Audeze LCD-5 Review, Measurements, Interview
Sep 22, 2021 at 5:48 PM Post #496 of 6,891
No, the wood rings are what causes the most delays, and many of our LCD series that use wooden cups or rings get affected by this from time to time.

Fortunately none of our headphones were harmed in mining bitcoins!
Except for those few miners who happen to be audiophiles listening to some Audeze cans while chilling in the room next to their mining rigs. :wink:
Sep 22, 2021 at 5:51 PM Post #498 of 6,891
Sep 22, 2021 at 5:52 PM Post #499 of 6,891
Edit: Regarding LCD-5, parts are not an issue, but these are still hand assembled in the US and we are working hard to meet the demand.
Out of curiosity, are the drivers also manufactured in-house -- or within the USA?
And are the materials for these sourced from US companies?

I don't really care one way or another -- but I find it fascinating to learn when some US companies manage to partner with other US companies resulting in an almost completely USA made product.
Sep 22, 2021 at 5:57 PM Post #500 of 6,891
Out of curiosity, are the drivers also manufactured in-house -- or within the USA?
And are the materials for these sourced from US companies?
All our drivers irrespective of the headphone model are designed and manufactured in our HQ in LA, always has been.

To my knowledge almost all materials for our full sized LCD line of headphones are also sourced and assembled in the US, but I don't have it down to the last screw we use, so I may be off by a little.
Sep 22, 2021 at 6:03 PM Post #501 of 6,891
Yeah, that's one of the cool things about Audeze -- they have always made their own drivers, they started out as a biz with the expertise to do so.
Sep 22, 2021 at 6:06 PM Post #502 of 6,891
From personal experience after visiting HQ, that's something people need to understand. This isn't some major assembly line where thousands of headphones are made a day. Each one is meticulously handled, and if it doesn't pass the QC phase, it doesn't get boxed up. To the detriment of expedience, your LCD headphones will take some time, to ensure it passes. Human inspection isn't perfect of course, but it's better than some machine that just throws it all in a box and you hope for the best.
Sep 22, 2021 at 6:10 PM Post #503 of 6,891
From personal experience after visiting HQ, that's something people need to understand. This isn't some major assembly line where thousands of headphones are made a day. Each one is meticulously handled, and if it doesn't pass the QC phase, it doesn't get boxed up. To the detriment of expedience, your LCD headphones will take some time, to ensure it passes. Human inspection isn't perfect of course, but it's better than some machine that just throws it all in a box and you hope for the best.
Sigh. This doesn't really help reflect a meaningful reality considering of all TOTL spirits, Audeze has suffered from the most driver failures.
Sep 22, 2021 at 6:14 PM Post #504 of 6,891
You can't really test for driver failure after the fact, though. It either happens or doesn't. Don't see how a human or machine would handle that differently in terms of inspection.
Sep 22, 2021 at 6:21 PM Post #505 of 6,891
Sigh. This doesn't really help reflect a meaningful reality considering of all TOTL spirits, Audeze has suffered from the most driver failures.
We have come a long way from chemical etching days, our drivers are now vacuum deposited and laser etched and withstand 170F and 5W through them (please do not try that at home). Drivers are measured and matched, assembled, burned in for two days and measured again before being shipped.
Sep 22, 2021 at 6:25 PM Post #506 of 6,891
We have come a long way from chemical etching days, our drivers are now vacuum deposited and laser etched and withstand 170F and 5W through them (please do not try that at home). Drivers are measured and matched, assembled, burned in for two days and measured again before being shipped.
That's a little less obfuscation and more honesty.
Sep 22, 2021 at 6:30 PM Post #507 of 6,891
That's a little less obfuscation and more honesty.
To be fair to Audeze, they have already explained the QC process many times in the past. What kmann just explained is not new info.
Sep 22, 2021 at 6:34 PM Post #508 of 6,891
To be fair to Audeze, they have already explained the QC process many times in the past. What kmann just explained is not new info.
What is new is acknowledgement of a bottleneck in the past.

I am sure they've also refined their film process to be more robust.

Because if you try to ignore the fact the LCD-2 Rev 2 days had an alarming influx of driver failures, you are simply a fool.
Sep 22, 2021 at 6:35 PM Post #509 of 6,891
Sigh. This doesn't really help reflect a meaningful reality considering of all TOTL spirits, Audeze has suffered from the most driver failures.
Are there actual data out there on this for all manufacturers of TOTL headphones? I'd like to see driver failure numbers fully spelled out for every manufacturer, including percentages generally of all such failures, and percentage of failure after warranty period.... but I am skeptical that this is really something that's out there...?
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Sep 22, 2021 at 6:39 PM Post #510 of 6,891
My driver fails all the time.....Oh your talking head phones

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