AKG 702 for 80 Bucks - Is this for real?
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:33 AM Post #196 of 330
Peer Pressure
Just get them
So I am thinking about pulling the trigger on a pair of these.  Just wondering if someone could answer a couple questions for me.  These are primarily going to be used for music and gaming on my pc and also music out of my zune.  I use onboard audio on my pc and dont have an amp.  Is it just stupid for me to get these?  Right now I have the RE0 IEMs for use with my zune and I think these could be a good companion for them and at this price I find it hard to resist.

If they're still at that price. Get them and buy yourself an amp. It will be worth it. 


Nov 17, 2010 at 2:35 AM Post #197 of 330

So I am thinking about pulling the trigger on a pair of these.  Just wondering if someone could answer a couple questions for me.  These are primarily going to be used for music and gaming on my pc and also music out of my zune.  I use onboard audio on my pc and dont have an amp.  Is it just stupid for me to get these?  Right now I have the RE0 IEMs for use with my zune and I think these could be a good companion for them and at this price I find it hard to resist.

If they're still at that price. Get them and buy yourself an amp. It will be worth it. 

unleashthemonke, these will not work with your Zune.  Well they will but barely.  Not nearly enough current to make these work properly.  You're going to want to get a decent amp (not necessarily expensive) to proper drive these headphones.
Don't let drawings or shows confuse you.  These were not meant for the headphone jack of your PC or Zune/DAP.

Thanks a lot for answering so fast.  Could you give me a recommendation for a good amp for these so that I could know how much money we are talking about.  Also would it be necessary to get a better soundcard for the pc or is it just the amp that is really necessary.

I have a little dot I+ and it drives them very well. I payed 130 including shipping on eBay. I also hear that the Fiio e9 drives them really nicely too...that is sold by Micca on Amazon for I think 180.
EDIT: "them" being the K702 of course
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:35 AM Post #198 of 330
I'm just apprehensive seeings as i was duped once already with fake V6's. and the fact that this isnt on music123's website.
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:36 AM Post #200 of 330
hudamanium, I don't know what your argument is.

If you think the "real world" operates independently from the law itself you are mistaken. I've dealt with the intersection of the law and real life the better part of my adult life. What's on the books is the real world. It might seem academic, but what happens in the law affects the real world.

Are you saying that a mistake should be enforced under contract law? I can argue the other way, convincingly. I can show you where courts and legislatures say this is not so.

Ethically, I can make an argument that it is best to forgive mistakes and treat others well.

As for representing Head-Fi, I have zero reservations about arguing for the rule of law and treating others well. That might not be a popular opinion under every circumstance, but I will argue for what I think is right and fair. I don't care if people think they are entitled to the benefit of a mistake. Keep in mind that if you make a mistake, I'll stick up for you, too. If you accidentally listed something for much less than it was worth, you better believe that you would have my support.

It is about doing the right thing - not the most popular thing.
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:36 AM Post #201 of 330
Indeed. I'm not sure if Capitalism is the best economic system in the world, but I might as well uphold my country's values! (and get a great deal simultaneously)
Finally i hear the word Capitalism.

If Best Buy can have its workers knowingly suggest HDMI cables for $80 dollars to uninformed customers, in full knowledge that those same cables are available online for $5 or less, then I have no qualms about getting the best deal I can. Isn't that the whole point of capitalism? Business try to make profit, consumers try to get what they want at minimal cost. This isn't stealing or something of that nature. 


Nov 17, 2010 at 2:38 AM Post #202 of 330

No politics here just get the phones my friend.
Pity they don't ship to California....
I don't know why both sides always get personal about these deals. If you think you're morally justified to buy, then go ahead. If you think it's wrong, then don't buy. I don't see why one group has to always try and convince the other group.


Indeed. I'm not sure if Capitalism is the best economic system in the world, but I might as well uphold my country's values! (and get a great deal simultaneously)
Finally i hear the word Capitalism.

If Best Buy can have its workers knowingly suggest HDMI cables for $80 dollars to uninformed customers, in full knowledge that those same cables are available online for $5 or less, then I have no qualms about getting the best deal I can. Isn't that the whole point of capitalism? Business try to make profit, consumers try to get what they want at minimal cost. This isn't stealing or something of that nature. 



Nov 17, 2010 at 2:40 AM Post #203 of 330

So I am thinking about pulling the trigger on a pair of these.  Just wondering if someone could answer a couple questions for me.  These are primarily going to be used for music and gaming on my pc and also music out of my zune.  I use onboard audio on my pc and dont have an amp.  Is it just stupid for me to get these?  Right now I have the RE0 IEMs for use with my zune and I think these could be a good companion for them and at this price I find it hard to resist.

If they're still at that price. Get them and buy yourself an amp. It will be worth it. 

unleashthemonke, these will not work with your Zune.  Well they will but barely.  Not nearly enough current to make these work properly.  You're going to want to get a decent amp (not necessarily expensive) to proper drive these headphones.
Don't let drawings or shows confuse you.  These were not meant for the headphone jack of your PC or Zune/DAP.

Thanks a lot for answering so fast.  Could you give me a recommendation for a good amp for these so that I could know how much money we are talking about.  Also would it be necessary to get a better soundcard for the pc or is it just the amp that is really necessary.

I have a little dot I+ and it drives them very well. I payed 130 including shipping on eBay. I also hear that the Fiio e9 drives them really nicely too...that is sold by Micca on Amazon for I think 180.
EDIT: "them" being the K702 of course


Whats the word on the street concerning the NuForce Icon mobile as a potential power source for these puppies?

