Reviews by BonGoBiLai


100+ Head-Fier
Small size, Big sound
Pros: 1. Stellar balance across the range
2. Doesn't sound digital or processed unlike many of its competitors. Natural and analogue ish sound reproduction
3. Extremely precise. Class leading imaging and detail retrieval. Excellent Separation and layering.
4. Clean, neutral and clinical but not at the expense of musicality
5. Loads of body/meat in the sound. Really difficult to find flaws in midrange, bass and treble
6. Exemplary sibilance control. no shrillness or harshness or glassy edge around the sound
7. POWERFUL. Can run power hungry cans like HD 650 with ease. Auto gain works perfectly but has drawbacks in specific cases that I'll
highlight in the Cons section
8. Excellent heat management. Doesn't get hot at all only slightly warm
9. Zero noise. I have seen reports of issues with usb 2.0 and smartphones but havn't faced no such issue myself
10. SMOL
Cons: 1. Soundstage can feel a little cramped once you come back from relatively wide sounding sources but nothing deal breaking and barely
noticeable after a while
2. Auto gain system doesn't work properly with low impedance low sensitivity iems (Final and Sony ier series iems to be precise). for
example iems that have 16 ohms impedance but below 100 db sensitivity. All ba and hybrids sound amazing and iems without the
mentioned issue as well. A force gain switch could have solved this niche problem.
3. Lacks wow factor. Won't make you go crazy and head over heels at first listen. Slow charmer
4. Battery hog. I have not faced any compatibility issues myself and it has been perfect from day one but in your system may turn out
otherwise especially in old hardware
5. Provided cables are very stiff. I am using a super flexible short paracord cable instead
Umm, I've probably written the full review in the pros and cons sections :cold_sweat: But TLDR- Good option under 200 usd range. This is Questyle's cheapest offering and don't expect it to topple their top tier stuff but Questyle's natural charm is still present here. Highly recommended if you are looking for something very very small yet powerful. I am thoroughly enjoying mine :gs1000smile:

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also some user have faced issue with usb 2.0, have you tried with with usb 3.0?
I'm torn between M12 and Sony NW A55...
If I only consider technicalities... which one should I get ?
Iem : Campfire honeydew , Final A4000
Source : Mostly use Tidal from a usb 2.0 phone.
NW A55 sounds more organic (Sony magic) but M12 is much superior technically. Also more powerful.
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100+ Head-Fier
I, Tanya
Pros: 1. Amazing value
2. Inexpensive but great build quality
3. Thin but extremely supple, pliable cable. Doesn't tangle at all
4. Natural and smooth. Especially good for vocals. Probably the best vocals in this budget.
5. Good imaging for the price. decent for gaming
6. Awesome packaging and accessories. Great option as a gift for your loved ones
7. Mic quality is surprisingly very good. Great as a communication Iem.
Cons: 1. Hard to drive. Not ridiculous or anything but harder to drive than usual
2. Not the most detailed at this budget. Adequate but bl03 and bl05s are better technical performers
3. Non- detachable cable (not really a con in my book as the fixed cable is pretty awesome but might be for many)
4. Overall technical performance is just so so/adequate which is made up by its superb tonal balance
Don't fret over the 5 star rating I gave it as that rating was based purely on value (price to performance ratio to be precise) and in that regard, Tanya absolutely delivers. Packaging is great. I loved the attention to detail Tanya gave for such a budget Iem. It can be an inexpensive gift for you loved ones if you already have better Iems. Tanya comes in a hard cardboard box and you'll get a velvet pouch, two sets of tips (wide bore and regular) and ridiculously over the top 10 pairs of replacement nozzles. Stock tips are decent and tip rolling is not really necessary.

As for fit and comfort, its excellent (barrel shaped compact Iems usually are very comfy). Has massive vents on the back of each earpiece so don't expect that much isolation but for me it was good enough. I can wear them for hours without irritation. Build quality is pretty good. The earpieces themselves are mostly made of aluminum and the fixed cable is really good, extremely supple and ergonomic. What surprised me more than the cable was the microphone which is not an afterthought and actually sounds great.

