acrylic vs silicon housing for custom iem?
Mar 23, 2015 at 12:21 AM Post #61 of 78
Great to find this thread, as its something I have been debating with my fellow musician friends.
I currently use silicone attenuators for live performance, they are really comfy.  I have a couple of my friends have accrylic CIEM (1964, UM) and generally like them but do talk about some discomfort over time worn.
It may have been discussed before but I thought of replicating the idea of making my own molds with a top of the line universal fit ( SE846 seem like they have good reviews)  using an instant-set putty, eg Radian.   I have used the insta-set putty for basic attenuation and they are great.
One risk is of course if this would damage the headphones, but after watching a some demo videos I think it should be ok if I take care.     
Any input would be great, let me know if this sounds like a bad idea!
Apr 13, 2015 at 12:38 AM Post #63 of 78
Guys, btw silicone and acrylic, which one is quicker in terms of insertion?
And, for those people in tropical countries, would ears develop heat more with the silicone CIEM?
Thanks guys!
Jun 3, 2015 at 6:12 AM Post #64 of 78
Insertion: Acrylic will be easiest to insert in most cases and especially in the heat. New silicone earplugs require use of lubricating gel.

Comfort: Silicone will be more comfortable in most situations.

Heat: While earplugs are generally more comfortable than earmuffs, there is insufficient information concerning any difference between silicone and acrylic earplugs and heat.
Aug 26, 2015 at 3:35 AM Post #65 of 78
AFAIK, both white/clear acrylic and silicone housing turn yellowish over time. Can we prevent this by using colors such as black or blue? Please enlighten me and correct me if I said anything wrong
Sep 27, 2016 at 7:19 PM Post #66 of 78
Can it be possible for CIEM with silicone tips to also be a unibody design? I mean can't silicon be poured into the tip of the mold before filling it with acrylic? 
I optioned for soft canals from inearz and the silicon tips are far softer than the acrylic reactive tips from Westone. 
Also, I noticed the edge of the silicon sound bore walls from inearz is much thinner than the acrylic canals from Westone.
A previous Westone ciem owners said he had not issued with the soft tips after many uses of constant use.  
I sure hope it isn't sure for silicon tips to weaken and eventually detach from the acrylic shell.
Despite appearances, I always thought silicon was a good bonding material for sealing up hard and soft surfaces hence why it is the preferred application for sealing up gaps and leaks. Correct me if I'm wrong. 
Jun 29, 2017 at 2:57 PM Post #71 of 78
Are there such CIEMs that have its internals completely filled with Acrylic? If yes, are the much better against shock compared to solid Silolicone?
I don't really see the point of doing this.
As it was pointed earlier, silicone behaves like a shock absorber, and thus will protect your drivers against small shocks better than acrylic will ever do, by absorbing energy.
Acrylic, being very hard, will transmit energy (=shock and vibrations) directly to the drivers, which is not very desirable on the long run, unless you're very careful with your IEMs.

Hard acrylic shell with internal silicone is a VERY good built for long lasting protection.
Jul 26, 2020 at 12:12 PM Post #72 of 78
I've been using Shure SE 846 with custom silicone sleeves for about 5 years (Sony WM1A with 4.4 balanced output and upgrade cable). Easy to clean and very comfortable. I don't know how acrylic could provide a better seal, anything more than about 1/2 volume is about as loud as you need
Jun 9, 2021 at 2:38 AM Post #74 of 78
A question for specialists : fix me if i'm wrong, but, in term of purely musical sonic performances, a full silicon iem shell cannot perform when using at least 10mm DD transducer, hybrid or any tubeless multi transducer configuration ? i mean by that it could more difficult to design an acoustic chamber to take advantage of acoustic laws ?

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