  1. Rocko1

    Best open full size headphones for $120?

    Budget is $120 and want them to be easily driven and open back, full size and new.  Is there a model that stands out as better in this price range?
  2. aak57

    Headphones as comfy as AD700s but better for music around $150?

    I currently have a Titanium HD and AD700s that I use for gaming, and I love them.  However as everyone knows they are pretty bass light, and I'm looking for a pair of headphones that I'll use for music.  As far as genres go, I listen to all types of rock, and a ton of instrumental stuff from big...
  3. R

    Sennheiser HD 558: Gaming, Music, Amp/DAC, Burn-in?

    Hey all, pretty new to this world of "hi-fi" audio.  Been reading/researching for a few days now...just getting started, I know. :)   Anyway, I'm pretty set on the 558s right now, I think...  :P   I will be gaming: FPS, RPG, MMO.  TF2, DoD, CoD, and other random shooters.  Diablo 3, and...
  4. tdwpgtp

    sennheiser vs ultrasone help please

    hi everyone, i know these types of questions may get annoying, but here it goes: im looking to get a pair of over the ear headphones in the $150 range. i do most of my listening on an ipod and laptop and listen to mostly rock and rap, but i do listen to a good amount of everything else. im...
  5. starbux48

    Need headphones under $200 primarily for classical symphonic music

    Some smaller ensemble pieces, like also jazz instrumentals and vocals, other types not as much.   Running them off a NAD integrated amplifier.   If they exist would like to keep cost closer to $100 to $125 pair.  Read good things about Senns 518/558/598s, AKG's, ATHs.  Have owned AT...
  6. jayendran

    Ultrasone HFI-780 Vs BRAINWAVZ HM5 Vs Sony MDR XB500

    Folks,       I'm new here, please excuse if I posted in the wrong context. I'm looking to get a sub 150$ full size headphone. Need help from the rest of the family to decide. I'm no audiophile, but do know to a small extent what I want. So here goes..   should run comfortably off...
  7. Shuk

    Sennheiser HD 558's too 'laid back' and Denon AH-D2000's too 'exciting'. Is there a happy medium sound signature?

    Right now I own 2 pairs of headphones and I want to find that sweet spot listening to music.   I love the Sennheiser HD 558s, but the sound is too clinical, laid back, and not 'exciting' enough. This could be due to the open nature and lack of deeper bass on the headphones. The Denon...
  8. sirthinh

    Looking for Entry Level Open Headphones Recommendations

    Hello, looking to buy a set of open headphones for sub $130 that is good for the most varieties of music.   Prefer full-sized ones similar to Sennheiser HD518, but I don't mind trying on-ears like Grado 60/80i.   My budget was under $100, but I hear good things about the HD518 and the...
  9. spacemanspliff

    Have a neck issue. Need a light weight open can.

    Looking to upgrade my trusty SR 850s. I have been almost killed 6 times now and although I am a tank in most respects, I still have issues with heavier headphones over long periods of time.    What modes should I consider? I am thinking maybe the FA-011, Beyer 880. Something with a bit of...
  10. llamatimelord

    Low Quality Recordings

    I am buying my first high quality headphones. I have some choices but I want to know which ones are best for the music I listen to. I listen to Classic and Alternative Rock. Some of the songs don't have the best recording quality and I wanted to know which of the following headphones would be...
  11. LukeDaly

    Long time lurker looking for a set of good over ear headphones...

    Hello guys, been a long time lurker of Head-Fi and finally going to take the time to upgrade my headphones, I have a budget of around £120 but that can stretch a little if need be?   If I need to give any more information please let me know.   Many thanks, Luke.
  12. xspiritdannyx

    First time buying new headphones. HELP PLEASE :)

    Hello! This is my first post ever on this forum. I'm only 19 years old so I wouldn't consider myself old enough to be an audiophile, but I do have an affinity for good quality music. I have a decent Onkyo/Focal stereo setup back at home but I'm back in college now, and it's not practical for...
  13. Hifihedgehog

    Decisions, decisions, decisions... Sennheiser HD558, HD598, HD600

    It is time again for me to buy new headphones to take the place of previous ones--Superlux HD668B, Audio Technica ATH-m50--which have found a lucky owner on eBay. To keep this simple and self-explanatory, I will give some background on my audio preferences and preferences:   I used to own...
  14. starbux48

    Sennheiser 598 or 595 or 558 (or maybe AT AD700)?

