focal clear

  1. MoonAudio

    Focal Clear Trade-in Event at Save $500

    *Terms and conditions apply. Customers purchasing a new pair of Clear Pro headphones or Clear headphone will receive a $500 discount off the suggested retail price in exchange for their current set of headphones. This offer is valid for all types of headphones, all brands included. Exchanged...
  2. lissimore

    Focal Clear Trade-in Event at ($500 off)

    Tyll Herstens called the Focal Clear "The best overall headphones I've ever heard" Save $500 on the legendary Focal Clear at Just trade in any old pair of headphones to get a brand new pair of Clears...
  3. SmashBruh

    Upgrade from the HD 650s?

    Hey guys, I've been struck with a case of upgrade-itis. I have a pair of HD650s paired with a Cavalli Tube Hybrid (powered by and LPS) and being fed by a Modi 3. While I love what I have I frequently find myself feeling like it lacks "oomph " (eg bass I suppose lol) and some clarity. I suppose I...
  4. TSAVAlan

    Focal Specials at TSAV!! Extra Stock from the Holidays at Insane price!!!

    Focal Clears @ Call in for Price! Focal Elear @ $499! Focal Utopia/Questyle QP2R Bundle WELL BELOW $3000! Call in for the specific price! We ordered too many headphones from the holidays and are extending these wonderful savings while supplies last! Full Warranty and Brand New Focal...
  5. lamaslamas

    Focal Clear vs LCD-3?

    Hi guys, If you had to choose, would you get the Clear (with a complementary LCD2C I already own), or the LCD-3 (and get rid of the lcd2c)? Or maybe both :) ? I love the Lcd2 bass and sound signature, but I'm tempted to upgrade, would it be worth in your opinion in terms of soundstage and...
  6. TSAVAlan

    The Source AV Focal Clear Extravaganza!

    The holidays are here and The Source AV has the best prices for the Focal Clears! Prices so good you will have to call in for! Give us a call or shoot me an email for any of your headphone needs! 3035 Kashiwa St., Suite 101 | Torrance, CA | 90505 1-310-534-9900
  7. jude

    Focal Elegia Measurements

    I'll offer up more commentary about the Focal Elegia and its measurements, but it will have to wait until after CanJam @ RMAF, just due to time constraints during the show. The measurements in this post were made using: GRAS 45CA Headphone Test Fixture, with: GRAS RA0401 High Resolution Ear...
  8. MoonAudio

    Save BIG on Focal trade-ins

    Focal Clear WAS $1,499 NOW $1,100 $1,300 without Trade-In Shop Now Trade-in any pair of headphones with purchase of select Focal headphones to receive an additional discount. (must be in working order) Trade-In headphones will be donated to charity. Focal Utopia WAS $3,999 NOW $3,000 (with...
  9. MoonAudio

    Save BIG on Focal trade-ins

    Focal Clear WAS $1,499 NOW $1,100 $1,300 without Trade-In Shop Now Trade-in any pair of headphones with purchase of select Focal headphones to receive an additional discount. (must be in working order) Trade-In headphones will be donated to charity. Focal Utopia WAS $3,999 NOW $3,000 (with...
  10. tisquinn

    Amp recommendation for Focal Clears

    Hi all! Long time reader, first time poster here! I finally pulled the plug and after a lot of research and testing in shops, deciding to get a demoed pair of Focal Clears on a discount. I loved the sound more than the LCD-2, Aeon Flow Open, Focal Elear, Senn HD800s and a few others I demoed...
  11. Hotep303

    3 meter Focal Clear cable for Portable use?

    Hello good people, I am new to good quality sound although I have dreamed about it for years. Mostly listened to my Ipod Classic through m50. Just a few days ago I bought WM1A (shout out to tenedosian for awesome buying experience) and in a couple more weeks I'm gonna buy Focal Clears. Now the...
  12. mtoc

    Focal Clear headphones

    Be they say (really? same size?) edit: F Clear apppears in that 72min-video at exact 0:1:28 for around 22 scs. (takes 40mins to find out) No Be of course, still Al-Mg.