1MORE Triple Driver In-Ear Headphones with In-line Microphone and Remote

Pros: Balanced, energetic sound with a decent soundstage, insane value, red carpet unboxing experience
Cons: Has a touch of midbass bloom, big nozzles


Thanks 1MORE UK for providing this review sample in return for my honest opinion.


I heard about 1MORE from a fellow HeadFier, who told me I should check out the triple driver, so I went searching. The triple driver is in such high demand that there are none available for review as I write this. According to the 1MORE rep I’ve chatted with, the 1MORE MK801 and 1MORE EO323 are great introductions to their sound, so they sent me them to review. After reviewing these offerings, I decided I wanted to hear 1MORE, and then two more and a third more. So now I have upcoming reviews of the 1MORE iBFree Bluetooth IEM, the 1MORE MK802 Bluetooth headphone (one of a few AptX HD headphones on the market), and these growingly famous 1MORE Triple Drivers.

About the company

1MORE is a design powerhouse brought into play by a few Foxconn executives and a shedload of venture capital from giants like Xiaomi. 1MORE makes their own goodies and are also the brains behind a few Xiaomi offerings. The company is based out of Shenzen, but this dragon barrels through the UK, and twists through the USA in San Diego—a really nice place to shuffle and soar through with all the great beer, rockin’ tacos, cultural hotspots, welcoming weather, and romantically fading honey blond sands extending out into the infinite.
Outside of being in some pretty cool places, 1MORE keeps winning design awards from obscure award ceremonies. My field’s accolades aren’t really different; most folks wouldn’t recognize a really decorated academic if their thesis smacked them in the face.
Try to imagine that the book in this guy from an Esquire article’s hand is about 17th century agrarian reforms instead of love, tolerance, forgiveness and how to live your life whilst waiting for the apocalypse.​
1MORE aims to have a global brand to match Apple’s big money monkey, Beats, I say monkey because a monkey could have tuned the ones I’ve heard. Unlike Beats, 1MORE wants to make premium quality headphones at midrange prices, instead of making low quality headphones at premium prices.
Like most sensible people I started falling in love with music as a child. My first portable audio device was a Sony Walkman (the cassette kind) that I got when I was 10 years old (24 years ago).  I listened with the cheap Sony on ears that came with the Walkman until I bought a Koss CD boombox and started listening to UAF College Radio and 103.9 (alternative rock at the time) in Fairbanks, Alaska. I once listened to Louie, Louie for 3 days straight, and I’m not insane—did you know there is a Spanish gospel version of Louie, Louie?
Like political tastes and tastes in friends, my musical tastes evolved through association and then rebellion and experimentation. From the songs of my father (The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, ZZ Top), to the songs of my peers (Dr. Dre, Green Day, Nirvana, Weezer), my tastes evolved, expanded and exploded into the polyglot love that is my current musical tapestry. Like a Hieronymous Bosch mural, my tastes can be weird and wonderful: dreamy Japanese garble pop, 8 bit chiptune landscapes percolated with meows, queer punk, Scandinavian black metal; or they can be more main-stream with minglings of Latin guitar, Miles Davis trumpet, and banks of strings and percussion in the Mariinsky Orchestra. Mostly my audio drink of choice is a rich stout pint of heady classic rock and indie/alternative from my musical infancy and identity formation (the 90s). Come as you are, indeed. Beyond the weird, the wonderful, the interesting and accepted, I’m a big fan of intelligent hip-hop artists like Macklemore, Metermaids, Kendrick Lamar, Sage Francis and Aesop Rock. I even dabble in some country from time to time, with First Aid Kit and the man in black making cameos in my canals.
My sonic preferences tend towards a balanced or neutral sound, though I’ll admit to liking a little boosted bass or treble from time to time. If I have to choose between warm and bright, I’ll choose bright almost every time. A few screechy high notes are preferable to me than a foggy unfocused bass guitar. As my tastes are eclectic, and a day of listening can involve frequent shifts in my sonic scenery, I don’t generally want headphones that try to paint my horizons in their own hues. I need headphones that get out of the way, or provide benign or beneficial modifications. I desire graceful lifts like an ice-dancing pairs’ carved arc, not heaving lifts like a man mountain deadlift.
My last hearing test with an audiologist was a long time ago and under strange circumstances. However, I have heard tones all the way down to 10hz and all the way up to 23Khz using headphones in my collection. Either my headphones tend to have a hole in frequency at 18kHz or my hearing does, because I never seem to hear it. I’m sensitive to peaky treble, and treble fatigue, even when I can’t hear what might be causing it. I do enjoy smooth extended treble. I like deep tight bass and impactful drums, and dislike upper mid-bass emphasis.  I like my vocals crisp, so stay away from Josh Tillman’s voice you nasty upper mid-bass hump.  I like air in the stage, not just cues to distance and height, but the feeling of air moving around and through instruments. Soundstage shouldn’t be just about hearing, I need to feel it. I listen at volume levels that others consider loud (78 to 82 dB), but I just set it to where the dynamics peak. I’m not here to shatter my eardrums. I like them just how they are.
I generally don’t believe in using EQ, not even for inexpensive headphones, especially in reviews. I won’t claim that I haven’t done it, but I generally try to avoid it.
I believe that burn-in can make a difference, but I also acknowledge that there isn’t any measurement that appears to give conclusive proof that burn-in exists. I trust my ears, fully acknowledging that my brain may fill in expected details, may colour my interpretation, or may be subject to its own settling period with a headphone. In my experience, burn-in effects are not as large as proponents of burn-in tend to advertise. I’ve also noted that using white/pink/brown noise, I almost never observe changes beyond 24 hours of burn in. When people tell you that you shouldn’t listen to your headphones until they have 200 hours on them, I think these people need to be ignored. No matter what, you should be listening to your headphones at different stages, right out of the box and at intervals. How can someone observe a difference without baseline observations and follow up observations to measure change trajectories? If you really want to be serious about controlling for effect, you need volume matching, source matching, and tip/pad matching.
I’m a firm believer that cables can make a difference, but I don’t think they always do. When I tried out Toxic Cables line, they were in a bunch of baggies at the Cambridge 2015 HeadFi meet without any labels tell me what I was listening to. The cheapest looking one was the one I liked the best. I was excited that I wouldn’t have to spend much to improve my sound. It turned out that the cheapest looking one was the Silver/Gold top of the line cable. I’ve heard the difference that USB cables can make, from upgrading from the crappy cable that came with my Geek Out 1000 to a Supra USB, and then again when upgrading to the LH Labs Lightspeed 2G with the iUSB3.0. When I picked up a cheap shielded power lead from Mains Cables R Us to replace my standard kettle lead on my integrated amplifier, I heard more crunchy and clearer treble. I switched the leads with my wife blinded and she heard the same difference. I didn’t tell her what I heard and let her describe it herself. But cables don’t always make a difference. When I switched from my standard HD650 cable to a custom balanced cable (Custom Cans UK, very affordable), the sound stayed exactly the same when hooked up via a top tier (custom made by my local wire wizard out of  silver/gold Neotech wire) 4-pin XLR to 6.3mm converter. Balanced mode made a difference in clarity and blackness of background—this indicates that the amp was the deciding influence, not the cable. Your mileage may vary and you may not hear a difference, but I have.

Vital Statistics (specs from manufacturers and distributors)

3 drivers: 2 balanced armature, 1 dynamic driver
Frequency response
20Hz - 40kHz
Rated Power
5 mW
1.25m enamelled copper wire w/ 3 button in-line remote
9 pairs of eartips in 8 varieties and 5 sizes,
The 1MORE website is fluent in market-speak, so I'll spare you that suffering. They say it's good, and talk about the materials that it is made of like they are some kind of totally unique concoction from a Shakespearean witch's cauldron. Double double toil and... treble?

Form & Function

A journey through giftly delights

Two headphones have really astounded me with their packaging this year: the MEE P1 Pinnacle and the 1MORE E1001 Triple Driver—their EO323 dual driver is no slouch either. The Pinnacle had set the bar extremely high on packaging, but the 1MORE E1001 may have outdone it. Instead of the a gullwing enclosure, 1MORE presents an antique book filled with sketches reminiscent of a middle aged Da’Vinci, or, more likely, Luca Bignardi, the Italian multiple Grammy winner who lends his production ear to tuning these bijou ear candy. There is a palpable air of discovery as each carefully arranged compartment is opened. The 8 extra sets of eartips (8 varieties in 5 sizes) have their own compartment stashed tightly behind the headphones. The luxuriously textured carry case receives it’s own case, as do the rose gold clad airline adapter and tie clip. Hidden in the bottom corner are a 1MORE bear sticker and some promotional materials. This is a gift box that is just made to be opened slowly and enjoyed. Make sure whomever you are giving this to isn’t an impatient little git and if it’s for you, take your time—slow down, you move too fast.

After you get through all the unwrapping gifs on giphy, it’s time to actually get some personal time with these. Full undressing below.

Matchmaker, matchmaker

Do you have weird shaped ears that fight viciously with tips on IEMs? Sorry ‘bout that. Well, maybe not. 1MORE has got you covered. There is a tip to match everybody in this thing. The tip sizes range from extra small to large with two sizes of medium in the middle. It was a good thing there were two medium sizes, because, in a departure from my normal, I wasn’t the size that was already fitted to the big honking nozzles. If you have miniscule canals, fit may be an issue on these. The included tip sizes are described by their measurement, which is great, because now I can bring my tiny tape-measure whenever I’m trying new tips and see how likely they are to fit. 13mm, that’s the ticket.
When I first tried on the tips fitted to the nozzle, they fit, but were slowly falling out of my ears and I couldn’t wear them cable up. It’s amazing how much a 1mm increase in size matters. I tried all the tips included and some other tips I’ve got laying around (Spinfit and Comply)—I like the stock silicones and Spinfit best. This is two out of three 1MORE in-ears that have had fabulous included tips. The 1MORE EO323 dual driver also had a good tip selection, but the iBFree is a bit of a disappointment.
The case that is included looks like it is supposed to sit in a shirt pocket with a cigarette popping out in some sort of Kool era James Dean imagery. Oh! to be back when death sticks could be advertised during family hour! Now you just get financial death pharmaceutical ads. What can you do—even youtube is loaded up with ads. Back to the case—as I said in my E0323 review, the vertical loading of the case actually makes it easier to tangle the cable. A cable wrap, or a horizontal loading would relieve some of that tangle danger.
A shirt clip is included, but it’s just a blingier version of the one that came with EO323 and still just as useless in practice.

I love gold… and tactile elements, sort-of


I’m a big fan of rose gold and gold coloured IEMs and DAPs. I don’t know when I got so much into bling. I don’t remember really caring much in the past. When it came to headphones before, everything was black and/or silver. The capsules are all metal, with part being a lovely dark purple colour (my pair are not black) and the rest being gold—purple and gold were my High School and College colours (colors where I’m from).
Lathrop Malemutes, represent!​
Anybody whose read some of my front page reviews has probably noted that I really like tactile elements that allow you to find which earpiece is left and right in the dark. 1MORE accomplishes this in two ways: first, the remote is on the right; second, there is a little rubber lip on the edge of the metal downtube on the right side. I approve.
The cable is also textured on the top section, which, while feeling nice in the hand and giving a more premium ambiance, is actually a negative. The cable has vertical corrugations that I found rubbed on my jacket a bit with the textured surface causing more friction and therefore more microphonic noise than a smooth cable generally does.
I found the triple drivers easy to wear for extended periods of time both in the up and down positions. Isolation was pretty average.

Audio quality

All audio comparisons were done with matched volume at 78dB using white noise and an SPL meter. I gave the 1MORE E1001 a bit of run-in to let the drivers settle. I think these have about 40 hours of neopolitan noise—like the ice cream, pink, brown, white—and about 60-70 or so hours of music playback. These phones have been my companions for the better part of two weeks with a some interludes to listen to more exotic fayre.
The 1MORE E1001 is a nice lively sounding IEM with a little bit of extra bass emphasis. It does a good job portraying delicate mids and adds a touch of creamy sweetness. The soundstage has nice development in layers, especially in the mids. Guitar plucks are carried with force on acoustic tracks with good natural decay. The details in the mids are very nicely rendered. Like bacon grease, they just make everything cooking around them taste good. Bass, on the other hand has a tendency towards a bit of bloom and boom with some chunkiness to the overall presentation. Soundstage width and depth are fairly average, with a bit of above average height on top.
Listening to Regina Spektor – Fidelity I get the big bass at the beginning, but the rough edges and distortion have been smoothed over a bit in the bass. The bass lacks the detail and texture to convey the oversteps in the recording. The bass is a little bloomy, and decidedly not HiFi on this track. Mids are nicely forward. Cymbals have some shimmer, but sound a touch thin. Some of this is the recording, but I would also describe the E1001 as having a bit of a bass and mid-forward signature, with slightly recessed treble. Sometimes this will make mids sound a bit thin and treble not as sparkly when things get busy.
Switching to the UERR gives a bit more defined bass, though the bass character remains similar on the track. A bit boomy/bloomy. UERR gives a better composure of the treble with longer decay on cymbals and guitar plucks that are more natural.
Damien Rice has a haunting and enchanting voice and solid instrumentation on everything he does. So it is understandable that when I saw 9 for £0.34 in a charity shop (3 CDs for £1), I grabbed it and some random Pavarotti and BBC orchestral stuff. Damien is the star, no doubt. If I want to feel emotionally vulnerable and conflicted, all I need to do is listen to The Animals Were Gone and Elephant. The 1MORE E1001 does a beautiful job displaying these two songs. Damien’s voice is warm, but not woolly. The bass is still a bit unfocused, but the mids are silky, nicely defined, imminently romantic and heartbreaking. “Waking up without you, is like drinking from an empty cup.” When I look at my daughter doing this for fun, it isn’t heartbreaking, but Damien Rice isn’t drinking from an empty cup in some sort of toddler fantasy land with dreams of milky joy dazzling in the remaining shiny places of his poet mind—he’s waking up to an empty life, the animals are gone and so is she. Is the cup empty because it has all been drank up—served it’s purpose—or is it empty because there is nothing in the house to drink. Maybe it’s both. The UERR has more warmth in the vocals but less in the bass. The 1MORE EO323 dual driver is more delicate in the mids, but the bass strums get a bit more woolly.
The Noble Kaiser Encore is more delicately textured than the UERR, with finer vocals wielding sharper defined edges, but less warmth. It’s almost like the classic vinyl/digital comparison, but here’s the thing: most vocalists don’t sound warm in person at least not the kind of warm that is usually associated with vinyl characteristics, so the Noble Encore is probably more realistic in the mids. I haven’t seen Damien live, so can’t completely tell you.
On David Bowie – Tis a Pity She Was a Whore there is good definition of the high notes for the 1MORE and good speed in dealing with all the percussive elements that Bowie sprinkles all over the stage. There is nice shimmer on cymbals and the sound, whilst busy, never seems overwhelmed. On Lazarus, the intro drums have good depth to their strikes and the bass comes off funky, but still a bit loose. Mids are still the star of the show here, and are thrown a bit forward. When you got a nice face, you should let it show, 1MORE knows these things have a pretty mug.
Switching on the Meze 12 Classics with Lazarus, the sound is smoother. The bass is a bit more focused and the overall sound is warmer. Saxophone has a more vinyl kind of sound to it, what I’ve commonly heard referred to as an analogue sound (which is BS because all sound is analogue). The sound on the Meze 12 is comfortable, a bit pillowy. The soundstage is smaller and more focused than the E1001. Percussion on Tis a Pity She Was a Whore is softer, less dynamic. The Meze 12’s retain the lovely layered mids that is a staple of the Meze sound.
With the UERR depth and instrument placement is much more precise. The vocals are less euphonic and more analytical, while still retaining some subtle warmth. There is way more air and space in the stage with the UERR. The mids are more restrained on the UERR than the E1001, but the E1001 doesn’t go overboard, it just pushes it’s star forward—that pretty face. The body on the bottom end is still a bit more Sir Mix Alot than Victoria’s Secret.

