「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jun 8, 2014 at 11:14 PM Post #114,767 of 177,750
Can't stop listening to NGNL OP. Nice and lively song. I need more songs in my puny Asian music library.

Never paid much attention to the OP. The ones I like this season is Blade & Soul and One Week Friend's ED, and up to a certain extent Sidonia and Black Bullet's OP.

Saw it.  Not much story, no character development.  Mental scarring, feelings of hollowness, and soul sullying sound effects certainly did this 3 episode OVA no favors.  Copious consumption of alcohol will not dull the pain and horror.  It's like someone created this series on a bet, and frankly should be watched on one.  1/10 would only recommend to people I hate. 

Definitely recommend to every dick and ****** that I dislike, if just to **** with them.

A bet......right.. :rolleyes:

Funnily, I like that girl. I found she actually has more character than the rest of the cast. Miss smiley MC had zero personality except "be nice to everyone"
Jun 8, 2014 at 11:22 PM Post #114,768 of 177,750
Never paid much attention to the OP. The ones I like this season is Blade & Soul and One Week Friend's ED, and up to a certain extent Sidonia and Black Bullet's OP.

tbh not sure if I should keep on updating the OP w/ anime charts if people don't look to the OP to find them (look elsewhere). I'm usually pretty late to update them since I don't check neregate or zektr's blogs often to get the latest ones (a link to anichart should be fine. I don't think they're going to leave anytime soon).
I should probably clean through the resources during the summer just in case there are anymore dead links. Need to update the Hi10P guides probably (although I still don't see Hi10P that often).
Edit: They'll just annoy everybody around them by just yelling YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO after watching it. I don't know if you'd want that. 

Jun 8, 2014 at 11:29 PM Post #114,769 of 177,750
I actually just watched the first episode. I had no idea what it was about beforehand so that was a bit surprising. I didn't think it was too bad overall; it's your typical hentai-like "plot," but it's creepy to see some adult dude doing a pre-teen-looking person. XD


I almost searched this video up on my Youtube account. Thankfully, I opened up a private browser 

Saw it.  Not much story, no character development.  Mental scarring, feelings of hollowness, and soul sullying sound effects certainly did this 3 episode OVA no favors.  Copious consumption of alcohol will not dull the pain and horror.  It's like someone created this series on a bet, and frankly should be watched on one.  1/10 would only recommend to people I hate. 


How do you guys watch this stuff?

Psh, y'all are just scared because there are guys cross-dressing and making out. Were it the other way around with girls, y'all would be all over it. lol

Honestly it's kind of refreshing to see people making out without having breasts the size of classroom globes and high-pitched squealing/screaming. XD

I saw that story on the knowyourmeme website before that video.

Jun 8, 2014 at 11:36 PM Post #114,770 of 177,750
  I sent it to my sister and she died laughing.

Oh god, I fear I may have poisoned your sisters mind. 
Funnily, I like that girl. I found she actually has more character than the rest of the cast. Miss smiley MC had zero personality except "be nice to everyone"

I don't know who she is. Just some random gif I found
Psh, y'all are just scared because there are guys cross-dressing and making out. Were it the other way around with girls, y'all would be all over it. lol


And dayum right we would
DoubleStandards All the Way, across the sky, YEAH YEAH YEAHAAAAAH, so intense
Jun 9, 2014 at 12:09 AM Post #114,776 of 177,750
$130 for 100/2, and lately, because of congestion and stuff, it's more like 30/2. And that's with a 500GB monthly limit before they send you back to 1999 era internet bandwidth.
I sad panda.

