  1. Kyle11690

    Sennheiser PXC 450 Noise-cancelling ..are they close to audiophile? or Reconsider?

    Hey Guys,   My Denon AH-D1001's have been awesome these past years but are going downhill.   I have been extensively researching what I want and really would prefer noise canceling phones because I am a student and, after borrowing a friends pair, really liked the noise canceling...
  2. redoctober

    First time buying-help desperately needed

    It's 5 AM, I'm sitting in a university library the night before finals, and I have a problem.   I should be studying, but instead I'm just sitting here listening to my recently re-discovered Phish and Beatles remaster flacs, writing my first post on here, and can't decide which pair of...
  3. lobski

    Where can I buy replacement ear pads for my Sennheiser PC350? Why does it seem like nobody knows?

    My Googling skills have failed me, and I cannot get a definitive answer. Where can I purchase high quality ear pads that will fit my Sennheiser pc350? The closesting thing I found was this...
  4. gtrevize

    HD 650 vs DT 990 250ohm (It could be: DT 990 600ohm vs 250ohm...)

      I don't want to start a new thread from scratch in order to discuss about Senn vs DT cans in general, don't worry :-). The problem is that my headphone amp (a Soundblaster Titanium HD soundcard) has "just" 330ohms, so I cannot go for the DT 990 600ohm version as in principle I would like...
  5. JonC

    PXC 450 - Remove Clear Plastic Ring?

    I've got what I'm sure is a stupid question.  I recently purchased a pair of Sennheiser PXC 450.  After wearing them for a few hours, I noticed that there was something poking the back of my ears.  After feeling back there, I noticed an edge sticking out from under the pads.  Further...
  6. Duggeh

    Goldring NS1000 Noise Reduction Headphones.

    They arnt even up on Goldrings webpage yet, but AVReview has a snippet about them. More competition for the PXC450 and Quietcomfort. Who's going to be the first with a pair?
  7. race2c

    Recommendations: IEMs for Rock/Alternative/Country

    Everyone this is my first post on Head-Fi, and will definitely not be my last.   I just recently got a set of Sennheiser PXC 450s as a gift, and actually looking at trading or selling them to get a pair of IEMs.    I have always used a pair of cheaper Sony earbuds, and the PXCs made me...
  8. zGoRL8RoLCl

    Sennheiser PX 360

    I'm going to buy my first pair of high quality headphones and hope for them to last for as long as possible since budget is tight.   This is the the main one I'm considering to buy and would appreciate any feedback on its quality and value.   Sennheiser PX 360     after that, other...
  9. johnlowe11

    Sennheiser PXC 450

    Ever since everyone at my school now own Beats, i have been looking for an alternative to beat them out. I first started with the Denon AH-D2000. I liked these but i think that the Sennheisers may be better. Im looking in terms of sound quality and performance as well as noise cancellation on...
  10. s002wjh

    sennheiser vs bose q15

    just curious any comparsion between the two?
  11. rydenfan

    Best headphones for traveling with budget up to $350 (no IEM)

      So, the title pretty much sums it up... I am looking for a really high-quality full-size headphone for traveling, that is not an IEM, and budget is up to about $350. My three main contenders are:   Senheiser PXC 450 Audio Technica ATH-M50 Phiaton MS 400   I would welcome...
  12. Bmoneyx

    I cant decide Sennheiser HD650 or PXC450

    I bought both headphones and i cant decide between them , the pxc450 sound better on my iphone 4 and macbook pro and thats all ill be using them for mostly computer so do i need a decent headphone amp to get better results on my hd650. and which amp would suite well with a mac pro
  13. nieveulv

    Help a beginner in choosing a headphone?IEM (no amp for now)

    As the title says, please help me choose a headphone/IEM that would suit my needs   This will be my first purchase to the audiophille world!!   Budget - $300-400   Use - with my ipad/ipod and at home into a desktop with asus esence xtc sound card. Strictly for music only!  ...
  14. alvinleong01

    Mac (USB) -> Fiio E7&E9 -> Senn. PXC 450?

    Hi all, my first post here.      Been lurking around head-fi for quite sometime now and recently heard about the new Fiio E9. I currently own a pair of PXC 450 (direct line out from early '08 macbook) for home listening as well as Denon C551 (with iPod nano 1st gen) for my portable...
  15. yaztheblack

    Help for an Overwhelmed Nub?

    Hey, and thanks in advance if you read and comment!   Essentially, I'm looking to buy a nice pair of headphones; I listen to music on and off for about 13 hours a day; 8/9 hours at work, where I want to be able to hear people speak and/or the phone ring, but would like to drown out the...
  16. donunus

    The Sennheiser PXC 450 and 350

    Has anyone ever done a review of these or comparisons to high end cans? Can you please post links if there are any. Thanks.
  17. Aleksnor

    PXC 450 pads on HD 555

    I like my HD 555s but I'd love the pads to be leather, so I thought I could buy the PXC 450s pads and use them with the 555s, so my questions are:   1.) Will the leather pads fit into the HD 555s?   2.) What changes in the sound could the pad change produce? (I made the foam mod and the...
  18. Itamar

    Looking for the best noise cancelling headphones on the market

    Hello. I have done some research on noise cancelling headphones and decided to buy a pair. I am seventeen and I want to use the money I earn to buy the best noise cancelling headphones, the pair who has the best noise cancelling and sound quality. I found 3 headphones and I am not sure what...
  19. 7288

    RE: Sennheiser PXC 450

    Hi,   Let me just apologise in advance for this being my first post, it's rather nonchalant to sign up and immediately ask for assistance. That being said, I'm looking to purchase the Sennheiser PXC 450 and I was hoping to figure out a few things.   My first concern being that apparently...
  20. shibby1

    Noise canceling headphones

    I live in a noisy apartment and am looking for a top pair of noise canceling headphones. How well it cancels ambient noise is my top concern because I'll be wearing them to do homework.  I also care about sound quality but I'm not an audiophile so that isn't as big of an issue.  Comfort would...
  21. jazzDESIGNED

    Sennheiser PXC 450 specifications don't make sense on Sennheiser's website.

    I was looking at the PXC 450 on Sennheiser's website and some of their specifications just cannot be correct. I was looking at the frequency response it being "8 - 28.000 Hz" as stated on the website. Now did they just say 8 Hz all the way to a mere 28,000 Hz? Am I misinterpreting something...
  22. Deusdies

    Dammit, I can't decide

    Hi guys.   So finally I've narrowed down the choice to a few Senn's models... at least I thought so.   I was || this close to buying Sennheiser PXC450. However, one guy mentioned that HD595 sound amazing. Then I went to Sennheiser's website and saw that they have HD600, HD650, PXC350...
  23. benkus83

    Sennheiser PXC 450 noise cancelling headphone has a TRRS connector?

    Hi I am pretty new to this forum and good headphones in general, and have used it to learn which noise cancelling headphones to purchase. After lots of reading through peoples opinions I ended up getting the Sennheiser PXC 450's and am very happy with them.   The headphones come with a...
  24. borderm3

    Sennheiser MM 450 or PXC 450

    Hi,   I was hoping some people could chime in and tell me the magnitude of difference between these two when it comes to the sound quality and the noise cancellation?   I was able to find good demos on the PXC 450, which I found to be excellent noise cancellation.     I should...
  25. a11en

    Active noise reduction -v- sound isolation IEM's

    Hi guys,   I've been toying with getting some Sennheiser PXC-450's, mostly due to a recent spat of rambunctious office mates.  I was tempted with over the ear mostly due to my belief that they may add more sound isolation.  But, maybe this isn't true?  And that's why I'm here.   I tend...