Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-3
Jul 13, 2014 at 11:13 AM Post #1,006 of 1,285

The Master 9 is a really good amp. IMO the transparency, base, dynamic, resolution, soundstage, treble etc. is very good. I haven’t heard the GS-X mk2, Ragnarok and Auralic Taurus mk2, but think that they probably are equally good.
The nice thing with the 9 is that it match with many different cans/speakers, have a very nice sound if pared with a transparent and dynamic sounding dac, good built quality, it has many ins and outs, lots of power and it has a good volume control and a remote. The negatives is that its big, gets warm and can sound a bit thick if pared with a too warm/slow/full sounded dac/can/cables. This last sentence is important if planning to match with LCD3.

Jul 13, 2014 at 9:35 PM Post #1,007 of 1,285
What's your budget?
You can't go wrong with the Master 9.  It's much cheaper and it's always in stock.  The GS-X mk2 is a great amp.  However, it cost more and the wait times are crazy - but the GS-X mk2 looks much better IMO..

My budget isn't fixed yet. I just want a LCD and a amp that can drive it to the max that may keep me busy for a year or 2 then move on to the higher end like Stax or Abyssy. 
The songs that i listen are mainly Vocal (Norah Jones, etc), Jazz and little bit slow Rock. I know LCD-3 is still Audeze flagship which i really like based on review, but the supplier where i bought my AK240 doesn't have LCD-3 in stock and recommended me LCD-X instead as he has stock. I just wanna know if LCD-3 or LCD-X be more suitable for Vocal and Jazz. (Sometimes i just dun trust seller's recommendations as these businessman will just push whatever they have in stock or some old stock they are unable to clear)
Given the difficulty in purchasing LAu and GS-X MK2 and of course the premium price, i think i will most likely go for Master9 as its cheaper and is rather close to GS-X MK2. So i just wanna know if it pair well with Audeze. 
As for balanced source input, i think only DAP that has balanced output such as AK are able to connect via balanced input to the amp? Lets say if we use computer as source, is there any balanced output via sound card? 
Which do you guys think will sound better :
AK240 > balanced line out or 3.5mm to RCA > Master9 > Audeze (currently only DHC have the balanced line out cable at USD500)
Mac Mini > Audirvana Plus > 3.5mm to RCA > AK240 as DAC (as its capable of Native DSD Playback) > Master9 > Audeze
Thanks guys for your kind assistance in advance.
Jul 13, 2014 at 9:43 PM Post #1,008 of 1,285
The Master 9 is a really good amp. IMO the transparency, base, dynamic, resolution, soundstage, treble etc. is very good. I haven’t heard the GS-X mk2, Ragnarok and Auralic Taurus mk2, but think that they probably are equally good.
The nice thing with the 9 is that it match with many different cans/speakers, have a very nice sound if pared with a transparent and dynamic sounding dac, good built quality, it has many ins and outs, lots of power and it has a good volume control and a remote. The negatives is that its big, gets warm and can sound a bit thick if pared with a too warm/slow/full sounded dac/can/cables. This last sentence is important if planning to match with LCD3.

Thanks for your advise. Actually i m a newbie in HeadFi (as was on HiFi for 2 years), so you are saying that if i paired with LCD3, it will sound thick? hmm, i think i need to do some research on these Warm, Bright, Dark, Cold, etc as i really have no idea what they actually are.. So may i ask whats the recommended Headphone cable for Audeze? was recommended by supplier the Alo Ref 16. Does it helps if LCD3 with Alo Ref16 on this setup?
Jul 13, 2014 at 11:03 PM Post #1,009 of 1,285
^ @Uniquexme in my most humble opinion - as you describe yourself to be a headphone newbie - you could take time to learn how different kinds of gear sound and learn about your own listening preferences. You can only do this through experience. If you jump straight into a 'high-end' system based on what "sounds better" to others, you are in danger of not appreciating it because you don't have a reference point in your own experience. You won't feel the satisfaction of "yes, this is so much clearer, more musical, 'better' than other gear I've tried (but I think it could do 'x' or 'y' a little better)".

Plus, what sounds good to us might turn out to be all wrong for you :eek:

That said, an LCD3 is a good starting point for many (or LCD2 or X if you don't mind starting there). In my case an LCD2 kept me "busy" and happy more than "a year or 2". It let me hear differences between DACs and amps as I became more familiar with the LCD2 and improved my listening.

I think you could be quite happy with your LCD-? and gain much valuable listening experience from trying a number of less expensive amps and DACs over a period of a few months. You might find this very enjoyable and - once you have heard a few of each - you will have a much stronger idea of what is missing for you. Then, the impressions and reviews of others - with words like bright/dark, wet/dry, thick/thin etc - will become valuable as well.

All IMHO and FWIW - feel free to ignore if it doesn't suit your situation and goals :wink:
Jul 13, 2014 at 11:13 PM Post #1,010 of 1,285
^ @Uniquexme in my most humble opinion - as you describe yourself to be a headphone newbie - you could take time to learn how different kinds of gear sound and learn about your own listening preferences. You can only do this through experience. If you jump straight into a 'high-end' system based on what "sounds better" to others, you are in danger of not appreciating it because you don't have a reference point in your own experience. You won't feel the satisfaction of "yes, this is so much clearer, more musical, 'better' than other gear I've tried (but I think it could do 'x' or 'y' a little better)".

