「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Dec 24, 2012 at 3:34 PM Post #45,586 of 177,750
Pics incoming:

I was quite surprised that it comes with a big box in which...

inside resides this beauty.

The design is to be honest, nothing revolutionary...

But it is beautifully simple and

that gun metal grey colour is just the business.

Just an exquisite looking headphone. I absolutely love it.

It's just delicious.

Remember, use a spoiler tags for photos.
Want. I feel so poor (even though I can afford a pair).
Stop complaining bowei. The USA have a lot more stores to choose from.

I've also noticed some very limited anime OP/ED stuff in itunes usa. Picked up a few of the supercell/Egoist stuff. Not too shabby for stuff you weren't expecting to get unless you were importing it. Hmm.. then again there's Amazon japan and Tenso which I just used.

Pffft. iTunes. We all use JPopsuki.
Dec 24, 2012 at 3:35 PM Post #45,587 of 177,750
Great. So I need another account just for Amazon japan to use it? I have one for Amazon main, but... can't seem to let it stay logged in when I'm about to order the fxz100/

Yes, you do. So you're getting the FXZ100?

Yrah, I am. Supposed to anyeay, as my birthday present that i imagined is gifted to me from Kafuka-chan. Now i feel bad to name it Koko (because a triple dynamic driver is loco, I said Oh no!) now that I think about it. BUT THAT'S OKAY SINCE IN MY HAREM LOCO WEAPONS DEALER IS ALL FINE WITH INSANE ULTRAOPTIMIST GIRL AND SAYA TOO.

@mech fuuuuuuuuuuu i did the sensible thing and didn't took that route. I've always had this uncanny ability to pick the 'right' way in games, whether it's the right way to a quest in a dungeon, or the long route in a VN. Sigh i guess i'll just backtrack a bit and continue on.
Dec 24, 2012 at 3:37 PM Post #45,588 of 177,750
Awwwhhh yeaaahhhhhhh, Merry Christmas guys! (and girls...you know who you are 
Take care, stay safe, and drink responsibly!
Nice score Vortex!, just in time for Christmas huh?
edit: @ mech, I think it was for 12 bottles ish and two six packs of cider, not too bad at all. The scotch ranged from $45-$90 per bottle.

Okey dokey, that's better :)
Merry christmas to all! (Even though it's still noon on Christmas eve here...)
Dec 24, 2012 at 3:43 PM Post #45,590 of 177,750
Yrah, I am. Supposed to anyeay, as my birthday present that i imagined is gifted to me from Kafuka-chan. Now i feel bad to name it Koko (because a triple dynamic driver is loco, I said Oh no!) now that I think about it. BUT THAT'S OKAY SINCE IN MY HAREM LOCO WEAPONS DEALER IS ALL FINE WITH INSANE ULTRAOPTIMIST GIRL AND SAYA TOO.
@mech fuuuuuuuuuuu i did the sensible thing and didn't took that route. I've always had this uncanny ability to pick the 'right' way in games, whether it's the right way to a quest in a dungeon, or the long route in a VN. Sigh i guess i'll just backtrack a bit and continue on.

Go back and play the other route then.
FUUU, What.cd is being so picky about loading right now... 
Dec 24, 2012 at 3:58 PM Post #45,593 of 177,750
Done. Well that's kind of a melancholic ending, albeit being a bit scary since my logical mind made the bridge what is Saya way in the first few minutes of encountering Saya and MC's condition. My mind is too good for this ****.

Yeah, I think knowing what happens to Fuminori if you do go back to the way things were helps you appreciate the other ending. When I played the game the first time, I still didn't really like animu/mango all that much yet, and I was half asleep the entire time as well since I'd always have to play it in the wee hours of the night. So back then, that was the ending I wanted. I had forgotten that 
Fuminori goes go jail though.
I didn't care, I just wanted him to get away from that damn slug bucket...

