Audeze EL-8: The EL-8 is a must-hear at CES 2015
Feb 7, 2015 at 3:45 AM Post #2,236 of 6,486
  I somehow highly doubt they're going to be LCD-X killers because it literally would make no business sense. I'm fully expecting something like LCD-X lite that will allow people with lower budgets to get hooked on Audeze.

after a week of constant listening (and I was gonna post some detailed Impressions (as I think I just crossed the "Early Impressions stage - though a week is not a long time - I've pulled 3 all-nighters listening w/ different gear and music, etc.).
AND: IMHO - they're certainly NOT LCD-X killers! And it wouldn't make any sense to be so - at $699!
But - since I use my LCD-X at the studio often - I'm bringin' the 8s to Red House Studios tomorrow to check em out for tracking...
Will report back.
So - we just got hit w/ this MASSIVE storm up here in Northern Cali - and we, unfortunately - discovered 3 massive window leaks, one of em in my Sonic Satori Personal Audio Lab!!!!!  So I've been consumed with remedying that tonight fellas...
More Impressions this weekend! FO SHO
in the meantime:
(sonic commentary - plus track-listings coming NEXT)
Just wanted to say I paired em w/ my trusty lil' HRT microStreamer last night - and that drove em beyond satisfaction!
I actually loved the combo! Though I wasn't surprised as this lil' thing drove my OG LCD-3s when I wrote the review!

I was also GLUED to the music when I paired em w/ my Glove Audio A1 (by CEntrance) DAC/Amp for my AK120:

Like I said - more DETAILED impressions coming this weekend!
Currently using them w/ the iFi Micro iDSD (as DAC) and the Lambert PlayItByEar hybrid amp. THIS is damn impressive!
First and foremost - this systems ability to reproduce both the dynamic and emotive power of the music has again surprised me!
Especially with the new Kele record TRICK!!

And, as I said in my first Impressions post - my expectations are unreasonably high - but they've been equal to the task thus far!!!!
Feb 7, 2015 at 3:49 AM Post #2,237 of 6,486
  I'm pretty sure Audeze didn't develop EL8 line without a market assessment and resultant sales strategy.
Whether they are right or not is yet to be seen, but some of the posts on this thread make it sound like some members believe Audeze is throwing darts blindfolded.

they just wouldn't do that:
throwing darts blindfolded.
That's no how they approached this project.
There was a ton of market research/analysis - and considering some of the choices: I, for one, think it was brilliant to have BMW USA Designworks handle the industrial design - and leave what THEY do best - developing cutting-edge planar technologies through material science... 
Feb 7, 2015 at 3:59 AM Post #2,238 of 6,486
on the odd chance the EL8 becomes a LCDkiller if it is well received by the majority...
that would be fabulous :p

I feel obligated to say:
I do not see/or hear these as "LCD killers"
as they were not designed to be so!
They do have certain traits from a couple of the LCD-series- and I expected that.
But to expect a new $699 Audeze headphone to be LCD-killers - I think, and believe in my heart (to be confirmed w/ an up-coming interview w/ Alex Rosson for
that it doesn't make ANY bizness sense - nor would it be good for the brand! 
Feb 7, 2015 at 6:51 AM Post #2,239 of 6,486
I feel obligated to say:
I do not see/or hear these as "LCD killers"
as they were not designed to be so!
They do have certain traits from a couple of the LCD-series- and I expected that.
But to expect a new $699 Audeze headphone to be LCD-killers - I think, and believe in my heart (to be confirmed w/ an up-coming interview w/ Alex Rosson for
that it doesn't make ANY bizness sense - nor would it be good for the brand! 

Mike, can you tell us where your impressions are going to be? Audio360?
Feb 7, 2015 at 7:47 AM Post #2,240 of 6,486
  I somehow highly doubt they're going to be LCD-X killers because it literally would make no business sense. I'm fully expecting something like LCD-X lite that will allow people with lower budgets to get hooked on Audeze.

