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New Head-Fier
Tinhifi Serve C2 Mech Warrior : Fierce Looking IEMs with the sound quality as good as the looks..
Pros: +Good Looking Design
+Good Quality Driver
+Good Bass Speed & Pretty Solid Rumble
+Treblehead Will Love It
Cons: -Bad Cable & Accessories
-Too Bright For Some
-Need Changing Stock Cable & Eartips For Better Performance

If you're on the hunt for budget IEMs that really bring the raw energy of metal to life, you've got to check out this iem TinHifi C2 : Mech Warrior. They're like a front-row ticket to your favorite band, with treble that cuts through the mix and details that pop. Perfect for anyone who wants to feel every riff and solo right in their core. with unique Mech warrior design and also quality driver in it.. using 'LCP diaphragm'

soo What So special about the driver?
LCD diaphragm drivers they're pretty impressive. They've got this high-tech diaphragm that makes the sound super clear. You know when you're listening to music and you want to catch every little detail? These drivers make that happen. They keep the sound crisp from the lowest bass to the highest treble..
And the best part? They don't mess up the sound when you turn up the volume... It's all smooth sailing, no crackling or anything. Plus, they're tough as nails. I'm pretty rough with my gear, but these drivers can handle it, no sweat imo.
So yeah, if you're thinking about getting some new IEMs with this kind driver you may want to check out this iem... Also I make an impression and also the best set-up on how to improve the IEMs to the maximum level.. let's check it out..

Design & Build Quality:
TinHiFi C2 already had a solid build quality with its CNC machined aluminum construction, With fierce looking design. Upgrading to a better 'OCC' cable could potentially improve the durability and longevity of the IEM, as well as possibly enhance the overall sound quality due to the higher purity of the copper used in OCC cables..
With the addition of bass-enhancing eartips like aex70, aet08 etc.. the TinHiFi C2's bass performance takes a leap forward. The sub-bass gains more depth and rumble, while the mid-bass becomes more pronounced and punchy... This modification addresses the previously noted lack of mid-bass extension and brings a more satisfying bass response that complements the energetic treble...
The midrange may also benefit from the cable and eartip upgrade. The improved bass response can add a bit more body to the lower mids, making vocals and instruments sound fuller and more natural. However, the overall character of the midrange remains subtly analytical, maintaining the clarity and crispness that the TinHiFi C2 is known for...
While the OCC cable is not likely to change the treble's energetic nature, it contributes to a smoother treble response by reducing potential harshness in it... The bass-enhancing eartips could also balance the bright treble by providing a more robust low-end, making the overall sound signature more cohesive...
The technical performance should remain strong, with the potential for slight improvements in soundstage and imaging due to the higher-quality cable. The sound separation, dynamics, and resolution are expected to be maintained at a good level...
Upgrading the TinHiFi C2 with a high-quality OCC cable and bass-enhancing eartips seems to be a worthwhile investment for users looking to extract the best performance from these IEMs... The enhancements in bass depth and punch, along with a potentially smoother treble, make the TinHiFi C2 a more compelling option within its price range... These upgrades could tip the scales for users who were on the fence, making the TinHiFi C2 a recommended choice for those seeking a solid build, Unique Design, and a sound signature that now boasts a more satisfying bass response... cheers.
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New Head-Fier
One Step Closer to the Surface of the Rabbit Hole
Pros: - Neutral sound
- Forward vocal
- Wide bore ear tips from stock
- Good design IEM
- Clear and fun treble with enough extension for its price.
Cons: - No pouch or carrying case
- Poor cable and ear tips quality
- Unclear sub-bass
- Short impact of sub-bass
- Missing a lot of bass texture
- Dry and thin vocal
- Not for detail lovers
- Average soundstage
- Not dynamic sound

One Step Closer to the Surface of the Rabbit Hole​

I think I remember when this IEM first came out around late 2022 and started to hype up in early 2023, it had quite a bit of enthusiasm from the Indonesian community. This review is a bit late, but well, because I was given the opportunity and I just wanted to, so I decided to dive into it.
As the caption of an Instagram post about engagement says, "One Step Closer," it perfectly describes this IEM. One step closer to diving into the "rabbit hole" of the audiophile world, wherever its origin is... sigh...

