「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jul 31, 2013 at 10:31 PM Post #84,601 of 177,750
I agree, the diminishing returns past $1500 is too steep, hell I would think that the HE-500 is the last headphone at its price point to not be strongly affected by diminishing returns.
Though at the least, the cost of the SR-009 for me is justified since it's a more complicated headphone with even more delicate components but with the Abyss, it just doesn't make sense.

Yeah, after that point, it seems audiophile companies just use random number generators to be honest.
R and D for the SR009 as I know it cost a schit ton of money as well
^ nice Abyss impressions
They look way too ugly...I think a 10 year old can come up with something better-looking. -.-
Can anyone translate these warnings? I want to make sure I'm using this voltage transformer in the proper manner:

I would if I could :frowning2:
Are you going to use Comic Sans from now on?
Jul 31, 2013 at 10:54 PM Post #84,603 of 177,750
My eyes - they bleed
Jul 31, 2013 at 11:01 PM Post #84,605 of 177,750

Oh and don't get me started on the recent attack of the Graphstapo (thanks to the Monchichi for this wonderful neologism) on the ASG-2.
Yes, the graph looks funky, but that is so not important since a lot of people (with super flawed ears...) love them!

Oh this hobby....

I... never saw the graph but I heard the ASG-2.
I don't know how people claim that they're like the MH334/TG334 but at a much lower price range cause... it sounds like you're listening to earphones through a paper cup. Both the lows and mids were awfully slow. I opened up a rock track and basically there was a guitar singing above mud.
Though I didn't get to play with the viable port so I'll just suppose the setting I was on was the worst ;D
Even though usually at shows they'd put on the best. Since they didn't even have the mini screw driver for people to use.
Well I used to be an engineering student in NYU, but gradually I became extremely depressed and realized it wasn't my thing since I focus a lot of my time on making music, which I realized I take more seriously than others. I used to help a few conventions with PR and setting up concerts, but I quit that, too since the staff was unprofessional. My father owns a branch of day schools so I usually help out with the accounting and IT stuff, usually being the only guy doing all of that. Plus, after I dropped out of college, my uncle offered me a job helping him run a training center for Software Testing (Quality Assurance stuff) and he says he can hook me up with a job after a few months so I'm not complaining. To add to that, I saved up money from an internship(high-paying, too) during my last year in college, so I decided to start my own independent record label of sorts. The label is essentially an American Punk Doujin label and I'm actually working on making a zine for it, too. The problem is it is extremely hard finding reliable people, so I have taken the time to teach myself pretty much everything including, art, animation, video editing, web design and (surprise, surprise) music production. Basically, I'm a one-man show for everything until I gather up enough revenue and connections to start hiring others. Of course, nothing is launched, yet, I'm still acquiring connections and making the business plan, but I am already working on a few albums to be released much later in the future. Also, I'm writing a novel :p
I guess to sum it up, I'm a bit of a work-oriented guy since my "breaks" are really days where I use my time for something productive, but I'm happy about that because everything I do actually means something, even stuff that other people say is a waste of time like watching anime or playing video games. People "worked" to make those things, and if you have the right perspective of how you benefit from doing things(every time I watch anime, I pay attention to the writing, character development, etc that I can use as a reference for my novel), you'll have a positive mindset and will get things done.

Dude... nice.
*slow clap*
I need to do that one of these days... engineering is getting under my skin.
Jul 31, 2013 at 11:09 PM Post #84,608 of 177,750
Can anyone translate these warnings? I want to make sure I'm using this voltage transformer in the proper manner:

Picture too small... can't read.

The picture is 2448x3264; it's plenty big.
But since I have my iPhone connected to my computer anyway, here are two images of the exact same size. :)


Jul 31, 2013 at 11:14 PM Post #84,609 of 177,750

Great! I get to be labeled a weeaboo.....
This is just not right.... their description of an "otaku" is mine of a normal person
and their "weeaboo" (except for the last 2) is me exactly.
Ah, nice! 

Shockingly accurate I'd say...
That's exactly what it's supposed to do!

Moe~ *drool*

Haha, I think most of us fall somewhere in the middle. At least there aren't too many people who drift to the left >.>
facebook message/chat with me if you want more info on how Trrnts work.