How would it make no sense to produce a stunning headphone at a lower price? Its called beating the competition. (I'm not saying that the EL-8 is an LCD-X killer or even as good as the LCD-X, just making a point).
Feb 7, 2015 at 7:54 AM Post #2,241 of 6,486
  Mike, can you tell us where your impressions are going to be? Audio360?

oh I've listed a bunch here already,
and will continue to do so this weekend!!!!
I just / Steven Rochlin and my Early Impressions article will be published at - I'll share that ASAP - hope to have that done mid-week next week.
My formal review will be published in Audio360 - going to finally launch our Columns section with it.
Sorry my Impressions are a few pages back - check out around page 140 - I write some Early Impressions listing associated gear, tracks, etc...
How would it make no sense to produce a stunning headphone at a lower price? Its called beating the competition. (I'm not saying that the EL-8 is an LCD-X killer or even as good as the LCD-X, just making a point).

I should've explained myself better. That's ON ME. The EL-8 was not designed to replace the LCD-series. That remains their flagship line.
Just in terms of bizness, since the LCD-series does so well for them (and wider margins) it wouldn't make sense, at THIS TIME, to make $699 headphones that destroy the line that MADE the company! Also: Audeze has a superb reputation in the recording industry - as many top producers use their LCD-series headphones. They wouldn't wanna lose that too.
And in terms of beating the competition - you're absolutely right!
And, THUS FAR - for my tastes, I can't think of another set a cans near this price that comes close!
and - this system configuration is HOT w/ the EL-8s!
JUST put it together early-morning:
 - Lambert PlayItByEar hybrid amp
 - iFi Micro iDSD as DAC (used in "Direct Mode")
 - MacBook Pro SSD/Amara Symphony as source
 - Wired w/ Black Cat Cables - LectraLine interconnects and SilverStar USB 
Playing: "Everything In Its' Right Place" - Kid A (Deluxe ver.1) - Radiohead
Like before: These impressions were written while listening to the track:
First I gotta say this could be one of my top five FAVE sonic acid tests (along w/ the Donny Hathaway song/track I used in an earlier impressions post), so I've played it SO many times, on vinyl (9" and 12"), 44.1kHz/24-bit FLAC, and standard Redbook-CD quality (44.1k/16-bit). Here I'm using the 24-bit version.

One of the sonic characteristics I love most about this songs recording and mix is the way in which the synths keys and pads (and other similar-sounding effects they employed) hover effortlessly across the sound-field. The placement, often changing from left-to-right, right-to-left, always comes back to settle on an even plane. Those sounds also have this seductive rippling effect, which also changes, but comes back flowing outward towards the listener, and a few times back, deep into the outer-limits of the soundstage. They give this track dimension. When I close my eyes listening on a resolute system this is also perhaps one one the most hypnotic songs for me. However, and I know this may sound silly, but if a system isn't resolving it just doesn't draw me in. It feels flat. I've heard this happen far too often with 200k+ loudspeaker systems! Now that's some BS right there...
The EL-8s, the more signal they get, along with more pink-noise and different types of sweeps off burn-in discs from XLO, Ayre, Nordost, etc. - the more they're opening up. Now, since I have the open-backs, I am NOT INTENDING to imply that they were closed-in to begin with. They throw a soundstage and manage to do things simply in ways I don't think I've interpreted he reason I mentioned the different feel of the sound-staging and imaging from the EL-8 (in another Early Impressions post) and I cab't quite put my finger on, yet, how to express the difference in ways that I feel comfortable about the accessibility of its presentation. Meaning: I don't wanna seem like a nutball. And I'm workin' on it!

This song just smacked that home for me. Hearing the music through this gear and the EL-8 felt like they were made for each other. The sound was as balanced as I've heard from my LCD-X and I know talk about spaciousness can drive some people crazy. But the space between the sounds and Thom Yorke are so terrifically captured and rendered it makes for a fantastic sonic joyride. It's so dynamic - despite this being a spaced-out, mellow Radiohead tune. The most important frequency ranges here (again IMHO), that carry most of those enveloping cosmic sounds are the mids, lower mids, and bass. As I hear this track again and again on various systems, the more I appreciate a loudspeakers or headphones ability to provide the level of clarity needed in order to truly draw the listener in. I'm talking about the level of clarity where the image of Thom Yorke feels almost holographic,  when the system's cookin'. I'm psyched to report that, while everything wasn't as big in scale as I wanted it to be here (which is always HD800-style, I love the 800s insanely wide and deep soundstaging). I'm continually impressed by the EL-8s performance.
To Be Continued...
PS: And while there are a couple of minor concerns thus far:
The bass is beginning to shed that SLIGHT murk/silky quality that seem to encircle the bass weeks ago
This isn't a problem with the cans - But I have to take on figuring a way to coherently describe the difference in sound-staging and imaging 
NICE to have a challenge!!
driving them w/ the GRT micro
Feb 7, 2015 at 8:44 AM Post #2,242 of 6,486
they just wouldn't do that:
throwing darts blindfolded.