I also did some comparison with the EO323. The EO323 has bigger bass, but it lacks the mids clarity that the E1001 has. It is a bit slower sounding when listening to some Dragonforce. Compared to the the E1001, the EO323 is dark and cloudy, like a thunderstorm without any lightning strikes to illuminate the centre of the camera frame. The build quality of the EO323 is also a full level below. While the E1001 has a fully metal shell and black silicone on the right earphone to let you know which is right, the EO323 has cheap feeling plastic where the copper/golden metal is on the E1001. The plastic on the EO323 has discoloured slightly since I got them, as has the cable. It isn’t on the level of old Super Nintendos, but it is noticeable. For $30 more, the E1001 is a no brainer.

Compared to the RHA ma750 the bass is a bit tighter, the mids less lush, and soundstages are comparable. The sound is more focused on the E1001, but both options are excellent sounding for the under $100 crowd. In the Fidue A65, 1MORE E1001, and the RHA ma750, I’m absolutely spoiled for choice under $100. The A65 is a little bit smoother and more balanced than either the 1MORE E1001 and RHA ma750, but it doesn’t have the depth that either of the other offerings give in sound stage. The 1MORE is the sharpest and most precise sounding with the clearest midrange and treble, but it may be more crispy than some like. The RHA ma750 is lush and inviting, but can lack focus in the bass. Only a fool expects a perfect headphone for under $100, and each of these headphones is absolutely excellent for the money, warts and all.


The E1001 is bangin’ like an 808, selling lots of real-estate for your buck.

People now are so darn lucky. There are just so many excellent headphones for not much dough now. The 1MORE E1001 is one such excellent value proposition. The 1MORE E1001 has a clear, well balanced sound with a touch more bass than neutral—which is what most folks prefer anyway. This triple driver from China easily makes it into my top headphones under $100, and most of the time, I prefer the crisp sound of these to other offerings I’ve got in the running; for that reason, these elevate to a 5. This is just too much value for under $100 (£100 on uk.1MORE.com and amazon.co.uk)--I think a cybermonday deal may still be running on 1MORE's UK site (CYBERMONDAY20). You should have one of these in your collection, if only to show neophytes what they are missing when they buy 5 sets of cheap headphones in a year instead of learning to take care of their stuff and buying one set of 1MORE E1001 Triple Drivers.
Nice review, Micah. Hisoundfi is right, these are a major surprise in the SQ versus price category. Had them for a few months post-Canjam - your review id's making me wish I hadn't sold them on now!
Nice review Micah. You should look out for the LZ-A4, pretty special, would love to hear your thoughts on those.
These are now my go to IEM when I have an urge to wallow in higher resolution accurate playback. I love their 802 Bluetooth headphones as well.


New Head-Fier
Pros: Value!!! , Balanced & Clear Sound , Smooth And Extended Treble , Tough Cable , Accessories , Beautiful , Nice Imaging, Smartphone Compatible
Cons: Built Quality? (see UPDATE section), Silicon tips not very secure, Average Isolation , Average Microphonics
Quick Review 
I bought them for casual listening and mixing and mastering purpose (cause I heard sound engineers had approved them). I wanted a balanced to warm* sound. I think the sound is very balanced but maybe a little too clinical and not as warm as I wanted. those who say these have a bass bump, are probably using the wrong tip for their ears. it's very tip dependent.
*The definition of "Warm Sound" according to "Describing Sound - A Glossary": "Warm - Good bass, adequate low frequencies, adequate fundamentals relative to harmonics. Not thin. Also excessive bass or mid bass. Also, pleasantly spacious, with adequate reverberation at low frequencies. Also see Rich, Round. Warm highs means sweet highs.
Things I'd like to stay the way they are: 
(+) 1. frequency balance (;means flat equalizer)
(+) 2. treble smoothness
(+) 3. clarity
(+) 4. imaging (how accurately you can pinpoint an instrument or sound)
(+) 5. cable design
(+) 6. tips variety
(+) 7. metal housing and color
(+) 8. leather carrying case
Things I'd like to change:
( - ) 1. I'd like better Isolation (though they're better than many other vented dynamic driver IEMs I think)
( - ) 2. I'd like a lower profile (so I can sleep on them :p )
( - ) 3. I'd like a better out-of-the-head feel (don't get me wrong though, they have better than average soundstage width)
( - ) 4. I'd like a narrower nozzle (deep insertion sometimes improves isolation)
( - ) 5. a tad more warmth would be welcome (for casual listening, not when you want a reference sound)
( - ) 6. I'd like less cable noise, though it improves a lot with the provided shirt clip
I think they're well-built (judging by appearance at least), Very good and neutral sounding IEMs that could easily justify their price tag and more. I believe very few people will be not satisfied with their purchase. Also beware that these are not for bass-heads, as their bass is measured for flat  frequency response, not elevated bass sound. Though they respond well to equalizer change.
Since the grills are too close to the ear, ear wax gets in them more frequently than other earphones. I wash them with water and soap ( I'm careful about water not entering OFC ) ... but it's quite normal for the grill to get dirty ... what got me to update my review was that after two times of washing and drying, the grill came off! thankfully I was able to glue it back in there, but I was expecting better quality than this. maybe the soap had weakened it... Honestly, though metal grills are rare and most headphones use cheap stuff, but these are good and they should have glued it better.
Update 2:
Turns out they're pretty power hungry (being a beast and all). Although they can be excellent with normal audio gear, I'd use a headphone amp, and and use it with high gain setting too(6 dB gain does the trick, in my experience) and they'd reveal even more detail than before.


Grand Master Moe "G"….Don't crossface me, bro!
Ping Pong Champ: SF Meet (2016,2017), CanJams (London 2016, RMAF 2016, NYC 2017, SoCal 2017, RMAF 2017)
Pros: Beautiful presentation, clear and balanced, luxury at an affordable price
Cons: The 1MORE Dual Driver embodies slightly more quantity of bass, so you may want to check that one out as well
This will house the TL:DR version of my full review.  The main version is here: http://www.head-fi.org/t/804053/review-1more-triple-driver-in-ear-headphone-with-in-line-microphone-and-remote.
Taken from the Final summary portion of the full review: 

"These can be seen as top of the line earphones, regardless of the price.  The packaging, beautiful.  The literal message, thoughtful.  The construction of the earphone itself, inspiring.  The sound, bliss.  This is worth a listen and a purchase – for the amazing price of admission, why not?"
  • Like
Reactions: Hisoundfi


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Amazing value, Great build quality, comfortable design
Cons: No detachable cable, sound may not be energetic enough for some
If you haven't heard of this 100USD gem of an earphone, you're really missing out. The 1More Triple Driver In Ear Earphone is basically unbeatable at this price point and is my personal top recommendation.
We would like to thank 1MORE for this opportunity to review the 1MORE Triple Driver In Ear Earphone. We received this unit free of charge. The Triple Driver costs 99.99USD - click here for more info!
People always talk about 'giant killers' on Head-Fi budget earphone threads, claiming that their latest Chi-Fi earphone is able to beat out some of the best in the industry. There have only been a few that convincingly made me feel this way. 1More's mission statement is this:

 "1MORE is a premiere consumer electronics audio company headquartered in San Diego, California. Our mission is to deliver superior quality headphones at surprisingly affordable prices, disrupting an industry where price hiking and design shortcuts are the norm."

They've definitely created a giant killer with their hybrid 1 dynamic driver + 2 balanced armature Triple Driver Earphone.

Summary for the lazy



-Probably the best sounding IEM you'll get for this price
-Generous accessory selection
-Long and comfortable cable

-No detachable cable; It'll be a hassle to fix if it breaks!
-Can something be a little too neutral and laidback? A user looking for something more aggressive and energetic might not like the Triple Driver as much.


Impedance:32 Ω
Sensitivity:99 dB
Frequency Range:20-40,000 Hz
Rated Power:5 mW
Weight:18 g
Length:1.25 m
Plug:3.5 mm
In-line Remote Control:Included
Packaging & Accessories 

1More have really cut no corners in the packaging department. The Triple Driver packaging is a very handsome and premium feeling cardboard box complete with foil stamped logos and magnetic box flap which satisfyingly unlatches to reveal even more goodies inside. Super impressed by the amount of effort for an IEM at this price range. I also enjoyed the book like feeling of the box, with a little passage about the story and design of the Triple Driver. You can really feel that 1More is proud of their creation.


Included in this set is of course the earphones themselves, but flipping the earphone panel will expose the myriad of other accessories, which includes a very generous selection of tips with clear labeling of sizes and types, a cable clip with airplane audio socket adapter, a classy looking faux-leather carrying case, and finally the user manual and a cute 1More bear sticker.
No expenses were spared on these accessories - everything is just as well built as the earphones themselves, and everything comes together as a cohesive and well done package.
Design and Comfort

The unit in this review is the 'black' version of the Triple Driver. Encased in a elegant subtle rose gold and dark purple hued metallic housing, it's design gives a sense of understated class and sense of premium build quality about it rarely obtainable for this value. The earphone housing has a flared conical form, with the tapered butt end attached to a downward pointing metallic cable strain relief. The metallic nozzle, with just one opening covered by a wax guard filter is of pretty average diameter (fits with Comply T400 tips) which should make for a comfortable fit for most people. This earphone also comes with playback, volume control, and handsfree mic attached to the right earphone's cable, also finely made with the rose gold coloured buttons.


The 3.5mm jack is a straight plug with the same 'black' colour as the earphones, with a small rubber gasket at the end serving as strain relief. The main length of the cable encased in a braided fabric like material while the 2 lengths diverging from the splitter are coated with TPE, and according to 1More, the interior copper wires are protected by Kevlar for better tensile strength and durability. From my experience, the braided cloth material is quite comfortable to wear and generally durable, although if you just throw it in your bag with objects that could catch onto the fibres of the fabric it may slowly damage it over an extended period of time. Microphonics of the cable is actually very good as it is made of soft, light, and shock absorbent materials. All in all a finely polished design with great sturdy and reassuring build quality.
Worn cable down, the rounded forms of the housing also provide for a very straightforward and comfortable usage experience - it's also very lightweight and I barely notice it when its in my ears. Isolation is also good, even with a port for the dynamic driver as it is strategically placed on the inward face of the housing and as a result not exposed to any wind that might pass over it.

The first time I encountered this earphone in the wild was just at the new HMV flagship store in Causeway Bay. I thought to myself - "it's a nice looking 1DD2BA hybrid earphone for just $800HKD. Meh, might as well try it out", and I was blown away by what I heard.


It's a little hard to place exactly what kind of sound signature the 1More Triple Driver has, and through the process of this review I realized that I was a little too used to IEMs which leaned quite bass heavy and tended to have a W shaped sound. The Triple Driver was still very pleasurable to listen to, and eventually I realized that it actually has a very balanced sound signature.

The low end has a slight bass boost - big enough to make heavy dance and rock tracks have a satisfying banging bass line, but at the same time actually showcasing much restraint in that the bass is never the only focus. Bass impact is a little too soft for my own tastes (I'm used to IEMs like the IM50Oriolus, and Dorado) but it's sufficient enough that it is agreeable for use with all genres of music. There's a very minor roll off towards the very very low end, but again - very balanced, just north of neutral bass with a bit more fluidity than excessive impact, with average speed of decay.


I feel that the midrange is one of its biggest strengths, exhibiting a neutral flatness, which means a richly textured and detailed presentation of the fundamentals of vocals and most instruments. There's a gentle dip as it goes up towards the upper mids and highs, and so the sound signature tends be warm and relaxed sounding overall. However, it's absolutely not dark sounding like the Sennheiser IE80, and with a very adequate amount of high end detail and shimmer thanks to the balanced armature drivers, it's also brighter and more high detail oriented than the ATH-IM50. The highs sound slightly brittle at certain moments, but they're never harsh and sibilant, and provide oodles of great high range detail, so I'm just grasping at straws for things to criticize at this point.
So you might be asking, are there even any flaws about this earphone? The answer is, I wouldn't call them flaws, and while I would totally recommend this to everyone, my personal sound preference is something that's a little energetic and exciting. The Triple Driver's bass impact is a little too fluid and soft for my taste, and flat mids also isn't my cup of tea - the earphones that I personally like all have slightly more boosted and energetic lows, mids, and upper mids / highs. There are definitely times when I felt that the sound was a little scattered and too laidback. The soundstage also isn't the widest sounding with its average height and width, but honestly it's sufficient enough for most listening.


I swear I wrote all of this review before I measured it with the Vibro Veritas, and I'm happy to see that my analysis was decently accurate!



Final thoughts

I am totally behind 1More's Triple Driver being the best sound that can be obtained for such a good price on the market right now, and combined with excellent build quality, and a nice comfortable design, I highly recommend this as a great purchase. There are some changes which I would want if I had to be really critical about things, but they're not deal breakers. Ideally, it would have detachable cables, so that in the event of the cable wearing out or getting destroyed, these wonderful earphones could still be put to use by simply replacing the cable.

Basically, please recommend everyone to buy these because they're the best 100USD you can spend on portable audio.
Originally posted on AccessibleAudio.Co
Thanks, glad everyone likes the review. Agree to @snellemin point about the subbass, and @harry501501 about the treble. 
I agree they're not the best, but they're certainly one of the best value! 
I very much would to see some comparisons with it's direct chi-fi competitors like the Moni One,...
At this price you can get the high end ones like Vsonic Gr07.
Why would you get this? It is a new and inexperienced company.
Pros: Sound incredibly good. Astoundingly good value.
Cons: A relatively flavoured, warmed sound with a dash of cream.
1MORE Triple-Driver In-Ear Headphones (E1001) Quick Review by mark2410
Thanks to 1MORE UK for the review sample.
Full review here http://www.head-fi.org/t/821876/1more-triple-driver-in-ear-headphones-e1001-review-by-mark2410
Brief:  We have a new £100 king.
Price :  £95
Specifications:  Frequency Range: 20-40,000 Hz / Plug: 3.5 mm Gold Plated Color: Black With Brushed Gold
Accessories:  9 pairs of tips, 3 of which foam, a magnetic clasping case, an airplane adapter and a matching shirt clip.
Build Quality:  Nice, they look very tidy and neatly constructed.  The cable is something whatever with Kevlar in it so should be sturdy but it’s a bit stiff for me.  Seems good though.
Isolation:  Pretty good for a hybrid and thus with a dynamic.  Easily fine for on a bus or out and about use.  Even the odd Tube or flight should be fine.  As always you will then need to use your eyes for noticing traffic, or get run over.
Comfort/Fit:  They were perfectly comfy for me to wear up, for hours at a time.  The fit was a bit shallow so I need the big foam tips but then was fine in use.
Aesthetic:  They are kinda nice.  Nothing that especially made me love them, nice but just nothing very special.  Pleasant. 
Sound: Excellent.  In every acoustic aspect I was impressed by these.  They are quite boosted in the bass so purists may not entirely happy with them but its quality is excellent.  I loved its quantity too, sure it’s a bit overly boosted but for most that isn’t any sort of problem.  The mids are also superb, a bit creamy which errs them towards intimacy but they have great detail levels are gloriously flowing over the ear.  The treble too is excellent quality.  For a BA they have a faintly rounded impact and a bit of a weightily warmed decay.  Bright and airy stuff is little bitty oppressed, there is a darkened slant and a bit warmed but it perfectly pairs with my own tastes.  Love it greatly.  The bass is rich and rather deep, it hasn’t the mast amazing depth but for the money, its most impressive and capable.  The mids too are sumptuous and flowing, there is such a creamy effortlessness to them they just flow round the ears with such ease.  No matter what they do warm things a smidge but I love their rich tonality.  The highs too are spot on to my tastes.  They are a hair rounded in the initial impact and they have a slightly over quick decay but again, that price tag, seriously excellent stuff for their price. 
Unless you must have Ety isolation and Ety paragon like neutrality then these are awesome little beasts.  Just note that they respond well to power so please do yourself a favour and amp them nicely.
Value:  The best audio £100 can buy you right now that I know of.
Pro’s:  Sound incredibly good.  Astoundingly good value.
Con’s:  A relatively flavoured, warmed sound with a dash of cream.

can you compare it to P1 ?
Pros: Meaty bass with great midrange definition and smooth extended treble, Very comfortable fit, Universal mic and remote works well, Great accessories
Cons: They don't promote a very good over the ear fit, No included chin slider and under the ear fit makes them microphonic
At the time this review was written, the 1MORE Triple Driver was on sale on Gearbest’s website. Here is a link to their listing of the product:
I have recently had some awesome opportunities to try some of the best earphones money can buy. It’s been awesome to see what top dollar can buy in the world of personal audio. Still, one thing is very apparent. Many of the more established brands with higher priced products are offering build and sound improvements that aren’t significantly superior to some products that cost a fraction of their MSRP. The further up the ladder you go, the more you pay for minor, if any improvements. Most of the time a thousand dollar earphone doesn’t sound ten times better than a similarly designed hundred dollar model. It’s more of a fraction of difference, depending on what you’re comparing.
The earphone market is a game of cat and mouse. Just a year ago, the market for great hybrid in-ear monitors was much different. In order to get a great sounding hybrid, it would cost a few hundred dollars. Nowadays I can go online and there are several options, many of them coming in a budget prices and offering a level of build and fidelity that rivals earphones that cost many times more.
The LZ-A2 was a monumental product in my opinion. It was the first hybrid monitor that fell under the hundred dollar mark and had sound that rivaled much more expensive versions. Since then there have been some others that came along and sounded just as great. Hybrid in-ear technology is becoming more and more mainstream.
There is a recent explosion of companies releasing these budget hybrid monitors. I have had the pleasure of sampling and reviewing quite a few of the more popular ones. There were some pleasant surprises that caught me off guard. One of them was the E0323 from 1MORE. In my opinion, the E0323 is still the best hybrid to come in under the seventy-five dollar mark. Here is a link if you are interested:
When George asked if I would be interested in reviewing the new three driver hybrid from 1MORE, I jumped at the chance. I knew that if 1MORE could make an earphone that sounds better than the E0323, it would be something I have to hear for myself. Let’s take a closer look and listen to the new hybrid champ in the hundred dollar weight class.

