「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Mar 7, 2015 at 8:18 PM Post #147,841 of 177,747
Some may think it kinda is a slight asspull

But it was pretty much hinted at and wasn't that asspullish. The only real asspull thing about it was that they recycled plot twists/events from Gundam and Code Geass (especially Code Geass).

Overall, a nice move towards a climax

Only issue is that with only 2-3 episodes left... and without anything mega happening yet. I really hope it's not some Deus Ex Slain type of thing. 

Nah man, Deus Ex Inaho.
The whole point of this show is to praise our lord and savior Inaho.
Mar 7, 2015 at 8:23 PM Post #147,842 of 177,747
  Is that a BS kind of "wat"?

Well kinda...
Since bowei gave the same impression like my friend who said it has the same flow as Gundam, maybe not really surprising for some people.  
New world, yeah like Code Geass, but at least Lelouch treats Kaguya and the other Chinese princess well, although as tools, while Slaine took both princesses to custody. Ahay
Well, finished rolling girls too. Guess time to call the day off
Mar 7, 2015 at 8:29 PM Post #147,843 of 177,747
Just Finished watching SOA II, and note
SOA I :  i am not a fan of SOA's 1st season, i watched it a little, it had a very good start, then a friend told me to stop watching it, and told me why, and he was right on spot i won't like it for few reasons but still it wasn't as bad i assume, but lets not go deep into SOA I, i am here to talk about SOA II

SOA II: oh god, it felt like another anime, and Sinon was ofc the best girl!! design, style, character and everything!! and the game itself was epic, GGO, i did enjoy the 1st arc a lot 

so till EP14 i was like really digging this anime, and i did enjoy the Kirito x Sinon vibe, but here is the worst part for me!!! so later on he went back to ALO, and SUDDENLY!! Sinon / Shion became like a super minor character, i hate how the Shion x Kirito suddenly stopped, there were a clear vibe there :<  and ALO felt too boring compered to GGO arc.... but i know ...GGO isn;t SOA or ALO..... EP15 and up made me not exited and not happy at alll

so am i the only one who don't like Sinon / Shion sudden disappearance? and liked the 1st arc more than the 2nd arc?  not sure about you guys but wanted to share my opinion :/ 
and oh people long time no see ^^ i was too busy with the collage :< and still busy but finally had a chance to watch one anime. 

You're not the only one. I wanted to see more of M9000 type Kirito, too.
Mar 7, 2015 at 8:53 PM Post #147,844 of 177,747
Anytime I watch Saekano I want to punch the MC
He's hanging out with 3 fricking beauties and just lounging around.
And unlike in harems where it is so filled with fan service and schiit, this is more realistic. Where they are all equally doing their own thing in just normal positions and situations. The anime does use monogataris famous sensual direction as an art direction though
Mar 7, 2015 at 8:57 PM Post #147,845 of 177,747

lol, EA.
Mar 7, 2015 at 9:25 PM Post #147,848 of 177,747
My mom wanted to try the Shamrock Shake at McDonald's because she likes minty stuff. I don't even.......

Hey, their shakes are... Okay! They're not great but they're drinkable. Just hugely unhealthy.

Oh hey I know Tangy and TYG like bikes, you guys have any suggestions for bikes? Not sure how many brands widely available in the EU/UK are available here in the US but these are two of the bikes I'm considering:
The salesman said the Fuji road bike will be better for climbing up hills (which would be nice since my entire 5 minute commute will be up a hill) but the Diamondback has disc breaks which might be nice for trying to stop in the rain and stop for jerk drivers that cut me off.
Considering I'm so tall, used ones in my size are pretty few and far between. Plus I figure if I buy it new I won't have to deal with having to replace parts nearly as soon on them. Plus these people have a store in the city I'll be living in so I don't have to go drive an hour to pick up a used bike. :/
Mar 7, 2015 at 10:38 PM Post #147,850 of 177,747
Damn...3 episodes left for Aldnoah sounds like a bit of a rush.
Lemrina's actions were unexpected, but Slaine's were. I'm curious where this is going to go. We do see Slaine and Inaho fighting on the same side in the OP. I'm wondering where this is going.
Mar 7, 2015 at 10:59 PM Post #147,851 of 177,747
  Damn...3 episodes left for Aldnoah sounds like a bit of a rush.
Lemrina's actions were unexpected, but Slaine's were. I'm curious where this is going to go. We do see Slaine and Inaho fighting on the same side in the OP. I'm wondering where this is going.

They are confined. We'll get an explanation next episode

While I will admit that a lot of quick and slightly out of charcater things happenend.

I wouldn't say Lemrina's actions were completely out of the cone of what could have happened. I could definately have seen it. 

She was betrayed, toyed with, and at points, showing that she had no interest in the war of what Slaine wanted but in that she herself was wanted. Now that her sister is back, someone that the series has shown that she can not kill due to her love. She has but limited options. In the scene that she was about to shoot her sister. It probably just went down that she went the route that would hopefully give her all she wanted. Slaine and her sister both by asking Slaine to stop what he was doing. This is because if Slaine didn't stop, Lemrina would lose her sister. She never cared for that blasted war personally as the series did well in showing. 

