「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Mar 19, 2015 at 9:32 PM Post #148,966 of 177,750
  Hey guys do you have any great anime recommendation?
I just finished watching episode 23 of Parasyte - the maxim. Great anime, I hoped for more episodes but seems like it will end on 24.

How are you doing on your School Days quota? Cause I'd start with that 
Mar 19, 2015 at 9:37 PM Post #148,967 of 177,750
Thanks... I am browsing myanimelist all day... The problem is... I watched far too many anime and I am having a hard time finding new. xD I need to make a list on myanimelist.
To be more specific from the top 50 anime I haven't watched: 
Clannad: After Story (dropped mid-way, story too slow)
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (old graphics, haven't watched it)
Monogatari Series: Second Season (I have seen Bakemonogatari, it was average and a bit boring)
Cowboy Bebop (old graphics, haven't watched it)
Natsume Yuujinchou Shi (seems boring)
Aria the Origination (not sure what is this)
Ping Pong The Animation (dropped after 3 episodes, a bit boring)
Haikyuu!! (not sure what is this)
So, yes, I have watched every other single anime in the top 50!
How are you doing on your School Days quota? Cause I'd start with that 

I have seen School Days, it was great actually. The unexpected ending is what made this anime great.
Mar 19, 2015 at 10:04 PM Post #148,968 of 177,750

Just finished Your Lie in April
Pretty much the contestant for Romance Anime of the Year
No bull, it's as straight as you can get it 

There were some flaws to it (mostly from the manga and canon story that the anime faithfully adapted to my knowledge), but it ties up very well. 

Yup, you're spot on about it. No BS
I don't know why, I had my doubts that they weren't really going to pull of the "dead" ending. You know, pull a miracle Clannad AS (bright shiny lights reverse time and magic cures her), Aldnoah (oh no she wasn't really sick, or here's this miracle drug that'll cure her).   
Glad they stood with it. 
On a side note, I actually got fed up with the series towards the end. I knew it was the same emotional episode as the previous 20 some but for some reason I couldn't get into it. Gotta be in the right mood and rewatch it. 
Oh and I started watching Breaking Bad ( I know I'm a lil late ). It's a really nice time waster. 
Too bad the real time wasters come from doing art...
and crying in a corner wishing I'd taken up singing 10 years ago. (Have the courage now, but neither the time/space to practice) 
Mar 19, 2015 at 10:35 PM Post #148,969 of 177,750
  Me too! Maybe. The train ticket is so expensive and I sure as hell will not drive there with the car.

IEM mustardrace.
That sounds really odd.
I'm sure it will end up on a lot of AOTY lists. People loved it.


You dont' like it yeah. But it was honestly fricking awesome for those of us that did. (many of us)
  Yup, you're spot on about it. No BS
I don't know why, I had my doubts that they weren't really going to pull of the "dead" ending. You know, pull a miracle Clannad AS (bright shiny lights reverse time and magic cures her), Aldnoah (oh no she wasn't really sick, or here's this miracle drug that'll cure her).   
Glad they stood with it. 
On a side note, I actually got fed up with the series towards the end. I knew it was the same emotional episode as the previous 20 some but for some reason I couldn't get into it. Gotta be in the right mood and rewatch it. 
Oh and I started watching Breaking Bad ( I know I'm a lil late ). It's a really nice time waster. 
Too bad the real time wasters come from doing art...
and crying in a corner wishing I'd taken up singing 10 years ago. (Have the courage now, but neither the time/space to practice) 

I REALLY liked that they didn't pull any deus ex asspulls. I am so fricking sad. But at the same time, I would have probably tried to chuck my computer out the window if they did pull a miracle where she just casually walks up during the 'spring' railroad scene and said sup.

