AKG 702 for 80 Bucks - Is this for real?
Nov 17, 2010 at 1:49 AM Post #166 of 330
Business is business, but who is gazing at the other screen and worring if he/she would get fired is also a human like you.
Nah, I don't think I'm in the position to say this kind of thing. I'm unsubscribing.
It's funny to see how a human can become.
Nov 17, 2010 at 1:50 AM Post #167 of 330
To be honest, none of us know whether this is an actual mistake or not. Maybe they're clearing out old stock. Maybe its Christmas and they're stocking up on different things. 
Its most likely a mistake, but then this would be up to the company to see whether they would honor the purchase or not.
I can see arguments on both sides, but to put it in a different perspective, a company that advertises something at a certain price and having a consumer buy it is kind of like having a contract with said consumer. If the company were to do the right thing, they would honor their original prices to the consumer. 
Similarly, if a consumer gets ripped off at a car dealership (say purchasing an extended warranty), I see no problem with morals. I only see a not so brilliant consumer and a smart company. Same thing. If music123 goes thru with honoring these purchases, some of us just got extremely lucky and are smart consumers. 
Lets not get all high and preachy with our morals and imposing our beliefs about business on others. Not to say that people who think that people that jumped on this deal are all assholes don't necessarily have a point, but I do expect the same people to also hate companies that take advantage of their consumers.  (so possibly more than half the stuff you guys buy in general).... 
EDIT: and yes like so many other people have pointed out. The company can just cancel. No one is forcing them to ship out these headphones. If they do, I'll have a huge amount of respect for the company because they respect their customers and honor their prices. 
EDIT: In summary. A business only has 1 obligation, its shareholders. Generally,  consumers like us are unlucky enough to fall into a "people getting ripped off" for a business to make profits and honor their commitment to their shareholders. There is no surprise then that similarly, as consumers, we try to get the best for what we pay for. If you hate this motto so much, I'm afraid we're going into political theory and ideology than anything else.... 
Nov 17, 2010 at 1:54 AM Post #168 of 330
If Best Buy can have its workers knowingly suggest HDMI cables for $80 dollars to uninformed customers, in full knowledge that those same cables are available online for $5 or less, then I have no qualms about getting the best deal I can. Isn't that the whole point of capitalism? Business try to make profit, consumers try to get what they want at minimal cost. This isn't stealing or something of that nature. 
Nov 17, 2010 at 1:57 AM Post #171 of 330

This is knowingly taking advantage of a mistake. It is no different from the examples I gave.

I probably won't change many minds here, but it'll come back to you sooner or later. When one of you screw up and someone goes for the jugular, then you'll "get" the lesson. Sadly, a lot of you are going to have to learn this one the hard way.

It makes me sad because one of the great things about this community is trust. During CanJam '09, I brought pretty much all of my audio gear and put it out on a table. Then I walked away and trusted people to do the right thing. Everyone did. That was wonderful. But when I see threads like this, I wonder what would happen to a piece of gear accidentally left behind. Would people keep it for themselves, or would they do the right thing?

Think about it, folks.

This wasn't a sale. Sales are fine. This was a mistake.

Also, I forgot to mention that if these do ship, we are keeping an eye of the For Sale threads. Anyone who tries to flip these for profit will be banned. You have been warned.

respectfully, I think that what saddens me is that a moderator on a great site that I go to to learn and discuss a passion of mine is likening us to common thieves. There is a huge difference for ordering a set of headphones at a set price on the internet with our own cash than walking away from a headphone meet with a set of cans someone left on a table which by the way I would NEVER do. Maybe it was a mistake, and if it was all of the orders will be canceled.
On top of that, this is a great opportunity for people whom otherwise could not afford these cans to get them. This may be their first higher-end pair and then that will lead to them buying their first amp, and from there more conversations and feedback on this great site. This shouldn't be looked at as a negative event. This is a good thing for the head-fi community and quite frankly I don't appreciate all of us getting shunned for it.

Nov 17, 2010 at 1:58 AM Post #172 of 330
hudmanium, you seem to make it sound like it is universally bad to delineate right and wrong. It is not. You are more than willing to make justifications - as long as it benefits you. If you were on the other side, how willing would you be to equivocate?

Also, you apparently don't know the first thing about contracts. I happen to have spent some time studying them in law school. Further, I have drafted a few myself. Mistake is an extremely well-established reason for breaking a contract. Moreover, a business has obligations other than to its shareholders. I should add that I help run one and am also an accountant. I'd be happy to shred you in an argument if that's what you're looking for.

As for the implication that people are stealing, yes, you've got that right. You know that it is a mistake and yet you take advantage of it anyway. It doesn't matter if this is an "opportunity" for people without much money. That is irrelevant and you know it.
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:01 AM Post #173 of 330

It's sad how gleefully some people take advantage of a mistake.

I'm sure I'll take a few hits from those who feel entitled to take advantage of someone else. I don't care if it is an individual or a company, you shouldn't take advantage of someone. I'm sure some "justifications" will be posted, but this reminds me of looting.

When I was a kid, the bank screwed up and accidentally deposited someone else's sale of stock into my savings account.

It was around $27,000.

We had a pretty good laugh about it, but we decided to call the bank and tell them. They were embarrassed, then debited my account and credited it to the correct account. It was the right thing to do.