Nov 17, 2010 at 2:41 AM Post #204 of 330
Concur, more a of a introduction to an attempt at humor that a political comment. 
No politics here just get the phones my friend.
Pity they don't ship to California....
I don't know why both sides always get personal about these deals. If you think you're morally justified to buy, then go ahead. If you think it's wrong, then don't buy. I don't see why one group has to always try and convince the other group.


Indeed. I'm not sure if Capitalism is the best economic system in the world, but I might as well uphold my country's values! (and get a great deal simultaneously)
Finally i hear the word Capitalism.

If Best Buy can have its workers knowingly suggest HDMI cables for $80 dollars to uninformed customers, in full knowledge that those same cables are available online for $5 or less, then I have no qualms about getting the best deal I can. Isn't that the whole point of capitalism? Business try to make profit, consumers try to get what they want at minimal cost. This isn't stealing or something of that nature. 




Nov 17, 2010 at 2:43 AM Post #205 of 330
I find it really odd that after music123 being "sold-out" of the 79$ stock, they now have apparently put up MORE headphones for sale at the same price.
Would a seller be able to make a fake account under the name of a well-known store on buy.com and pull off a scam on buyers? O_o
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:46 AM Post #206 of 330

I find it really odd that after music123 being "sold-out" of the 79$ stock, they now have apparently put up MORE headphones for sale at the same price.
Would a seller be able to make a fake account under the name of a well-known store on buy.com and pull off a scam on buyers? O_o

Whoa that's odd.  I just checked again and saw it wasn't listed as sold out any more.  Either they're scamming us or they figure it's a good way to dump stock.  If it's a win win, this would be awesome.
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:47 AM Post #207 of 330


Whats the word on the street concerning the NuForce Icon mobile as a potential power source for these puppies?

Never heard it, but looking at the specs I don't think they have quite enough power to run them. The K702's are current hogs and both the little dot and E9 gots lots of current. Also they are fairly low impedance cans, and this Icon Mobile looks like it's better for high impedance...meaning they won't be driven to their full potential. Trust me, I started with a cheapy amp with these and stepping up to the LD I+ made a big difference.
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:48 AM Post #208 of 330
I want to purchase a pair but I live in Aus and they don't post here. I am willing to pay someone an extra $20 plus postage to get a pair and send them to me, let me know via PM please! Hopefully they are just dumping stock. It seems odd that they put up more after selling out..
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:48 AM Post #209 of 330

Understood my friend.
Concur, more a of a introduction to an attempt at humor that a political comment. 
No politics here just get the phones my friend.
Pity they don't ship to California....
I don't know why both sides always get personal about these deals. If you think you're morally justified to buy, then go ahead. If you think it's wrong, then don't buy. I don't see why one group has to always try and convince the other group.


Indeed. I'm not sure if Capitalism is the best economic system in the world, but I might as well uphold my country's values! (and get a great deal simultaneously)
Finally i hear the word Capitalism.

If Best Buy can have its workers knowingly suggest HDMI cables for $80 dollars to uninformed customers, in full knowledge that those same cables are available online for $5 or less, then I have no qualms about getting the best deal I can. Isn't that the whole point of capitalism? Business try to make profit, consumers try to get what they want at minimal cost. This isn't stealing or something of that nature. 





Nov 17, 2010 at 2:49 AM Post #210 of 330

hudamanium, I don't know what your argument is.

If you think the "real world" operates independently from the law itself you are mistaken. I've dealt with the intersection of the law and real life the better part of my adult life. What's on the books is the real world. It might seem academic, but what happens in the law affects the real world.

Are you saying that a mistake should be enforced under contract law? I can argue the other way, convincingly. I can show you where courts and legislatures say this is not so.

Ethically, I can make an argument that it is best to forgive mistakes and treat others well.

As for representing Head-Fi, I have zero reservations about arguing for the rule of law and treating others well. That might not be a popular opinion under every circumstance, but I will argue for what I think is right and fair. I don't care if people think they are entitled to the benefit of a mistake. Keep in mind that if you make a mistake, I'll stick up for you, too. If you accidentally listed something for much less than it was worth, you better believe that you would have my support.

It is about doing the right thing - not the most popular thing.

My problem was the threat of banning if this threat "got out of hand" or if people decide to sell these headphones on this website. 
Now. My argument was not that they are required by law honor their "contract". Or whether it actually is a contract in the first place. One of my arguments was that if a company advertises a certain price for an item, they should honor the price they are advertising it. They certainly aren't obligated to (thats my other point) but in my opinion they should. 
If your argument is pretty much just picking on my choice of words. I sorry, I'm not a lawyer. maybe the word "contract" brings up some angry feelings. I can understand that. I hate it when people don't understand what I'm studying either and make assumptions. For that I'm sorry. However, my argument doesn't revolve around that word, please feel free to replace it with a word that is a little more fitting.
Another argument was that they are free to cancel these orders. Nothing is stopping them. Pretty self explanitory. No one is being a thief for buying it, then the company deciding to ship the order. And the company isn't in the wrong for not honoring the orders. 
Lastly. Like I said, look at this from another point of view. Other people have said the same. Stuff like this happens because of our American captalistic system. Companies only have the obligation to their shareholders. If that involves ripping off consumers big  time, theres no reason why they won't (except when competition comes up). Similarly, as consumers we have adopted a system were we try to get the best for what be pay for. I see nothing wrong with this (in perspective of our current system). 
If you want to continue arguing this, I see it more of an argument of our consumerism/captalistic system than anything else. And in this case we can both be right because there is honestly no right answer. 
EDIT: I like the idea of shutting up about it. I have yet to see a good argument for the opposing side, not that there aren't any but they just haven't popped up yet. I see people avoiding the questions, attacking people personally, and saying they're right because they are. Those are not arguments. Either way I like talking about it because I enjoy a good debate. It isn't a good debate, and its late. I will stop talking about this if there seems to be no intelligent discussion. 

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