Plus, what sounds good to us might turn out to be all wrong for you

That said, an LCD3 is a good starting point for many (or LCD2 or X if you don't mind starting there). In my case an LCD2 kept me "busy" and happy more than "a year or 2". It let me hear differences between DACs and amps as I became more familiar with the LCD2 and improved my listening.

I think you could be quite happy with your LCD-? and gain much valuable listening experience from trying a number of less expensive amps and DACs over a period of a few months. You might find this very enjoyable and - once you have heard a few of each - you will have a much stronger idea of what is missing for you. Then, the impressions and reviews of others - with words like bright/dark, wet/dry, thick/thin etc - will become valuable as well.

All IMHO and FWIW - feel free to ignore if it doesn't suit your situation and goals

Wise words....
Jul 13, 2014 at 11:45 PM Post #1,011 of 1,285
^ @Uniquexme in my most humble opinion - as you describe yourself to be a headphone newbie - you could take time to learn how different kinds of gear sound and learn about your own listening preferences. You can only do this through experience. If you jump straight into a 'high-end' system based on what "sounds better" to others, you are in danger of not appreciating it because you don't have a reference point in your own experience. You won't feel the satisfaction of "yes, this is so much clearer, more musical, 'better' than other gear I've tried (but I think it could do 'x' or 'y' a little better)".

Plus, what sounds good to us might turn out to be all wrong for you

That said, an LCD3 is a good starting point for many (or LCD2 or X if you don't mind starting there). In my case an LCD2 kept me "busy" and happy more than "a year or 2". It let me hear differences between DACs and amps as I became more familiar with the LCD2 and improved my listening.

I think you could be quite happy with your LCD-? and gain much valuable listening experience from trying a number of less expensive amps and DACs over a period of a few months. You might find this very enjoyable and - once you have heard a few of each - you will have a much stronger idea of what is missing for you. Then, the impressions and reviews of others - with words like bright/dark, wet/dry, thick/thin etc - will become valuable as well.

All IMHO and FWIW - feel free to ignore if it doesn't suit your situation and goals

AiDee, you have your point too. But i started HiFi 3 years ago, with an entry level Marantz and CD Player 6003 series with Morduant Short Speakers with cost something like USD2K, thereafter 1.5year i feel its not enough and sold off the whole set and got another USD8K set Naim Uniti2 all-in-1 player with ProAc Tablette Anniversary Speakers and upgraded Van Den Hul AC power cord with Naim speaker cables and Van Den Hul Toslink cable via Mac Mini. Reason for upgrade is because i want the sweet vocal sound, bass is not important to me as its pass me taste (used to spent USD6K on car audio system with 2 subwoofers till i got so fed up with strong bass)
So i know i am always greedy for more. I also understand that one will learn more via upgrading but its rather hard for me to dispose or sell off reason being me working outstation here in Papua New Guinea. There is no hifi or headfi shops here and i can only go back once per year to Singapore. Thus its even more difficult for me to audit before buying given the few shops in Singapore doesn't have stock for most of the items. In fact i am required to pay in full for the Audeze LCD-3 and collect after 2 months time which i think its rather ridiculous not being to audit before i buy. And i have to carry these toys back from Singapore to here. Therefore i am going for the short cut.
But anyway thanks for you advise, really appreciated. 
Jul 14, 2014 at 3:05 AM Post #1,012 of 1,285
My budget isn't fixed yet. I just want a LCD and a amp that can drive it to the max that may keep me busy for a year or 2 then move on to the higher end like Stax or Abyssy. 
The songs that i listen are mainly Vocal (Norah Jones, etc), Jazz and little bit slow Rock. I know LCD-3 is still Audeze flagship which i really like based on review, but the supplier where i bought my AK240 doesn't have LCD-3 in stock and recommended me LCD-X instead as he has stock. I just wanna know if LCD-3 or LCD-X be more suitable for Vocal and Jazz. (Sometimes i just dun trust seller's recommendations as these businessman will just push whatever they have in stock or some old stock they are unable to clear)
Given the difficulty in purchasing LAu and GS-X MK2 and of course the premium price, i think i will most likely go for Master9 as its cheaper and is rather close to GS-X MK2. So i just wanna know if it pair well with Audeze. 
As for balanced source input, i think only DAP that has balanced output such as AK are able to connect via balanced input to the amp? Lets say if we use computer as source, is there any balanced output via sound card? 
Which do you guys think will sound better :
AK240 > balanced line out or 3.5mm to RCA > Master9 > Audeze (currently only DHC have the balanced line out cable at USD500)
Mac Mini > Audirvana Plus > 3.5mm to RCA > AK240 as DAC (as its capable of Native DSD Playback) > Master9 > Audeze
Thanks guys for your kind assistance in advance.

