Audio-GD NFB-12
Sep 29, 2012 at 5:43 PM Post #2,101 of 2,278
I am also curious on what settings you people use.
Especially after reading this article:
I have:
OS: 4, Filter: 2
Windows sound properties: 24 bit, 48kHz
foobar2000 + WASAPI (24 bit output) + resampler (48kHz)
but I am not sure if those are the best settings (using Sennheider HD600)
Sep 30, 2012 at 9:17 PM Post #2,102 of 2,278
If I get this can I use just the DAC inside? I can use the NFB 12 for a SS amp and then another tube amp but with the DAC inside of it. Could I do that?
Sep 30, 2012 at 10:19 PM Post #2,104 of 2,278
Yes wolfetan44. It's a fantastic standalone DAC.
omg. I'm getting the NFB 12 or 15. Is the 15 worth the extra $25? Also how much is shipping?
Sep 30, 2012 at 10:24 PM Post #2,105 of 2,278
omg. I'm getting the NFB 12 or 15. Is the 15 worth the extra $25? Also how much is shipping?
also how will I bypass the amp inside to just use the DAC?
Sep 30, 2012 at 11:29 PM Post #2,107 of 2,278
also how will I bypass the amp inside to just use the DAC?

From what I know, you can't. Even the RCA output at the back go trough the amplifier. And since audio-gd has an unconventional way of building amplifiers and DACs, you can't just go in and bypass stuff. For starter, all the signals before the amplifier are kept in the current domain, as opposed to the conventional voltage signals. I think even the filters between the DAC chip and the amplifier works on current signals. The volume potentiometer is used as a variable resistor to limit current, as opposed to a voltage divider to attenuate a voltage signal.
But honestly, it's not like it's a bad thing. Even the most over priced stand-alone DAC usually use Op-Amps on the analog outputs. Take for example Calyx DAC, it goes for 1800$, uses ES9018 Sabre DAC chip, and a bunch of NE5332 Op-Amps for the analog output. As long as it sounds great and works, why care about it? Using an amplifier between the DAC chips and the analog outputs serves to protect the DAC chips if nothing else.
As for filters, I've been using the 4X oversampling , Minimum phase 'soft-knee' filter ever since I received the unit, but last week I switched to 4X oversampling , Linear phase 'brickwall' filter. I noticed better treble extension, aka less treble roll off. There seems to be something different to string instruments, but I just can't quite explain it. It just sounds different. I used the soft knee filter because it tamed the treble on my cans and gave them a more "comfortable" sound. Now that I also have a tube amplifier, I thought I could use the better treble extension, if only to widen the difference between the NFB-12's headphone out and the tube amp. I enjoy changing things every once in a while, to keep them interesting. Though I don't have the switches to change the filters on the go, I bought some switches to hack on the case. It's still on my to-do list though, as I can't make up my mind as to how I should mount them without ruining the aesthetics.
Ah and just for fun...
The Hammond 1455T2201 enclosure fits perfectly on top of the NFB-12:


If you guys think the NFB-12 gets hot, you should try a Starving Student. Just look at the heat sinks needed for this thing! It gets so hot I can use it to keep my tea warm. The MOSFETs alone dissipate 20W of power as heat. The whole thing gets so hot, it actually makes the NFB-12 bellow it significantly warmer.
And here it is, at the Montreal August 2012 meet. I did get questions regarding the artsy breathing holes. 


Oct 1, 2012 at 12:10 AM Post #2,108 of 2,278
So I can't use another amp with the DAC inside?):
Oct 1, 2012 at 12:45 AM Post #2,109 of 2,278
So I can't use another amp with the DAC inside?):

Nothing prevents you from using the NFB-12 with an external amplifier. This is why it has RCA analog output at the back. It even has a "fixed output" mode in which the volume pot is bypassed to the RCA. Many people do this, and some go as far as consider it more a DAC than an headphones amplifier. It can be used without problems with another amp, but one way or the other, the signal will go trough the NFB-12 amplifier. I could tell you that the amplifier inside the NFB-12 is just a pre-amp, if it makes you feel better. After all, headphones amplifiers and pre-amps really aren't that different. And as I said, even "dedicated" DACs without headphone jacks have amplifiers inside them to amplify the signal before the analog output, just like the NFB-12 has an amplifier before it's analog output.
Oct 1, 2012 at 12:52 AM Post #2,110 of 2,278
So I can't use another amp with the DAC inside?):

Yes - of course you can.
There are two RCA outputs on the rear which state "DAC Out) - one left channel, one right channel.  Both give a line level signal with the output set to the "fixed" position (front switch).  I have my LD MKIV attached this way - and it's one of the things about the NFB-12 I really love ...... the ability to go SS or tube - depending on my mood. 
Oct 1, 2012 at 12:55 AM Post #2,111 of 2,278
Yayyy! Also how much is shipping?
Oct 1, 2012 at 3:45 AM Post #2,112 of 2,278
Oct 1, 2012 at 4:57 PM Post #2,114 of 2,278
From memory - it's probably around USD 35-45.  Perhaps you could actually email them and ask the question .....?

Oct 1, 2012 at 6:24 PM Post #2,115 of 2,278
From memory - it's probably around USD 35-45.  Perhaps you could actually email them and ask the question .....?

Wow thats alot.

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