Anyway... TinHifi C2.


**==DISCLAIMER==** ​

All my impressions and reviews are subjective and follow the belief of "I only deceive my savings; my reviews are always honest." Agree? Okay. Disagree? Okay. I review because I want to and because I enjoy it, not because I need to haha.
"But are you saying this just because you're using it right now?" Oh, absolutely not. I'm a true audiophile hobbyist who will always be honest without bias. Don't believe me? Read until the end, we'll dissect the pros and cons.
"But are you saying this because it's new, maybe you're just in the 'honeymoon' phase?" In this hobby, which is truly "dark and full of poison," things will remain the same until the end of the world. Human desire knows no bounds haha.
"But isn't it better to just listen and enjoy?" Yeah, you're right.
Important!! I suggest you audition it yourself, maybe it's my ears that need to see an ENT doctor, or maybe it's you who needs it haha.

**==THIS POST IS FOR==** ​

My IEM recommendation around 500 thousand rupiah?
New to this hobby, which IEM should I buy?
Just want to read the review.


Symphonium Crimson
Kinera Verdandi
Sennheiser IE900
Fiio Q15
HibyDigital M300

**==TESTED WITH==** ​

- Youtube Music
- Tidal
- Hiby M300
- Fiio Q15
- Lenovo Office Laptop (what series? who knows haha)
- TinHifi C2


For an IEM around $30 or under 500 thousand rupiah, the unboxing experience is minimal, nothing special or wow. But when I first opened it and saw the IEM shell, I thought it looked pretty good xixixi. It includes:
  • The IEM itself (already fitted with a pair of ear tips)
  • Ear tips (there are about 2 types of ear tips with 3 sizes each. It's quite annoying because all the ear tips are combined into 1 plastic, so it's a bit difficult to differentiate)
  • The cable (The first time I saw it, I immediately touched my chest because it's so awful. I thought the Simgot EW200 had the worst IEM cable, but this one is even worse)
  • User manual


An IEM made from some kind of metal, matte gray finish with shiny ear tips reminiscent of stainless steel. It has a single Dynamic Driver configuration with a standard-sized body for IEMs in a similar price range. It has slightly longer nozzles, but with a size that I think is average, so it shouldn't be a problem for most people's ears. The available ear tips are, in my opinion, just "okay" and can still be used for entry-level friends who don't have their favorite stock ear tips. And what I like is that there are wide bore sizes, so they're my favorite.

Neutral and soft. That's the most accurate phrase to describe the low-frequency aspect of the Tin C2. Produced by the dynamic driver it has, we can enjoy the thumpy bass hits and the rumbling sub-bass. From an entry-level POV, I'm sure you'll feel quite happy with the sound you hear even though the perceived power is just enough. But there are some weaknesses, such as the very minimal texture of the bass with shallow thumps, so it doesn't feel lively. Then, the sub-bass rumble it produces is very fast and lacks dynamics, so it feels very breathless and has minimal energetic rumble. Also, I feel that the sound from the sub-bass lacks clarity, so you can hear a "bzztt" sound in its rumble tail. If entry-level friends are hoping this IEM is for bass heads, they are mistaken.

Forward but dry. Although the vocal sound is presented more forward than other aspects, the vocals produced have a problem that I find disturbing. For the upper mid part, especially the male voices sound dry, which is disturbing, so it feels like you want to give the singer a drink because their throat sounds very dry. Also, the sound feels thinner, so the energy from the song being performed is less than optimal. In my opinion, songs with high notes in male voices and songs that require heavy vocals will not be optimally performed.

Clean and Fun. Of all aspects, I like the treble the most. This IEM has clean treble with good micro-detail in its price range. I like it not because this IEM is shining-shimmering-splendid (because it's not at all), but because I appreciate this IEM at this price having clean treble presentation with a fun and neutral sound to listen to. Don't expect a treble tail that's sharp and long because it's relatively short, but it's tuned with a clear presentation, not overshadowed by other aspects, and has sufficient power. For entry-level IEMs, this can be a good starting point for okay treble IMO.

