Ath-l3000 impressions
Jul 29, 2005 at 11:40 AM Post #121 of 350

Originally Posted by taymat
Care to explain this strange theory?! My theory is that you're saying a perfect girl is like a perfect headphone, they need to grab your attention but be refined as well. Correct me if I'm wrong!
The l3000 does sound like a good headphone though, grado impact plus refinement. If only I had a stupidly large amount of money in my bank account!

It was a comparison between the soundstage of the R-10 and the L-3000. As I remember it, gsferrari posited that the R-10 is aking to a lecture hall where all the blondes are sitting in one place in the hall and are very noticeable and locatable, while the L-3000 has them scattered in with the red heads and brunettes so you have to take a little more time to look them up...
Jul 29, 2005 at 2:27 PM Post #122 of 350
Funny, I've read that analogy twice now, and still cannot equate the visual description (lecture hall) to what I hear with my L3000s but that's also cos I don't have the R10s for which to compare. Not that I should try and get the R10s to get the analogy, but "whatever."

- walkman
Jul 29, 2005 at 2:31 PM Post #123 of 350

Originally Posted by walkman666
Funny, I've read that analogy twice now, and still cannot equate the visual description (lecture hall) to what I hear with my L3000s but that's also cos I don't have the R10s for which to compare. Not that I should try and get the R10s to get the analogy, but "whatever."

- walkman

Yeah, I think it's a zen thing...
Jul 29, 2005 at 2:58 PM Post #124 of 350

Originally Posted by purk
My pair will be shipped tomorrow. I can't wait. I should have not invited Mulveling to my place, 2 days later I ended up buying the L3000. Stevieo, how do you like your L3000 so far and what is the serial number?


s/n (T404/500). the L3K is smokin' now. everything came into balance & focus. the veil lifted. bass is on strong, mids are right & highs smoothed out. i would say it needs a good 40 to 50 hrs of burn to get an idea of how they will eventually sound. they have been in the burning for 84 hours plus about 12 on my head before that. i think it is safe to say they probably won't change much more with another 120 hours of burn-in. i just want to finalize my time tested process.

you made a good purchase.
Jul 29, 2005 at 4:10 PM Post #125 of 350
preserve that fine connolly leather with connolly "ce be" hide food.

i use it every year or 2 to keep my leather car seats from cracking but they are exposed to extreme heat. it is formulated for connolly hide upholstery, leather goods & clothing. jim morrison may have even used it.

it is made specifically for connolly hides. it is a lanolin waxy cream & treatment will keep the hide from cracking. i would say that in a year you might want to consider applying a small amount to the hide, a teaspoon or 2's worth . don't let that hide dry out or it could start cracking if you leave the cans in a dry climate or out in the sun. my 11 oz jar jar has lasted 20 years of treating leather car seats. so, a little dab will do ya. i bought mine at a m. benz dealer's parts dept.

just a suggestion.
Jul 29, 2005 at 9:03 PM Post #126 of 350
Sounds intriguing. How is the isolation?
Aug 1, 2005 at 9:12 AM Post #128 of 350

Originally Posted by GoRedwings19
hey stevio dude, I forgot to mention something about using the EMP A.E you will probably laugh at me with loadsa of other headfiers but I reverted to the original stock tubes. I use the sylvannia 6201 goldpin and telefunken ecc88 like a lot of headfiers do for the EMP's. But I found the L3000 sounds better with the stock tubes. It allows more of the L3000 to shine through. The Sylvannia/telefunken combo is too smooth for the L3000 I find. Try it out. If you don't like it then revert back to your normal combo. I prefer the w2002's with the EMP A.E.

I drive my L3000's with the Raptor.

Wich are the stock tubes of the EarMax AE? I bought two EarMax AE (one for me and the other for my brother) the two amps have differents tubes, just the central was the same.

I find the Telefunken ECC801s + Telefunken CCa the best combo (for the DT880 at the moment). I like the tonally of the Telefunken tubes...

So, do you prefer the Raptor to the EarMax driving the L3000? Can you explain the differents between the two amps with the L3000?