    Here's the scoop.  Whatever I get is to be used with a NAD amp for home use.  I will buy an IEM for going out of the house.  I would love to buy a pair of 598's but they stretch my budget.  I have found them used as low as $180.  The 595's which seem nearly as good I have seen as low as $135 to...
  15. Tuvwum

    Some advice needed.

    Hi. Let me start my saying the old cliche, long time reader, first time poster.   I've come into a bit of bonus money, and I'm looking to upgrade my phones. My current bundle are a pair of sennheiser 558's with a fiio e7.   I'm thinking about a pair of AKG q701 (really like the white...
  16. danil1

    sennheiser HD558 vs ATH-M50s

    Hi there Head-Fi   I want to buy headphones for a price of up to 200$ and in my small research I came to either buying Sennheiser hd558 [I will mod them like the pretty famous hd555 mod] or Audio-technica ATH-M50s and i'm having a hard time deciding which one to buy.   the...
  17. iztis

    Are my Sennheiser HD558s Fake?

    Hey guys, I hope this thread does not offend anyone or anything or make me look like an idiot.   I was out looking to buy IE80s online (From amazon) and was reading alot about fakes from ebay and such which has got me worried and paranoid.   I recent;y bought a pair of HD558s a few weeks...
  18. arun1977

    Suggest me a headphone for Rs 10K to Rs 12K ( $200 to $ 240)

    Hi All, I have been looking around the net for quite a while,seeing other people's requirements , reviews ,ratings etc. But that left me even more confused so decided to get all your expert opinions to decide on mine.I have owned a lot of headphones / earphones for a long time.Mostly settled in...
  19. 1

    Replace my Audio-Technica ATH-AD700s (Open, Budget, Soundstage)

    I bought my pair of Audio-Technica ATH-AD700s about a year ago.  They were my first pair of "good" headphones, and I love them.  With one small, frivilous exception.  They mess my hair up.  I don't know if it's because of the length or type of my hair, or if other people have this problem, but...
  20. Omid

    Is sennheiser 558 (50 ohm) good for iPod or macbook usage without external sound card?

    Hello friends! I want to buy sennheiser hd 558 but I don't use external sound card, I use iPod and MacBook for listening. 558 is 50 ohm. I'm not sure it completely sounds perfectly with iPod and MacBook or not! Could you help me??
  21. wes1099

    Sennheiser hd558 mic mod problem question

    I have recently bought a pair of Sennheiser hd558's and i used industrial strength velcro to attach a labtec lva-7330 mic to the left ear cup, and i have a problem. Since the HD558's are open back headphones, they leak quite a bit of sound and people on skype can hear the sounds coming from my...
  22. pele5

    Sennhesier HD 558 Volume Issues?

    Hello Forum, I'm obviously a bit of a newbie to this wonderful world of "audiophiles"..  I recently bought the HD 558s and when playing through my phone (Samsung Galaxy S5) the volume is very low...I've tried using Apps like PowerAmp to try to boost the volume a bit, but to no avail...on my...
  23. mrtheking

    Headphones Newspaper Article (ATH-M50 vs. Beats Studio)

    Here is a story I wrote for my school newspaper Del. Aware. In the article I compare the headphones Beats Studio and Audio Technica ATH-M50 after conducting several blind tests on musicians and audiophiles. Note that due to spacing issues, the article's length is limited, and therefore I could...
  24. BillsonChang007

    Sennheiser HD518 or Sennheiser HD 558 or HFI 580

    Hello guys! This is probably just my 2nd thread. So, I'm back to ask which of the above listed is better? Another one is do any of these(HD 518, HD 558. Don't think HFI 580 needs any AMP) need AMP? Currently, I'm using iPhone(original) & iPad2 for music. Was thinking of HD 439(refer to my last...
  25. tomweeks96

    Headphones around $200

    i have a budget of about 200 could stretch in to 270 with an amp,(FIIO e11), i already have beats solo (**** waste of money) and sennhieser HD 205 decent for 50 bucks.   Like a bit of extra bass, need an overall good heapphone as i listen to heaps of different music was thinking: Ath m50...