Now lets move on to the sound. Its very pleasant and natural especially the vocals sounds really really good. While the bass is not overdone, I have a small complaint. Its mid bass heavy, maybe a little bit too much and borders on being boomy. Fortunately it does not bleed into the lower mids and the midrange remains fairly isolated. Treble is polite and sort of laid back. Its not a dark/dull Iem by any mean but if you are looking for aggressive treble and loads of sparkle and air, tough luck.

Where Tanya lags behind its competition is probably raw technical performance. Its not bad or anything but doesn't stand out either. Soundstage is ok, fairly spacious and doesn't feel claustrophobic and while the imaging is not groundbreaking, its good enough for games. Instrument separation, layering, Microdetails etc. are just ok. nothing to write home about. Where Tanya truly shines is its tonal balance. The timbre is so good, especially at this price, that it might make you forget about its technical limitations and marvel at its smooth natural grace especially if you are a non clinical listener and value vocals and overall timbre above raw detail and technical performance, like I do.

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100+ Head-Fier
Value Incarnate
Pros: 1.Natural Timbre
2. Smooth and lush. No upper mid shout or sibilance
3. Fun bass. Not overcooked. Great layering at this budget
4. Comfortable and ergonomic. Good packaging and presentation
5. Cable is solid and built like a tank albeit janky
6 .Fairly wide sounding. Decent imaging
7. Easy to drive, not source picky
Cons: 1. Mids are a tad bit recessed for my liking. Stafield mids could have made this a perfect iem (still great though)
2. Cable is janky despite its good build
3. Useless storage box. Too small
4. Absence of nozzle lips limit tip rolling
Moondrop Aria has been hot stuff for a while and rightfully so. I’ve been listening to it now for over a month and my impressions have drastically evolved since the first listen till now. Let's move on to the full review/impression –


Commendable job by Moondrop. The shells/housings might look like moondrop kxxs/starfield first but there are subtle changes. Housings feel sturdier and so does the understated matte paint job. Inspires confidence and might last a while before chipping starts. Fit is also massively better if compared to kxxs/ Starfield. A serious complaint tho however, is the lack of nozzle lips. That severely handicaps tip rolling as most aftermarket tips will just slide out as their stems/tubes gradually loosen up.
Unboxing experience and packaging is fairly good, again much welcome improvement over its moondrop peers. Supplied tips are fairly comfy.
I have little complaints about the cable. Its fabric braided, built like a tank and has excellent ear hooks yet very very prone to kinks and tangles. I wish moondrop opted for some paracord material instead (I often wonder why isn’t anyone adopting paracords for iem cables. It totally changed the gaming mouse scene)


It's not a cut down version of starfield, period. In fact, Starfield and Aria should not belong in the same convo to begin with. Aria is a massive improvement in all fronts except midrange (esp. vocals).

Bass reaches deep and has ample authority and physicality. I personally wouldn’t like any more bass. It doesn’t compare to the quality ,texture or viscerality of something like a Dunu DK 3001 pro, Zen or Sony IER M9 but for the price point, I won’t ask for more. This is a massive improvement over the one note, bloated nature of starfield and overly midbass heavy e3000 as well.

Midrange however was mixed feelings at first . Aria requires burn in to actually open up the mids (not my mind playing tricks, it's real. Even moondrop themselves recommend 100 hours of burn-in/listening), It's not as upfront or engaging as the starfields but slightly recessed (esp. male vocals) but voices don't sound drowned out or muffled; they sound organic and I’ve experienced zero shout or hint of harsh s/sh sounds after hours of listening. They are not as lifelike as ie40 pro or as lush as final e3000 but something in between.

Treble is very much to my liking. It's rounded and soothing as opposed to being sharp/ spiky and doesn’t sound dark/dull which I’ve occasionally faced in Final e3000. Not much extension, sparkle and air up top but I’ll rather go for good tonality than aggressive treble details.

