Amp recommendations for Audeze LCD-3
Feb 17, 2013 at 7:22 PM Post #422 of 1,285
Will you be using the amp only with the LCD-3? If so, I'd pick the Mjolnir over the LF. If you're planning to mix in an HD800, T1 or similar headphone, then the LF becomes the better option IMO.

I can see myself having the LCD-3 and only that for a long time. Until i can find a headphone that i enjoy more and i feel is worth the cost.

Really, i just want the best possible setup for the LCD-3 that suits my taste in music. I'd like the amp/DAC in total, to cost no more then 2500. That budget can be pushed though if it will get me closer to my endgame.

How do you find the MJ compared to the BHA-1 with the LCD-3?
Feb 17, 2013 at 7:27 PM Post #423 of 1,285
My cost no object list for the LCD-3 was:
Peak > Soloist > B22 > WA22 > HeadOne > GS-1 > LF
The Mjolnir is a great amp but too aggressive even for me.  If not for that, I'd throw it in there with the B22.
I listen to rock types, alternative, punk, metal with some acid jazz, soul and political rap.  Essentially no classical, country, pop.  Rest is fair game as long as it's good.
Feb 17, 2013 at 7:48 PM Post #424 of 1,285
My cost no object list for the LCD-3 was:
Peak > Soloist > B22 > WA22 > HeadOne > GS-1 > LF
The Mjolnir is a great amp but too aggressive even for me.  If not for that, I'd throw it in there with the B22.
I listen to rock types, alternative, punk, metal with some acid jazz, soul and political rap.  Essentially no classical, country, pop.  Rest is fair game as long as it's good.

How aggressive are we talking here? I'm at the last stage deciding on the amp. I've already received a gungnir which is burning in as we speak. I'm already blown away by how much of a change it is from the bifrost but its definitely not any darker. it's still on the bright side for me, but I don't have my lcd-3 yet I'm listening with extremely bright cans as it is. I'm wondering if I get the soloist would the gungnir help to awaken the sleepiness of the burson? Therefore making it a great match. I really don't want a harsh sounding system even at the expensive of absolute resolution and detail. Its really coming down the mjolnir or the soloist now for my lcd-3..
Feb 17, 2013 at 7:53 PM Post #425 of 1,285
My cost no object list for the LCD-3 was:
Peak > Soloist > B22 > WA22 > HeadOne > GS-1 > LF
The Mjolnir is a great amp but too aggressive even for me.  If not for that, I'd throw it in there with the B22.
I listen to rock types, alternative, punk, metal with some acid jazz, soul and political rap.  Essentially no classical, country, pop.  Rest is fair game as long as it's good.

I know you found it aggressive, but I could've sworn you found the Peak to be the most 
aggressive amp you've ever heard.
Edit: Addressed below.
I guess it was just that much of a close call for ya.
Feb 17, 2013 at 7:53 PM Post #426 of 1,285
It's the LCD-3 that is laid back, not the Burson.  That same Soloist I find too laid back for the LCD-3 is a dynamics monster on the HD800 and LCD-2.
That said, lots of people love the Mjolnir, it's engaging for sure, just too engaging for me even with the LCD-3.  Where the Peak is riding the line, the Mjolnir falls just past it for me.  I can live with slightly laid back even if it's not my preference, but slightly aggressive... no.
Feb 17, 2013 at 7:57 PM Post #427 of 1,285
I know you found it aggressive, but I could've sworn you found the Peak to be the most 
aggressive amp you've ever heard.

Most aggressive of the bunch I'd live with.  Even then it can be tamed somewhat.  A Sylvania 6SN7W brownbase lushes it up some :wink:
Mjolnir was more aggressive than the Peak with the Syl BadBoy which is an aggressive tube.
But a few guys sold their EC BA for a Mjolnir so it comes down to preference and source.  I had the W4S DAC-2 at the time.
Feb 17, 2013 at 9:53 PM Post #428 of 1,285
I can see where the peak could be categorized as aggressive.
After spending much time with it (i own two in fact) it is hard to listen to music any other way.