I was given an opportunity to review the 1MORE Triple Driver in exchange for my honest opinion and review. I am in no way affiliated with 1MORE. I would like to take this time to personally thank George for the opportunity.
My Background
I AM NOT a numbers and graphs audiophile or sound engineer. Personal audio enthusiast? Absolutely! Headphone junkie? Possibly…
There’s something about quality DAPs, DACs, Amplifiers and Earphones that intrigues me. I want to hear any earphone that looks promising, in hopes that I can share my impressions with  enthusiasts and help them find the audio product they’re looking for. My Head-Fi profile has a list of audio products ranked from favorite to least favorite. For me, this hobby is more about getting great price to performance ratio from a product, while having a variety of different gear to mix and match. With personal audio gear, we tend to pay a lot of money for minor upgrades. One thing I’ve learned over the last few years is that just because a headphone has a higher price tag, it doesn’t mean that it has superior build and sound quality.
I’m always looking for great audio at a great price. I’m after headphones and IEMs that give me the “WOW” factor. I can appreciate different builds and sound signatures as long as they are solidly built, with ergonomics and sound that is pleasing to my ears. It’s my pleasure to share my experiences with audio products and make recommendations based on gear I have owned and used.
The front of the package has the 1MORE logo and Hi-Res logo.
The Back of the package has a description of the earphone in several languages. There is also specifications listed.
The 1MORE arrived in a box the size of a relatively average sized hardcover book. Not only is it similar in size, the package itself is made to resemble a book. Just like the E0323, 1MORE doesn’t cut any corners with their packaging. The packaging is so nice, I almost find it to be excessive. Any way you look at it, it’s phenomenal.
The Package opens Up to a beautiful display of the Triple driver earphones and a great read about the 1MORE company. The tab operates as a page that opens up to reveal some more small boxes that hold the Triple Driver accessories.
Specifications and Accessories
Frequency response: 20 - 40KHz
Impedance: 32ohms
Sensitivity: 99dB
1X Pair 1MORE earphones
1X Magnetic clasp carrying case
6X Pair wide bore tips with protective grill (2X small, 2X medium, 2X large)
3X Pair foam tips (S,M,L)
1X Airline Adapter
1X Shirt Clip
1X Owner’s Manual
The Triple Driver definitely resembles its cousin, the E0323. They have pretty much the same housing design. It’s a not only hybrid in terms of drivers, but also in the housing shape. It’s a lovechild between earbuds and in-ear monitors. The housing rests in the concha of the ear, and a nozzle is angled from the housing into your ear canal.
The triple driver is an all metal housing. They have a nozzle that is wider and longer than the average in-ear monitor. This makes tip rolling somewhat difficult, and prevents narrow bore tips from being used with the 1MORE earphones. Wide bore tips work great.
Cable, Y-Split, Cable Jack, Strain Reliefs
A cloth covered cable spans from the cable jack to the Y-split, then splits into two rubber coated wires that lead to each housing. The cable is pretty standard in terms of it’s build quality. There is very little if any spring or memory. One thing to note, if you twist the cloth cable enough, it will eventually get a kink or two in it. Be careful not  to let the cable twist too much and this can be prevented.
The Y-split is a basic black metal jacketing that with rubber internals. The cable jack is straight 3.5 mm gold plated plug with a black metal jacketing. Strain reliefs are subtle but effective. If handled with a reasonable amount of care you should have no problems with the Triple Driver wiring.
The Triple Driver comes with a very nice three button microphone and remote about six inches down from the right channel housing. I tested the controls for both Android and Iphone. All three buttons work for both devices. The buttons are all the same size and are easy to locate and use. The microphone is average. When talking to friends and family, they confirmed that my voice came through at a three or four on a scale from one to five.
Ergonomics, Fit and Microphonics, Isolation
The Triple driver has a very nice under the ear fit. The rounded earbud shape and in-ear nozzle creates a snug fit that doesn’t require much adjustment. They were easy to pop in and out with minimal hassle. Although I prefer an over the ear fit, I really enjoyed how easy these were to use.
The combination of wearing style and cable design do not mesh well in terms of microphonics. I couldn’t use the 1MORE for physical activities because of this. Any time the cable rubs against a surface it creates enough microphonics to alter the listening experience. Constant movement made the Triple Driver almost unlistenable for me.
With a good seal, the Triple Driver has better than average isolation for a universal monitor. The stock tips work great, but their shallow fit is in close proximity to the mesh grill of the nozzle. This creates concern about how it would impact sound down the road (because of ear wax build up). I did some tip rolling and found the JVC spiral dots to work great. They fit the nozzle easily, have a bore as wide as the nozzle and seemed to create a shallow vacuum like seal. Your mileage may vary
Sound Review
I did my demo with my usual gear. I used an LG-V10 for smartphone use, and either my Shanling H3 or iBasso DX80 DAP for high fidelity portable use. For desktop use, I used my Toshiba Satellite Laptop in combination with a ifi micro iDSD playing at 32/192 kHz. I tested them with several other sources as well. I used Google Music in its highest download quality (320 KBPS), and also streamed FLAC via Tidal streaming service. I also used purchased and downloaded tracks in MP3, FLAC, WAV and DSD. I make sure that any gear I test has sufficient playtime before writing a review.
I used my usual same songs for testing gear:
“Limit to your love” by James Blake (bass speed, punch, response)
“Doin’ it Right” by Daft Punk (sub bass)
“Get lucky” by Daft Punk (bass to midrange transition resolution, male vocals)
“Madness” by Muse (soundstage, separation)
“Some nights” by Fun (soundstage and male vocals)
“The soundmaker” by Rodrigo y Gabriela (texture and imaging)
“Bassically” by Tei Shi (bass to midrange resolution, female vocals)
“Skinny Love” performed by Birdie (female vocals, acoustic playback)
“One” by Ed Sheeran (male vocals, acoustic playback)
“Outlands” from the Tron Legacy Soundtrack (symphonic presentation, imaging)
“Sultans of swing” by Dire Straits (detail, separation, balance)
“And Justic for All” by Metallica (driver distortion, treble response, rock playback)
“Ten thousand fists” by Disturbed (driver distortion, treble response, rock playback)
Note: Other tracks were used, but the listed songs were primarily used to assess and break down the gear’s response.
Source Selection
The Triple driver comes in at a comfortable 32 Ohms, making it universally compatible with DAPs and smartphones. Because of their warm tilt and robust lower frequency range, they benefit most from a more neutral/linear source. A colored or bass boosted source will further emphasize an already somewhat bassy tuned earphone.
With my V10 and Shanling H3, the 1MORE was a dynamic and warm tilted earphone with plenty of clarity and detail at midrange and treble frequencies. With the iBAsso DX80, they sounded much more “middy” and smooth.
The forward bass tones of the Triple Driver makes these forgiving with poorly recorded music. They will scale up with better quality recordings and high bitrate files. Upgraded music files sound like they have more texture and increased soundstage. The 1MORE sounded excellent in combination with my LG V10 in HIFI mode. For best results, use the Triple Driver to stream music with your smartphone, or use them with your most linear sounding DAP  and high bitrate files in low gain.
Sound Signature
Big bass and clear mids/treble sum these up in a single sentence. They have that combination of slam and sparkle that makes them a joy to listen to. I would describe them as very musical without losing the micro details.
The 1MORE tuning almost falls into the basshead audiophile category. It is a very easy on the ears and I it works great for long listening sessions. They have a fatigue free sound that avoids being harsh or sibilant, while still sounding very adequate and extended at higher frequencies.
Over the course of using them, I found them to be a great tuning for commuting. Their superior isolation and bass forward signature helps drown out exterior noise. Throw in some very nicely detailed and textured upper frequencies, and we have a real winner here.
The Triple driver doesn’t shy away from the low notes. There’s a responsive and dynamic subwoofer-like low end. Those looking for a more linear tuning will find these to be overly bassy. Those who prefer a more musical and powerful sound will like the combination of slam, tone, and texture. The 1MORE has fairly equal amounts of punch and rumble that I thoroughly enjoy.
The Triple Driver's sub bass tones are presented well. For a dynamic driver they are on the more responsive side of the spectrum. With a warmer source or bassy music, the 1MORE borders on being boomy. Fortunately, for the most part they push that boundary without going overboard.
Mid bass takes a small step forward from lowest of audible frequencies. It doesn’t seem to have any bleed, but it will occasionally cast a slight shadow over the lower midrange.
Starting with the lower midrange, the 1MORE has a warm tilt with some nice dynamics. The way the dynamic and armature drivers are tuned, the lower midrange sounds manage to be dynamic and natural at the same times. All tones in this range are audible and things like deeper male vocals avoid the being overly weighted or veiled. Piano notes and guitar chugs sound really good to my ears.
The 1MORE tuning has a slight recession from lower midrange down to about 1kHz, then has a plateau at around 3-4kHz. This lift gives the 1MORE a certain shimmer and energy to things like vocals (especially female vocals). High notes from pianos and strings instruments have an energy that is very enjoyable.
If there’s one thing I feel 1MORE has figured out, it’s how to tune treble in an in-ear monitor. Just like the E0323 I previously reviewed, the Triple Driver has a treble response that is relaxed and extended at the same time. Looking at the graph, you would think that the dip at the 7kHz range would cause them to sound unnaturally smooth but that isn’t the case at all. The dip is masterfully done, preventing sibilance then rising back up at the 11 kHz range. The harshness from pronunciations of the letters S and T are eliminated, but cymbal crashes still sound fantastic.
Soundstage and Imaging
The Triple driver bass sounds really good for its price range. The nice sense of extension on both ends and nicely detailed upper frequencies give them a better than average soundstage. Even still, the slightly boosted bass and dip at 7kHz prevents the stage from being massive.
Imaging is solid, but not what I consider to be elite. Your experience in terms of soundstage and imaging will depend on what source, music file and volume you listen at. At louder volumes the Triple Driver seemed to create the best sense of space. Your mileage may vary.
1MORE E0323 ($70 to $USD USD on many sites)
The E0323 and Triple Driver have more similarities than differences. First off, they both have almost identically built housings, with the Triple Driver being a fraction larger and consisting of higher quality materials. The cables, remotes, plugs are nearly the same, with the Triple driver being slightly higher quality materials used in this criteria as well.
Comparing the sound of the two, they measure somewhat similarly. They have similar slopes, accentuating the same frequency ranges while subduing others. Both earphones sound fantastic, but much similar to the A73 and A83 hybrids from Fidue, the extra armature of the Triple Driver creates an added level of extension and detail that the E0323 doesn’t offer. It isn’t significant but it’s definitely noticeable. Also, the Triple Driver has a slightly warmer and bassier sound.
Packaging and accessories on both are great. The Triple Driver gets a slight edge, offering some more tips than the E0323. In terms of looks, I far prefer the black/brass/charcoal finish and cable of the Triple Driver.

LZ A2 (Discontinued)
The A2 is a legend in terms of price to performance. Sadly they have been discontinued. On a more positive note, there are rumors that a revised version of the A2 is in the works.
Comparing the two, The A2 has a little bit more sub bass and soundstage depth. Midrange on both earphones is eerily similar. The A2 has a slightly more relaxed treble region. Honestly, both earphones are excellent. At the moment this is a close contest, but at the moment I prefer the slightly crisper and more natural treble response of the Triple Driver.
In terms of packaging and accessories it isn’t even a contest. The A2 comes with no packaging and minimal accessories. The Triple Driver is the opposite, offering custom tips and plenty of extras.
I knew the Triple Driver was going to be an excellent product, but the question that needed to be answered is how it would rank with the best earphones in its price range. At the time of writing this review, I consider it to be the best hybrid to fall under the hundred dollar price tag. 1MORE definitely has my attention. Not only do I highly recommend both of the 1MORE products I’ve reviewed, I am looking forward to seeing what else they can come up with in the future.  
Thanks for reading and happy listening!
I'm frequently surprised by the performance that these provide. I would expect these to be $400.
I'm curious to know where you slot these in your earphone rankings (inside the Headphone Inventory section of your profile).
Thank you.


Member of the Trade: Audio Excellence
Pros: incredible value for the build and sound quality
Cons: nondetachable cable. tips may be a bit big for some
Video review:



1More is a company that has glowing reputation for making best bang for the buck products. With many requests for this review, I contacted 1More myself many time but received no response so I am going to give it a terrible review ! Jokes aside, I was fortunate enough to have one of my dear friend in the audio industry lend me their pair for the purpose of this review. I am skeptical of these cheaply priced multiple driver iems or headphones as much as I am skeptical of the expensive ones. With that being said, I did not expect much going into this, given that these were only $99 with triple drivers inside. I mean, imagine the corners they had to cut to bring the price down that much and still make profit. Short story shorter… they did not cut that many corners.


This unit was lent to me by a friend in the audio industry for this review. I will be crying when I return them.


from their website:

1MORE is a premiere consumer electronics audio company headquartered in San Diego, California. Our mission is to deliver superior quality headphones at an amazing value to customers, disrupting an industry where price hiking and design shortcuts are the norm.



  • Frequency Range: 20-40,000 Hz
  • Plug: 3.5 mm Gold Plated
  • Color: Black With Brushed Gold
  • Triple driver: 2 balanced armature & 1 Dynamic

buy from here for best price


*Note: I was not provided with the full packaging and therefore do not know what else is included*

Pros: Aluminum housing with angled tips that feels premium in your ears.

Best carrying case for practicality and durability.

Cons: Tip may not fit for small ears, but if noble x or lz a4 fit you, it will be fine. nondetachable cable.

For $99, best build quality I’ve seen, period.


THE FIT: Fits perfectly for my ears and I have average ears. Very comfortable in your ears, does not penetrate deep into your ears but stay in its place without falling off or being unstable

SOUND ISOLATION: Sound isolation is as good as the fit. If you can a good fit, these will isolate great. Outside noise isolates well too.

PAIRING: These are not hard to drive, they are driven well with a phone or a digital audio player, with latter being preferred due to better sound quality.

SUGGESTED USE: You can use these anywhere as you please, just not anywhere near your mom when she’s talking to you as you will get smacked for not answering.


LOWS – punchy and well extended. Clean and fast. Does not extend as much as the LZ A4 but goes head to head with the punchy and clean bass that the noble x has.