I get what you are saying but I personally felt it was well done. It was an anime about hardships, struggles, AND dealing with loss and moving on from it. Each and every character was given a focus, a challenge, and most of them failed at one point in time. The series did this very well by ACTUALLY spending emotional episodes on side characters which I thought was well done. They each have an inner demon knawing at them, but each (except Kousei), were able to deal with it, AND become stronger. At the very end, Kousei learned it all. He learned of love, of keeping those dear with him in his heart, of the struggles, fun times, and sad times he had with Kaori. He dealt with his inner demons but they aren't gone. They have mearley changed forms and are now being used as an inner strength to push him on (shown through his previous 'preconception' of his mother and how that actually was wrong, and how that changed into a strength for him). Kaori lied in April. She truly loved Kousei, and Kousei to Kaori. It was to be a spring without her. But Kousei is stronger, he has accepted the past and all the little memories and is ready to take on the bright future. 

Her Lie in April ended in April
Overall, I loved it. Much more so than say KareKano or Angel Beats
Mar 19, 2015 at 10:58 PM Post #148,970 of 177,750
Breaking Bad is God damn incredible. If that's a time waster then **** man. The hell have I been doing with my life lol. It's all the more incredible if you grew up watching Bryan on Malcolm in the Middle. The way he subtly transitions through the different seasons was masterful.

I haven't even finished Shigatsu and it is honestly in my all time faves. I honestly don't give a ****. Yes, it's flawed, but I've grown sentimental in my age. It'll happen to you.
Mar 19, 2015 at 11:35 PM Post #148,971 of 177,750
Breaking Bad is God damn incredible. If that's a time waster then **** man. The hell have I been doing with my life lol. It's all the more incredible if you grew up watching Bryan on Malcolm in the Middle. The way he subtly transitions through the different seasons was masterful.

I haven't even finished Shigatsu and it is honestly in my all time faves. I honestly don't give a ****. Yes, it's flawed, but I've grown sentimental in my age. It'll happen to you.

One of the better shows in the last couple years 2008 post really.
While I felt WA2 was better in a romantic aspect, Shigatsu hits the bells on the themes, struggles, and underpinning emotional connection that the characters have. 
Mar 19, 2015 at 11:35 PM Post #148,972 of 177,750
Have another question for the modders of this thread. :D
I'm trying to make something for my 3D Design class that involves tripping a laser alarm, but instead of the alarm, I want it to trigger something else, for example, like turning on a hairdryer.
Talked to some friends and here's a suggestion they came up with. 
1) Get an existing laser alarm system, somehow open it up; and then cut the wire to the alarm.
                    Problem with this one is I can't find ones that allow one to open up the enclosure. And if I opt for a DIY one, very few are local, and fast shipping, since my due date is April 1st
2) connect that wire to an arduino
        using radioshack as an example cuz I can get that locally: http://www.radioshack.com/arduino-micro/2760258.html#.VQuTQxBlzWZ&tab=tab1
3) program the arduino to act as a digital switch for the hairdryer (which I'll have to learn how to do)
So yea, I'm not too sure how to solve the technical aspects of this project. 
Mar 19, 2015 at 11:45 PM Post #148,973 of 177,750
  Have another question for the modders of this thread. :D
I'm trying to make something for my 3D Design class that involves tripping a laser alarm, but instead of the alarm, I want it to trigger something else, for example, like turning on a hairdryer.
Talked to some friends and here's a suggestion they came up with. 
1) Get an existing laser alarm system, somehow open it up; and then cut the wire to the alarm.
                    Problem with this one is I can't find ones that allow one to open up the enclosure. And if I opt for a DIY one, very few are local, and fast shipping, since my due date is April 1st
2) connect that wire to an arduino
        using radioshack as an example cuz I can get that locally: http://www.radioshack.com/arduino-micro/2760258.html#.VQuTQxBlzWZ&tab=tab1
3) program the arduino to act as a digital switch for the hairdryer (which I'll have to learn how to do)
So yea, I'm not too sure how to solve the technical aspects of this project. 