I'm getting the Colorfly C4 for review. Any requests in terms of what you guys here want me to look at?

Hmm, see if it can play hentai. Or at the least, some music from Hentai.
Well, looks like my taste in music is soooo not Otaku compatible xD

All my votes went to the "schitty" songs!

Is something wrong with ME or are the other people who participated in these votes just some filthy non-audiophiles?

How can you NOT love this K-On song?!

How can YOU not vote for Platinum Disco, tin ears?!

This. Platinum Disco is the most glorious song ever made!!!
National service? Like military service? Is there some sort of requirement for Australian guys to do military service?


If you were born in Korea and want to keep your citizenship. 

Oh wow, that's pretty intense! Good luck.
Dig it out and show it to us!

You can't go wrong with some 701.
Unless you are a basshead or refuse to use an amp :p

Ahh, yes, I need a headphone amp. Any recommendations?
But yeah, I never really touched it, as I'm a very busy guy.

Objective 2. If you believe audiophools then either get one without the NJM2068 opamp or go with a Leckerton UHA-6S MKII
^ JDS Labs C5 or Objective 2 work well. People say the Little Dot MkIII too.

Schiit's stuff didn't impress me...let alone killing the poor K 702. >_<

And to think Ragnarok packs some 100W into 4 ohms.

Hrm, I should try that. I do want to get a tube amp eventually just so I can have glowing tubes!
SIgh, too bad there isn't any cheap tube stat amp I coud build or buy~
What keeps you this busy, if I might ask?

Well I used to be an engineering student in NYU, but gradually I became extremely depressed and realized it wasn't my thing since I focus a lot of my time on making music, which I realized I take more seriously than others. I used to help a few conventions with PR and setting up concerts, but I quit that, too since the staff was unprofessional. My father owns a branch of day schools so I usually help out with the accounting and IT stuff, usually being the only guy doing all of that. Plus, after I dropped out of college, my uncle offered me a job helping him run a training center for Software Testing (Quality Assurance stuff) and he says he can hook me up with a job after a few months so I'm not complaining. To add to that, I saved up money from an internship(high-paying, too) during my last year in college, so I decided to start my own independent record label of sorts. The label is essentially an American Punk Doujin label and I'm actually working on making a zine for it, too. The problem is it is extremely hard finding reliable people, so I have taken the time to teach myself pretty much everything including, art, animation, video editing, web design and (surprise, surprise) music production. Basically, I'm a one-man show for everything until I gather up enough revenue and connections to start hiring others. Of course, nothing is launched, yet, I'm still acquiring connections and making the business plan, but I am already working on a few albums to be released much later in the future. Also, I'm writing a novel :p
I guess to sum it up, I'm a bit of a work-oriented guy since my "breaks" are really days where I use my time for something productive, but I'm happy about that because everything I do actually means something, even stuff that other people say is a waste of time like watching anime or playing video games. People "worked" to make those things, and if you have the right perspective of how you benefit from doing things(every time I watch anime, I pay attention to the writing, character development, etc that I can use as a reference for my novel), you'll have a positive mindset and will get things done.

Wow, sounds like you have a pretty sweet deal going on!
I'm just heading off to college this fall at the University of Washington
Jul 31, 2013 at 11:21 PM Post #84,611 of 177,750
^ JDS Labs C5 or Objective 2 work well. People say the Little Dot MkIII too.

Schiit's stuff didn't impress me...let alone killing the poor K 702. >_<

And to think Ragnarok packs some 100W into 4 ohms.

Hrm, I should try that. I do want to get a tube amp eventually just so I can have glowing tubes!
SIgh, too bad there isn't any cheap tube stat amp I coud build or buy~

Schiit son. I just uploaded this today an it already has 4 likes? That's more than my SR-009 and SR-007 MKI video. XD
Anywho, build your own Blue Hawaii like this person did!

Jul 31, 2013 at 11:39 PM Post #84,612 of 177,750

facebook message/chat with me if you want more info on how Trrnts work.

I'm getting the Colorfly C4 for review. Any requests in terms of what you guys here want me to look at?
Hmm, see if it can play hentai. Or at the least, some music from Hentai.

You mean see if it can play Crysis, right? 

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