MIDS – Present but not midcentric like the noble x or lz a4 (with certain filters)

HIGHS – Well extended with a sparkle and airiness. Not the best treble by any means but first in this price range to give that wow factor.


  • Sound stage is inmate but imaging and separation is excellent and excels at this price range.

For what you pay for, you are getting a well rounded iem that does not excel in particular areas comp


1000+ Head-Fier
Pros: Nice neutral sound. Comfortable fit. Packaging. Build quality. Android and Apple controls on remote.
Cons: Needs a little more power than some. Straight jackplug instead of angled.
1More kindly send me a pair of their Triple Driver In Ear Monitors for a reduced price in exchange for an honest review.


I have been an avid headphone user for many years now. The reason for this was mostly the birth of my first daughter. At that time I had a rather excellent British turntable based hi fi system which had a wonderful mellow yet detailed sound. It’s this sound which I have strived to reproduce with headphones since then. When my daughter came along I realised that it was severely susceptible to toddler attack - I decided it had to go.

I have had a number of different headphones and players over the years. Moving from CD ‘Discman’ players, through Mini Disc portable players (I really did like those) and finally, when storage became more affordable, MP3 players. Headphones included Sony, Sennheiser, Koss, Shure, etc. I have finally ended up with the following equipment and headphones:

Samsung Galaxy Note 2.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5
Benjie S5
AGPtEK H1 (an excellent player)
Apple Ipod Nano
Google Nexus 7 2013

Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10 In Ear Monitor
Audio Technica ATH-M50x
Sony XBA H1
Etymotic ER4P
Shure E500
Apple Earpods
Bluedio UFO (in bright red)
Puro 5200 (in gold)

Physical Description

I won’t go into too much detail with this because there are countless reviews which describe these headphones far better than I could do. The packaging is something other companies should take note of. The headphones come with an assortment of different sized tips - silicone and foam, a clip, an airplane adaptor and a neat carrying case. The perceived value for money with these headphones is very high.

The headphones themselves are made of metal and yet are extremely light. The insertion depth is considerably less than the Triple Fi’s or Etymotics. This is perhaps a good thing and a bad thing. It’s taking some time to adjust to the shallow insertion depth - with the others I can physically tell when I have a good seal but with these I tend to have to rely on the bass response to be sure they’re inserted correctly.

It’s nice to see the entrance to the sound tubes have a grill over them - this is something that Ultimate Ears should consider doing with their headphones. I don’t usually suffer from excessive earwax but I have had to dig the sound tubes out with a pin from time to time.

The cabling is partially covered with a Kevlar material - but the cables that connect to the earphone themselves is a more conventional plastic type material. They feel slightly flimsy but apparently 1More do some pretty extreme stress tests with their earphones so hopefully there’s no problems there. The cables are not removable so if there’s any problems in the future you would have to return them to 1More for repair. They are certainly not the only earphones out there which don’t have removable cables and from what I’ve been reading on-line, even the removable cables can sometimes suffer with connection problems. The cable features an in-line remote which, rather refreshingly, allows you to alter volume as well as track selection - on both Apple and Android devices. I had no problems using them with my Samsung Android devices but when used with the Apple Ipod Nano, the volume down function didn’t appear to work. Not a deal breaker for me.


Comfort is a strange thing to describe simply because everyone’s different. Whilst I think it’s fair to say that these are comfortable earbuds thanks to their shallow insertion depth and good choice of different sized tips, I personally felt that I was wanting to continually adjust their fit as I am so used to wearing in ear monitors with a deeper insertion depth. I tried several of the supplied tips - eventually I resorted to using an old pair of comply foam tips that I had kicking around - their slightly longer shape than those supplied with the headphones allowed me to insert them slightly deeper into my ears giving me the stability of fit I was looking for. Having said that I have noticed that it’s a lot easier to find the ‘sweet spot’ with the 1More’s when it comes to inserting them into your ears - I’m constantly having to adjust the Triple Fi’s to maintain the consistency of sound.

Sound Quality

First things first. These headphones are aimed at audiophiles. They are not bass monsters and exhibit a very flat frequency response - from bass to treble. They are the sort of headphones you can wear for a long time without getting listening fatigue. The details in the music are beautifully presented and you can focus on a specific instrument or detail in the recording without having to concentrate. This is something that you only find on the very best headphones out there. Out of all the headphones in my collection - both past and present, only the Ultimate Ears and Etymotics offered this level of effortless detail retrieval.

I let the headphones burn in a little before doing some serious listening. Straight away I noticed their flat sound signature - something I’m used to with the Triple Fi’s. The soundstage was a little narrow but that’s something I expect with in ear monitors but the music exhibited considerable depth front to back - something I like. Although the frequency response of these headphones is aimed at bats and dogs - ie well beyond the threshold of human hearing, they didn’t sound bright, just nicely detailed. When compared to the Triple Fi’s, the sound is a little ‘thinner’ and perhaps with a little more detail in the top frequencies but never excessively so. Considering the Triple Fi’s top out at something like 18khz the differences were not all that great though. I felt that the bass was slightly better on the Triple’s but again not by much. This is quite a testament to the quality of these headphones when you take into account the difference in price between the two.

The bass on the 1More’s is delicate, tuneful and fairly deep but also lean. It’s fair to say that these headphones are not for bassheads. They remind me of the Etymotic ER4P in many ways. Again, this is a compliment because the ER4P’s are a very impressive in ear monitor. The mids really shine on these headphones. Whilst they exhibit a slight V shape in their eq, it’s not as apparent as it is on the Triple Fi’s. Female vocals sound very clear and precise, piano is a revelation - you can hear piano keys and foot pedals being pressed quite clearly in some recordings and even some of the ambient sound information comes through. Treble is where these really start to shine through - thanks to their extreme frequency response, cymbals shimmer with a metallic sheen without sounding bright and details that are often lost in the mix with lesser headphones come through without any problems.

If I had to choose between the Ultimate Ears Triple Fi and the 1More triple drivers, from purely a sound quality perspective I suspect I would pick the Ultimate Ears - but the 1More’s are really not that far behind at all. This coupled with their metal build, price and slightly better comfort make buying them a no-brainer - they offer at least 90% of the Ultimate Ears at less than half the price. The 1More Triple Driver Hybrid headphones retail for 99.99 UK Pounds on Amazon.co.uk or alternatively can be purchased directly from their website.

1More’s UK web site

The cable is kevlar reinforced, I've caught the cable a couple of times on door handles and all that's happened is a sore ear. Whilst a replaceable cable is nice it doesn't really work with the earbud style that the triple drivers have.
Started using their largest foamies - not too keen on the feel but the sound isolation is definitely better. I'm wondering if you can get some triple flanges (like those supplied with the Etymotic ER4P's) and whether they would offer any improvements to the sound quality. I used to get a really good fit with them.
I've noticed that the volume controls don't work with my little Ipod Nano player - even though they are supposed to be Apple compatible. I shall have to try it out on someone's iphone some time and see if there's a problem with the headphone remote.
Still loving the sound.
thanks for an awesome review. love these earbuds


Reviewer at Sound Perfection Reviews
Formerly affiliated with HiFi Headphones
Pros: Smooth relaxing sound, great build quality, bang for buck
Cons: Slightly too smooth for my tastes, lacks sparkle up top.
Firstly I would like to thank 1More for sending me this sample to review, I always try to write honest reviews, these received over 50hrs of burn-in before review, no differences were noted.
Gear Used:
OnePlus 2 / iPod Classic > Triple drivers (testing mic and buttons)
Audio Opus #1 DAP > Triple drivers (critical listening)

Tech Specs:
Drivers > Dual balanced armature + one dynamic driver
Frequency Response > 20-40,000Hz
Sensitivity > 99dB
Impedance > 32Ω
Cable Length > 1.25m
In-Line Remote > Included
Weight > 18g
Price > $99

Packaging, Build Quality and Accessories:
The packaging feels very luxurious for the price, you get a sturdy card box with a side opening magnetically closed flap. On the back of the box you get the specs and info, once you open the flap you are greeted by the IEM’s sitting in a card in-tray with a brief history of the brand written next to them.
You get an exploded view of the IEM’s on the inside of the flap also, once you open another flap (the one that hold the IEM’s in place) you will find boxes holding the included accessories. I really like the packaging, it looks very nice and the black/champagne gold colour scheme goes very well, along with protecting the IEM’s during shipping.

Build quality feels solid, the cable is sheathed in fabric below the y-split, above it is slightly stiff and has a slightly ribbed rubber coating. The jack and y-split are metal, the jack has good strain relief, halfway up the right side after the y-split you will find the in-line 3 button remote. The remote housing is plastic with metal buttons, the housing of the IEM’s is fully metal and uses a gun metal / champagne gold colour scheme, unfortunately the housing does not have flexible strain relief for the cable. Overall I think these will last with some care, and the metal housing feels well finished and machined, along with feeling strong.

Accessory wise they give Dunu a run for their money, there really is a full complement of accessories on hand. First off you get a leather like carry case which is hard and features a magnetic closing mechanism, a cable clip and airplane adapter that match the colours of the IEM’s, and last but not least different size tips. With these you get a choice of silicone and foam tips, the silicone tips come in 5 different sizes, the foam in 3, you get plenty of tips so be sure to try them to find the ones that fit you best.

Comfort, Isolation, Cable Noise and Mic Quality:
The comfort is excellent once you have the right tips, the angled housing I found offers very good comfort and ergonomics, I found both foam and silicone tips to work well for me and both offered a very comfortable fit. I didn’t use the included cable clip, but if you do not wear the cable under your shirt I would recommend using it.
Isolation is good but not great, it is enough for most uses but if you have a noisy commute or want to use these for long flights I would recommend something with better isolation. I think this is partly due to shallow insertion depth, and also partly due to the housing being vented.
Cable noise can be problematic if you do not tuck the cable under your shirt, It is not as bad as some make it out to be, but I would recommend keeping the cable under your shirt, or using the cable clip that is included.

Mic quality is very good, it successfully picks up your voice with unwanted background noise and the quality is surprisingly good. The remote works for volume control and play/pause functions, I couldn’t get it to work to skip tracks.
Lows: With a dedicated driver for the lows you would expect the lows to be excellent, and they are. Their patented 3-layer driver is working well here, it has the speed and precision to keep up with fast rock tracks, yet the fullness and subtle details to fill out acoustic songs. They are very articulate and fit right in with the rest of the sound, they are not overbearing or bloated. Kick drums had impact and body to back them up, bass guitar lines are easy to follow, there is a slight upper bass boost which can lead to a slightly congested sound during some tracks, but this is also track dependent.
Mids: The mids are nicely separated from the lows with no bleeding, which means vocals are left to cut through without having to worry about warming from the lows. This leads to very clean mids which render detail easily, without sounding clinical or artificial. You can hear subtle details, but you do not get any upper mid peaks that lead to sibilance. Guitars come through with precision and power and I really like the natural presentation of the mids on these.
Highs: The highs are not boosted on these, they sit quite nicely in the mix but do sometimes take a bit of a back seat making these sound a little too smooth on occasion. I find the highs to be a little splashy and not precise enough, they are not refined and don’t extend effortlessly. Again this also is slightly track dependent as it happens more during complex songs that they get pushed to the back. Alternative rock like The Maccabees  is a slightly different experience as you can easily keep track of the cymbals, but again they do have the presence to make these sound wholly balanced, and they end up being a little too polite.
Tip differences: I prefer the silicone tips for a more balanced and spacious sound, the foam tips are better for comfort but also have a warmer sound with less space and air.
Soundstage isn’t huge, but it is bigger than average in height, depth if nothing too remarkable. Instrument separation is good on these, everything is in its correct place, but they do become a little congested during more complex sections.

Conclusion: If you are looking for bang for buck, these are well worth it. They are a fairly balanced sounding all rounder, with very good detail retrieval for the price. You would still have to spend about double to get a significant upgrade over the sound of these. The fact they packed 2 balanced armatures and a dynamic driver into this housing, and got it to sound this good for $99 is very impressive to say the least, and I look forward to seeing what they have in store for the future. They have the full articulate lows you expect from a dynamic driver, with the detail retrieval and speed you expect from balanced armatures, all together working in harmony to create a coherent and balanced sound.
Sound Perfection Rating: 8.5/10 (Impressive for the price, but the highs could be better)

So the 1MORE is weak in the highs. Do you know of any earbud under $100 that DOES have a nice, shimmery high end? I get the impression that bass is easy in earbud design, but treble is not.
Dunu Titan1 is your best best for sparkly treble. I agree that the treble is the hardest part to get right, and a lot of companies tone it down so as not to cause fatigue.


Sponsor: Trinity Audio Engineering
Pros: Decent Value for Money, Bass, Well rounded Sound, Packaging
Cons: Microphonics, Treble before brain burn in
I'd give it one more chance!
Introduction and Disclaimer
Firstly, I would like to thank the 1More team for giving these to me for the purpose of this review. All impressions will be made from as much as an objective standpoint as possible. I’ve been involved in audio for some years now and enjoy music to no extent, a good set of earphones, headphones and source you’ll be set for life. Well until the next new thing comes along. But I digress so let’s pop back into this review.
When I first heard these earphones believe me I wasn't taken back. I suppose I was roped in through the inviting invitation and the very subjective elevator pitch of "would you like to try the best earphones in the world." Way too much of a big statement which many companies have tried to make. This claim is almost always going too subjective and many companies have failed to stay true to that word. I'm not going to base this review with criticism just sober judgement and fair assessment. 

There is an air to these earphones that is a little bit different and refreshing, for starters let's talk about the design, features and some of the accessories included. Not to mention the packaging!! This has to be one of the nicest packages I've ever seen (that's what she said). But seriously possibly one of the best and well-presented earphones I've opened to date.

For the reviews that I've been asked to write for the company I will be attempting to keep things short as I have a limited time period. I just want every person reading this to get the full idea of what to expect if you decide to purchase these yourself so if my review here doesn't cover something please just leave a comment below and I'll do my best to answer and I've left a link to the company below too.

I'd like introduce you to the bipolar express, The marmite of sound, innovation, creation and another shot into an otherwise crowded market. You will see how I have come to these conclusions and titles for these earphone as I dive deeper into this review. 
Pros and Cons

I'll start off with some pros before I go into the cons. Without a shadow of a doubt it's undisputed that the packaging was just super with the 1more range especially their flagship model. In fact, the current flagship model comes with probably the best foam ear tips I have ever tried in my life I just wish every company in the world would provide these ear tips because it makes for such an enjoyable and comfortable experience. The ear tips themselves are a sort of hybrid between what you would find from a Comply ear tip and silicon rounded based ear tip the results are just superb.

To my knowledge in from the short conversation I had with one of the team members everything from the ear tips to the drivers inside where created by 1more themselves, in house, this in itself is a refreshing break from the traditional TWFK drivers and Knowles drivers traditionally used in most hybrid style earphones.
Cons still to be had though those drivers whilst manufactured by the company aren’t the last word in refinement or I should say consistency although, I must say this has been improving dramatically with burn in. Have no idea why BA’s don’t usually benefit much from this… I’ll leave that down to brain burn in perhaps.
Con number two as much as I like the design the bloody microphones can be abysmal for on the go listening at low volumes and for anyone who wears a hooped earring. (Don’t judge me lol) It has been a bit annoying though whilst walking down the street at one point I thought they were broken nope, just my darn earring taping against the cable.

