「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Dec 24, 2012 at 1:52 PM Post #45,571 of 177,750
Stop complaining bowei. The USA have a lot more stores to choose from.

Yup, I agree. Problem is, it's quite a big country isn't it?
I'm just fortunate to live where stores like Jaben, Analoghead, Don't Blame Your Ears are easily reachable.
Dec 24, 2012 at 2:07 PM Post #45,572 of 177,750
Stop complaining bowei. The USA have a lot more stores to choose from.

They are so fragmented
Yup, I agree. Problem is, it's quite a big country isn't it?
I'm just fortunate to live where stores like Jaben, Analoghead, Don't Blame Your Ears are easily reachable.

Yeah that is a huge problem....
Dec 24, 2012 at 2:13 PM Post #45,573 of 177,750
I personally don't like the way Jaben does business, but really its not for discussion here :)

stuff that arrived at my friends place, middle one is mine, apparently I discovered, Rie Fu and Suara have 24/48, 24/96 and DSD files downloadable online, its a paid service though. Prices are pretty reasonable compared to the price I pay for my albums :D
Dec 24, 2012 at 2:18 PM Post #45,575 of 177,750
I've also noticed some very limited anime OP/ED stuff in itunes usa. Picked up a few of the supercell/Egoist stuff. Not too shabby for stuff you weren't expecting to get unless you were importing it. Hmm.. then again there's Amazon japan and Tenso which I just used.
Dec 24, 2012 at 2:22 PM Post #45,576 of 177,750
I've also noticed some very limited anime OP/ED stuff in itunes usa. Picked up a few of the supercell/Egoist stuff. Not too shabby for stuff you weren't expecting to get unless you were importing it. Hmm.. then again there's Amazon japan and Tenso which I just used.

Great. So I need another account just for Amazon japan to use it? I have one for Amazon main, but... can't seem to let it stay logged in when I'm about to order the fxz100/
Dec 24, 2012 at 2:30 PM Post #45,577 of 177,750
OMG poor Yousuke, MC's neighbour. Living a good life with his wife and daughter, and BAM! in comes some writhing eldritch tentacle monster doing something to him and changed his perception to see his well-kept house as an insane hellscape, all in perfect order as if it's mocking him.

Dayum. Too good.
Dec 24, 2012 at 2:37 PM Post #45,579 of 177,750
What's that "Date A Live" thing?

Its a novel, Date A Live as you guess its a harem thing, iirc it has an anime for winter.
Yup, I agree. Problem is, it's quite a big country isn't it?
I'm just fortunate to live where stores like Jaben, Analoghead, Don't Blame Your Ears are easily reachable.

Jaben, Stereo, Headphone Gallery, I really like heading to Stereo and I do buy locally despite MSRP for warranty purposes. I don't know about the scene in Indo but here, its really very competitive.
Dec 24, 2012 at 3:04 PM Post #45,582 of 177,750

Since its Christmas and all, merry Christmas!
Dec 24, 2012 at 3:15 PM Post #45,583 of 177,750
Great. So I need another account just for Amazon japan to use it? I have one for Amazon main, but... can't seem to let it stay logged in when I'm about to order the fxz100/

Yes, you do. So you're getting the FXZ100?
Dec 24, 2012 at 3:21 PM Post #45,584 of 177,750
. I actually like it a lot. Just something to make boring box reads so much better.

Haha, yup!

hey guys I just bought some padding material for P-H and Kalbee's headphones.....
(13" MBP for scale lol)



I love ten to sixteen year olds.

No Jager or JD, but I got some Kraken Rum and Maker's Mark bourbon too. :p

$741 :eek:

for 7 freaking bottles of alcohol?

That is so expensive!!

this again...

Finally got my HE-500!
Giggity gigity :D
Will post some pics when I get back home.

Yay! Let us know how it sounds, can you compare it to your T50RP please and thank you?

Also, JPS freeleech until New Year. Have fun.

Haha, my ratio is already 12.XX. Oh well, time to fill up the 1TB I guess....

Eh. I'll probably start like 50+ torrents before I go home today to take advantage of freeleech.. gonna need a new hd soon this ones almost down to 300~. 

Also got my 1964 demos today, v3/quads. sound pretty awesome since I haven't heard eims worth more than like.. $20 ever. 

OOH! How do they sound? Can you point out the differences between the two?

Pics incoming:

I was quite surprised that it comes with a big box in which...

inside resides this beauty.

The design is to be honest, nothing revolutionary...

But it is beautifully simple and

that gun metal grey colour is just the business.

Just an exquisite looking headphone. I absolutely love it.

It's just delicious.

dayum that's nice!

Stop complaining bowei. The USA have a lot more stores to choose from.

This. I might be going to headphone.com's brick and mortar store over spring break while visiting a college :D

OMG poor Yousuke, MC's neighbour. Living a good life with his wife and daughter, and BAM! in comes some writhing eldritch tentacle monster doing something to him and changed his perception to see his well-kept house as an insane hellscape, all in perfect order as if it's mocking him.
Dayum. Too good.

Lol yeah, I just got to this part again last night too...

Happy stupid panda. Homg it was so hard to take these pictures.

Looks nice!

Holy flipping crap, the first choice in saya no uta appears and it's one of the more hardest decision to make in a gam-WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME GAME?!????!!?!!!
choose "I want it all back." the game goes on for only a few more minutes. Anyway,nwhen that's done, go back and play the other route. I think taking the all back route makes you appreciate events later on in the game...
Dec 24, 2012 at 3:22 PM Post #45,585 of 177,750
Awwwhhh yeaaahhhhhhh, Merry Christmas guys! (and girls...you know who you are 
Take care, stay safe, and drink responsibly!
Nice score Vortex!, just in time for Christmas huh?
edit: @ mech, I think it was for 12 bottles ish and two six packs of cider, not too bad at all. The scotch ranged from $45-$90 per bottle.

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