Aug 1, 2005 at 2:49 PM Post #130 of 350

Originally Posted by Nik
Wich are the stock tubes of the EarMax AE? I bought two EarMax AE (one for me and the other for my brother) the two amps have differents tubes, just the central was the same.

I find the Telefunken ECC801s + Telefunken CCa the best combo (for the DT880 at the moment). I like the tonally of the Telefunken tubes...

So, do you prefer the Raptor to the EarMax driving the L3000? Can you explain the differents between the two amps with the L3000?


hey dude,

I am currently trying the L3000's between the two amps. The Raptor allows me to hear more of the L3000's soundstaging and detail while the Emp adds warmth and musicality.

The L3000 compared to the w2002 has a smoother midrange but comapre to other cans it is still a little sterile for my taste's.

The reason I reverted back to the stock tubes on the EMP a.e was the sylvania/telefunken combo was smooth. But I don't like smooth. I prefer warmth and richness of the midrange. This is just my personal taste.

For you the sylvania/telefunken combo might suit your taste's better.

I am currently trying out a few tubes on the Raptor which allows the detail of the L3000 to shine but I am trying to find a tube set which doesn't allow the AT upper mid spike to catch me out.

At the moment due to me still experimenting with tubes on the Raptor the is better for my taste's. But other headfiers have got good results using different amps.

Mbratrud and ayt999 use the AT-DHA3000 and they have got very good results IIRC also it might be worth talking to Stevio as he has an EMP ae as well. Then there is Wmcmanus, I am not sure what amp he is using. Also don't forget Hirsch he has a modified EMP and a whole host of other amps. Gpalmer has a whole bunch of amps. They would be able to help you far better than I could. I prefer the totally warm and fuzzy sound. This may be too much warmth for your taste's.

Kindest Regards.
Aug 1, 2005 at 8:47 PM Post #132 of 350
I am enjoying my L3000s mucho with my Lite/DPS and Nova.


Below, my 7 year old daughter models the L3000s. She's a little under the weather with an advanced case of premature audio upgrade-itis.


These things have impact and balance, and I am digging them mucho, when I can get them off my kid's head!

- walkman
Aug 1, 2005 at 8:54 PM Post #133 of 350
Great pics, walkman666! Thanks for posting them. It's good to see the L3000 in real-world use, lol.

I've had by far the best results with a Singlepower SDS (old chassis, pair of Sylvanias and a KenRad driver tube). It's clearly superior to both the HA2002 (matching amp for the W2002) and the original Headroom Max. I suppose I shouldn't draw generalizations from only 3 amps, but I'd say the L3000 does best with a lush, smooth, warm sounding amp with powerful bass. One might think that would be too lush and bassy with the L3000, but the result is spectacular. The W2002 is a more clinical, dry sounding SS amp, and for some reason that mates extraordinarily well with the W2002, but it's the opposite of what the L3000 likes, IME.
Aug 1, 2005 at 9:12 PM Post #134 of 350
Thanks mulveling. I thought the daughter modeling route would be cuter, and easier on the eyes of the beholders

You are using some fine-end amps on your L3000s. Kudos. While my Gilmore Lite does not have the sonic characteristics that you (and some others) have indicated might be the most optimal fit for these cans, I am enjoying them mucho. For me, since I tend to listen to rock, the forwardness of the Lite, with it speed and dynamics make for a nice compliment. Its clutch that these particular headphones are so easy to drive and work well with most anything...They are so very comfy, too!

- walkman
Aug 1, 2005 at 9:24 PM Post #135 of 350

Originally Posted by walkman666
While my Gilmore Lite does not have the sonic characteristics that you (and some others) have indicated might be the most optimal fit for these cans, I am enjoying them mucho. For me, since I tend to listen to rock, the forwardness of the Lite, with it speed and dynamics make for a nice compliment. Its clutch that these particular headphones are so easy to drive and work well with most anything...They are so very comfy, too!

- walkman

Definately. Even before the HA2002 and SDS arrived, when I was only using the Max, I still really loved the L3000 and preferred them over all my other headphones. Wonderful, balanced headphones they are. The SDS synergy just made them that much better

The w2002 are nice and I like them a lot too, but are more of a "genre" phone IMO. The L3000 does everything well. In that sense, it's like a vastly improved hd650 to me.

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