Timbre/ tonality is very much up my alley. There is something about the sound that’s very pleasant, natural and will grow on you. I have had similar experience with only three other iems at sub 200 range, final audio e4000, samsung galaxy buds pro and sennheiser ie40 pro. All lacked the initial wow factor and wows you over time as you listen to them more and more. Massive achievement for a sub 200 usd chi fi iem.


Detail retrieval is decent, will not sound impressive if you come back from sub 1000/500 usd iems but as a first listener might impress you. It does smoothen out faint nuances but for the most part, it's pretty good.

Soundstage is excellent. Not much depth but width is pretty impressive. Imaging is also above average. Slightly less accurate compared to final e4000/3000 and bl05s. Instrument separation is decent. It doesn’t sound convoluted, muffled or claustrophobic, so gets a pass mark on all fronts I guess.

Aria is easy to drive but benefits from power/headroom. Not source picky per se.


Blon BL05s – Not a huge fan of the bl05s tbh. It sounds good and has great technicality for the price but something about the sound doesn’t feel right. Aria is the better
iem imho

Fiio FH3- I’ll call this one a tie. Aria sounds way more natural and wide but FH3 has more texture and layering in the bass and more precise imaging. FH3 is a bit more claustrophobic in comparison (quite a bit tbh) and has some metallic sheen. Both are great options for the price but I simply find the aria to be better personally.

E4000 – If powered , E4000. If not, aria (e4000 needs serious, serious power). E4000 has the best midrange under 200 usd and I don’t think anyone is snatching that throne anytime soon

E3000- Aria is a definite improvement. E3000 is also notoriously power hungry altho not quite at the level of e4k/5k plus fixed cable. Aria is the better bargain

Ie40 pro- compliments each other really well. Keep both if possible

Galaxy buds pro- A tws shouldn’t be even in this convo. But buds pros are good, very very good. Same treatment as Ie40 pro. Keep both if possible.
Super review. I just got these IEMs and I agree with just about everything you wrote. I'm anxious to see how they open up after more hours of use. Lots has been written about the Arias, but your summary matches my experience exactly. I really like the timbre, maybe even more so than some of my really expensive open-back headphones (>$1000), but wish the Arias had slightly more detail retrieval to clean things up a bit. Again, that may increase with more play time.
thanks! hope you'll enjoy them more over time. I think moondrop went for a more 'musical'/ pleasant sound here where details are present but in a not in your face subtle way. I really like this sort of tuning (HD 600/650, final e4000, meze 99 c/noir, Hifiman Susvara, final d8000, nearly all recent Dunu releases, Sony ier lineup, galaxy buds pro etc falls into this category)
Adnan Firoze
Adnan Firoze
Absolutely loved the succinct presentation. Keep 'em feline theme coming! Kudos!


100+ Head-Fier
Smooth Operator
Pros: 1. Organic timbre, superb natural sound
2.Fun quality bass, not overblown or anything. Just very very fun
3.Cymbal hits sound amazing
4.Awesome vocals
5.Good imaging and soundstage for a closed back
6.Exceptionally good build and timeless aesthetics
7.Extremely easy to drive. sounds varying degrees of good depending on the source used
8.No sibilance, no upper midrange shout. Smoothness reminiscent of the Sony IER series iems
Cons: 1.Not for trebleheads. Lacks air in the upper treble
2.Can be too warm and bassy for people used to flat/bright neutral sound
3.Stock cables are well made but kink easily, retain shape
4.Average technicalities if compared to open backs in the same price range
I am posting this review as a co reviewer at Amplify, a hobby project founded by Mr. Sajid Amit, a veteran audiophile from Bangladesh . Our reviews are made for fun and to share our passion for audio with the rest of the community. This Unit was sent by Meze in exchange of our honest opinion. No external influence as always.
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Meze 99 Classics Impressions
Meze is a Romanian brand and offers a limited number of offerings compared to its peers. 99 classics is not a new model. It was released back in 2015 and the only thing Meze changed thus far are the pads. Is the 99 Classics/Noir (noir is the drop version. Costs 110 usd less and has a less fancy packaging) still relevant years after its release? Let's dive right in.

