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  1. rfan8312

    Just Got PSB M4U 8

    I'm more into open backs, but always return to my PSB m4u2. Love the sound and god are those pads comfortable. More comfortable than sennheiser imo. But, I never liked the tacky plasticky look of the PSB. The least of my concerns though. Unfortunately I dropped them a couple of times and the...
  2. rfan8312

    LG V30

    Pioneer Master SE-1? Wow nice.
  3. rfan8312

    Meze EMPYREAN - the First Isodynamic Hybrid Array Headphone

    I've heard Empyrean may need pricey and, but I've heard that Empyrean sound, comfort, aesthetics are incredible.
  4. rfan8312

    Looking for a DAP that beats the LG V30+

    Thanks very much D Rob. Well Ive had the Sony PHA-1A amp for a couple of years using it to plug HE400i into while listening to v30+. The amp does add a little bit of warmth to the sound but mostly it's to be able to get more volume from the he400i. Unfortunately I have had problems with the...
  5. rfan8312

    Looking for a DAP that beats the LG V30+

    Any idea if it is possible to use E18 as an amp with the v30? I have v30+ and just ordered an E18 because I like the idea of a portable amp that has dedicated media buttons to skip tracks. But now I'm wondering if the v30 will recognize the E18.
  6. rfan8312

    Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion

    I'd be so fine with just having my 400i and an LCD2 for a while until I was ready to go after really high end stuff.
  7. rfan8312

    LG V30

    Ok but would turning on high impedance mode suddey trigger MQA resulting in what everyone I've talked to claims that Tidal MQA has the best sound quality bar-none? I'm in AUX mode now, will try to get to high impedance, but Amazon Music app clearly has loads more information on the track than...
  8. rfan8312

    LG V30

    Major thanks to everyone who helped n unlocking AUX mode when plugging in headphones. I couldn't seem to get it. Now its so easy. Just have one jack (L or R) unplugged from the one of the ear cups, then plug the main headphone cable into the device you will be listening from, then finally plug...
  9. rfan8312

    Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion

    Very cool. The more I hear about the Elear, "surgical precision of imaging", "imagine a 100 point grid around each ear and you can pick out from exactly which point any given sound came from", "built like a French tank" <----- lol last one is joke I think, the more I'm dying to hear them. But...
  10. rfan8312

    LG V30

    That would be incredible those suggestions. RockStar gave me a way to get good pictures on v30, I haven't had to e to try it yet but will. If it works would be great. Toggle for high impedance mode would be nice. But I think dedicated media buttons (play stop skip track, shuffle etc.) Would...
  11. rfan8312

    LG V30

    Thanks very much man. Will try your camera settings here this weekend. If I can get this damned camera to take better pictures, this would be one beast of a device.
  12. rfan8312

    LG V30

    Sorry for double post. My shots usually look like the top picture in the images shown here. I tried installing that Google apk. I failed. I'll try again. If I can manage it then this would be the best phone I've had. In fact t it's the only phone I've had yet that afds two really useful...
  13. rfan8312

    LG V30

    @RockStar2005 Fair enough man, although I believe I may have a defective device, regarding just the camera. I'd keep this phone even if it had no camera. It sips battery, with Battery saver turned on, so lightly that I only need slap the v30 onto an old wireless charging pad that I bought...
  14. rfan8312

    LG V30

    I've used Sony pha-1a for a long time with Galaxy phones as an external amp/DAC and the tethering with rubber bands and micro USB plug sticking out of the bottom of the phone was just too much hassle. I never thought they'd make an Android phone with no hassle great sound. V30 sounds better...
  15. rfan8312

    Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion

    Thanks very much. Yes, I read about the v30 trick to get full amplification in the LG V30 thread in Head-Fi, and did try what you instructed but somehow was unable to get the result...I think. I'm not sure if maybe I'm misunderstanding, or in fact did get a result. I noticed that on the he400i...
  16. rfan8312

    Hifiman he-400i Impressions and Discussion

    Just recieved the 400i. Amazing. My first planar cans. Decent planar bass, quick and controlled with no bloat at all, yet, he400i, fortunately for me, also remind me slightly of a planar version of the Grado sound. These do have sparkle, which I hoped for. Distorted guitars have some texture...
  17. rfan8312

    LG V30

    I may be one of the few whonloved the edge screen panels on Samsung and knew i would miss it when moving to v30. But, the floating dock coupled with an app called Drawers, so basically now to edge features, has allowed me to forget the edge display and enjoy v30. Although honestly most of my...
  18. rfan8312

    LG V30

    I have never used the NAD hp50 with v30 but I compared them with the PSB when I purchased the PSB. They are both made by Paul Barton and sound identical. Really good balanced sound signature. But I chose the PSB for their deeper pads and better comfort. The NADs have such a strange design and...
  19. rfan8312

    LG V30

    PSB-M4u2 over-ear headphones, so comfortable and sound so good with v30. I think they sound more alive, punchy, dynamic with v30 than with portable Sony PHA-1A amp + integrated PSB amp clicked on. I haven't even tried it with v30 plus onboard amp together yet, ran out of batteries lol. Will try...
  20. rfan8312

    LG V30

    Will do, thanks.
  21. rfan8312

    LG V30

    Yes, I've taken some really gorgeous photos with the v30+ in manual mode and it's true what you say about the low light pictures, they are good a lot of the time. For example, I took a photo in a darkened room, no lights on, just a sliver of light coming from a barely cracked opened door. My...
  22. rfan8312

    LG V30

    Freaking excellent man. So much liked +1 that this should stickied to top of thread or LG board. Thanks.
  23. rfan8312

    LG V30

    Yes battery life is silly on this thing. Mine is v30+. I'd like to know how it is on v30. Battery life and DAC quality are what make this phone huge competition for other high end phones. I wish I knew what is up with camera though. In my home we have iPhone 7+, Galaxy edge 6, Galaxy 4, and...
  24. rfan8312

    LG V30

    I think for some who are used to summit-fi sound and Astell & Kern DAPs and CHORD products there could be gripes. But for me coming from a 300$ Sony headphone amp plugged into ipad(wrapped in a grocery bag for portability) streaming Spotify, this is that no mess solution. I cannot believe what...
  25. rfan8312

    LG V30

    Just a sidenote. I contacted LG tech support, after posting on android forums lookimg for solution to why I did not have any haptic feedback on keyboard key presses. It took me nearly a month to realize that battery saver was causing this. Ive been using Mid-level battery saver. Ive taken it...