Reviews by thecansmancan


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Intuitive design, General SQ, Cables, Price, Accessories
Cons: Lacks a touch of bottom end extension, MIld sibilance / Tinnyness
Hidden amidst an array of confusing sister models, the Vsonic GR04 Pro Flagship Edition is one of the best values in IEM's. The Pro Flagship is second only to the much acclaimed GR07 in the Vsonic lineup; however at about half the price proves a far better value. Coupling intuitive pivoting tips with a reasonable balanced sound signature, the Pro Flagship deserves far more attention that it has received. But please, enjoy the video for full details. Thanks for watching.
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I cannot agree more. I got them and I am simply blown away by their mids I think they are as euphonic as the RE 262 however, the 262 has the most incredible soundstage I heard in an IEM and sound more refined. Having said that I am very happy I got the last pair available in my country and perhaps one of the very few that were available in South America to beging with
linda grant
linda grant
do these headphones have a equalizer r amp sound an how much r they
they are anywhere from $50 to $100 depending on where you get them


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Detail, Portability, Fast, Beautiful, Aggressive, Bright
Cons: Non detachable cable, Not for everyone
Bright and aggressive, these cans certainly aren't for everyone. However, they have this euphoric presence about them that draws me back time and time again. As well, their small size and low impedance make them the ideal portable...if only they isolated just a little better. At the $67 price i got them for I really enjoy their unique signature, but I might would be displeased if I had paid much more for them. But more on that in the video, enjoy!


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Air, Dynamics, Sound stage, Price, Comfort, Build
Cons: Straight cord, Box does not close, Lacks definition in middle of sound stage
After over two decades of service, the HD 600 is still going strong. Since the early days of its introduction, the HD 600 has grown to become something of reference point within the audiophile community. Furthermore, its neutral, airy sound has made it a favorite among audio engineers. As such, you will struggle to find better at this price point. Now, please enjoy the video, it offers my full opinion on the HD 600 as well as a touch of comparison between it and its sister, the HD 650. If you have any questions please, feel free to ask. Thanks for watching.
Great review. My only major critique is that the mic on your camera picks up TONS of background noise/static.
Well, I am receiving these on this upcoming Friday from a friend, and I am hoping I like them as much as you do because seriously I thought you were talking about your kid or good review though and cannot wait to hear the difference from the DT880


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: folding. single side detachable cord, sq, build quality
Cons: comfort, comfort, comfort

The Monoprice 8323 really is one of the best budget cans I have encountered. The sq is fantastic, considering the $30 price tag. Albeit a bit dark. However the high end has a nice sparkle at times so it not completely in the dark. Build quality is great even though it's plastic. Comfort does seem to be a major issue for most people, myself included. But more on everything in the video. Enjoy!
warm. But not overly. Some have claimed overwhelming bass, i disagree. The midrange, it just kinda there...not good not bad. And the highs can get a smidge fatiguing but for the most part keep it to a nice slight sparkle. That help?
Sounds very M50s-esque save for the warmth.
The main things I was wondering about however were the detail retrieval, attack/decay (PRaT), soundstage, and imaging...
You know, i was kind thinking it was a bit of a v shape. I just don't have the experience to be sure. Soundstage is ok. Nothing WOW, but after all it is closed and it is $30.You can get general left to right instrument placement, but nothing really beyond that.To compare it to say, the Hd 600 a soundstage king, placement and clarity of that placement is not good at all. But i suppose that's apples to oranges. Detail,well it's a little odd. On relatively slow tracks where it doesn't have to strain to keep up, the detail is great all things considered. But as complexity and instrumental demand increases, they can lose some detail. I don't feel like they're the fastest cans on the block.


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Fairly easy to drive, inexpensive, comfortable, ability to cross genre
Cons: no detachable cord, not portable, heat

The Sony MDR-XB700 is a great can, for what it does. It focuses a lot on deep bass. And for an xtra bass headphone its fantastic. I feel it has the ability to cross genre decently. Perhaps not finding a forte outside of rap, dubstep, and electronica but being useful outside of them none the less. They are only 24 ohms of impedance, so they are fairly easy to drive though an amp is recommended. Everything else can be found in the video, enjoy!