I think that’s about it for now, so let's talk a little bit about the specifications what is actually inside this beautiful package.
Specifications, Accessories
Tech Spec
  1. Cable Length: 1.25 m (4 ft
  2. Plug: 3.5 mm Gold Plated
  3. Wired Materials: Enameled Copper Wire
  4. Frequency Range: 20-40,000 Hz
  5. Sensitivity: 99 dB
  6. Impedance: 32 Ω
  7. Rated Power: 5 mW
  8. Weight: 18 g
  1. INTELLIGENT CONTROL TECHNOLOGY- in-line remote control is compatible with iPhone, iPad and Android, allowing you to conveniently control volume, select songs, and take calls. Superior MEMS microphone has independently set ground wires to eliminate cross-talk and background static.
  2. TUNED BY A GRAMMY AWARD WINNING SOUND ENGINEER- 1MORE collaborated with internationally acclaimed producer, mixer, and sound engineer Luca Bignardi to perfect the final tuning to deliver a precise representation of your favourite artist’s intended sound.
  3. THREE DRIVERS- these headphones have two balanced armatures and a separate dynamic driver. Together they deliver an extremely accurate listening experience with unsurpassed dynamic power and clarity from deep bass to sizzling highs.
• Triple Driver In-Ear Headphones
• 6 sets of silicone ear tips
• 3 sets of foam ear tips
• Magnetic clasping traveling case
• Attractive storage case
• Quality dual prong airline adapter
• Matching shirt clip
Design, Features, Ergonomics

The earphones themselves have an offset angle which work great for wearing straight down. I actual couldn't get the right deal with any of the silicon ear tips provided so immediately switched to the foam ones provided. 

With the foam ear tips installed just having them in your ears is a sheer pleasure, sure they are a little on the heavy side but you don't notice it as the foam seems to take the brunt of that added weight.

As you can see from the pictures they are coated in gold and a marvellous blue/black finish. I'm not going to spend all day telling you how these look but do take a sneak at the pictures.
As you can probably see the wire coating is crafted out of durable fabric from the Y splitter down and although I don't think I can capture the detail enough the wires leading to the earphones themselves is wrapped in rounded finely grooved plastic. This part of the wire is actually something to write about be used it had resulted in almost a hybrid between the anti-tangle design you get from a flat wire and combined it with the ergonomics of a rounded one. Very interested to know if this was just a happy coincidence, brilliant thinking or just an aesthetic choice...? Either way I'm happy!!

The cable comes with a microphone for on the go listening with your mobile device allowing you to switch seamlessly between phone calls and your music. Quality is good no distortion testing phone calls and the mic also doubles as volume control, play and pause, skipping tracks and of course answering or hanging up phone calls.

To skip ahead double click the centre button, to go backwards triple click and as usual pause and play operates just using the single click. 

Sound quality

Well I think I've written enough to give you an idea of what these are all about. So shall we dive in to how these interesting things actually perform!

Going back to my previous title "bipolar express" I'd like to elaborate a little more on this and what exactly I mean. 

First of all, I'll start with the treble, detailed and finite given the right partner in crime these perform really well. You'll hear a ton of detail here and there is the odd extra detail I’ve picked out in a few well know songs I’ve listened to. Something I have only seen replicated by much pricier earphones.
Then there is the mood swings highs and lows but as our relationship grows she becomes more stable, subtle and easier on the ears. After running through about an hour’s worth of music I couldn’t get a real read on these one minute the treble just had a nice zing to it the next minute she’s screaming in my ear.
“Why didn’t you listen to me!” she yells!
“I did, I promise everything was fine until you changed your tone?” I replied
“Okay maybe I’m over reacting, this is a nice song how about we start again?” she reasons with me.
“Erm, that’s fine by me. Are you sure you are okay?” I ask.
“Yeah I guess I just didn’t like that track.” She replies.
Things are going well now, but damn this was a consistent battle up until about 10 hours of play time with her. I am happy to say we sought counselling and are now living a balanced and healthy life. Believe me though there were times I did leave her, that voice was just too much for me to handle but I’m glad I gave her one more chance.
Ah good old midrange my friend something I almost instinctively listen out for when picking a set of headphones or earphones. To me the midrange holds the soul and life breath of the music of course this must be accompanied by a reasonable balance to the rest of the sound but I am a sucker for lush vocals.
I’m pleased to report the Triple Drivers do their thing here but not necessarily in a way that suits my personal listening preference. The vocals come across clear but there is no doubt a more V shaped sound curve these. I like the fact that with the right source pairing this can be fixed, plugged straight into my new Hybrid Valve AMP/DAC purchased through Kickstarter these become a different story.
I am trying to remain balanced here so for reference out of most sources I’ll say the vocals take a back seat but if you happen to be in the market for a nice little setup the combo I mentioned above is a damn good start on a tighter budget.
Surprisingly even with this sound signature bass and treble emphasis I found the vocals and midrange detailed offered just enough character to keep me interested. There is something that these earphones don’t do though which I find is a strength that comes from a lot of other V-Shaped sound signatures and that would be the soundstage. I’ll get into that later but it’s refreshing, in a weird sort of way, to not have the extra added soundstage. To my ear makes them sound a little less artificial.
As I don’t feel I can add much more in terms of description to the midrange I’ll skip right to the bass and boy oh boy they did a good tuning job here. I am not going to rave about the bass like it is some kind of God send but despite having an emphasis on the treble and bass the bass remains tight enough in enter into a more audiophile conscious listen.
Mid bass hits hard and fast but the decay lingers around long enough to make rap and pop songs a sheer pleasure to listen to. Now jumping down low we have sub bass, not limitless but sophisticated enough to add a level of depth to the music. Controlled and relatively unobtrusive with a splash of youthful vigour to please all of those bass lover out there.
I would like to add some personification to this section of sound and the next but I am hitting a touch of writer’s block so If you need any info pester the crap out of me in the comments below.
Last but not least and probably the shortest part of this review is the soundstage. It sounds good. Ha how cruel it would be to leave things there. Pulling my finger out here I will say this the soundstage is nothing to write home about but holds good spatial detail and give off a slightly airy sound.
It is neither wide or deep but it is there! Given then sound signature I may have expected more but am glad they didn’t try and over sell things here I think it may just be the reason why it holds things together so well for me when the midrange is sleeping in the back, lazy git lol. Seriously though it adds a bit of intimacy but partnered with that detailed and slightly unpredictable treble it ties things together quite nicely.

Overall thoughts and impressions
I haven’t got the urge to tell anyone they should run out and buy these right now but for the price range they aren’t bad, heck in their own way they are a little brilliant, sure you might find something a little better more suited to your needs but for those indecisive buyers looking for a really decent set of earphones I’d give these a shot.
I wouldn’t have bought them off hearing them on first impressions but after some time spent with them I am happy to call them a great edition to the squad. You won’t find better packaging or foams out there that’s for sure, well in my opinion for this price range… But the sound whilst balanced, detailed and coherent doesn’t stand out enough for me to make a haste recommendation, but these are damn good earphones and credit where credit is due. If 1More keep on working off this as their benchmark it won’t be long before there up there with some more serious competition.Still really great value for money at $99.99 US and £99.99 GBP
Links to product page and pricing: 

Hi there! Loved the review. Can't wait to receive my pair. Hope I have the same impressions as you do :).


Formerly known as Res-Reviews
Pros: Good build, premium materials, decent cable, well-toned bass, high levels of detail-retrieval, lots of accessories, dark but detailed sound signature
Cons: Bass a tad too polite, cable not completely nylon-sleeved

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]


[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]
1More Triple Driver Review: More Drivers, More Value​

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]It’s not every day that you get to hear an earphone with three drivers in it. It’s even rarer to get to listen to one that costs less $100 or less. Even rarer still will you hear one that actually sounds good. Today, however, seems to be one of those rare days for me. 1More is a company that has been around for a while, and is now known for the high price-to-performance ratios in their products. The earphone I am reviewing today, the 1More Triple Driver, is no exception.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]You can buy the Triple Driver off of Amazon for $87 here as of writing. MSRP is $100.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Disclaimer: This review is based upon a sample unit provided to me by a manufacturer or distributor in exchange for my honest opinion and un-edited words. I do not profit in any way from the writing of the review. I would like to thank Joe at 1More for sending me this review unit.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Preference and Bias: Before reading a review, it is worth mentioning that there is no way for a reviewer to objectively pass judgment on the enjoy-ability of a product: such a thing is inherently subjective. Therefore, I find it necessary for you to read and understand what I take a natural liking to and how that might affect my rating of a product.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]My ideal sound signature would be an extended sub-bass with a leveled, but textured, bass. The mids should be slightly less pronounced than the treble, but still ahead of the bass. I prefer a more bright upper range.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Source: The Triple Driver was powered like so:[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Nexus 6P -> earphones[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]or[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Hidizs AP100 -> earphones[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]or[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]HiFiMAN MegaMini -> earphones[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]or[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]PC optical out -> HiFiMe SPDIF 9018 Sabre DAC 3.5mm out -> earphones[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]All music was served as MP3 @320Kbps or as FLAC.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]I found my Nexus 6P to be sufficient to drive the 1More Triple Driver at near-peak levels of performance.[/color]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Sound Signature[/color]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Initial Impressions:[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]The Triple Driver sounds pretty lively. There’s a lot going on here, as 1More leverages their triple-driver setup quite well. The bass is definitely present and is paired well with the mids. The treble is slightly less emphasized than the upper-mids, but still articulates itself quite well in the mix. Bass impact is decent, as is rumble.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Treble: Songs used: In One EarMidnight CityOutlands[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]1More did a very good job tuning the treble. Not only is it quite articulate, but it is behaves well with the other parts of the music. This gives the treble a distinct but cohesive presence within the song. For example, the high-hats within Cage The Elephant’s In One Ear were clearly audible throughout the entire song, including the upper-mids-heavy chorus. This ability to remain distinct and dynamic within the mix really steps the Triple Driver’s treble above its peers’. Furthermore, during one of the bridges you can make out the whistling the lead vocalist’s nose makes as he inhales in preparation for the next verse.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]The treble-bound synths of the intro to Midnight City were rendered quite well. The synths were not too aggressively placed within the mix, and had an appropriate hardness and speed to them. These same synths remained clear and distinct throughout the rest of the song, never smudging together or loosing their edge.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Daft Punk’s Outlands had a cohesive, but dark take to it. The upper boundaries of the treble, while present, we not emphasized, giving the song an edgier presentation than more treble-happy IEMs such as the RHA T20 and Macaw GT100s.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Mids: Songs used: Flagpole SittaJacked UpI Am The HighwayDreams[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]The mid-range of the Triple Driver is quite well balanced. It is tilted towards being warm, but not so much that it compromises the integrity of the sound. Instead, music becomes warmer and more inviting. The guitars of Flagpole Sitta sounded electric, with a great bite to them. The vocals sounded a bit thin, but didn’t affect the overall enjoyability of the song.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]The pianos of Weezer’s Jacked Up had a great tone to them, but were a bit too soft for my tastes. This is indicative of a medium attack and decay speed, something that can be enjoyable or annoying depending on your personal tastes. Continuing the trend from Flagpole Sitta, the guitars of Jacked Up had a great bite to them. Mid-range articulation and instrumental separation was great, rivaling that of several earphones far more expensive such as the Echobox Finder X1 and Accutone Gemini HD.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]I Am The Highway was quite enjoyable as well. 1More tuned the 1–2KHz range of the Triple Driver quite well. This placed the vocals squarely in command of the song and prevented them from overpowering the gentle instrumentation behind them. Everything from light guitar-picking to snare kicks to the rythm guitar was clearly articulated in the background.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Bass: Songs used: Lights(Bassnectar Remix)Gold DustIn For The Kill (Skream Remix)Leave Me[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Sub-bass is both present and precise. Even during the intro of Lights, when the sub-bass is very quietly placed in the background, the sub-bass managed to maintain shape and presentation. However it remained quite polite for the rest of the song, settling for merely making its presence known, never intruding too far into the main “listening space”.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]My experience with Gold Dust was a bit different. This song awakened the Triple Driver’s dynamic driver, demanding an impactful mid and sub-bass. The dynamic driver obliged, but didn’t go overboard. I got a good sense of depth from the bass, and had no complaints. While not quite bass-head levels of rumble and impact, the performance was good none-the-less.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Once again, the 1More Triple Driver exhibited a polite sub-bass in In For The Kill. While technical performance was quite good, as the bass retained shaping and texturing well, I did miss the rumble I get out of my Macaw GT100s.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Clarity: Songs used: ThroneMap of The ProblimatiqueI’m Not Alright[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Clarity was quite good across all of my test songs, with the Triple Driver almost managing to maintain clarity across the chorus of I’m Not Alright.[/color]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Packaging / Unboxing[/color]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]The Triple Driver has, by far, the best unboxing experience of an IEM I have tested under $350. The box is weighty in the hand, but not unwieldy. The side has a magnetic clasp and some clever texturing to make it look and feel like a book. Unclasping the magnetic flap and opening up the box greets you with classy scribbles of various sketches and formulas on the right, intended to give you a feeling of what it was like developing these IEMs, and the Triple Driver itself, with a mission statement beside them, on the left. Turning the page, so to speak, reveals the neatly packed accessories.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Build[/color]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Construction Quality[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]The driver housings are built from a clever combination of matte plastic and metal, which I think is composed of zinc and aluminum (though 1More will only say it is a “aluminum alloy”). These driver housings feel quite nice in the hand. “Premium” is the only way I would describe it. While it doesn’t quite feel like holding a Noble IEM, you might not be able to tell that this thing costs only $100.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Jutting down from driver housing is a metal cylinder, reminiscent of the plastic expansion that protrudes from the Apple Earpods. This too is made from metal, and is capped with plastic to serve as a stress-relief.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]The cable is braided-nylon from below the Y-splitter, is a textured plastic above it, and is terminated in a 3.5mm jack. Both the Y-splitter and the 3.5mm jack’s housings are built from metal. I can’t really complain too much about the cable besides its tenancy to exhibit microphonics.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]The inline remote is built entirely from a smooth plastic. The buttons are finished to have the appearance of metal, which is quite convincing. It took me a minute to actually figure out what they were made out of. The controls function fully on both Android and iOS, something I was very happy to discover.[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Comfort[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]After finding the correct eartips (medium memory-foam for me), I found the Triple Driver to be quite comfortable. The insertion level is shallow, but isolation is good once you get a seal.[/color]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Accessories[/color]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]The Triple Driver comes well stocked with accessories. Inside the box you will find:[/color]
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]
  1. 8x extra eartips
  2. 1x shirt clip
  3. 1x airline adapter
  4. 1x hard carrying case
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]These offerings are not only numerous, but also high quality. I really like the case’s size; it is the perfect balance between functionality and portability while not sacrificing its classy appearance. There are a plethora of eartips to choose from, including three sizes of memory foam (which are great). The airline adapter and shirt clip are both made from a good amount of metal, which makes them feel quite nice in the hand.[/color]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]Summary[/color]

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)]I frankly don’t understand how 1More was able to indulge in luxurious packaging and use premium construction materials while still maintaining the Triple Driver’s incredible price-to-performance ratio — and that is not hyperbole. I simply don’t get it. My intuition tells me a corner had to be cut somewhere, but I can’t find it. So if you are looking for a very detailed IEM with a slightly bassy tuning, then definitely take a look at the 1More Triple Driver. I can recommend it full-heartedly.[/color]
Great review. Maybe it's just me, but I hated the stock foam tips that are included. They are hard & don't compress & conform to your ear canal shape very well. I can't get a proper seal with them at all, plus they make my ear canals hurt. Perhaps I'm spoiled by Comply's and/or variants thereof.
Really? How long ago did you get your set? 1More may have updated the eartips between now and then.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Hold-on, an amazing new era is upon us
Cons: Slightly, yet ever so slightly dark for some
So if a hype train exists here, 1More's model number E1001 is the Flavor Of The Month. Still hype is a good thing when a product delivers a sound and build quality equal to what is said about it.

There are a gazillion great reviews recently for them so I'll just add some new ideas and thoughts here if I may.

Far from flat, there are a few different sonic aspects going on here, this animal contains a multifaceted sound. Not only do the Triple Drivers sound good, they play all the genres well. The IEM handles juice well, does not distort easy and gets louder than any human would need. They also have the uncanny ability to friend-up with a bunch of different audio equipment combos. It's maybe their " nothing not to like personality" that makes them so popular here. We are gifted with an overall warm response that just works for long listening runs. It's this same laid-back warmth that helps us enjoy the digital media so popular today. There is just something they do which smooths out any ruff edges upstream. So to summarize the signature it's both slightly warm and detailed.

