“Beats by Dr. Dre”
Aug 19, 2008 at 4:40 PM Post #271 of 634
no, i think the reason that people require or want some good review on them is: if you look at the first few pages: 'dr dre sucks'. 'hip hop suxors'. 'monster suxorsxzzz' and 'those phones suxors'. none of those are direct quotes but they are a good amalgamation of the type of opinions that came out and still come out randomly.

there is a huge contingent in our forum who hate this phone before having ever seen it, heard it or done anything other than hear about its makers.

then there are the large group who assume that dr dre is some headpounding idiot (they have never heard his music, have only the knowledge that he is a hip hop artist) who has no musical potential. then there are the group who think that big bass has to be terrible sounding and confined only to hip hop.

it goes on and on and on. it is tiring. from this thread alone, we can use the same deductions to picture the majority of headfiers: white, middle class, young (in that age where opinion blurted is far more important than a sane objection) , somewhat spoiled and massively uninformed. and this is the group who are reviewing players, phones, cables etc.

this thread shows exactly why headfi is so huge: it takes everyone and anyone. i am here and i know that many people do not like my opinions and i am happy about that and likewise, i am fully against that of some.

it is nice to have a review from some honest people for instance who would mention these things: music preferences, previous headphones, current headphones, use of amp or no; use of home equipment or portable only... etc etc etc.

those reviews show many things. but certainly, i would be very very wary of any rock and roll head who says they hate these phones as i think that we can guess: rock and rollers hate rap and hip hop in a very vague and sweeping way. i am in neither camp but listen to both sometimes.

hip hop too is not often about massive flowering bass. in fact, most i have heard is about controlled instruments, certainly more than the 3 chord guitar of other popular bands from the ages.
Aug 19, 2008 at 4:56 PM Post #272 of 634

Originally Posted by shigzeo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
those reviews show many things. but certainly, i would be very very wary of any rock and roll head who says they hate these phones as i think that we can guess: rock and rollers hate rap and hip hop in a very vague and sweeping way. i am in neither camp but listen to both sometimes.

I appreciate good music regardless. I own an assortment of Dre albums...Chronic and 2001, as well as albums featuring him from his N.W.A days). I have a assortment of rap/hip-hop albums. I no longer listen to rap because I dislike 99% of what is being produced in the genre today. I prefer the old school stuff. I also listen to a lot of classic rock, 90's alternative, acoustic, and blues. And no I won't tell you my race or financial background as I don't think that should matter at all. So do I meet your requirements enough to "judge" these headphones for myself?

Honestly, I didn't know I needed to fill out a survey to comment in this thread. I guess only young black men that listen to mostly rap/hip-hop are allow to comment in this thread....or use these headphones. And here I thought headphones could be used by anyone with any type of music. Silly me. Maybe I should return my FUBU, Phat Farm, Rocawear, and Sean John clothing as well. Reverse discrimination at it's finest I guess. I'm done with this thread. Have fun belittling others some more. I'll go listen to some music and enjoy life.
Aug 19, 2008 at 6:03 PM Post #273 of 634
Can we please stop it with the senseless posts now? That last post was blatantly in very bad taste and adds absolutely no value here. Go post things like that elsewhere, I'm sure there's places you can go post such distasteful "opinions." This thread is really to help those interested (or not interested for that matter) in the Beats to get some usable/quality feedback.
Aug 19, 2008 at 6:44 PM Post #274 of 634

Originally Posted by dookiex /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Can we please stop it with the senseless posts now? That last post was blatantly in very bad taste and adds absolutely no value here. Go post things like that elsewhere, I'm sure there's places you can go post such distasteful "opinions." This thread is really to help those interested (or not interested for that matter) in the Beats to get some usable/quality feedback.

Yea and I found his post about young white kids that enjoy a stable financial backing (spoiled?) not in good taste. Funny how it's ok for him to make such rude comments without any backlash. No worries, don't comment to me and I won't bother commenting to you anymore.