Even cheaper simpler
With your idea, the only question would be how to interface a commercial laser alarm system with say an Arudino's analog inputs or even through a possible Arudino prototyping board. Much harder, probably requires a bread board, lots of resistors, and an Electrical Engineering team-mate that is at least a Junior to make it.
this example utilizes any cheap laser printer, but then a general breadboard arduino part. A photo resistor or sensor. 
Much easier to interface with. Shine the laser pointer at the sensor and keep it so that it will always be or something through some cardboard or wooden made contraption. (duct tape and nails really). Record the value from the sensor and utilize that as a base case. Then program that if the value is less by however much you wish to make it depending on tests with the photo sensor when the beam is broken, then alert the Arduino to produce a command. 
Now get a Servo (legit metal one for like $5). and when the command is tripped, just make it turn in such a pre-taped way that it presses a button on the hairdryer
This is more of a work around way that DOESN'T require a Junior level EE to cut wires in the hairdryer or alarm kit, read the schematics of those things to see which one produces a 'signal'. Because in the case of the hairdryer, if you did it a hardwired way. You will need a portion of the breadboard dedicated to the haridryer in where you need to keep it PHYSICALLY ON at all times but using the breadboard to 'disconnect' the circuit temporarily until the Arduino tells it to 'connect' the circuit. This is what you would generally need to do the hardwired way you were thinking. I was just proposing a servo which is easier if you dont have an EE, or time
Mar 19, 2015 at 11:53 PM Post #148,974 of 177,750
Even cheaper simpler
With your idea, the only question would be how to interface a commercial laser alarm system with say an Arudino's analog inputs or even through a possible Arudino prototyping board. Much harder, probably requires a bread board, lots of resistors, and an Electrical Engineering team-mate that is at least a Junior to make it.
this example utilizes any cheap laser printer, but then a general breadboard arduino part. A photo resistor or sensor. 
Much easier to interface with. Shine the laser pointer at the sensor and keep it so that it will always be or something through some cardboard or wooden made contraption. (duct tape and nails really). Record the value from the sensor and utilize that as a base case. Then program that if the value is less by however much you wish to make it depending on tests with the photo sensor when the beam is broken, then alert the Arduino to produce a command. 
Now get a Servo (legit metal one for like $5). and when the command is tripped, just make it turn in such a pre-taped way that it presses a button on the hairdryer
This is more of a work around way that DOESN'T require a Junior level EE to cut wires in the hairdryer or alarm kit, read the schematics of those things to see which one produces a 'signal'. Because in the case of the hairdryer, if you did it a hardwired way. You will need a portion of the breadboard dedicated to the haridryer in where you need to keep it PHYSICALLY ON at all times but using the breadboard to 'disconnect' the circuit temporarily until the Arduino tells it to 'connect' the circuit. This is what you would generally need to do the hardwired way you were thinking. I was just proposing a servo which is easier if you dont have an EE, or time

I second the servo idea. This way you wont have to work with the dangerous mains power.
Mar 19, 2015 at 11:57 PM Post #148,975 of 177,750
I second the servo idea. This way you wont have to work with the dangerous mains power.

In stuff like this, even though it's a cop out to just do a servo instead of doing a continuous power of a high amperage thing such as a hair dryer.
ESPECIALLY if you guys are art students without a Electrical Engineer of at least Junior level.
Plus it's going to easier with the servo really. Not as instantaneous or fast, but it works. Plus Arduino IDE comes with pre-written servo code. You of course have to modify very large portions of it to fit the movement values of the servo you are working with (where the legit metal ones are crazier and require either math calculation or you can try finding values online). 
Mar 20, 2015 at 12:10 AM Post #148,976 of 177,750
In stuff like this, even though it's a cop out to just do a servo instead of doing a continuous power of a high amperage thing such as a hair dryer.
ESPECIALLY if you guys are art students without a Electrical Engineer of at least Junior level.
Plus it's going to easier with the servo really. Not as instantaneous or fast, but it works. Plus Arduino IDE comes with pre-written servo code. You of course have to modify very large portions of it to fit the movement values of the servo you are working with (where the legit metal ones are crazier and require either math calculation or you can try finding values online). 