That's no how they approached this project.
There was a ton of market research/analysis - and considering some of the choices: I, for one, think it was brilliant to have BMW USA Designworks handle the industrial design - and leave what THEY do best - developing cutting-edge planar technologies through material science... 

I completely agree. Thanks for reiterating my point, as it seems a lot of posts seem to suggest otherwise.
Feb 7, 2015 at 9:04 AM Post #2,243 of 6,486
Mikemercer, thanks for the impressions on certain songs etc. Do you think you could do a basic summary of the headphones? For example bass quantity / quality / impact / sub bass, lower / upper midrange amount etc., treble bright / dark, sibilance, smooth / sharp etc. size of soundstage, frequency response (guess) etc. compared to other headphones like the 1540, Denon Dxxx, HE400 etc. because it is difficult to get an idea of what a pair of headphones is like without comparing it directly to other headphones (ideally mid range ones that relatively poor people like me have owned lol not the LCD x etc) I am looking at trying the HE400i but not sure if these are worth waiting for and the extra £££, read a lot of reports the HE400i does not have a lot of bass and the soundstage size on it is only mediocre so I want to know if the EL-8 is a big improvement.... If the EL8 has extremely good bass and a better soundstage size then it might be worth the extra money over the HE400i.... Does the EL-8 have the legendary bass of the LCD2 and a bigger soundstage?
Feb 7, 2015 at 9:56 AM Post #2,244 of 6,486
  Mikemercer, thanks for the impressions on certain songs etc. Do you think you could do a basic summary of the headphones? For example bass quantity / quality / impact / sub bass, lower / upper midrange amount etc., treble bright / dark, sibilance, smooth / sharp etc. size of soundstage, frequency response (guess) etc. compared to other headphones like the 1540, Denon Dxxx, HE400 etc. because it is difficult to get an idea of what a pair of headphones is like without comparing it directly to other headphones (ideally mid range ones that relatively poor people like me have owned lol not the LCD x etc) I am looking at trying the HE400i but not sure if these are worth waiting for and the extra £££, read a lot of reports the HE400i does not have a lot of bass and the soundstage size on it is only mediocre so I want to know if the EL-8 is a big improvement.... If the EL8 has extremely good bass and a better soundstage size then it might be worth the extra money over the HE400i.... Does the EL-8 have the legendary bass of the LCD2 and a bigger soundstage?

Absolutely @nicholars!
I'm getting to know the EL-8s first - so I can do that for you guys. I'm also using them on different gear now, including my top reference systems (OMG - the 8s + ALO Studio Six last night - BONKERS) in order to get a grasp for a basic summary. I learned the hard-way when I transitioned from working in the hi-fi press to doing it myself. I have to get a firm grasp of their capabilities and then you shall have your overall basic summary sir!

Feb 7, 2015 at 10:26 AM Post #2,246 of 6,486
Everytime I see that wood veneer is makes me cringe still, wish they'd not gone with that. Maybe they'll at least offer an alternate look down the line if these do well.

+1. me too hahah
Feb 7, 2015 at 10:28 AM Post #2,248 of 6,486
  Everytime I see that wood veneer is makes me cringe still, wish they'd not gone with that. Maybe they'll at least offer an alternate look down the line if these do well.

Me too! I mean, I don't mind the wood veneer - but I'd LOVE a black version - and, so would Alex (Rosson) believe me! 
So I have a feeling that's in our future...  When? Not right away - but he'd love it too - we discussed it last night.
In-person the wood veneer looks much better - but I'd take an all-black EL-8 ANYDAY 
Feb 7, 2015 at 11:21 AM Post #2,250 of 6,486
  All black would be too boring IMO. I think Silver trim would look nice and classy. 
@mikemercer Did Audeze give you a choice between the dark and light wood veneer? or give any info as to how that will work?

I didn't get a choice for my review unit.
W/ regards to you question:
Could you PLS PM me and remind me to look into this for you?
I'll do it ASAP!!

man is this soundin' freakin great right now...   


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