The part I'm worried about is What they are going to accomplish in 3 episodes
Hopefully not another
Mar 7, 2015 at 11:02 PM Post #147,852 of 177,747
They are confined. We'll get an explanation next episode

While I will admit that a lot of quick and slightly out of charcater things happenend.

I wouldn't say Lemrina's actions were completely out of the cone of what could have happened. I could definately have seen it. 

She was betrayed, toyed with, and at points, showing that she had no interest in the war of what Slaine wanted but in that she herself was wanted. Now that her sister is back, someone that the series has shown that she can not kill due to her love. She has but limited options. In the scene that she was about to shoot her sister. It probably just went down that she went the route that would hopefully give her all she wanted. Slaine and her sister both by asking Slaine to stop what he was doing. This is because if Slaine didn't stop, Lemrina would lose her sister. She never cared for that blasted war personally as the series did well in showing. 

The part I'm worried about is What they are going to accomplish in 3 episodes
Hopefully not another

tbh I'd like a 3rd season so they don't rush. I don't care if it's a 6 episode 3rd season, just don't pull a Mekakucity Actors or something where everything falls apart.
Meanwhile, all the pieces fall into play for Durarara X2. Chaos is amusing to watch.
Mar 7, 2015 at 11:14 PM Post #147,853 of 177,747
  tbh I'd like a 3rd season so they don't rush. I don't care if it's a 6 episode 3rd season, just don't pull a Mekakucity Actors or something where everything falls apart.
Meanwhile, all the pieces fall into play for Durarara X2. Chaos is amusing to watch.

Now that schiit is going down. I would so like one. But there is only one problem
I hate the 'good' MCs. Asseylum and Inaho are honestly the weakest characters of the show. 

Inaho has had 0 character development and does the exact same ********** thing every single time. Oh wait, plot time. His eye hurts now hinting at death flag......no. Stop. Aldnoah Zero has pretty much even pissed off Urobutcher when it went with its judgment of cheap thrills. They've already made deaths as cheap as Inaho man-handling every situation. 

The princess on the other hand, also has 0 development. Ok. She likes peace and Earth. Tell me about it, show why. Nope, besides dem purty purty birds and peace and flirting with an enemey solder while tens of thousands of her own soldiers die under her name. Never says anything about it, never feels even a pain for it, just goes about doing stuff. 

Today's episode with Asseylum pissed me off the most. "I alleysum vers allusia blah blah order you to cease hostilities Slaine"

This comment is good on that 

 But essentially, despite the series trying to protray her as a down to Earth type of girl. It has inconsistently shown that she will still use her hereditary and monarchial entitlement as a higher being when needed. She, like the person she fell in love with, is idealistic and just goes by the moment without a care for anything else. The entitlement and hereditary thing isn't that big of a deal as it still kinda fits that she would use it to help out whenever possible. But that was one part of the show where they could have added much death towards why she is striving towards her goals. But nope.

All of Inaho's friends and sister.. God dayum the fricking double standards. Oh , all my friends in the other square are killed. Coolio. But Inaho kun!!! stapphhhhh staphhhhh. Pisses me off to no end. They are barely able to pilot those machines and yet are still alive and clicking. 
This might be a good anime to watch.

This video and Shirobako kinda alludes to how production companies way way up above generally call shots to increase profits. 
Urobutcher, the man who originally crafted the premise and all that, has already publically called out Aldnoah Zero for it's asspullery.
As much as how things have gotten so very interesting. I have no interest in it.
They've been digging themselves into multiple holes of intense situations that just resolve themselves naturally or just de-tense after cheap thrills. 

The best character in the entire show is Slaine. He exhibts humanity, emotion, internal struggle, despair, resolution, and determination of all the other souless characters combined and then some. 
Seeing the ways things are going 
He most likely wont be the winner. And the slapstick 0 development couple of awesomeness having not even romantic development past semi-flirting will meet up at the end and somehow guide the world to peace
Sorry I'm salty about this.
I just love Slaine and the darker parts of the series so much more. 
Mar 7, 2015 at 11:18 PM Post #147,854 of 177,747
Did you upgrade a computer from Snow Leopard to Mavericks? I'm tempted to do that just because SL seems a bit slow to me with transitions (I know you can edit these through Terminal in Mavericks). I still have the SL DVD, so I should be good to go if Mavericks doesn't seem fit for this 7-year old hardware, but I thought I'd ask you first.

Today I learned that Apple's giant plastic bags with drawstrings are made in China. Those have got to be amongst the best and most durable plastic bags I have ever touched. Those things are awesome. XD

I did, but dont remember the differences between them anymore... I upgraded like 2 years ago.
Apple plastic bags? never heard of em.
Mar 7, 2015 at 11:21 PM Post #147,855 of 177,747
Hey, their shakes are... Okay! They're not great but they're drinkable. Just hugely unhealthy.

They're okay. They taste like frozen/liquid sugar though. >.>

I did, but dont remember the differences between them anymore... I upgraded like 2 years ago.

Apple plastic bags? never heard of em.

Ah okay. Might as well then. If it doesn't work out, I wanted to clean install the OS anyway.

These bags?

I transport my STAX in them since it's big enough to fit the box. XD

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