With an average source, i am sure the peak can come across as, um, harsh.
However, after hearing many dacs (and transports) feeding the peak, it is now quite evident to me that the source is being heard. And is really just as important as the amp or headphone, probably more. (but is somewhat less discussed on head-fi.)

We discuss amps as though they are in absence of source.
But i understand that this dialogue is difficult to achieve...

I only feel like i know the peak because i have heard it with so many sources.
From the w4s dac-2, musical fidelity m1, bryston bda-1, mhdt havana, human audio muto, jkdac32, stagedac, violectric v800, and others.
The peak has faithfully revealed the essence of my sources more than any other amp i have owned.
I liked the sound lots with some of those dacs, loved it with some, nearly hated it with others.

My mistake early in this hobby was assuming bad sound is the cans first, the amp second, source third....
My 3-plus years on this forum didn't really teach me how wrong i was. I had to hear it for myself.
However, i am disheartened frequently by the youngsters here... I want to reach out to them and tell them " don't buy those hd800 til you have a decent rig.".
But why spoil the fun of the journey for them.....

I have owned the liquid fire, still own a darkstar, and have owned other many amps...
The peak has its place. It is fast, dynamic, ruthless... Yet can be tailored to some degree to sound a wee bit more like tubes. Hahaha
People wondered why i ditched the LF in favor of the Peak. And my short answer is that the Peak was more transparent.
The LF has oomph, but the Peak with a Sylvania bad boy, or shugauang treasure, was able to deliver a more holographic listening experience. For me, with my gear Even with a headphone as stubbornly narrow-staged as the LCD-3.

I am sure other amp owners have found that something that appeals to them in their rigs. And that is what it is all about.
Finding your happy place...
Mine is the Peak.

Just sharing....

The wussy one.
Feb 17, 2013 at 10:18 PM Post #429 of 1,285
Agreed.  The Peak was the sweet spot for me.  Just not longer in the mood to deal with tubes so... Soloist it is.
Feb 17, 2013 at 10:18 PM Post #430 of 1,285
Sounds like the general consensus is the mjolnir, whether or not the best amp, is the best solid-state amp at its price for amping the lcd-3s.
So here's where I'm at and I'll be very thankful for any advice y'all can give me:
I'm running my lcd-3s through an ibasso dx100, which is a great DAP, but probably equivalent to a decent mid-fi desktop setup.  I want to do justice to my 'phones and so I'm looking for a near-summit fi amp and DAC.  I'd like to stick with a solid state amp, and if I could do a dac/preamp/amp all-in-one, that would be awesome because I don't want my work desk cluttered with audio gear.  I was thinking the antelope zodiac gold or a combo of the perfect wave mk2 and mjolnir.
Which listening setup is more euphonic with lcd-3s and will preserve its natural sound better?
How will either of those compare to the dx100?
Are there any other solidstate amps and DACs that I should look at?
I'm itching to make a purchase of something head-fi awesome soon, and I'll be sure to review it once I do.
THANKS for advice! 

Feb 17, 2013 at 10:24 PM Post #431 of 1,285
Neither the PWD2 or Mjolnir are euphoric.  You might like an AMB B22 and Metrum Octave for that goal.
Feb 17, 2013 at 10:30 PM Post #433 of 1,285
Neither the PWD2 or Mjolnir are euphoric.  You might like an AMB B22 and Metrum Octave for that goal.

Last night I got to hear the PWD2 and I (and my buddy who owns it) would be classify it as on the euphoric side of things. Very much in line with the PS Audio sound. He had the newest firmware installed. Not as euphoric as the previous DACs like the DLIII, but still on the warm/euphoric side of what I would classify as bang on neutral. But overall very impressive sounding DAC. I liked it quite a bit. Sounded great!  Still need to hear a Mjolinir though.

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