Aug 19, 2008 at 6:57 PM Post #275 of 634

Originally Posted by dookiex /img/forum/go_quote.gif
First off, silverrain,
The overall impression here is that straight out of a portable source, the 595s does not suffice when compared to the Beats.

Well i totally disagree with this one. The 595's are not the best set for listening to in detail, but they are far more geared towards audiophiles than the beats. Lets face it, even the name suggests that are going to be boomy in bass. They are marketed by a hip hop/rap legend, of course they are going to have heavy bass. Heavy un natural bass. Most of this is probably caused by the close back.

If you want boomy bass, get the beats, if you want a more true to life, natural sound get hd595's.
Aug 19, 2008 at 7:05 PM Post #276 of 634
One problem fault151, the Beats do NOT SOUND BOOMY at all. Please refrain from further impressions on this thread if you are going to continue with biased views that does not hold any water to actual use of the product. I've given a relatively detailed assessment on these sets, TWICE at that. I would love to see views from the other side of the fence but please, only from those who have actually spent more than 2 minutes with them and does not have some obtuse bias for mass market just because they want to have an image of being a "Head-Fier" and would like to BELIEVE that mass market products are all garbage and only professional grade equipment are of any good. Last but not least, give a full impression with all the details because regardless of something being good or bad, people would like to know the answers to the why.
Aug 19, 2008 at 7:11 PM Post #277 of 634

Originally Posted by dookiex /img/forum/go_quote.gif
One problem fault151, the Beats do NOT SOUND BOOMY at all. Please refrain from further impressions on this thread if you are going to continue with biased views that does not hold any water to actual use of the product.

I believe you asked for opinions on beats headphones. I gave an honest opinion. If you don't agree with me then that's OK. I don't ask you to stop posting though do i?

I'm not slating the beats headphones, i just don't think they're great and worth the price. There's nothing wrong in my opinion.

As for the biased bit, what need to be biased do i have? If i was going to go for any headphones, id take my hd600's any day. There's nothing biased in my opinion.
Aug 19, 2008 at 7:12 PM Post #278 of 634
Your words and I quote:
"Well i totally disagree with this one. The 595's are not the best set for listening to in detail, but they are far more geared towards audiophiles than the beats. Lets face it, even the name suggests that are going to be boomy in bass. They are marketed by a hip hop/rap legend, of course they are going to have heavy bass."

Where's the non-bias in that? I made a direct comparison, detailed comparison, between my 595s and the Beats. I totally disregarded brand association. Clearly your passing judgment due to a labeling association for the Beats. Just because it's mass market thus it's no good? Did you read the other ACTUAL IMPRESSIONS on this thread? Nowhere did anybody else that spent a decent amount of time with them ever state that they are boomy, it's been stated before, it's anything but boomy bass.

By the way fault151, don't get me wrong, I felt that at least your posts were at least a tad more mature and slightly more informative then most of the other nonsense posts on this thread.
Aug 19, 2008 at 7:19 PM Post #279 of 634

Originally Posted by dookiex /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Your words and I quote:
"Well i totally disagree with this one. The 595's are not the best set for listening to in detail, but they are far more geared towards audiophiles than the beats. Lets face it, even the name suggests that are going to be boomy in bass. They are marketed by a hip hop/rap legend, of course they are going to have heavy bass."

Where's the non-bias in that?

There's nothing biased in it, its my opinion. Simple as that. Do you work for the marketing company of beats or something? Just wondered why you are getting so touchy over a comment?

Your obviously a big fan of the beats headphones.

Its a forum, you need to accept that i may not agree with you. I don't say you are wrong by liking the headphones, I am saying in my quote, that i do not agree with you. Which means, I personally do not agree, not that you are totally wrong with your comment.
Aug 19, 2008 at 7:26 PM Post #280 of 634
I really don't have to re-explain why I'm touchy about this topic as my other posts explains a lot. When I first came on Head-Fi I learned a lot from this forum. Then I see this thread and it's a huge thread of basically flames. Why does supposedly "good" products get more than two minutes of demo time, and everything else, including mainstream gear, receive a 2 second brief demo and then get torn to shreds? There's something wrong with that, I'm sure at least we can agree on that can we not fault151? If you're going to tell people something is bad, give a thorough explanation of why, just like people want to know all the details about why something is good, then the same should be for something that's not good.
Aug 19, 2008 at 7:34 PM Post #281 of 634

