptionally neutral sounding without being in any sense brash with good sounding recordings . It is also is a very musical performer just as big poppa stated .And on recordings that are less than acceptable it does not add any additional artifacts that make things worse . Just total honesty.
  My concept which already was a pretty fast sounding headphone amp seems to be even faster sounding . The beast (my pet name for the concept 16.5) is sounding so good I am playing cd after cd .The isoclean is a game changer and a essential tweak to get the best out of components .
  Time for some more listening if things get better which at this point of the break in process it is hard to imagine I will make some further observations .
Aug 14, 2014 at 9:45 PM Post #238 of 819
 After a good long listening session yesterday and some today I am ready to post some comments regarding the isoclean fuses . I have a concept 16.5 receiver that I am using as a dedicated headphone amp . Yesterday I replaced the two stock fuses on the output of the receiver . There are two one for each channel . I have to report the change has been very satisfying . Referring to the statements that isoclean makes with regards to the improvement they bring I have to agree they were right on the transparency, the airy spacious soundstage and the extended top and bottom octaves are all there . My concept sounds so palpable now that I can not imagine it getting much better with the parts that are in it . It is possible the sound could get better with parts upgrades and such but it sound so good now that is not going to be any time soon .
  I absolutely agree with big poppa on his assessment of the isoclean fuses they are the most transparent fuse by far compared to the ones I have tried . Which are mostly the various hifi tuning fuses . I did try a quantum fuse but I did not like the sound at all on that fuse . I returned it for a refund .The isoclean is strikingly transparent sounding and seems to be exceptionally neutral sounding without being in any sense brash with good sounding recordings . It is also is a very musical performer just as big poppa stated .And on recordings that are less than acceptable it does not add any additional artifacts that make things worse . Just total honesty.
  My concept which already was a pretty fast sounding headphone amp seems to be even faster sounding . The beast (my pet name for the concept 16.5) is sounding so good I am playing cd after cd .The isoclean is a game changer and a essential tweak to get the best out of components .
  Time for some more listening if things get better which at this point of the break in process it is hard to imagine I will make some further observations .

The reason they recommend replacement might be because them bloom fast.

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