Check this thread out..
If your going to use your computer, what a DAP??
Jul 14, 2014 at 12:18 PM Post #1,013 of 1,285
Thanks for your advise. Actually i m a newbie in HeadFi (as was on HiFi for 2 years), so you are saying that if i paired with LCD3, it will sound thick? hmm, i think i need to do some research on these Warm, Bright, Dark, Cold, etc as i really have no idea what they actually are.. So may i ask whats the recommended Headphone cable for Audeze? was recommended by supplier the Alo Ref 16. Does it helps if LCD3 with Alo Ref16 on this setup?

No lol, I said that Master 9 is very good amp and that it match with many different cans, including LCD 3. But as the sound sig of LCD3 is full, a bit creamy, with a bit of pronounced lows and the Master 9 is transparent amp, which will result in that the M9 will sound very much like the dac. My point/warning is if the dac sound sig is overly warm/slow/full it will not match very well with the LCD3 because[A1]  full + full + slow will sound thick and dull IMO. For the record I love the overall sound to be full, but not thick.
The headphone cable can IMHO have a small but notable effect on SQ, but not as drastic as between different headphones, amps or dacs. I would say that headphone cable is more like fine tuning than setting the sound signature.


Aug 1, 2014 at 8:45 AM Post #1,014 of 1,285

I'm using a Oppo HA-1 and LCD-3 combo. To my ears it is a dream.

I can't run in high gain as well. It runs in normal gain at about the 9-10 position really well.

Using the balanced connection. :)
Aug 1, 2014 at 9:37 PM Post #1,015 of 1,285
I have an Audeze LCD 2.2 and LCD 3. My set up is Mac Mini (Amarra) ->Gungnir -> Kimber Hero Balanced -> Cary SLP05 (Tung Sol VT231, RCA VT231) -> Kimber Hero Balanced -> Mjolnir -> Cardas Clear Balanced -> (LCD 2.2, LCD 3, HD800). This set up allows me to change the allocation of the total gain between the Cary and the Mjolnir.  I can add or subtract the amount of tube warmth to match the heaphones.  The cost is a longer signal path and stacked distortion.  Fortunately the Cary and the Mjolnir both provide a very clean signal so this set up works for me.  Adjusting the gain distribution also provides a lot of entertainment.  I have listened to the LCD 3 through the Mjolnir without the Cary and I though it did a very good job given its price point.
Aug 14, 2014 at 9:19 PM Post #1,016 of 1,285

I'm using a Oppo HA-1 and LCD-3 combo. To my ears it is a dream.

I can't run in high gain as well. It runs in normal gain at about the 9-10 position really well.

Using the balanced connection.

New LCD-3 owner here.  I've got a Bifrost/Lyr and a Burson Conductor.  I've got most of the big name flagship phones, but Audeze were the first nice folks to include a balanced cable, hence I've been eye-balling that Oppo.  The price is definitely right if it will give me a superior experience compared with the Burson.  I'm looking for affirmations..... or other recommendations for an all in one balanced DAC/Amp.  
I just found this thread and I've started at the end and am working back through it, so please forgive me if this has been recently discussed ad nauseum......
Aug 14, 2014 at 9:43 PM Post #1,017 of 1,285
New LCD-3 owner here.  I've got a Bifrost/Lyr and a Burson Conductor.  I've got most of the big name flagship phones, but Audeze were the first nice folks to include a balanced cable, hence I've been eye-balling that Oppo.  The price is definitely right if it will give me a superior experience compared with the Burson.  I'm looking for affirmations..... or other recommendations for an all in one balanced DAC/Amp.  
I just found this thread and I've started at the end and am working back through it, so please forgive me if this has been recently discussed ad nauseum......

I'm not really the one to ask. I am fairly new to headgear.
Yes I have the Oppo HA-1, the Audeze LCD-3 and use the balanced connection. It sounds freakin fantastic, however I have nothing to compare it with.
I'm still experimenting and just ordered the Woo WA22 to go into my rig. I can't say if that would be a lot better. Hard to say.
I can say this. I listen at home and want for nothing with the Oppo HA-1 / Audeze combo. Nothing I have heard at the shops has blown me away as being so much better.
I did hear a Oppo HA-1 feed into a Woo WA2 then my headphones and the Woo sounded a little better. Hence the reason for the WA22 order (wanted to keep that balanced connection).
Aug 15, 2014 at 10:10 AM Post #1,019 of 1,285
New LCD-3 owner here.  I've got a Bifrost/Lyr and a Burson Conductor.  I've got most of the big name flagship phones, but Audeze were the first nice folks to include a balanced cable, hence I've been eye-balling that Oppo.  The price is definitely right if it will give me a superior experience compared with the Burson.  I'm looking for affirmations..... or other recommendations for an all in one balanced DAC/Amp.  
I just found this thread and I've started at the end and am working back through it, so please forgive me if this has been recently discussed ad nauseum......

Quoting myself, I found a review that was somewhat critical (the only one) of the Oppo, though not so much with the LCD-3.  I thought I'd share:

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