Originally Posted by dookiex /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I really don't have to re-explain why I'm touchy about this topic as my other posts explains a lot. When I first came on Head-Fi I learned a lot from this forum. Then I see this thread and it's a huge thread of basically flames. Why does supposedly "good" products get more than two minutes of demo time, and everything else, including mainstream gear, receive a 2 second brief demo and then get torn to shreds? There's something wrong with that, I'm sure at least we can agree on that can we not fault151? If you're going to tell people something is bad, give a thorough explanation of why, just like people want to know all the details about why something is good, then the same should be for something that's not good.

I didn't say they were bad, i said i found them more bass heavy than a set i had with me at the time. There's no reason for them to be crap because there new on the market. I said they seem to be geared towards more mainstream headphone for the general user and have lot's of bass. I never mentioned that they are **** because they are new or because they have lot's of bass. Hip hop and Rap music is all about the beat and bass, which is why i think they are called beats and the fact they have lot's of bass. I'm not trying to put anyone of buying them. I want to say what i thought, and that's it. I did find them boomy in bass, but if you like bass then get them. My reasoning for this is because most closed back headphones tend to be more bass heavy than open back. Which is why i commented in the first place.

I too learn a lot on this forum.
Aug 19, 2008 at 7:41 PM Post #282 of 634
I do apologize for coming off like I was attacking your view fault151, but the following from you post was what ticked me off a bit:

"If you want boomy bass, get the beats, if you want a more true to life, natural sound get hd595's."

Something like that is basically what feeds the fuel for the fire, that's what others with their one-lined-biassed remarks would take and regurgitate on to the forum. Know what I mean? Let's face it, a majority of the posts on Head-Fi feels like people regurgitating information that they READ not from REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE. Maybe you are smart enough to discern differences such as opinion from solid facts but we live in a world filled with lemmings. Wasn't one of the ideas of having a forum such as Head-Fi to steer the lemmings back to being educated consumers in the very end?
Aug 19, 2008 at 7:50 PM Post #283 of 634

Originally Posted by dookiex /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Maybe you are smart enough to discern differences such as opinion from solid facts but we live in a world filled with lemmings. Wasn't one of the ideas of having a forum such as Head-Fi to steer the lemmings back to being educated consumers in the very end?

Well, i don't think everyone is going to follow what i say to be gospel. It's true you have to read between the lines on some comments, but i do always try and be honest. I'm not one for slagging things off. At the end of the day i want who ever is interested in the product to look at reviews and make up their own mind. I'm sure they will do that. Anyway appologie accepted.
Aug 19, 2008 at 8:08 PM Post #284 of 634
has been fun. my uncouth comment came from amalgating the first couple of pages. comments such as 'intended audience' etc that all pointed to a certain demographic that was obviously (and said by many people). if that is the flavour that this thread can open in, then I added only to it.

like i said: had this thread been about a new ultrasone line or beyer, it would be treated much differently. as per jude and several others' observations, they are not a boomy phone but there is a predisposition that they must be and are no matter people's thoughts.

it is nice that several people have given reviews. i would like to go and listen to them just so that i too can have something to say, whether good or bad. i am not in the market for other large phones as i have dt770, dj1pro and dt880 as well as i sometimes listen to my wife's hd600.

finally: the phones is ANC phone and should be treated as that rather than put against all top phones in the price bracket for sq. ANC are always more expensive than similarly performing phones but usually look like the devil. jude too said that they are rather humble in their portrayal of the ANC circuit but it is still noticeable. thank you jude.

finally: for those who have quit rap because of a large percentage is rubbish, dangerous, too bassy etc: choose from a different country. what in one country may be popular among the same genre does not mean the same thing across the globe. check out faithless, mc solaar etc, even the rap from telepopmusik etc if you don't have the same values as what may be popular in your country. you may also find that the music itself has a different flavour.

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