1 $ for Hisound’s new released ROCOO player???
Dec 12, 2011 at 1:54 AM Post #91 of 838
Thanks for attending  the second bid. I hope you will send it as gift for your friends than not trade for profits.

i just made a 2nd bid...
i promise to post more feedbacks on the 2nd dap i hope to receive. :p
( no one rush with me pls....no one k...many thanks. haaaaaaaaaa)

Dec 12, 2011 at 2:52 AM Post #92 of 838
its a cruel merciless world out there bro JACK...
i need to pay for birdseeds for my pet cockatoo.
And i was thinking of selling it off for 500bucks to the salvation army thrift shop...
mebadmebad..i will repent. :p

i am having tots of exercising my WILDcard, as in  VIP card and get the Roocoo instead... 
thats for iems right ? that should balance out my arsenal :p
Dec 12, 2011 at 3:28 AM Post #93 of 838

hi, Lorspeaker:
I Don't think you need to sell you cockatoo for your shop. You can add in the audio products to your army thrift shop. For music is one kind of weapon.right?
its a cruel merciless world out there bro JACK...
i need to pay for birdseeds for my pet cockatoo.
And i was thinking of selling it off for 500bucks to the salvation army thrift shop...
mebadmebad..i will repent. :p

i am having tots of exercising my WILDcard, as in  VIP card and get the Roocoo instead... 
thats for iems right ? that should balance out my arsenal :p

Dec 12, 2011 at 3:38 AM Post #94 of 838

had a glorious two hours on my belovedCan, the stock denon D7000...
switching from desktop to matchbox, matchbox to desktop...
$2000 to $200...$200 to $2000
i just dunno where the little box derive its power,
the d7000 is punchy, fast, very clear...
from ARMIK to COPLAND to MJ, all cylinders firing well..
lehmann is cooler, roocooP warmer, both very agile, clean, airy.
i cringe at the price-value proposition here before me.
i must make a judgement for my own sanity...
lehmann :vintage wine, full bodied
roocoo : vintage quality with a youthful zest.
ok i am done with my feedbacks..
the rest of the guys can do their part :p
thank u guys for reading...thank u HISOUNDAUDIO.
all the very BEST!!
PS : my d7000 is always under moisturising mask. :p
Dec 12, 2011 at 5:31 PM Post #95 of 838
I just found this threat today. I desperately need a new player instead of my Evo 3D phone. It's not too late to bid now. :D
Dec 12, 2011 at 7:49 PM Post #96 of 838
dunno y i am putting more hours into the lehmann,
guess i am trying to pacify her, she must have felt threatened by this matchbox.

Hi Jack,
is it true that whenever i charge the RooCooP, the player will be turned ON..? even though when i plug it in, it was not turned on?
when i pull out the charger cable, will it auto turn off? or do i have to turn it off? 
and is it ok to charge from a Car ciarette  outlet? 
"solved" my TDK ST700 boom with the RooCooP,
i just listen to it at LOWER VOLUME :p
sort of ambient music style..
or i just listen to small jazz bands/ vocals.
cant do avatar or yanni.
Dec 13, 2011 at 4:31 AM Post #97 of 838

Hi Jack,
is it true that whenever i charge the RooCooP, the player will be turned ON..? even though when i plug it in, it was not turned on?
when i pull out the charger cable, will it auto turn off? or do i have to turn it off? 
and is it ok to charge from a Car ciarette  outlet? 

  The ROCOO P will be automatically turn on when linked to the general charger.
  When hooked to the PC, it will access the data than not playing.
 You need to turn off the player after your unplugging the player from the charger. it will not turn off automatically.
Dec 14, 2011 at 2:25 AM Post #98 of 838
Just got the RoCoo P today and i am loving it. Clearly way more powerful and cleaner sounding than other daps like cowon,sony,ipod,etc. Paired with my ultrasone pro 2900, um merlins, jvc fxt90, and others, the sound is heavenly. Very neutral with great extensions on both ends of the spectrum. Job well done Hisoundaudio! These are winners and stomp all over daps of majority of all popular brands. If these were $300, i would still buy them. It just seems like i dont need to amp it anymore since the sound is on par or cleaner than my other amps like jds cmoy,e11,dzero,etc. Crazy value here!
Dec 14, 2011 at 8:41 AM Post #99 of 838
Thanks for your feedback.
All of Hisound's players have the individual built in amplifier. Our initial idea is to put the external amplifier into the enclosure of mp3 player. For the bundled amplifier is really the big burden for portable music listening.
So, you don't need to hook the player to the other rest portable amplifiers normally, except you want to have different sound experience.
Just got the RoCoo P today and i am loving it. Clearly way more powerful and cleaner sounding than other daps like cowon,sony,ipod,etc. Paired with my ultrasone pro 2900, um merlins, jvc fxt90, and others, the sound is heavenly. Very neutral with great extensions on both ends of the spectrum. Job well done Hisoundaudio! These are winners and stomp all over daps of majority of all popular brands. If these were $300, i would still buy them. It just seems like i dont need to amp it anymore since the sound is on par or cleaner than my other amps like jds cmoy,e11,dzero,etc. Crazy value here!

Dec 14, 2011 at 9:36 AM Post #100 of 838
By the way, If you have desk top amplifier for the home system or full size headphones,you can try the other function of HDMS function, Please turn the volume to the top or switch to the HDMS function. Then hook the ROCOO P to the amplifier. The ROCOO P will be a good pre amplifier at this setting. You can compare the sound quality with the CD player. You will see the excellent performance of ROCOO P.
Dec 14, 2011 at 9:40 AM Post #101 of 838
i would be curious with how this dap perform with cans like hd600/650....k70x...Dt770/600...
these are a few of the mid-cans i wanna collect ultimately for my private cellar..ha
Dec 14, 2011 at 10:00 AM Post #102 of 838
beside the output power, is there any different between rocoo and rocoo P?
sound signature? resolution? etc.? maybe some end users can report their findings?
i know hisound has said the only difference  is the output power, but who knows.. i'm a curious little person

@marlonmarabe: did you notice any hiss when you plug your merlins to rocoo P with no music playing?

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