The rumble tail from the sub-bass that's not clean sometimes disturbs in some songs. But other than that, all the sounds are clear. Micro-detail clarity isn't the best aspect of this IEM because many micro-details are not presented.

Average. Don't expect "like watching a concert, bro?" because it's definitely not, but you can feel a wide and pleasant stage.

There's no impression of a 3D holographic rotation in your head because this IEM has a relatively flat dynamic and minimal dynamic range according to its price range. Each instrument can be pinpointed in terms of sound separation, but for the micro-detail sound produced, it feels stuck with other main instruments.

Available in the photo, see for yourself.

**==CONCLUSION==** ​

  • The neutral sound of the treble tuned with fun and clarity is the main advantage of this IEM. Moreover, with the forward vocal position, it feels more comfortable for jazz and slow acoustic songs.
  • However, unfortunately, there are weaknesses in the unclear sub-bass sound and the bass thump that lacks texture and depth. Also, the thin vocals and problems with the upper mid-range sound dry, especially with male singers, which is very torturous in some songs.
  • Is this IEM worth it? For entry-level users looking for their first IEM to understand the "surface of the rabbit hole" of this hobby, this IEM could be the right option because the sound it produces reasonably answers the "hi-res sound IEM" from a Counter IEM.

That's all.
Trust your ears.


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Tin hifi C2 (late review)
Pros: Looks unique
Build quality is solid
Energetic treble
Cons: Treble seems harsh in certain circumstances
Lack of mid bass extension
Not the most comfortable for long listening sessions
No carrying case
Summary: Unfortunately I am way too late for this review, but thought to do it anyway as it seems to go on sale on a lot of local places. This has decent build and looks, comfort is slightly lacking. In terms of sound this has a bright mild v shape sound signature. Overall at sound is ok but not good enough for its asking price.

Sound signature: bright, mild V shape


This is a single DD iem with 10mm dynamic driver with an impedance of 32ohms and sensitivity of 104db.
Talking about Tin hifi, they are one of the moe popular chifi brands. One of their most popular model the tin hifi t2 started my journey with tin hifi. Other than the t2 and p1 I personally did not find their other releases that special.

Box and accessories
In the box it comes with:
Iems itself
2 pin cable, its average price considered. They have provided better cables with their other offerings.
3pairs of narrow boar tips (average quality)
3pairs of medium boar tips (average quality)


Build and Fit:
Build in general is good price considered. It’s made of cnc machined aluminum, feels decent in the hands. In terms of looks, they are one of the best in this price range, it has a industrial sci fi look. Shells are medium to small size. They are decent weight as its fully metal built. Fit is good but it does sacrifice in the comfort region. Fit stability and breathability is ok. Score 3/5

Tested with
Source: hidiz ap80, cx pro dongle
Eartips: stock, spinfit cp100
Cable: stock
Tested with versatile genre of music


Bass performance is ok. Sub bass is more forward than mid bass with good rumble and attack. But mid bass is not as prominent and its lacking punch and slam. Bass notes are separated and bass texture is ok Speed is ok for a dynamic driver. Personally I would have prefered more mid bass extension. Score 2.5/5

Coming to the midrange, as a whole its ok. Transition from mid bass to lower mids is linear. Vocals are crisp and clean but specifically female vocals sound a bit thin. There are some peaks which is audible but not sinilent. Instruments are also clean and linear sounding but in certain tracks it is brighter due to the peaks as mentioned. Personally I would have preferred a bit more body and thickness in the overall mids. Score 3/5

Talking about treble performance, it is energetic and bright. Details are crisp and have good shimmer to it. It has decent resolving capabilities. I would say this sound very analytical.
Unfortunately there is a fair bit of sharpness/ harshness present in a lot of tracks, so this will not be suitable for treble sensitive listeners. Although I enjoyed its treble with metal and rock music. Score 3.5/5

Technical performance (score: 4/5)
Soundstage: above average
Imaging: ok
Sound separation: ok
Dynamics: ok


I personally do not recommend this set, as there are better options in its price range and even in its discounted price range. Other than that this is more suitable for genres like metal, rock and classical in my opinion.


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