Possible Conflicts:
Are there times when we have conflicting responses from three drivers not working well together? I don't know? One thing I do know is this IEM is miles and miles from the budget China offerings in 2007. So in that regard this IEM is special. To restate that concept, the IEM in question is representing a whole new world of audio value which simply didn't exist ten years ago. We live in fantastic times. The Triple Driver only makes you wonder what gifts are in store in future times ahead?

But Anyway:
When first reading about the 1More Triple Driver, I could not help but see folks describing the Piston 3 sound signature, and being they are made by the same company, it's easy to see why. Spending a year using the Piston 3 had me quite familiar with the impressive build and sound quality. Happily I can post the 1More company has gone and improved the midrange for their new $100 offering. Not only a dramatic mid-range improvement but they have taken the mids and made them the star of the show! Most of us Piston 3 owners affectionately describe the Piston 3 IEM as having a recessed midrange. Though due to many factors folks have fallen in love with what Pistons do for the cash spent. In many ways the Piston 3 and Triple Driver share the exact same form factor. So if you had good luck with Piston 3 fitting, this new IEM should be an easy move up. As far as marketing and product recognition 1More has made a rose gold and purple IEM that looks like nothing else offered for purchase. The IEMs are drastically lighter in weight than they look. Even the cable, though thicker, seems lighter than the Piston 3!

Three Times Better:
So in relation to the Piston 3, here we have a new IEM three times more expensive, yet it also sounds three times better. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I find it interesting to read how some folks post negative opinions on the sub-bass response? In my findings the Triple Drivers will deliver the bass better with an amp. I'm not saying these are not going to sound spectacular straight out of a phone, but amping simply takes these to the next level possible. And in direct defense I find the sub-bass to be simply enchanting on songs which hold those lower frequencies to display? In closer study I must verify any slight sub-bass issues are simply an opinion arrived by not trying the Triple Drivers with a quality amp module. Not only do the Triple Drivers offer a fantastic sub-bass but we find it slightly warm as well as defined and spatially accurate. Yes, it's not going to go to do the very-very bottom register of bass response, still? I challenge anyone to not find the sub-bass exceptional with the right equipment and music.

Interestingly I actually find the 1More IEM nice but nothing super-spectacular straight out of a phone. It's maybe that the total six drivers need some juice to wake? Still with the increase in powerful amplification everywhere you look, this is really a non-issue.

After reading a number of reviews and listening for myself, I did seem to notice how both the treble from the Piston 3 and Triple Driver hold the same treble personality to a point. Our win here is they have expanded the treble soundstage out farther giving us more treble detail as a result. This treble is nothing world-class or profound, but in context of what we are hearing it simply works out. The duo balanced armatures get us some nice detailed treble imaging from time to time, completely improving on the Piston 3's bread and water treble.


The Fit:
Details can be found in simple daily fit quality. The silicone tips just fit the IEM nozzle with the size being not too tight or too loose. Attention to detail seems to be found with how folks use the gold rod bars to get adjustment or readjustment. Just simple daily form factor qualities can make all the difference in the world and add to the overall ownership experience.

Are these going to be something to buy at this point? I guess it depends on how long you want to wait............maybe?It looks like 1More will have a five driver IEM out this time next year. Most agree the triple driver is better than the double driver. The question truly should be if the quad driver is going to be even better. Most of us know that driver numbers are not always the guarantee of sonic success. What most of us are looking for is just something different and just something with a nice character. So the different personality part, and the nice character part ARE found right here in this IEM.

Can't We All Just Get Along:
Surprisingly the Triple Drivers actually work really well un-amped from a lower output power,(Wolfson WM-1811) based Samsung tablet. It's really a surprising discovery just how they can mix and match at random. Many of us have found that stuff at times just doesn't have easy synergy together, but here we find it's one of this IEMs best points. So in conclusion it's easy to drive and enjoyable from a phone but is ready to scale up with any other device introduced.

Can you have too much smoothness? Well, at times too dark CAN get boring though many of the newer headphones this year are introducing a detailed-dark. In many ways this detailed-dark is a great solution and can come off instantly likable. Whether it works for everyone is maybe a subject of personal taste?

Only One More!
I have pretty much come to the conclusion that I'll never find the perfect headphone, though it's been a fun ride. What I'm looking for now is personality. The Triple Driver is incredibly likable. It is easy to like but still holds it's own special personality. It also seems this personality is popular for many and one of the better values offered for the audio enthusiast today.

The Positives:

Nice Extras Included In Box
Easy To Fit

The Triple Drivers Are Able To Handle A Boatload Of Power
An Extremely Low Weight IEM
Nice Cable And Cable Functionality
Enhanced Ergonomic Form-factor
Fairly Low Cost
Easy To Acquire
Easy Resale
Great Looks
Well Built Anodized Aluminum
A Special Easy To Like Signature
Chicks Dig Em


32 Ω
99 dB
Frequency Range:
20-40,000 Hz
Rated Power:
5 mW
18 g
1.25 m
3.5 mm
In-line Remote Control

Everybody has a different headphone signature taste. I purchased these with my own cash and luckily liked them. Your results may very.


The Bottom Line:

Here we have here a perfect example of a slightly power hungry IEM. Though stellar with just a phone can excel to a better transient response with an amp. With an amp the Triple Driver will deliver a slight increase in detailed soundstage, better bass definition and cleaner highs.

In the end, who knew a value IEM would reach a level so sublime?



Equipment Used In This Study:

1More Triple Driver IEM
Schiit Asgard Amplifier
DACMagic Plus DAC
Electra Glide Audio Epiphany MK2 Power Cord
Virtual Dynamics Master Series RCA Interconnects
Rega Planet Transport
Datalink 100 Digital Coaxial Cable
iPhone 4
iPod Touch Generation Five

Music Files Used:

MP3 Sound Files
FLAC Sound Files
Compact Disks 16 bit-44.1 kHz Redbook
I like the 1st, 3rd, 11th, and 16th pictures! They have great lighting!
Thanks, it was fun, glad you enjoy. The picture of all the tips in the holder has the tips that came on the IEMs in place of the 14.5mm tips. The IEMs are photographed primarily with 14.5mm tips as I was too lazy to put them back for the photo.


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Clear and Concise V-Sound, Balanced Sound, Smooth Treble with enough Shimmer, Immense Value, Ostentatious Packaging and Accessories
Cons: Lack of a "Meaty" Mid Section, Congested Sound-stage (on some tracks),
Before I start this review, I would like to reiterate that we all have different experiences when it comes to using earphones/headphones. YMMV and this is merely my "subjective opinion". I hope that helps and if there are any disagreements, feel free to comment :). I'm all ears! 
How I got to know about 1More:
Driver View (2 balanced armature + 1 dynamic driver).
In early February, I was scouting Carousell (A local marketplace in Singapore) for various budget IEM's  and a dear friend of mine recommended me the 1More "Voice of China" Single Dynamic Driver earphones. They aren't exactly what I was looking for. I was in the market for a budget hybrid (single or dual balanced armature + single dynamic driver configuration) apart from the supposedly shady offerings of Taobao. I however, kept an eye on 1More and it's offerings.
Fast forward to early August, and I came across a piece of old news (being officially released 3-4 months earlier): 1More actually released a Flagship Triple Driver Hybrids (2 In-house Balanced Armatures and 1 layered Dynamic Driver Diaphragm) for an average price of 99.99 USD. Who could resist such an attractive price tag, let alone such amazing specs? Here is a quote from an article based on 1More's Official Earphone Launch in North America:
 Now the company is making waves in the competitive North American consumer audio segment, delivering on its promise to offer the highest quality sound technology at the lowest possible price. “In a time when high-end audio product costs are skyrocketing 1MORE is bucking the trend by driving prices down while bringing quality up, and the industry and consumers have taken notice,” they state. 

Following Schitt's Mantra, 1More is planning to offer consumers a gargantuan price to performance ratio without skimping on quality. This is mantra we all can live by. I managed to snag a pair on Aliexpress for 82 USD (Reseller's Promotion) plus express shipping. I would like to thank Aliexpress for the smooth transaction and order.
Package and Accessories:
DSC_0125.jpg `
The 1More Box is incredibly "Beats" like. Branding is important and 1More does it's own brand justice. The packaging is incredibly ostentatious, with a faux-book style flap and opening. The presentation view on the inside is dare I say, alittle "artsy". The Gold and Black accents are in tandem with "1More's" color scheme. All this was achieved for a 99 USD price tag. Color me impressed!
Opening the secondary flap, we are greeted with 3 separate "cardboard modules" that hold their generous offering of accessories:
1 X 1More Triple Driver Hybrid Earphones
1 X Silicon Tips (5 pairs of Rubber Tips, 3 pairs of Foam Tips)
1 X 1More Leather Magnetic Flap Pouch
1 X 1More Aluminium Lapel Clip
1 X 1More Airplane Adapter
Damn, the Accessories are superb. The Silicon tips are displayed in an oblong display box. The leather case is almost "Astell and Kern" level, with hot-red stitched accents. The Aluminium lapel clip and Airplane Adapter sported a brushed surface, with an embossed 1More logo. The accessories provided are above and beyond, with regards to the actual price paid for them. Hopefully, many of its competitors take notice and follow suit. This proves that luxury doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg. 
 DSC_01441.jpg DSC_0141.jpg DSC_0143.jpg
Build Quality:
The earphones are eye-catching and "loud". The polished aluminium driver chasis feels tough and well-built. The Kevlar cables are supple, with a rubber tube-like sheathing, followed by a cloth sheath below the Y-split.Thanks to thoughtful design, the entire earphone is luxuriously built. Many reviewers online have complained about the fitment of the drivers in the ear canal. I don't seem to have that problem. The funneled shape of the drivers fit nicely in my ears. To each their own I guess.
There are some microphonics due to its "worn down" wearing style. I'm not a big fan of the straight jack (right angled jacks are more durable and less prone to cable stress).
I know this is entirely subjective, but the gold and black accents are striking and somewhat "outlandish". I would've preferred a more subtle approach. Nevertheless, the build quality is excellent and I'm sure that with proper care, these earphones could last for an indefinite period of time.
How they sound:
Setup Used: Cowon Plenue D
                    Fiio X3 Mkii
                    Foobar 2000 v1.3.6 +  Aune X1s
My Selected Playlist:
Suicide Demo for Kara Walker by Destroyer (Imaging/Soundstage Test)
I'm not your Toy by La Roux  (Female Vocals/ Highs Test)
Cheap Beer by Fidlar (Fatigue Test)
Shaker Hymns by Dry the River (Vocal Positioning Test)
Deer Creek Canyon by Sera Cahoone (Timbre Test)
Right out of the box, the 1More could be described as a V-shaped earphone, balanced in both the highs and lows. There is enough heftiness and some flutter of the lows that could be too thick for some, but the "bass" slam is quick and concise. Bassheads, look elsewhere. I left the earphones to burn in for approximately 10-15 hours. The audible differences are incredibly slight, with the bass response being alittle more nuanced. The earphones have an impedance of 32 ohms, requiring slightly more juice from my Digital Audio Playe/Amp.
Imaging/Soundstage Test: Suicide Demo for Sarah Walker sounded incredibly lush, with an average sized soundscape. Instruments are well-placed and easily definable. Dan Bejar's vocals are incredibly smooth, with a focus on the lower mids. The highs lack the bright shimmer to be categorized as "detailed' but has decent extension and spaciousness. Overall, the 1More paired well with this track. However, the soundstage is somewhat narrow as compared to full-sized headphones (as expected)

Female vocals/High Test: I'm not your toy is a bright song. The piercing analogous synths and La roux's screechy vocals are smoothened off by the 1More's. The vocal performance is clear and concise, but the lack of a forward mid-section doesn't do the song complete justice. However, the thickness of the low end keeps the song balanced and unbashedly fun. The layered diaphragm is doing it's part to add punch to the mix. 

Fatigue Test: This is a track that is recorded poorly on purpose. If an earphone can play this song fatigue free, it has succeeded in having a "smooth" signature. Cheap Beer is a loud, congested mix of distorted guitars and peaky vocals. Surprisingly, the track was a comfortable listening experience. The low end is speedy, keeping the song grounded while the highs remained tame. The treble, while not harsh by any means, had enough sparkle to sound "clear" enough. For those garage rock lovers, this is a dream come true. 

Vocal Positioning Test: Now, this sounds lovely. The earphones did the recording justice, with a low noise floor and black background. The soothing vocals are easily distinguished. Guitars were beautifully represented, with nice body and tautness. The split job of detailed mids/highs on the balanced armatures and the rigid push/pull of the dynamic driver results in the detailed yet airy sound experienced here.

Timbre Test: Sera Cahoone is a lo-fi Americana Artist. Her music is often mellow, with an "analogue" warmth. With this track, Sera's vocals are sublime. The 1-More's lower mid and low focus places emphasis on her voice, as though her vocals had been layered.The highs are just about right for the track, so as to not appear muted. The acoustic guitars/drums paired with her porous voice sounded diffuse yet realistic. 

The Conclusive Sound Description: After enough testing, it is safe to say that the 1More is a rich-sounding IEM. It's V-shaped focus, hefty low-end (Weighted bass, without bloat) and decent high-extension is well suited for pop/rock music (even dingey genres like punk).
Across all tracks, the mid's felt somewhat missing (lacking richness), as though they were a tad too laidback. It lacks a more forward mid-section for my taste but the emphasis on the lower mids (to my ears at least) go hand in hand with more "sombre" recordings. It's non-fatiguing nature is suited to a more "consumer-friendly market". Imaging has great depth and feels spread out evenly across an average 3D soundstage. Overall, it's a balanced sound that can't go wrong. It's sure to be a crowd pleaser
Do take note that Amping helps to tighten the bass response (not a big difference, but definitely noticeable in terms of speed and punch).
For reference, the 1More's sound is rather similar to the FLC 8S (Max mid/vocals, Max bass and Sub bass tuning) but the mid-range and speedy bass slam on the FLC's sound much better. Soundstage is noticeably larger too. 
Are these really worth the hassle?
It's a resounding yes on my part. It is always refreshing to see the Chinese market shelling out quality products at such an affordable price. There is a tendency for "audio snobs" with high-end gear to shun "lower priced goods" in a condescending manner. It's companies like 1More that dare to challenge that notion. 
This is what the "portable audio" market needs: products that achieve more than what you pay for. The competition has never been more intense.
Make way for Chinese royalty! Interested parties can refer to the links below:
Purchase Link:  https://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=AS_20160906043705&SearchText=1more+triple+driver+in-ear+earphones
Information Link: https://usa.1more.com/products/triple-driver-in-ear-headphones


Pros: Balanced sound, great build quality, reasonable price
Cons: The bass could be a little fatter

Once considered a novelty, headphones with armature drivers are now more common as many Chinese brands such as Astrotec, Dunu and Sound Magic have released a variety of less expensive armature and hybrid headphones in recent years. No brand went as far as Xiaomi, though, pricing its hybrid dual driver in-ear-headphones at only $17.54, which is truly affordable to everyone.
1more is a fairly new Chinese brand specialized in making headphones, but they did come with lots of promises. The fabulous packaging, refined design and moderate pricing showed their determination in making it big. Having released several entry-level iems and gained a lot of positive feedback, they finally aimed at the higher-end of the market, releasing an all new hybrid model – the 1more E1001 hybrid 3-way in-ear headphone.
Type: Closed, hybrid
Rated power: 5mW
Driver unit: HD Hybrid 3-way (16mm dynamic + 2×Balanced Armature)
Frequency response: 20-40,000 Hz
Sensitivity: 99 dB/mW
Impedance: 32 Ω
Cord type : Approx. 1.25m, enameled copper cord
Plug: Gold-plated straight stereo mini plug (3.5mm)
Weight: 18g
Supplied accessories: Hybrid silicone rubber earbuds (5 pairs), Foamed silicone earbud (3 pairs), Cord adjuster, Carrying case, flight plug adapter
Perfectly aware of their limited influence and brand value in this chaotic headphone industry, 1more knows that they have to do more in order to draw customers’ attentions. The 1more E1001 headphones are quite good on paper with a solid 99db/mW sensitivity rating and a frequency response of 20-40,000Hz. And the fact that their 3-button remote is compatible with both Android and iOS makes them more valuable to users who mostly listen to music with their phones.
Of course, the $99 price tag may raise a lot of questions about what is special about the 1more E1001 headphones, especially when it comes to sound quality. Are they better than most dynamics iems under $100, how could they be so much cheaper than other triple driver iems, or are they just equivalent to the Xiaomi earphones? Let’s take a closer look.