Build, Comfort and Aesthetics
Simply put, a marvel when it comes to overall design, build and aesthetics. Looks like an art piece and there is no sign of hard cheap plastic anywhere (only plastic part being the elastic material used in the self adjusting headband system, that too being vv high quality). Ear Cups are made of CNC cut hand polished walnut and those are held together by steel arches over the self adjusting headbands. Everything is bolted/screwed on and nothing is glued together (take notes, Hifiman). They are also incredibly light at just 260 grams. Quite an achievement for cans made of wood and metal.
Comfort Wise, they are solid. The pads are a bit on the smaller side but I have larger than avg ears and never had any comfort issue even with my glasses on as the pads are super soft non sweat prone. Self adjusting headband system works perfectly and takes away the hassle of readjusting
All in all 10 out of 5 stars in B.C.A Dept.


Accessories and Packaging:
Great. Meze provides a high quality carry case made of EVA material that houses the headphones perfectly. Two cables of different lengths and adapters are supplied in a different pouch that can be perfectly stored in the EVA case as well. The outer packaging is made of hard cardboard material and opens magnetically. Overall luxurious unboxing experience that matches the luxurious looks of the 99 Classics
5 stars

It will be wrong to pass any verdict without trying them out for at least 3 or 4 days. They sound good out of the box but if you are coming from highly technical bright sounding headphones these will sound a bit too dark and mellow at first. These are kinda the full sized version of final audio e4000 and distant cousins of Sennheiser HD650. Very slightly V shaped with superb natural timbre. 99 classic is the master of bass under 500 usd. It's not overblown or too forward. The bass decay & rumble is just perfect and that's the ultimate recipe of fun here. Midrange remains fairly neutral and natural (very slight coloration in the lower mids but not as much as the senn HD599, negligible) and the smoothness is the upper mids and presence region can be compared to Sony IER M7/M9. This can be a double edged sword. I actively look for this type of smoothness in iems and headphones while many find this sort of tuning boring and muffled. Thus if you are into energetic upper mids and leaner lower mids (will sound perceptively cleaner but tonality might suffer. Will be less organic/natural) then 99 classics are not for you. Treble is interesting. Just like the bass, Cymbal hits have the perfect decay in these cans. Vinyl ver. of Fleetwood Mac’s Dreams (Search in YouTube, published by Rhino. Best version of this track IMO) are mad mad fun on these thanks to how the cymbals and bass sound. Treble extension and detail is good but loses some air in the top end resulting in a more mellow, less energetic treble. Big no for treble heads, big huge yes for those who crave chill fatigue free listening sessions.
The sound overall ticks all the boxes for me at this price point. This is probably my fourth most favorite headphone so far followed by Final D8000,Susvara and HD650.
5 star for me, 3 or 2 stars probably if you are in the different club

These are pleasant sounding headphones for chill sessions like I mentioned before. Won’t win any awards in the technical dept.
Surprisingly though, despite being closed backs, they don’t sound that closed. Fairly expansive and wide. Imaging is impressively good tho. Perfect for gaming and movies. Explosions and gunshots sound visceral with authority. Instrument separation was avg in the beginning but I suspect there is some sort of burn in going on as they are sounding incredibly good with every passing day (or can be mental burn in). Details are not as good as open back headphones in this range (HD 600/650, Sundara, Beyers) but good enough in my book.
Oh and forgot to mention, incredibly easy to drive and sounds good out of everything. You can probably run them off a calculator lol.
All in all, Great headphones and completely worth the MRP in my opinion despite my initial doubts.

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Great Review! Been enjoying these for over 18 months and funnily enough apart from using them as a "chill go-to" headphone...I've been using them for work for all my conference calls....
yes great as a communication device thanks to that mic cable and how good the vocals sound. I wish the mic had a bit more gain though, quieter than usual