Dayum, Australia, you scary gurl
lol, we officially have an 500GB cap as well....difference being that it isn't enforced and has no monitoring program or anything..........
Jun 9, 2014 at 12:19 AM Post #114,777 of 177,750
Psh, y'all are just scared because there are guys cross-dressing and making out. Were it the other way around with girls, y'all would be all over it. lol

Honestly it's kind of refreshing to see people making out without having breasts the size of classroom globes and high-pitched squealing/screaming. XD

"Making out" is probably an understatement.  Since this is a family safe forum I won't go into more detail.  I honestly can't imagine a gender change making Boku no Pico any less hysterically bad. (But I welcome the challenge.) While it did lack breasts the size of small celestial bodies, it had plenty of high pitched vocalizations.
And yes Bowei.  It was done on a messed up bet of one upping each other.  Ultimately two rose up to the challenge and managed to one up the rest for all eternity.  Bright side to this ordeal?  I am no longer phased by anything that can be shown in anime. Also that video doesn't fully encompass the sheer horror of Boku.  *cries yo into the night sky*
Jun 9, 2014 at 12:21 AM Post #114,778 of 177,750
"Making out" is probably an understatement.  Since this is a family safe forum I won't go into more detail.  I honestly can't imagine a gender change making Boku no Pico any less hysterically bad. (But I welcome the challenge.) While it did lack breasts the size of small celestial bodies, it had plenty of high pitched vocalizations.
And yes Bowei.  It was done on a messed up bet of one upping each other.  Ultimately two rose up to the challenge and managed to one up the rest for all eternity.  Bright side to this ordeal?  I am no longer phased by anything that can be shown in anime. Also that video doesn't fully encompass the sheer horror of Boku.  *cries yo into the night sky*

The forum is family safe but we perfectly understand the type of stuff that goes on in Boku, don't you worry.  

Oh really?  Hmmm...
Jun 9, 2014 at 12:32 AM Post #114,779 of 177,750
Psh, y'all are just scared because there are guys cross-dressing and making out. Were it the other way around with girls, y'all would be all over it. lol

Honestly it's kind of refreshing to see people making out without having breasts the size of classroom globes and high-pitched squealing/screaming. XD

"Making out" is probably an understatement.  Since this is a family safe forum I won't go into more detail.  I honestly can't imagine a gender change making Boku no Pico any less hysterically bad. (But I welcome the challenge.) While it did lack breasts the size of small celestial bodies, it had plenty of high pitched vocalizations.

Well, define "bad."

In terms of plot, it's pretty much on par, or maybe a bit better than most hentai I've watched.
In terms of art direction, it seems pretty bland and nothing really stands out, but that doesn't mean it's bad by any means.
In terms of character development, that's basically nonexistent in hentai so I'm not too surprised.
Music? I didn't really notice it at all since I was distracted the whole time: typical of hentai.

I really can't imagine another shotacon hentai being much better because, well, it's hentai. XD
As stated on the Wikipedia article "The producer has described it as "the world's first" shotacon anime, although the series could also be categorized as a cross dressing hentai anime."
Your typical hentai is not shotacon, so people aren't used to it and I think a lot of the criticism is drawn from that "virginity." Get it? ; )

So from the above assessment, it's not bad for a hentai. For a typical aired anime that people will watch, then yeah sure it's bad, but I don't know if the anime was meant to be watched like that.
Jun 9, 2014 at 12:53 AM Post #114,780 of 177,750
  Just bought a new barrel, gun stock, dual trigger, reflex red-dot sight, and remote line in for my paintball gun.
Just had a realization that I spent more on this paintball gun than a real gun would have cost

You know what's the actual sad thing here?
That you can buy a ******* real gun for this cheap.

Not reeealy... Considering the massive surplus of guns some nations have (coughRussiacough), getting an old Mosin-Nagant for under $100 from a sporting goods store isn't out of the question.

  Meh, I keep stuff in ALAC only mostly so I can transcode it to whatever format I want, just like I had to do yesterday lol. It's probably just a placebo though, but who knows. How did you arrive at AAC 400kbps by the way? :xf_eek:

I wanted to buy legal music, so I went for iTunes. iTunes though lately recently upgraded their music quality to 256kbps AAC/.m4a or somewhere there. When I bought a K-On! CD I compared it to my iTunes K-On! songs and virtually found no difference. Plus, the icons for my music files were blue in .m4a instead of red.
I found out there was a nero AAC encoder for Foobar2000, and found out it was tons better than the paid converter I was using (xilisoft).
It offers VBR 400kbps Q.100 encoding. The plugin includes 512kbps ABR, but I don't find a point in that because it annoys me when the bitrate keeps changing during playback.