For a pair of earphones priced under $100, the packaging of the 1more E1001 is simply extravagant. The box itself is rather slick, with a magnetic latch which makes the packing more like a jewelry box.

Inside the box you will see stylish graphics showing the design outline of the E1001, as well as the beautifully printed statement.





All accessories are contained in independent boxes, you will find 8 pair of eartips (5 pairs of rubber silicon ones and 3 pairs of foam silicon ones), a cord adjuster, a flight dual plug adapter, a black leather carrying case, the warranty card and user manual.
Design and build

The 1more E1001 has a very premium metallic design, with a combination of rose gold and deep blue. The forged aluminum alloy body houses two balanced armature drivers and a dynamic driver. It is not as high-profile as some Monster and B&O in ear monitors, but it is still one of kind.

The cord is engineered to stand the test of time and even some occasional torture. The interior of enameled copper is wrapped around by Kevlar fiber to maximize tensile strength.

There is also an inline remote/microphone, which is compatible with both Android and iOS based smartphones and tablets. Though I don’t use this kind of remote very often, I know it is valuable to users who use their smartphone as their main audio player and make occasional phone calls while listening to music.

The E1001 earphones are a little heavier than average iems with plastic shells, but as they are ergonomically shaped, the weight is evenly distributed while they rest in my ears. Thus, I never felt uncomfortable, even after wearing them for a few hours.

Build quality of these headphones are simply great. They feel even sturdier than my Monster Turbine, which costed me $299.
Isolation and fit 

The 1more E1001 earphones are designed to give the users a perfect fit and decent isolation. With eartips of the right size, they can give you a very comfortable fit, and a tight seal which helps you block out 90% of the outside noise.
However, the E1001 headphones are not designed for sports activities such as running and cycling, as the wind noise can sabotage your fun of listening to music. Also, although the fit is decent enough for walking and jogging, the earbuds could fall from your ears if you work your body a little harder.

Audio Players:
Iriver U100, Apple iPod Shuffle, Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, LG G3, MS Surface Pro3
Tested tracks:
Sade – King of Sorrow (APE)
Ed Sheeran – Afire Love (MP3@320kbps)
Coldplay – Every Teardrop is a Waterfall (FLAC)
Alicia Keys – Brand New Me (FLAC)
Destiny’s Child – Say My Name (MP3@320kbps)
G-Eazy – Me, Myself and I (FLAC)
Adele – Hello (FLAC)
Demi Lovato – Confident (FLAC)
Kris Allen – Falling Slowly (APE)
Ariana Grande – Focus (MP3@320kbps)
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Otherside (APE)
Emeli Sande – Next to Me (FLAC)
Emeli Sande – Heaven (FLAC)
The Weeknd – Often (FLAC)
Drake – Hotline Bling (APE)
Monster Turbine, Bose Freestyle, Fox Extreme UR20, Ausdom ANC7, Astrotec GX50

Unlike most high-end headphones, the 1more E1001 can be easily driven with anything. It will surely sound slightly better with an amplifier or a high-end audio player, but it still sounded perfectly fine running off my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, my LG G3 and Surface Pro 3.

The 1more E1001 triple-driver earphones have a sound profile that could be more appealing to most audiophiles than bass heads. The sound is very clean, relaxing and well-balanced, with a lot of detail. But the bass is not that fat. I am not saying that the 1more E1001 are severely lacking in bass, but if you are used to the boomy Monster and Beats headphones or other dynamic headphones with that kind of sound profile, you will crave for more bass prominence with the E1001.
If the 1more E1001’s bass is not satisfying enough for certain users, the mids and highs are where they really shine, easily blowing my Bose Freestyle and Monster Turbine out of the water. The midrange is smooth, rich, and seductive. Both male and female vocals are presented clearly and accurately.
The high frequency spectrum is full, bright, crisp and clear. The 1more E1001 are not a pair of headphones that would ever be called muddy—though some listeners might find it on the slightly overly-bright side, depending on your personal tastes and what genre of music you're listening to.
The E1001 aren't the most open-sounding, you will notice that when you listen to tracks which are made to make you feel the spaciousness and openness, such as Coldplay’s “Paradise” and Emeli Sande’s “Heaven”. But the detail is brilliant, I even enjoyed a full hour of American country music on the radio, and I am normally no fan of country. I also did notice some harshness and dryness while playing Drake’s “Hotline Bling” and some old British Rock songs, and there can be some unwanted metallic feel sometimes, but above all, the E1001’s sound is rich, warm, and full of intricate detail.

I've tested quite a number of in-ear monitors recently and the 1more E1001 triple driver earphones rank up there with my favorites. For only $99, these headphones are extravagantly packaged, beautifully designed, with build quality that could even rival products priced many times higher. Offering a comfortable fit, well-balanced sound, and a remote that works well with almost all smartphones, the 1more E1001 could be the iem to beat in the $100 realm.
With that said, the E1001 are definitely not headphones for bass-heads. Although it works fine with most bass centric music, it just lacks that extra punchiness to stimulate the excitement. But if you are more about accuracy and do not stick to a certain genre of music, you can’t go wrong with the E1001 triple driver headphones.
I haven't tried the vsonics headphones you mentioned, so no idea on how they would compare, sorry.
Man... they're being so overzealous with the packaging for its price range.... got me interested tho.
@canali I used to own GR07 Classics until the left driver died for no reason. As far as I can recall... I think GR07s had slightly more bass resolution but their treble was less refined than that of the triple Driver's. GR07 Vsonics were more comfortable and had better soundstage width too. 1More is way better looking as a gift though.
Beware, what I wrote is very subjective. After all, it's been 2 years since I listened to them.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: detailed midrange and treble, smooth tone, accessories, design
Cons: not the best coherency, bass quality could be better, not over-the-ear-fit-friendly, not the best cable choice


I have already reviewed some of 1MORE’s and Xiaomi’s audio products in the past and all of them offered a great sound experience for their very reasonable price point.
The Chinese company 1MORE (these are two links to 1MORE’s English distributor and main reseller in the UK that I was asked to include in my review: https://uk.1more.com/, https://www.pocketrocketuk.com/) was founded in 2013 and became quite well-known within a short time. All of their products are very reasonably priced and even their most expensive products are in the beginning three-digit price range or a little below in the high two-digit range. Their current models are said to be co-developed with a Grammy-winning sound engineer.

The E1001 is 1MORE’s current flagship in-ear and is a hybrid triple-driver in-ear with three drivers (2x Balanced Armature, 1x dynamic) per side. Nonetheless, its price is still in the two-digit range. Will it be able to convince me just as much as the company’s former products that I got my hands on did? This is to be found out in the course of this review.

I was provided with a free sample of the E1001 in-ears for the purpose of an honest review. They were sent to me directly by 1MORE UK. I have received no restrictions other than the request to include the two links above. As with all of my reviews, I am receiving and have received no financial compensation/endorsement at all and what you are reading is nothing less than my honest and unedited thoughts on the product.

Technical Specifications:

Price: ~ $/₤/€89-99
Drivers: 3 per ear (1x dynamic, 2x Balanced Armature)
Frequency Response: 20 – 40000 Hz
Sensitivity: 99 dB/mW
Impedance: 32 Ohms

About Hybrid In-Ears:

As you can read from the technical specifications and mentioned multiple times in the preamble, the E1001 is a little different from most In-Ears and doesn’t only use dynamic or Balanced Armature transducers, but combines both in one shell.

Most In-Ears use dynamic transducers for audio playback which have the advantage of covering the whole audible spectrum and achieving a strong bass emphasis without much effort. Valuable dynamic drivers are often said to have a more bodied and musical bass that has a more soft impact and decay and lacks of the analytical character that BA transducers are known for. On the downside, in contrast to headphones with other driver principles, dynamic transducers often have a lower resolution.

Higher-priced and professional IEMs mostly use Balanced Armature transducers, which usually have got a higher resolution than dynamic drivers, are faster, more precise and have got the better high-level stability, which is important for stage musicians that often require higher than average listening levels. On the downside, it is quite hard to cover the whole audible spectrum with just a single BA transducer and strongly emphasised bass is only possible with multiple or big drivers. Some people also find In-Ears with BA transducers to sound too analytical, clinical or cold (in several active years in a German audio community where I wrote multiple reviews, gave dozens of purchase advice and help, from time to time I heard people that got into BA earphones for the first time using these attributes for describing BA earphones, especially their lower frequencies).

Hybrid IEMs unite the positive aspects of both driver principles and use one dynamic transducer for lows reproduction and at least one BA driver for covering mids and highs, wherefore the often as “musical” described bass character remains and the BA transducers add resolution and precision to the mids and highs – and that’s what the E1001 does with its technology. It is addressed to those people who perceive the clinically-fast character of BA transducers as unnatural, but want to keep the mids’ and highs’ resolution, speed and precision.

Delivery Content:

The E1001’s package is designed like a book (the sides are even designed to imitate the looks of closed pages) and features a magnetically attached lid with a “1More Design” labelled metallic magnet cover. The package design is, on its inside, hands down, definitely among the most beautiful of all time, showing multiple sketches of the in-ears and what is inside, along with some text.
The accessories are neatly organised in multiple smaller cardboard boxes.
Inside, besides the in-ears, one will find a sturdy carrying case made of pleather that looks and feels a lot like real leather, an airplane adapter, the usual paper stuff and a 1More sticker with a headphones wearing teddy on it, a tie clip and a large selection of five pairs of differently sized silicone tips as well as three pairs of differently sized foam tips.

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IMG_2309.jpg IMG_2320.jpg

Looks, Feels, Build Quality:

The in-ear bodies are fully made of aluminium and feature a golden and dark colour scheme, with the darker colour almost reminding me of Mercedes-Benz’ “Bornit Metallic 481” colour code when seen under strong light.

IMG_2314.jpg IMG_2315.jpg
IMG_2316.jpg IMG_2317.jpg

The cable is coated with woven fabric below the y-split, and while it looks and feels nice and even offers a few subtle blue accents, I am not a fan of a cable of this type as it is likely to fray over time and might also soak sweat. Above the y-split, the cable is a very sturdy appearing rubber cable with a three-button remote control on the right side. Strain relief is sufficient, however there is no chin-slider.

IMG_2311.jpg IMG_2312.jpg

Comfort, Isolation:

The E1001 is an in-ear that is strictly designed to be worn with the cables down, like the majority of cheaper in-ears. The difference though is that with the 1More, it is almost only possible to wear it with the cable down, whereas with the other in-ears, they can also easily be worn with the cables guided around the ears.

Compared to the more professional wearing style and also due to the lack of a chin-slider, this will logically also introduce more cable noise, known as microphonics.

The E1001 has got about average isolation – it is neither super weak nor very strong.


My main source devices for listening were the iBasso DX80, Cowon Plenue M2 and HiFime 9018d.

The largest included silicone tips were used for listening and testing.


By the way, the small inner-facing vent hole can change the tonality from “bassy” to “bass-heavy” when it is totally covered, which might be the case depending on your ear anatomy. In my ears, it is closer to the latter.

“Bassy” and “musical” are attributes that come into my mind when thinking of the E1001.

In my ears, listening to music and using sine sweeps, I hear the lows as starting to climb around 750 Hz, reaching the climax around 90 Hz. It then stays upright until 38 Hz and loses a little quantityIMG_2318.jpg
towards 20 Hz, making the bass more midbassy than sub-bassy with a strong emphasis of 12 dB compared to a diffuse-field flat in-ear like the Etymotic ER-4S in my ears. Due to the rather early starting emphasis, the root is also on the somewhat warmer and fuller side, adding body and musicality to the sound.
1 kHz, the frequency of the central mids, is somewhat recessed, however it climbs towards 3 and 4 k Hz, making the midrange sound warm and a little bright at the same time, but also slightly hollow as a result.
Around 6 kHz, I can hear a rather narrow dip that gives headroom for the lower treble/upper midrange emphasis and adds smoothness to the sound due to reducing some of the midrange’s overtones.
I can hear some peaks in the super highs above 10 kHz that, while not as important for music information, will add some good subtle sparkle, air and extension to the music.

In general, I would consider the sound as being warm and bassy, musical and with a v-shaped midrange that doesn’t make vocals appear strange but could use a little more level around 1 kHz.

Lower-range instruments, while on the fuller and emphasised side, don’t sound boomy and don’t spill into the mids but are musical, mellow and warm. It is what I would call an “inviting” sound.
In the highs, the E1001 sounds quite smooth, with correct timing and neither too short nor too long decay.


In terms of midrange and treble, the E1001 sounds detailed, without being edgy or unnatural. Its treble puts out a good amount of small details that are definitely among the better at this price point, and high notes appear to be quite well-rendered and -separated.

Speech intelligibility is good and while the 1More is not among the very best in-ears I know at this price point that are however single-BA in-ears, it is definitely in the upper third.

What I am certainly not so happy about is the bass – the E1001 is not the best-suiting in-ear for faster tracks and genres, that’s for sure. Its bass is not that tight and also not that fast, wherefore it is close to being muddy. The only thing that prevents me from calling it muddy is its decay that is still fast enough to make low notes halfway distinguishable, nonetheless the attack is quite soft and the sound is definitely rather on the slower side. I know some superior in-ears in terms of bass quality (speed, tightness, details), however less than five in about the same price range come into my mind that are slower and looser sounding in the lower frequency range.
Due to the lows, I find the sound also to be not as coherent as it could be, and also that the bottom-end could put out somewhat more details, hence showing more quality than quantity.

In summary, I personally would have wished that 1More left the dynamic driver out and went for a dual- or triple-BA design. The E1001 is definitely an in-ear that fits better to slower and softer music.


The spatial presentation is quite convincing – the E1001 sounds quite open, with a wider than average fundament and solid spatial depth that is a little less present than the width. Instrument separation is solid for the price, too, however the layering on the Z axis could be slightly more precise.


In Comparison with other In-Ears:


Fidue A65:
The Fidue has got less bass (about half as much in my ears), comparable warmth in the room (a bit less actually) and the less warm lower vocals and better presence in the central vocals. In the highs, it is a bit darker and somewhat more even than the E1001 but decays slightly too fast in the upper treble, making cymbals sound a bit subdued due to their quick decay.
In terms of bass quality, I definitely see the Fidue before the 1More, as it is simply tighter, faster and better controlled down there and sounds more coherent. I also see it as being superior to the E1001 in the midrange, however only by a very small margin. In the treble, I hear the 1More as being somewhat more detailed.
The A65’s soundstage is smaller but somewhat more precise to my ears.

Fidue A73:
The A73 has got less bass than the E1001 but still a prominent but not overdone bottom-end. It has also got some warmth in the root but is somewhat less warm in the midrange. The Fidue has got a little more quantity in the lower treble and about the same amount in the upper highs.
The A73’s bass decays a little slower than the 1More’s, however its attack is better defined and its bottom-end sounds more detailed and less soft than the E1001’s. I see both more or less on the same level in the midrange and treble with a slight advantage for the Fidue in the mids and the slightly better separation with cymbals.
The A73 has got the larger soundstage to my ears and also features the somewhat better separation.

PMV A 01:
The A 01 has got a few dB less bass in my ears (depending on your ear anatomy, the PMV’s bass might however also be noticeably less present). In the mids, it’s the PMV that is leaner, and its treble is also brighter. The 1More has got the more even highs.
The A 01’s bass has got less softness and is more responsive. In the mids and treble, I see a slight advantage for the E1001 in terms of detail retrieval.
The A 01’s soundstage is slightly wider and a little better separated.

