General Information



  • A new upgrade 10MM CNTD dynamic driver was developed. Carbon nanotubes are graphite-like arranged polymer carbon fiber clusters. With its unique structure and excellent mechanical properties, it provides excellent dynamic range and powerful low frequency response as the earphone's sounding unit.
  • Rare drawing process at the same price, flagship CNC aluminum alloy material, anodizing process. High-end metal craftsmanship offers this iem earphones an outstanding texture.CNC aluminum alloy BDM wire drawing process.
  • The CCZ team has tailored the Customize High-frequency Balanced Armature for excellent high-frequency performance, providing rich and delicate instrument details and gorgeous highs performance, making the music more charming.
  • Debugging according to the professional Harman Carton in-ear curve, This in ear monitor for musician earbuds combined with the hearing of HiFi headphones, and it can provide live-level sound performance and low frequency, bass and guitar as if in the ear.
  • This iems headphones can be easily driven by mainstream mobile phones and portable music players. Driven by a professional player, you can even hear richer, fuller and cleaner music details.Hi-Res Audio.

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New Head-Fier
CCZ BC04 Review!
Pros: Fun, all-rounder sound signature.

Warm, smooth sound.

Subbass-dominant low frequencies.

Thick, smooth mids.

Non-fatiguing upper frequencies.

Very good soundstage width.

Sufficient imaging capabilities (particularly on gaming).

Very good fit, comfort and isolation.

Very good amount of accessories for a budget set!

Easy to drive, does not need any high gain or extra amplification.
Cons: Midbass bleed is present and exhibits a mild veil on lower mids.

Keen ears may want additional bass texture and tightness.

Upper mids may sound “unrefined” on certain tracks.

Separation and layering may experience congestion on heavy passages.

A case or a pouch would’ve been a good treat for everybody.

Sounds good for a budget EDC, but does not bring anything new to the table.

CCZ BC04 Review!
Good day! After 5 days of casual and critical listening, here’s my written review for the CCZ BC04. It’s the 13th track on Tame Impala’s third studio album!

  • I don’t read FR graphs. I only use my ears, as how earphones should be used.
  • CCZ sent this unit to me in an exchange for an honest, unbiased review. Rest assured that this review will do its best to devoid from any bias/es as much as possible.
  • The following remarks and observations shall be made and owned only by me.
  • No monetary compensation is/was involved before, during, and after the period of creation of this review.
  • Your mileage may (and always, will) vary.
Burn-in time: 4-8 hours per day, 5 days.

Source/s used:
- Non-HiFi smartphone (Infinix Note 12 G96), PC.
- Tanchjim Space DAC
- Aiwa XP-V710C CD Player (12 sec. EASS)
- Fosi Audio DS1.
- Sony Xperia X Compact
-Local Files via Foobar, YouTube Music, Deezer, and Qobuz with UAPP.

IEM/Earbud/Setup configuration: Stock medium eartips, any form of EQ or MSEB off, 40-60% volume. ============================================================================================
Sound signature:
  • The CCZ BC04 still follows its house sound, which also means that this IEM is a warm, V-shaped sounding set that leans to the “fun” side, in terms of elevation of both ends of the spectrum.
  • Just like most of their IEMs (and most of the IEMs found in this price range (under 30USD), this region is the highlight of this IEM. It is a subbass-dominant, bassy set. Subbass rumbles nicely and is evident on bassy tracks or pop genres. Attack and decay speeds are average for an IEM under 30USD and nothing to write home about. “Audiophiles” and “purists” may find it “sloppy” and “lacking of texture” to their liking, but for most people who will be using the CCZ BC04 as an everyday carry or daily casual IEM, the overall region (and sound) of this IEM will never be a problem.
  • Warm and thick are the two words I first thought when I heard the region of this IEM. It is smooth and exhibits a bit of added depth on male vocals. This also means that this set suffers midbass bleed and has a slight veil on certain instances. Upper mids are elevated and exhibits a good amount of clarity, air, and sparkle. Most of the time, the upper mids of this set does not suffer from peaks and pierce, but I have experienced some “grittiness” on poorly mastered tracks. This isn’t a deal breaker for this IEM, but should be watched out by those people who have very sensitive ears.
  • Moving on to the treble, it is well-extended, has a sufficient amount of air, and has a decent amount of clarity. I haven’t experienced any harshness or sibilance in this region, which is a good sign. Detail retrieval is average on the BC04, it has good rendition of most details but nothing to write home about.
Soundstage, Imaging, and separation:
  • As for the soundstage, the CCZ BC04 has your usual IEM soundstage wherein it is wider than deep with an average height. Separation and layering is average with minor congestion on heavy passages. Imaging is accurate and can render vocal and instrument position easily. It is also good enough for competitive gaming, if that matters.
Other IEM Comparisons!

VS KZ Castor (Harman)

  • The KZ Castor (Harman) leans to a more “neutral” / u-shaped approach. The BC04 definitely has more bass quantity and treble elevation, but the Castor Harman has better mids presentation and technical performance.
VS KBEAR Rosefinch
  • The KBEAR Rosefinch is a basshead set and has more bass punch and rumble compared to the BC04, but lacks the treble extension and air that the BC04 has. Technical performance is more or less the same between the two sets.
VS Salnotes Zero
  • The Salnotes Zero also has more bass compared to the BC04, and exhibits a warm, “organic” character in its overall sound. Treble has more air and extension on the BC04. Technical performance between the two are more or less the same.

  • Fun, all-rounder sound signature.
  • Warm, smooth sound.
  • Subbass-dominant low frequencies.
  • Thick, smooth mids.
  • Non-fatiguing upper frequencies.
  • Very good soundstage width.
  • Sufficient imaging capabilities (particularly on gaming).
  • Very good fit, comfort and isolation.
  • Very good amount of accessories for a budget set!
  • Easy to drive, does not need any high gain or extra amplification.
  • Midbass bleed is present and exhibits a mild veil on lower mids.
  • Keen ears may want additional bass texture and tightness.
  • Upper mids may sound “unrefined” on certain tracks.
  • Separation and layering may experience congestion on heavy passages.
  • A case or a pouch would’ve been a good treat for everybody.
  • Sounds good for a budget EDC, but does not bring anything new to the table.
The CCZ BC04, just like the company’s other sets, aimed for a mass-appealing, EDC-worthy budget IEM. Its fun sound signature will work for most music listening sessions, whether it be during commutes or during chores. If we’re looking to it as a hobbyist-oriented set, this will be a sidegrade, or even a “skippable” set due to its redundant sound. I can recommend the CCZ BC04 for those people who want a budget EDC, but can be skipped by the “audiophiles” who want the latest and greatest, mind-boggling, technical marvel, graph-worthy IEM they could think of.

Pairing recommendation/s:
  • Source: This IEM is fairly easy to drive, but will benefit greatly from a neutral sounding source, to trim down some of its warmth.
  • Eartips: The stock eartips included decent enough for the most part. You may still use your preferred eartips.
  • Cable. The cable is good and sturdy enough for daily usage. You may still use your preferred cable.

Thank you for reading!

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