Hmm this seems like a great idea :D
I'm trying to get all the parts purchased before I leave home for the dorms. 
So the parts for the entire project breakdown: 
-Arduino (would this work? http://www.radioshack.com/arduino-micro/2760258.html#.VQuTQxBlzWZ&tab=tab1 this is the cheapest one that I can purchase locally)
-Servo ($5? where?)
I think I can take these from the school lab
-10k Resistor 
-Photo resistor (Practically any value will work, the program will just need to be changed slightly)
-Jumper Cables
-Alligator clips
-board (friend got me covered there)
Also, it may sound a lil cheesy, but I love you guys. So many projects couldn't have been completed without y'all. *sheds single tear
Mar 20, 2015 at 12:20 AM Post #148,977 of 177,750
  Hmm this seems like a great idea :D
I'm trying to get all the parts purchased before I leave home for the dorms. 
So the parts for the entire project breakdown: 
-Arduino (would this work? http://www.radioshack.com/arduino-micro/2760258.html#.VQuTQxBlzWZ&tab=tab1 this is the cheapest one that I can purchase locally)
-Servo ($5? where?)
I think I can take these from the school lab
-10k Resistor 
-Photo resistor (Practically any value will work, the program will just need to be changed slightly)
-Jumper Cables
-Alligator clips
-board (friend got me covered there)
Also, it may sound a lil cheesy, but I love you guys. So many projects couldn't have been completed without y'all. *sheds single tear

Buy yourself a full Arudino. Much better for future projects
Either get them prime shipped legit from Amazon or get a Chinese Infiduino for $15 and get it a few weeks later. 
Ebay is your best friend for everything really 
You want one of these as the usual servos may not be powerful enough to 'press' a button especially at an angle since the servo can only 'turn' and press. These are obviously a bit harder to program. I recommend matching model numbers to see if anyone has pre coded guide online for what values to give. 
AND OR get these since they are cheap  

To see which will work the best

Hell, even these
Which transmit a laser, Much cheaper than getting a laser point with the only issue being that you would need a lot of long cables to bridge the connection of this to the arduino bread board or vice versa with the sensor
Or hell, use one of these

Sonic distance sensor. If something appears in front of an object, obviously distance will be interupted and then turn on the hair dryer

Or hell, a FULL cop out and one of these
Notice how cheap this stuff is?
Mar 20, 2015 at 12:43 AM Post #148,978 of 177,750
Haha.. I should have started a few weeks earlier, since I am pressed for time. The whole thing has to be completed by April 1
So I'm prob gonna be relying on prime. 
So something like this for the motor: 
and this for the Arduino bit:
Would this work?
I checked the kits and they seem to be redundant with all the sensors and resistors that we have at the lab for free. So I'm guessing just the arduino part would be ok. 
Mar 20, 2015 at 1:12 AM Post #148,979 of 177,750
  Haha.. I should have started a few weeks earlier, since I am pressed for time. The whole thing has to be completed by April 1
So I'm prob gonna be relying on prime. 
So something like this for the motor: 
and this for the Arduino bit:
Would this work?
I checked the kits and they seem to be redundant with all the sensors and resistors that we have at the lab for free. So I'm guessing just the arduino part would be ok. 

This one has feedback and what seems to be stepper code example in the reviews and question/Answers
Yeah that looks good.
Not sure what sensors you guys had so i just posted a lot of them.
But yeah, do you have exp with arduino and wiring this stuff? The steppers above and like most require jumper cables to what you assign on the arudino
Mar 20, 2015 at 1:22 AM Post #148,980 of 177,750
This one has feedback and what seems to be stepper code example in the reviews and question/Answers
Yeah that looks good.
Not sure what sensors you guys had so i just posted a lot of them.
But yeah, do you have exp with arduino and wiring this stuff? The steppers above and like most require jumper cables to what you assign on the arudino

Ordered. Everything should be set. 
Nop. Have zero experience with arduino stuff. As for the cables and such, I think our school has that stuff? Since the lab is for DLD students, they should have jumper cables? 

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