Lol, legally buying downloads of music... Ok.jpg
I agree that the difference between high bitrate lossy and lossless isn't really audible that much, especially with AAC.
Ah ok I see, I actually prefer ABR because then when the song needs it, it gets more bits and when it doesn't, it saves space.
  Believe it or not, most 'hunters' and gun wielders in the USA are respectable, do it right etc.
The convervative countryside(read80% of Murica) has roots in this stuff, from what I've seen, is pretty respectful, and follow the legal rules etc for tagging, how to 'kill' with the least pain etc etc.
The urban Murica is generally the one with the bigger issues.

Oh I'm sure they are. I was referring to people who buy a gun, pretending they need it to go hunting and instead use it to point it at people who happen to step on their lawn.

So, are pupils in the US required to learn a foreign language?
Here you have to know at least one to pass middle school and two to pass highschool.

A good majority of people don't do that. Even if they do, they usually at least have enough of a brain to holler at the people and tell them to GTFO. If said trespasser has half a brain, he usually will just leave. Problem solved.
In our school district we didn't have to take any foreign languages, but in order to get into uni I had to take one or two years (forgot now). We got the massive selection of Spanish, French, German, and sign language...
I did not know you also have one of these stupid district systems like we have.....worst idea ever.

Ehhhh, school districts have their faults but I'd say they're a necessary evil for America just because of how geographically and ethnically spread out we are. The needs of Bowei's old high school are totally different from mine, for example.
It's in fact a really reliable way to kill an animal.
If you happen to hit it properly (lung- or heartshot), which is a lot harder to manage with a bow compared to a real rifle. I think that's one of the main reasons why it's banned here.

Have you ever actually been trained to hunt at all?

We had a rifle marksmanship class at my HS that I took where we learned about hunting and got our hunting safety certifications. I can say killing an animal with a bow and arrow is MUCH MUCH more difficult than with a rifle. To the point where bow hunters get extended hunting seasons compared to rifles so they have a marginally higher chance of killing an animal.

That sounds more like US Pop and less like J-Pop

It's not a good thing when a Japanese song sounds like American pop... >_<
On Hyouka
I'm having very conflicting thoughts about the show. Currently on 12, and I've noticed that the show, like you say, uses a lot of mellow SoL mystery's. They aren't exactly all that interesting during 'down' times and so, the show will often use Chitanda doing cute things, or sly things from the MC and Chitanda to fill in. The OP and ED's of both 1 and 2 are also extremely suggestive of these themes theya re using.

And thus the issue is that I can't but help to be conflicted by if Hyouka is mearley a show with a plan to be mellow with mystery's that realizes it needs Chitanda cuteness or else nobody would give a rats ass about it, or if it is a show that is great at execution and is about to meld everything together. 

Mostly the latter, IMO.
  This is the only thing that's stopping me from watching the new animes:

If I run out of quota before the usage cycle ends, the already slow ADSL2+ speeds drop to dial-up!

Ouuuuuuch.... :C
Although, I really wish I could go to the University of Washington just for the gigabit speeds. The entire 1080p Bakemonogatari Series downloaded in 5 minutes would be great.

I haven't experimented with it very much (since I have just been using my seedbox at home for torrents) but I tried once and they saw I was using bittorrent and throttled that port in a matter of a few minutes, from 10MBps to dial-up speeds... :/
Don't want to study for finals yet. Need something to watch...

Boku no Pico?

I actually just watched the first episode. I had no idea what it was about beforehand so that was a bit surprising. I didn't think it was too bad overall; it's your typical hentai-like "plot," but it's creepy to see some adult dude doing a pre-teen-looking person. XD


Well if you watch hentai, which I do occasionally, this was actually okay relatively speaking. It's not much different than girl-girl action. XD

I once believed that head-fi was filled with innocent music-filled minds away from the hentai/anime/loli infested 4chan image boards. 

That belief was just 10 minutes ago.


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