So many christmas pictures I could post if only I could upload from an iPad...
Dec 24, 2012 at 4:02 PM Post #45,595 of 177,750
Insidious Meme, the 7th hidden arm of our thread that supports the industry anyway he can. Wish I have more money to import ****. As it is right now, with my interest in HF as a hobby waning as fast as a tide goes away into the sea, hopefully I can have spare change to splurge on JJBA's OP singles for starters. Or maybe get that SZS BD boxset that I have no way to play at all. Hmm.
Dec 24, 2012 at 4:03 PM Post #45,596 of 177,750
Yrah, I am. Supposed to anyeay, as my birthday present that i imagined is gifted to me from Kafuka-chan. Now i feel bad to name it Koko (because a triple dynamic driver is loco, I said Oh no!) now that I think about it. BUT THAT'S OKAY SINCE IN MY HAREM LOCO WEAPONS DEALER IS ALL FINE WITH INSANE ULTRAOPTIMIST GIRL AND SAYA TOO.

Well have fun getting it. Doesn't seem like a bad deal at all to get it that way, and you save money not having to go the ebay route. I hope the ones I get don't have the fit issues my tf10's have had.
Dec 24, 2012 at 4:04 PM Post #45,597 of 177,750
Ah screw it, nothing else better to do until my MDs arrive, or Christmas eve dinner, which ever comes first...
Merry christmas everyone! Enjoy the pics!

Dec 24, 2012 at 4:07 PM Post #45,598 of 177,750
Insidious Meme, the 7th hidden arm of our thread that supports the industry anyway he can. Wish I have more money to import ****. As it is right now, with my interest in HF as a hobby waning as fast as a tide goes away into the sea, hopefully I can have spare change to splurge on JJBA's OP singles for starters. Or maybe get that SZS BD boxset that I have no way to play at all. Hmm.

I'm not judging anyone. Not my role in life. Besides, invites to Jpop suki are closed. :)

Besides, getting stuff online isn't too hard at all. I'm sure you all know about that. :D
Dec 24, 2012 at 4:08 PM Post #45,599 of 177,750
I feel like I need to throw in a [56K Death] part into the thread title since it will destroy some of those connections. Anyways, I finally decided to move my JPopsuki files from my old laptop over to my desktop which is taking forever, so for now I'll just upload photos of the desktop. But first, a photo I posted awhile ago.

I still have 1 unopened bottle and 1 being eaten (just opened it last week). SO MUCH GOODNESS!
Anyways, photos below. Warning, 56K Death, probably. Anyways, I had 3 packages come in 1 night. Yay! Sorry if the photos sucks since I'm using a crappy Kodak Point and Shoot which is all I have as of now.

Minor damage on the boxes (NZXT Source 220 box below)

2 Newegg boxes below.

Box from Amazon with CPU and HDD (upside down so nobody sees any information...)

Other Amazon box with SSD (64GB Crucial M4)

Unboxing the case. Usual packaging.




ODD. Went with a Lite-On iHAS-124 (this one was an OEM model).

Power supply (I accidentally broke one of the SATA power connectors, but fortunately there were 4 and I only have 3 things I need to connect)

HDD and CPU.


A bit lighter than I though it would be. Maybe due to the casing which I think is plastic.

I basically have no photos during installation unfortunately and apparently the photo I took of the G.Skill Ripjaws X I had is gone.

But yeah, finished stuff and for some reason there are still stickers on the crappy surround sound speakers and such for the television right above the stand where the subwoofer and the DVD player resides.
Didn't have a monitor on hand so I had to use the television. Here was my makeshift setup. Nothing more than my mechanical keyboard, crappy logitech mouse, and an Algebra 2 textbook as the mousepad. 


Finished setup.

If you're wondering what that thing to the right of the desk under the monitor is, I have an Intel Centrino Wireless Advanced-N 6205 for desktop (not going to run a wire through my entire house) antennae module. Works fine for holding my iPod. Bonus. 

Anyways, I don't care if these are late. Back to moving my files + torrents.

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