1MORE C1002:
The C1002 has got the less forward, audibly more balanced bass to my ears. Its midrange is less warm, with more presence in the central mids and the brighter upper mids to my ears. Unlike the E1001, the dual-driver doesn’t show a smoothness-creating dip in the middle highs at 6 kHz and is actually even emphasised in the middle and upper highs. Both have some peaks above 10 kHz and a really good extension, however the C1002 could trigger sibilance for some people.
In terms of bass quality, the dual-driver definitely wins the race to my ears, featuring more tightness and speed. I would even say that the C1002 sounds more detailed in the bass. In the mids and treble, the E1001 sounds a little more differentiated and has got the slightly higher speech intelligibility while its central mids are less present.
In terms of soundstage, I hear the C1002 as having about as much spatial width as the triple-driver, however with slightly more spatial depth. In terms of instrument separation, the E1001 is very slightly ahead to my ears.

AAW Nebula 2:
The Nebula 2 has got the same bass quantity to my ears while its upper bass is a bit stronger than the 1More’s. The E1001 is the warmer in-ear in the root. The AAW has got the tonally flatter mids that aren’t v-shaped unlike the 1More’s. The 1More’s middle treble appears a bit darker because of its 6 kHz dip whereas it has got the brighter upper treble.
The AAW has got the quicker and tighter bass along with the more refined and detailed midrange and treble.
Both have got about the same soundstage size and feature comparable spatial precision.


The 1More E1001 is a musically sounding, warm and bassy in-ear with enough counteracting brightness in the midrange and some really good details in the vocal range and treble.IMG_2319.jpg
However, the dynamic driver doesn’t really fully suit this in-ear in my opinion in terms of tightness, quality and coherency, and I think that it would have been better if 1More had implemented a large and vented BA-woofer instead of it.
Together with the fabric-coated cable without a chin-slider and that the in-ears can almost only be worn with the cables straight down which triggers microphonics, this leaves somewhat of a bitter aftertaste to an otherwise really solid in-ear.

With my usual 70% sound (72) quality to 30% build quality/fit (68) weighting, I come to a conclusion of 3.54 out of 5 possible stars.


New Head-Fier
Pros: Great build quality, impressive packaging, good value
Cons: Small sound stage, sound is too focused on the highs, unusual characteristics
The box with its engineering drawings, beautiful graphics, and presentation of the product leaves a great first impression. Included are ample sizes of silicon earpieces to choose from, the leather carrying case is surprisingly nice, and the build quality of the product itself is outstanding. The aluminum finish is impressive, as well as the cable (particularly the section before the wire splits into two), and the inline mic. 
Personally, I had no problems with the comfort and fit of this model. While they are not the most comfortable in-ear's I've used, I was satisfied. Other reviews point out that they can be uncomfortable for some over long periods of use, which I can imagine though I didn't have a problem. 
Audio Quality:
This is why my review is only 3.5 stars - the lowest review these have received so far (as of 2/25/17). I really was not impressed by the sound quality. Maybe its because I had high expectations about the sound quality based on other reviews, or maybe my favorite music isn't what these do best, or it could be because I'm spoiled by my other headphones and speaker systems. Listening to my preferred types of music (acoustic instrumental stuff, classic rock, and some newer alternative stuff), I found that some of the detail of the the music was present, but it was delivered poorly. I'll elaborate: 
-Sound stage: The sound stage on these is quite small, and unlike anything else I've heard (and not in a good way either). On this model, the larger drivers are mounted in the back of the unit while the smaller one is much further forward, and this has a poor affect on the sound stage. It almost sounds like the highs, mids, and lows each have a different sound stage. It made the 1MORE sound really weird and over focused on the highs. 
-Highs: I didn't prefer the sound of the highs on these. The treble has a tinny sound that is somewhat muffled. The affect I noticed is almost like having really nice headphones or in-ear's that you know have great highs and treble, and plugging them into a crappy low quality source. Like I said, the highs are too prominent and out of balance.
-Mids & lows: The lower mids were ok once I moved past the highs. The sound was accurate and acceptable. The lows were also accurate, but I would have liked just a little more bass. I mean, I don't like excessive bass in headphones or IEMs, but the 1MORE's bass was bit quiet. 
However, there is a redeeming feature with respect to audio quality: because there are three drivers, there is little to no distortion of highs or mids when you listen to something with a lot of bass. Specifically heavy metal songs with a lot of bass guitar and fast drum parts that might cause distortion or other inaccuracies on most in-ear's of this price range, sound great on the 1MORE's. 
The 1MORE Triple Driver was really nothing special as far as audio quality. While the average user who just wants something better than the earbuds included with their smartphone will be satisfied with this product, those of us concerned about audio quality will find these in-ear's have some weird traits. The sound wasn't even close to mediocre, and many people will like the way they sound. I tend to be very picky about sound quality, and their characteristics are just too odd for me compared to what I'm used to. While these in-ear's are marketed very well, are nice to look at, durable, and stylish, it seems the trade-off here is their lack of a smooth and accurate sound, which is the most important thing when buying any headphone or IEM in my opinion. If you agree, you can probably find something that sounds better for $99. 
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While it's perfectly acceptable for a newer member with no information in their profile to make an informative review, there are also no suggestions as to other purchases in the same price range offered. We are simply left wondering what would be a good way to get better sound for the money. Then the reviewer posts a list in the comments below which is a great way to make the review complete. All that is fine and well, and due to the hype going on with the Triples, we will probably see more reviews like this where maybe the signature just does not gell with what the owner was looking for. Personally I have never spent $100 and received so much sound quality. Still I simply like the signature. What I did find is they seem a little power hungry and need an amp to get to their best place sonically. Under amped they just simply sound different. They are not flat and offer a squiggly graph response, pull a couple frequencies and adding some frequencies in places then arriving at a stand out sound character maybe even slightly unique amongst many IEMs. And yes, it's true if a reviewer does not like the sound profile then even $50 would simply be too much money spent. Still as the reviews start to fall in place we are most likely going to find most reviews give the IEMs their deserved accolades.
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I have to agree with your review. However I wish I had spent more time with them. I purchased mine on Amazon after seeing the rave reviews so I thought I'd give them a shot. I remember the bass and midbass hump overshadowing the midrange and the bass quality wasn't fantastic. I sent them back after 3 days. I wish I had really done some critical listening with them  to get a more detailed opinion.
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100+ Head-Fier
Pros: Lovely sound balance, no sibilance, good detailing
Cons: Some frequencies veiled, not that wide or deep, microphonics and fit could be an issue
Preamble: ​

I have a set of around 30 – 40 tracks all in the FLAC from varying genres that I use as my test reference playlist. I try to cover as many genres and stick to recordings that have good reputations as well as tracks I know have been lovingly mastered. ​

I naturally prefer a more balanced sound signature and get treble ‘fatigue’ fairly quickly. Therefore I usually mark down anything that gives me discomfort in the higher registers. ​

I have experience in mastering, DJ’ing and have had a keen interest in Hi-Fi and Head-Fi for almost 2 decades. I love this hobby and like to share experiences with others. ​

For this test my source was the Onkyo DP-X1 DAP. ​


Aesthetics and Tactility: ​

Before I even laid eyes on the 1more triples I was impressed by the overly large packaging and it's quality. On removing the earphones from the packaging I was impressed by the quality of finish given the price. I am finding more and more of sub £100 new entrant earphones can easily compete with more expensive and long established brands in terms of build quality. I had a slight comfort issue with these and could only really listen for up to an hour before having to take them out. I found the back section of the earpieces just sat against a part of my ear which after a while became very annoying. Just to note I have slightly smaller ears than average I would say. ​

I actually found the ear tips that came on the earphones fitted perfectly with a good seal so didn't even try anything else that came with them. ​


Cable Microphonics: ​

The cabling is braided between the jack and the Y splitter. Rubbing and touching the cable in that section results in no microphonics that I could hear. The same is not true between the Y splitter and the earbuds. There is no braiding in that section and the cable picks up every small rub or vibration. If these are to worn during outdoor use I would advise getting a cable clip or something to prevent cable rub/movement. ​

Sound Balance: ​

Now I had read a few very glowing reviews of these before receiving them which in some ways I wish I hadn't as my expectations were perhaps inflated too far. I think these earphones could be best described as 'jack of all trades, master of none' in the sense that they do everything well just nothing exceptionally. The sound is fairly well balanced with a bump in the lower mids/upper bass and some treble roll off. Dance tracks sound very good on these. Delicate tracks, however, do not fair so well. Although separation is pretty good some frequency bands seem a little veiled and 'thick' sounding. Fine detailing is not there as it is with earphones like the final audio range or even the mid tiered Noble/Westone ranges. I must point out here that these perform beyond what their retail price would suggest so don't let any of my observation shortcomings deter you from trying these!  ​

Just to summarise the sound balance I would say these are not a reference type of sound but more a detailed slightly fun tuned pair of earphones. ​

Soundstage and Other Notes: ​

Soundstaging on these is fairly narrow with small to medium depth. Almost like you are in a small capacity venue sitting 1/3 away from the stage. I think the staging is the biggest weakness with these earphones. Is 1more can keep the sound balance and combine it with greater depth and width then they would have a giant killer on their hands. I am particularly sensitive to higher treble and get treble fatigue pretty quickly. I did not have any issues with sibilance or any other treble over sharpness with these so longer term listening will not irritate others with treble sensitivity like me.  ​

Overall: ​

I have been very impressed with this offering from 1more. I try not to talk about price as there are many factors that determine a retail price but in this case I will say that if you cannot afford/don't want to go into the realms of serious earphones (£200+) then these will be very hard to beat if you are looking for an easy going but detailed earphone. You are not going to get reference grade detailing or imaging but you are going to have fun and want to listen to all of those feel good tracks in your collection. My star rating may appear a bit low but as I have stated previously I try not factor in price so 3.5 out of 5 is very good! If you have already taken the plunge and invested in earphones of £200 and up I would perhaps give these a miss unless you are looking for a second pair of 'fun' earphones. 

CK Moustache

100+ Head-Fier
Link to my review and measurement index thread where one can also find a full review overview, more information about myself as well as my general-ish audio and review manifesto: https://www.head-fi.org/threads/956208/

I only give full stars. My ranking/scoring system does not necessarily follow the norm and is about as follows:

5 stars: The product is very good and received the "highly recommended" award from me.

4 stars: The product is very good and received the "recommended" award from me.

3 stars: The product is good/very good, but not outstanding/special enough to get any of my two awards. ["Thumbs Up"]

2 stars: The product is only about average or even somewhat below that and somewhat flawed/flawed in some areas. [neither "Thumbs Up" nor "Thumbs Down"]

1 star: The product is bad/severely flawed to outright bad. ["Thumbs Down"]

1More E1001


Review sample.


Also commonly known just as “1More Triple-Driver”.

Luxurious unboxing experience.
I especially like the “1More” tie pin that comes included.
Nice selection of ear tips.

Shells fully made of aluminium. Unusual but nice colour scheme with rose gold and the darker of the two colours reminding me on Mercedes-Benz’ “Bornite Metallic 481”.
Build quality seems to be good.

While the included carrying case looks and feels nice, what I don’t like about it is that it isn’t designed to be fully sealed and will therefore let dust and dirt in.

Cable non-removable. Coated with woven fabric below the cable divider. Looks and feels nice and has even got some subtle blue accents incorporated, but is highly likely to fray over time and more prone to soaking fluids than regular cables.
No chin-slider.
The remote control (three buttons, located on the right hand side) feels of high quality.

Designed to be worn with the cable down. Due to this and the lack of a chin-slider, microphonics are unfortunately strong.

Three drivers per side; hybrid construction (1x dynamic driver, 2x BA).


Largest included silicone ear tips.


Clearly consumer-oriented (sub-) bass-focused L- to w-shape.

As it is the case with pretty much all in-ears that house a dynamic driver and are vented, the amount by how much the E1001s’ inner vents are blocked also affects their (especially sub-) bass output. In my ears, the vents are closer to being blocked than free, and as a result the sound is even somewhat more sub-bass-oriented than if the vents remained completely free.

The bass starts to climb around 900 Hz and reaches its climax around 40 Hz to my ears, with a quantity of around 16 dB compared to diffuse-field flatness, but is already very present around 90 Hz wherefore the sound, while ultimately still focused on the true sub-bass and lower midbass, does carry some strong and noticeably punch and is also heading undeniably into the warmer direction in the lower fundamental range and lower midrange but without overshadowing the mids.

The mids seem to be neither intimate nor distant in the mix; there is small climb towards 4 kHz in the middle treble wherefore bright voices’ overtones carry a bit of added brightness to compensate for the lower midrange warmth. While this also affects instruments’ timbre (such as trumpets and pianos) negatively and colours them to a brighter pitch, I personally think that this elevation is necessary as a counterweight to the warmth in order to make voices not appear too muffled.

Around 6 kHz, I can hear a rather narrow dip that adds headroom for the former as well as the next elevation that starts around 8 kHz and peaks in the super treble around 12 kHz.
Ultimately, while neither sharp nor annoying (but sometimes just somewhat too “sizzling”) thanks to being placed quite high, the latter of the two elevations, combined with the 6 kHz drop, results in the treble to not sound natural but artificial while it sounds overall inoffensive yet bright at the same time.

Frequency Response:

ER-4S-Compensation (blocked inner Vents)

My ears block the inner vents slightly less than completely, so the actually perceived sub-bass elevation is just a little bit less strong to me but comes very close. Otherwise, that’s also the tonal tendency that I actually hear when performing sine sweeps, although I perceive the lower/mid-treble elevation as just a bit milder, with a slightly less steep 6 kHz dip.

I haven’t saved the FR measurement with un-blocked vents.

ProPhile 8-Compensation (blocked inner Vents)


When it comes to resolution, the E1001 are merely “okay” at best in their price range and outperformed by a good number of other competing single-driver and some multi-driver in-ears.
That said, apart from some metallicness and perceived short decay in the upper highs, the two BA drivers don’t really shine through when it comes to details and separation; the treble just lacks some details.

Overall, the midrange and treble details and separation are just acceptable for the price, and as mentioned, more or less clearly outperformed by other single- and multi-driver in-ears in all areas or certain ones of the frequency spectrum (iBasso IT01, AAW Nebula One, Moondrop Starfield, FiiO FH1, Shure SE215m+SPE, Fidue A65 – just to name a few). Generally, it just sounds as if the dynamic driver were handling most (if not even all) of the frequency spectrum and the BA drivers were just integrated to incorporate some upper treble sparkle.

The lows are neither the tightest nor fastest and come close to the point of being spongy and undefined; solely their more or less controlled decay saves them from notes and bass lines not being perceptible anymore. As for quality, the dynamic driver implementation in the E1001 is clearly on the lower side, with only my Sennheiser IE 80, Trinity Audio Engineering Delta V-II, the NuForce NE800M and Chord & Major’s in-ears managing to deliver even less quality in the bass.
Apart from the lack of tightness and speed, I also perceive the lows’ details as less than average.


The perceived soundstage is overall fairly average to me as well – neither narrow nor especially wide expanding, however with rather decent although less-than-wide front projection.

Imaging precision is okay as well – not especially blurry or diffuse, but not precise and well-separated either.

- - - - - - - - - - - -


Fidue A73:

The Fidue are less bassy than the 1More but still clearly elevated and warm, although a bit less warm in the mids.
In the upper mids and lower treble, the A73 are brighter.
Both are comparably bright in the upper highs, with the Fidue peaking somewhat lower.

The A73 decay a bit slower in the lows compared to the 1More but have the better defined, tighter attack as well as more detailed bass.
Both are comparably detailed in the mids and treble, with a slight advantage for the Fidue which separate single notes better and more precisely.

The A73s’ soundstage is larger and also somewhat more precise to my ears.

AAW Nebula 2:

The Nebula 2 are comparable in the sub- and midbass as for quantity, but with even more upper bass punch. The E1001 are warmer in the root, though.
The AAWs’ mids are flatter.
The E1001s’ highs appear darker due to their 6 kHz recession even though their upper treble carries more brightness.

The AAW are superior when it comes to bass speed and tightness, and also feature a more detailed midrange and treble.

Soundstage size and imaging precision are about comparable.


While it lacks realism in the treble reproduction when it comes to real instruments, the E1001s’ consumer-oriented fun tuning is overall okay and does not offend. When it comes to technicalities, though, these in-ears fall rather short and deliver a performance that can be described as merely “acceptable” in this price range where several better performing single-driver models exist.

