  1. yoyo59

    headphone amp confusion?

    currently using sennheiser hd 600 with asus essence st, but lately but wondering if I should get a Matrix M-Stage or Aune.. just confused though if I bought one of those.. what do I connect it to? I connect the headphones to the amp then the amp to what? my computer via essence st or? the back...
  2. rabellogp

    Help with sound card and headphone amp combinations

    Hi, people. Im just starting in the headphone amp world and I'm looking for help with some choices I need to deal with by now. I've never listened to anything better than a Xfi extreme music and a ordinary Phillis headphone. I'm Brazilian and once I'm spending some time by now in EUA, I can't...
  3. Bojamijams

    Matrix M-Stage or KICAS Caliente for DT880/600 ohm?

    From reading around, both of these would seem to be good matches but I'm curious which one actually is better if anyone was lucky enough to hear both of them.  I also can't find the P-P voltage swing specifications on either of these headphone amps so I can't even tell which one is more...
  4. Jonasklam

    Buying M-stage amp

    Hi mates,   I'm looking for a M-stage amp and came across this website: Have anyone ever heard about or purchased from them before? It seams a little suspicious to me.   Also, as I can understand, there are many...
  5. JPresz

    What to get first...?

    I'm looking at getting the Matrix M-Stage, and a DAC (hoping for 24/96 for usb) for my computer setup. Which of the two would be better to get first?   thanks in advance
  6. 65dos

    AMP for 500$ PLEASE HELP

    Please recommend amp for 500$. for ath-m50 and hd600
  7. PelPix

    My M-Stage arrived and it's ice cold, should I wait?

    Will there be condensation or something similar?  It's ICE cold.  It was probably chilled to 17F when I got it from the mailbox. Darn North America.
  8. amcananey

    M³ vs. beta 22 - Differences in quality of sound?

    I know that the beta 22 is widely considered to be one of the best headphone amps, and I also know that it is considered to be better than the M³. Nonetheless, I was wondering whether anyone who has heard both could describe the differences in the quality of the sound.   I have heard/read...
  9. gridlock

    Opinions Please: Audio-GD C2 vs Matrix M-Stage for K702

    Hi All,   I'm just about to make the plunge, and have read many-many posts over many-many hours trying to decide on a headphone rig.  I've decided on the K702 and just need the final decision on the amp.  I'll be using the DAC in my Tact 2.2XP preamp.   I've narrowed it down to two...
  10. nickwin

    PH100 hold up to whats available today?

    Has anyone compared this amp with any of the popular SS amps available today in that price range (Asgard, M-stage...)?  I've had this amp 2+ years and I've really enjoyed it with my k701s and HRT MSII, but I've got the upgrade bug and thinking about trying out the M-stage.  I'd say I'm primarily...
  11. igotnojob

    WooSennMStageMamboMan.Fi701 or my wallet hates you all

    First of all, as my username suggests, I need a job. I am gonna need a lot of money come the end of my next billing cycle. Hey everyone. You don't know me but I feel as though I know many of you. And although you may not be aware, you are enablers.   This post is to outline my sudden plunge...
  12. ReDVsion

    Upgrade from Gilmore V1

    After vanishing from this place for a few years, and being relatively content with my current setup, I seem to be making small steps back into the headphone world. First it was re-acquiring my DT880s I sold ages ago. Now I'm wondering if there's a better way to drive them and my K271s.  ...
  13. Sanity

    Looking for AMP recommendations.

    Hi, I'm rather new here, and am looking to finally make an audiophile set up for myself. I've read many reviews, but I'm very indecisive and can't decide on what I to get, so maybe I should ask here.   I've settled on the Denon D7000 as my set of head phones (probably going to markl mod...
  14. spydur

    Anything better than the Audio-GD Fun for the money?

    I am about to buy the Audio-GD Fun for my Sennheiser 650's. I will also be purchasing the Earth and moon opamps. Total cost shipped will be roughly $450... Is there anything else out there that is better for the money?
  15. I3eyond

    Sennheiser HD650: Will the Matrix M-Stage properly power them?

    Simple enough, question is the thread title! :P
  16. aryastark90

    Denon D5000 amp

    I currently use a Meier Headsix amp and nuforce udac-2. I think it does a pretty good job driving all my headphones. I keep reading about how the Denon's need a solid state amp with a lot of power to really bring it to the next level. I think the Headsix has a lot of power for a portable amp...
  17. chococya96

    Any good desktop amp for AKG K701??

    I've started new thread to get exact response for my question. With that being said, I have researched varity of amps for my AKG K701 but I don't know WHAT TO GET... there's too many that people recommanded and for me, every amps seems good from my headphone -_-;; (Yes, I'm a noob at...
  18. KuKuBuKu

    HD650 amp (yes i know this is frequently asked, but look anyway)

    Yes, I have searched on head- fi, but I have had no success in finding a strait answer, and many of these threads date back to 2005 and even earlier. It seems that there are so many new amps out there. Look at amps like the Audiotailor Jade or Schiit Asgard. There are so many amps out there...
  19. JacobTerrado

    $200-250 Headphone Amp

    I'm looking for a headphone amp around that price range. I will use them to power an M50, and in the future, either a Denon AHD2000 or Audio Technica ESW9. I listen to all types of music. If it helps, i like the sound of the M50's before burn-in occurs. I like the fullness of the bass of the...
  20. I3eyond

    What's next: Sennheiser HD650, Beyer DT770/80 Pro, or new DAC?

    Currently my DAC, the Pro-Ject USB Box DAC, is pretty much nothing but garbage.  It has several issues, which I won't get into here.    However, I had my roommate setup a blind A/B test between the external DAC and my X-Fi Fatalty soundcard, and believe it or not I picked the soundcard as...
  21. Auderoine

    Request: Recommend a System from Scratch for $1200

    Greetings all,   This is a somewhat long post, but I think it could be a fun thought-experiment even for the more veteran members to consider, so I hope you bear with me.  I've been reading through these boards for a few weeks now, and figured the community might be able to steer me in a...
  22. JonnySayer

    Best headphones for getting in DA ZONE

    When I am on my computer wearing my headphones (MS1i's) I can hear people when they talk. I need some closed headphones which isolate to the point in which I can't hear much and I also would like them to be quite calm so I can concentrate. I will most likely buy them at a later date since I am...
  23. Trisk3lion

    Getting an AMP/DAC combo, need your thoughts and ideas

    I have been lurking this forum now for over a year and been enjoying more and more headphones and iem's and while as my collection is growing i came to the conclusion that what i need is an amp and dac combo which can drive almost all headphones so that in the future i will not be limited to...
  24. clarinetman

    Well, I'm screwed. But what did I do wrong?

    Just now I opened up my M-Stage to do some chip rolling, as I just purchased new chips to do this with. I decided to try out one of the mono channel ones, the TL071, figuring that even though I didn't have the adapter, I could still listen from one channel. Wrong. I took my FAVORITE headphones...
  25. gsilver

    Isolating closed headphones under $300?

    I'm in a shared office environment now, and the person I'm sharing with coughs, a lot. So, the open cans I was using aren't a very good fit. The biggest concern is to block outside noise; I can always take them off if someone needs to talk to me. Also important are fairly deep cans that will...