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  • Users: Veefy
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  1. Veefy

    Impressions of Avantgarde Speakers (Singapore trip)

    Quote: Originally Posted by brat sibilant...: Yeah, the older Avantgardes suffer from this a little on some material. Avantgarde have actually improved their drivers in their new models (the Omega type drivers) which I think reduces this aspect quite a bit.
  2. Veefy

    Vinyl Problem

    Quote: Originally Posted by memepool Generally coloured vinyl pressings have a higher noise floor than than traditional ones as they don't bother to clean the presses properly so you often have visible discolourations where colours mix with residue left on the presses. Personally I'd...
  3. Veefy

    Vinyl Problem

    also i am pretty sure my pressing is the USA one (here in Australia we generally get USA pressings) so probably the same one you would get in Canada.
  4. Veefy

    Impressions of Avantgarde Speakers (Singapore trip)

    Thanks for the comments guys. Since my report I have acquired Avantgarde Uno's 2nd hand as my main speakers. I am friends with the distributor of Avantgarde speakers in Aus who is setting up a custom audio room in Melbourne where people will be able to demo the Trios and the other models...
  5. Veefy

    Vinyl Problem

    Quote: Originally Posted by TheMuffinMan_01 Air - Pocket Symphony. There is static and noise in one channel on both sides of both disks, at first, it was the left channel, all the way through the album, but now, oddly enough, the exact same static and noise is on the right channel...
  6. Veefy

    MHDT Havana DAC

    Not sure if somehow had posted this before. mhdt Anyone using the Bel Canto USB Link 24/96 or similar device with Havana? I've done some more digging and that USB link seems to have quite a bit of good press/user comments although it's very recently been released.
  7. Veefy

    MHDT Havana DAC

    WOW! That must sound fairly epic..
  8. Veefy

    MHDT Havana DAC

    Quote: Originally Posted by donunus I'm not using the havana with my horns but a cousin of mine really loves the havana with his horn system Which hornspeakers does your cousin have? I just very recently acquired 2nd hand Avantgarde Unos.
  9. Veefy

    MHDT Havana DAC

    Quote: Originally Posted by s1rrah I'm headphone only ... But as I recall ... a couple of the more accessible online Havana reviews were done by guys using a speaker setup ... And they were pretty much fawning and fainting all over the place in praise of it. If I get some time...
  10. Veefy

    MHDT Havana DAC

    Anyone using the Havana with horn or high efficiency speakers?
  11. Veefy

    The Stax thread (New)

    Would a WooAudio GES be overkill for a SR-303? Anyone heard that combo?
  12. Veefy

    One-box hi-end CD player with USB input?

    Audionet Art G2 is another Characteristics Hopefully going to have a listen to this player early in the new year.
  13. Veefy

    The Stax thread (New)

    Quote: Originally Posted by marcus1 I was in Japan recently and Craig at kuboTEN - Japanese Auction and Shopping bought some new Stax SR-303 headphones and also some second hand Stax gear from Yahoo Auctions Japan for me. I got these delivered to my hotel before leaving Japan. The...
  14. Veefy

    Impressions of Avantgarde Speakers (Singapore trip)

    Recently I spent around a week on holiday in Singapore. One of the plans for the trip including dropping into The Adelphi building - high end hi-fi central. Adelphi looks like this from the street. As I have been interested and read a lot about high efficiency speakers (in particular...
  15. Veefy

    McIntosh flagship SACD/CD/Headphone amp player

    Quote: Originally Posted by A.Thorsen Bitstream: CEDIA: McIntosh's SACD/CD Player Not cheap, obviously, but considering all that it does and such, this might fill a void for some folks around here, especially if you kill a bunch of birds with one stone like what this thing...
  16. Veefy

    Reimyo Dap999-ex new 24-bit K2 DAC

    Quote: Originally Posted by foo_me Veefy, I've been interested in the Advantgarde speakers (especially the duos) for a while since it's high efficiency and something I'd eventually want to match with my SET amp. Any thoughts on how those speakers compare to others that you have...
  17. Veefy

    Reimyo Dap999-ex new 24-bit K2 DAC

    I'm pretty sure I've heard this DAC in the flesh. Recently on a trip to Singapore, I dropped into Audionote at Adelphi and I believe they had it setup in their main system. Within the context of a system based around Avantgarde Duo Mezzos it was pretty unreal (probably the cheapest part of...
  18. Veefy

    The Stax thread (New)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Duggeh Which did you prefer? The Quad ESL57 was in a larger and probably better acoustically room. The Quad ESL2905 had larger sweet spot and more high end amps and sources attached. Bass was definitely handled better by the modern Quad, perhaps it's a...
  19. Veefy

    The Stax thread (New)

    Quote: Originally Posted by cosmopragma No, the PDF is referred to a "Normal bias" SRD for very old Stax headphones like the original first series Lambdas, SRX-mkIII, SR-5. You should look for the (more expensive and rarer) models SRD-7Professionell, SRD-7SBProfessionell, SRD-7mk2...
  20. Veefy

    The Stax thread (New)

    Sorry, I'm an idiot. I meant to say I bought the Stax 303 (just the headphones) (not the 3030 system). So I don't have an energiser. edit: what's the actual model of the pro bias unit that would make the most sense? Is it this
  21. Veefy

    The Stax thread (New)

    Hello, I am about to join Club Stax after impulse purchasing a set of Stax 3030 online for a good price. Mainly for late night listening, cyberman impersonation and because I have no self will when I see shiny things on the net I want to buy. I'm looking for suggestions for an amp to...