Go ahead and mock, but I get the feeling that most of the people in this thread are quite young. Just wait until someone is in the position to take advantage of you. It will happen. And you'll be thankful if they don't.

Most of you are too young to appreciate this, but there is a lot of satisfaction to be had from helping someone out and doing the right thing. At dinner tonight, the woman in front of me in line left her cell on the counter. I tapped her on the shoulder and asked if it was hers. I could have probably gotten some money for it on eBay. But she was happy she didn't lose it. That felt better than whatever money I could have sold it for.

Further, we will be keeping an eye on this thread. If it spins out of control, it will be gone.

I can't agree with this statement.  And the mistake is not the same.  This is like if someone mistaken wrote a lower price in the FS section here and someone gave them an offer.  The seller still has the right to say whether they want to go through with it at that price or relist it with the correct price.  This is assuming it is a mistake.
All the power is in their court.  They can cancel the orders or ship them out.
I won't say I'm a great person and that I can resist a deal, but if I don't feel a need for it I don't jump on it.  I passed up the M50 deal and the earlier Sony deals as well.  I'm not here for justification.  I just think you're jumping the gun a little.
Though I completely agree about the flipping.  It's like the time I saw someone tried to sell an item they got for free.  Personally, if I get these they will either be as backup or I will give away another pair of cans to a friend to get them interested in headphones and audio in general.
I'm glad you feel so strongly about such things and it shows you are of strong moral character and that is exactly what we need in Mods and more so in people in general, but I do believe you are taking this out of proportion.
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:02 AM Post #174 of 330
Based on morals, I'll have to side with Erik..it did say 70% off so you'll have to wait and see if they intended to sell it at that price but people who buy a bunch and try to flip them are definitely in the wrong at least imo. I've been ripped of b4 so I know what it feels like..I wouldn'r want others to feel that way. Thats just me..don't want to start a battle of morals or anything
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:02 AM Post #175 of 330

hudmanium, you seem to make it sound like it is universally bad to delineate right and wrong. It is not. You are more than willing to make justifications - as long as it benefits you. If you were on the other side, how willing would you be to equivocate?

Also, you apparently don't know the first thing about contracts. I happen to have spent some time studying them in law school. Further, I have drafted a few myself. Mistake is an extremely well-established reason for breaking a contract.

Hence i said they were similar. And I'm glad you've responded to me and not many others. I guess I have raised a valid point. You can read my edits if you want.
Also, I have stated that music123 can cancel their orders if they like. They might have started already... which is no surprise. I stated that I would respect the company a lot for honoring their advertised price, but I wouln't hold anything against them if they cancel. 
Also, I feel like its impossible to argue with people that attack myself than my arguments. This is a logical fallacy (you went to law school so I'm sure you've studied logic). If you wish to continue this discussion, please bring up an actual response than to attack my person. 
EDIT: And I have worked on the other side. I apologize in advance. I worked in cell phone sales for a while. Yes it is a ripoff. Is there anything you can do about it? Not really. Do i make a profit off people's uninformed purchases? Certainly. Sales is sales. Business is business. 
Lastly, I would place this in a moral grey area. I'm not really challenging your beliefs, sure you can argue its wrong with good supporting arguments. However, I can also do the same on the opposing position. I'm definitely not saying people cannot deligate universal rights and wrongs (though this is a whole different argument), you're free to do so but that doesn't mean that you are correct. 
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:03 AM Post #176 of 330
This is a preventable and reversible issue if it is indeed a price mistake.  Liken this to walking away with an unattended piece of equipment or ripping them off is reaching a bit.
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:08 AM Post #177 of 330
Then what is your argument, hudmanium? Is it about the law of contracts? Is it about ethics? Go ahead and make your case. I'll respond on the points only. I'll be pleased to cite statutes and caselaw to demonstrate how contracts work.
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:12 AM Post #179 of 330
I wonder how much it costs to make one single unit and ship it to the seller. If I willingly knew the costs exceeds the price of the deal, I wouldn't do it. If the K702 was $79 to make and ship to a seller, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. A profit is a profit.
The M50 deal was quite obviously an error that would have cost the seller a bit of money per sale. I would have thought twice.
I'm not a moral saint as to skip out on this deal if I really wanted one, however. Blame it on my tiny little devil.
The moral police is sounding a bit too preachy lately. I do agree on NOT buying more than one. That's just downright taking advantage.
Nov 17, 2010 at 2:13 AM Post #180 of 330

Then what is your argument, hudmanium? Is it about the law of contracts? Is it about ethics? Go ahead and make your case. I'll respond on the points only. I'll be pleased to cite statutes and caselaw to demonstrate how contracts work.

I already talked about that..... I said they were similar. You can talk about case law all you like but that won't further your argument in any way. 
My argument is about the real world, how it works, and also it is about ethics. I think my points were quite clear, you can feel free to read them again if the first time it didn't fully go through. 
To be honest, judging by the rhetoric exchanged between us, I feel like this has strayed from a debate and has become something a little uglier. I don't want it to be like that. 
So. Please please bring up some good points, I love debating with people... and also I advice you to be a little more civil. As a moderator you represent this site, and I certainly do not want myself or anyone else having a bad impression of this website. Its a great community. 

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